The mechanisms of psychological influence include: affection, sympathy, trust, respect, manners, manipulation, etc. Let's look at some of them.

Psychological mechanisms of influence on people

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tolyatti State University"


(institute, faculty)

Psychology and pedagogy of education

(name of profile, specialization)


in the discipline:
Formation of a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment
on the topic: “Mechanisms of psychological influence on people”

Togliatti, 2016



1. The essence of psychological impact……………………………..5

  1. Types of psychological mechanisms of influence…………………..…7
  2. System of methods of psychological influence………………………11
  3. Suggestion as the main process of influencing others………..11




Currently, many practical areas have emerged that require theoretical development and application of “communication psychology.”

These areas include: media and propaganda activities (radio, television), advertising. There is growing interest in the psychology of public speaking.

In addition, communication still remains one of the forms of personal activity, during which knowledge and spiritual values ​​are exchanged; it affects the emotional, volitional and intellectual spheres of the individual. Communication reveals a person’s culture, level of development and education.

In the course of communication research, it was found that this process includes inextricably linked exchange of information and psychological influence. The goal and results of the latter are the restructuring of the individual and social psychology of people, the achievement of certain mental shifts and changes that affect activity and behavior.

The psychological impact on a person can be classified according to the method, the degree of impact and the purpose of the impact.

The most convenient options for influencing a person are influencing his subconscious. By influencing the subconscious, you can achieve amazing changes in elementary behavioral reflexes, mood, change habits and even a person’s worldview.

Psychological influence is a specific, special way of influencing the human psyche using speech and non-speech means.

Psychological influence always comes from a specific motive and pursues specific goals. The degree of influence of the influencing subject or object can be judged by the changes occurring in the state, behavior and personal-semantic formations of the subject on whom the influence was directed.

2. The essence of psychological impact

Modern man lives in a world that is constantly developing and always striving somewhere. Everything around is undergoing rapid development: technology, science, nature, economics, politics and, of course, people. Their behavior, manner of dressing, moral and material values, goals and ideals, needs and motives change, and the style of interpersonal communication also changes. However, an invariable component of the communication process was, is and will be the influence of people on each other. In psychology, influence is defined as the process and result of an individual changing the behavior of another person, his attitudes, goals, assessments, and ideas in the process of interaction with him. A person strives to influence those with whom he communicates and is himself subject to external influence. Modern technologies allow one person, or a small group of people, to influence the consciousness, psyche, values ​​and attitudes of a huge number of people at the same time, without having direct contact and interaction with them.

Psychological impact

is a way of influencing people (individuals and groups), carried out with the aim of changing the ideological and psychological structures of their consciousness and subconscious, transforming emotional states, stimulating certain types of behavior using various methods of explicit and hidden psychological coercion.

Psychology of influence

- one of the most traditional areas of socio-psychological knowledge. However, despite this, the problem of psychological influence today continues to be perhaps the most popular and intriguing area of ​​research and practical interests of psychology.

Goals of psychological influence. In order to better understand the mechanisms of influence on other people, I propose to understand the purposes for which we use it. If we ask the initiator of influence why he influences other people, most likely we will receive the answer “for their own good.” You can believe in this, you can convince yourself of this very well, but in fact, by exerting a psychological influence on other people, we are pursuing our own selfish goals, we want to make life easier for ourselves. The desire to establish one's own importance. Searching for the true meaning of our existence is a long and tedious task, and by exerting psychological influence on people and noting that they succumb to it, we receive confirmation that our existence has meaning. The desire to save our own efforts pushes us to convince people that we are right.

This manifests itself as resistance to the new, and, indeed, often convincing someone is easier than giving yourself the trouble to reconsider your own point of view, hear someone else’s opinion and assimilate it.

The structure of psychological influence or social influence can be presented as follows: subject, object, methods of influence, means, mechanism.

The subjects can be a person, an individual, or a community. As the social situation becomes more complicated, the nature of those affected changes. For example, in a state of emergency, management in the social sphere passes to military authorities.

