Many users are interested in whether it is possible to swim with contact lenses. Doctors do not recommend using the data
Recently, the number of people with eye diseases has increased sharply. This is due to many reasons:
Eye burns from alkali are one of the most dangerous types of eye injuries, which only
For cataracts, the only effective treatment is surgery. It has been sufficiently developed, is carried out on an outpatient basis and
Masks are a time-tested remedy. It is worth noting that masks are one of the most ancient
Clinical picture: Severe pain in the outer part of the upper eyelid. Swelling of the eyelid. Limited mobility
Blepharitis is an eye disease that manifests itself as inflammation of the eyelids. Often children, like
What is service time? This is the period during which a closed, unopened product can be used.
Hemorrhage in the retina of the eye is a complication that occurs when the integrity of the vessels located in the area is damaged
How to determine the correct side of the lens? Many people do not know how to do this and often commit