Chlamydia in the eyes
Symptoms and effective treatment of ocular chlamydia
Chlamydia of the eye is a various lesion of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Experts also call this disease
Retinoblastoma - description, symptoms (signs).
If intrauterine development is disrupted, retinoblastoma can form in children. It is most common in children
octilia eye drops
Pain-relieving eye drops for eye injury
When can you use pain-relieving drops yourself? In optometry and ophthalmic surgery, eye drops are prescribed in
Drops for cataracts
Choosing effective eye drops for cataracts and glaucoma
Cataract is an age-related disease in which the structure of the lens is disrupted, it becomes cloudy and loses
How is papilledema manifested and treated?
General description Papilledema (H47.1) is swelling of the nerve fibers of the optic nerve.
Why do capillaries burst in the eyes?
Danger of subconjunctival hemorrhage
Why does subconjunctival hemorrhage occur? The cause of subconjunctival hemorrhage is rupture of the vessel. Spontaneous hemorrhages that are not
Antiglaucoma eye drops
Drops for the treatment of glaucoma: which one is better to choose
Glaucoma is a pathological condition of intraocular tissues and the optic nerve, which leads to a decrease in visual acuity
Preventive eye exercises for myopia in children
Myopia is a pathological process accompanied by impaired ability to clearly see objects located in the distance. The disease is characterized
Oxolinic eye ointment instructions for use
Composition and effectiveness Its formula was registered in 1970, after which it immediately began
Clouding of the cornea and its treatment
The human visual system is extremely sensitive to various unfavorable factors that negatively affect it.
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