The objects of psychological influence are a wide variety of socio-psychological phenomena: personality, communities, their way of life, stratification of society, conflicts, social tension of groups, crowds, etc. As for the methods of social influence, here we can conditionally distinguish as forceful administrative techniques (use military force), and non-force (dismissal, punishment system), as well as socio-psychological and psychotherapeutic.

  1. Types of psychological mechanisms of influence


(from Latin Identifico - identification, likening) expresses the simple empirical fact that one of the simplest ways to understand another person is to liken yourself to him. This, of course, is not the only way, but in real interaction situations people use this technique when an assumption about the internal state of a communication partner is based on an attempt to put oneself in his place. There is a close relationship between identification and another phenomenon similar in content - the phenomenon of empathy (from the Greek empatheia - empathy).


is the ability to comprehend the emotional state of another person in the form of empathy. Only in this case, what is meant is not a rational understanding of the problems of another person, but rather an emotional response to his problems. The emotional nature of empathy is manifested precisely in the fact that the situation of another person, for example, a communication partner, is not so much thought through as felt.

However, seeing things from someone else's point of view does not necessarily mean identifying with that person. If I identify myself with someone, it means that I build my behavior the way this other person builds it. If I show empathy for him, I simply take into account his line of behavior (I treat it sympathetically), but I can build my own in a completely different way. Both aspects are important. But both cases require solving one more question: how will my communication partner understand me? Our interaction will depend on this.

In other words, the process of understanding each other is complicated by the phenomenon of reflection

(from Latin reflexio - turning back). This is not just knowledge or understanding of a partner, but knowledge of how a partner understands me, a kind of double process of mirror relationships with each other.

The content of communication includes certain ways in which partners influence each other. These include: infection, suggestion, persuasion and imitation.


In its most general form, it can be defined as an unconscious, involuntary susceptibility of a person to certain mental states. It manifests itself through the transmission of a certain emotional state or, in the words of the famous psychologist B.D. Parygin, mental attitude.

It has been experimentally established that the higher the level of personality development, the more critical is its attitude to the impact and thus the weaker the effect of the “contagion” mechanism.


. This is a purposeful, unreasoned influence of one person on another. With suggestion (suggestion), the process of transmitting information is carried out based on its uncritical perception. The phenomenon of resistance to suggestive influence is called counter-suggestion. Suggestion is made by directly instilling mental states, and does not require evidence or logic. Suggestion is an emotional-volitional influence.


It is built on using logical justification to achieve agreement from the person receiving the information. Persuasion is an intellectual influence on the consciousness of a person through an appeal to his own critical judgment.

Imitation. Its specificity, in contrast to infection and suggestion, is that it involves not simply accepting the external features of another person’s behavior, but reproducing the features and images of the demonstrated behavior. Since we are talking about the assimilation of proposed models of behavior, there are two plans for imitation: either a specific person, or the norms of behavior developed by the group.

Analysis of communication as a complex multilateral process shows that its specific forms can be very different. In order to understand how a person is included in these processes, what he contributes to them, it is necessary to consider how specifically the processes of communication are revealed in various groups, as well as in various activities.

Psychological methods of influence.

The methods influence relationships between people by creating an optimal psychological climate in the group. Psychological methods of influence include: imitation, involvement, motivation, coercion, condemnation, demand, prohibition, “explosion”.

Methods of psychological influence are considered to be among the most important elements of psychological management methods. They concentrate all the necessary and legally permitted methods of influencing people for coordination in the process of joint work.

Imitation is a way of influencing an individual employee or social group through the personal example of a manager or innovator of production, whose behavior patterns are an example for others.

Involvement is a psychological technique by which employees become participants in the labor or social process, for example, the election of a leader, the adoption of agreed decisions, competition in a team, etc.

Incentive is a positive form of moral influence on a person, when the positive qualities of the employee, his qualifications and experience, confidence in the successful completion of the assigned work are emphasized, which allows increasing the moral significance of the employee in the organization

Coercion is an extreme form of moral influence, when other methods of influencing a person have failed and the employee is forced, perhaps even against his will and desire, to perform certain work. It is advisable to use coercion only in emergency (force majeure) circumstances, when inaction can lead to casualties, damage, loss of property, people, and accidents.

Condemnation is a method of psychological influence on a person who allows large deviations from moral standards in the team or whose work results and quality of work are extremely unsatisfactory. This technique cannot be used to influence people with weak psyches and is practically useless to influence the backward part of the team.

The requirement has the force of an order. In this regard, it can only be effective if the leader has great power or enjoys unquestioned authority. In other cases, this technique may be useless or even harmful. In many respects, a categorical requirement is identical to a prohibition, which acts as a mild form of coercion.

Prohibition involves an inhibitory effect on the individual. We include the prohibition of impulsive actions of an unstable nature, which, in essence, is a variant of suggestion, as well as the prohibition of illicit behavior (drinking, inactivity, attempted theft or marriage). This method stands on the verge of two main methods of influence - coercion and persuasion.

“Explosion” is a technique known as an instant personality restructuring under the influence of strong emotional experiences. The use of an “explosion” requires the creation of a special environment in which feelings would arise that could amaze a person with their surprise and unusualness. In such an environment, a person’s nervous processes fail. An unexpected stimulus causes him severe stress. This leads to a radical change in views on things, events, individuals and even the world as a whole.

3. System of methods of psychological influence

A psychological attack is a system of diverse, changeable; fast, active; verbose, polysemantic; moving, pantomimic influences on the human psyche in order to turn off logical thinking: creating either an irresistible impression, or introducing into a state of confusion, followed by inducing the person to the desired reaction.

Psychological programming is a system of monotonous, constant; precise, persistent; unambiguous, unique; motionless, inert influence on the human psyche in order to create algorithms for his intellect and form behavioral stereotypes.

Psychological manipulation is a system of duality, composition; deft, decisive; two-valued, ambiguous; an equilibrium, balanced impact on the human psyche in order to put him in the uncomfortable position of having to choose his behavior between two alternatives (between good and bad, good and better, bad and worse, good and neutral, bad and neutral).

Psychological pressure is a system of representative, impressive; strong, intense; pointing, affirmative; a sustainable, stable influence on the human psyche with the aim of forcing him to act and placing him at the bottom level of the social hierarchy.

4. Suggestion as the main process of influencing others

As already mentioned, suggestion is a process of influencing the mental sphere of a person, associated with a decrease in consciousness and criticality in the perception and implementation of the suggested content, with the absence of a targeted active understanding of it, a detailed logical analysis and evaluation in relation to past experience and the given state of the subject.

With suggestion, thoughts, moods, feelings, behavior, vegetative and motor reactions are transmitted and induced, and not consent is achieved, but the partner’s acceptance of information based on a ready-made conclusion.

Every day, an average communicating person makes several tens, or even hundreds, of notes of varying strength according to the type of suggestion due to the presence of the conditions necessary for its implementation. Intentional suggestion is made upon stimulation and compliance with these conditions.

Suggestion can be carried out both by diverting the partner’s attention from the suggested idea, and by attracting him, but in the latter case, the attitude towards the idea is established by the suggestor.

Suggestor is someone who suggests.

Suggerend is the one who is suggested.

There are 4 variants of suggestor behavior during suggestion


  • undeniable authority - when the suggestor has no doubts about the success of the suggestion;
  • intellectual – when the suggestor explains everything he does;
  • emotional – in which the suggestor’s need for sympathy, well-being and security is used;
  • passive - when the suggestor assures that he cannot do anything without the help of the suggestor, creating the illusion that he is doing everything himself.


  • is enhanced through the use of ideas and other mental phenomena that have developed in the life experience of the suggender;
  • coincides with the goals and given social setting of the suggender, satisfies or contributes to the satisfaction of significant needs and interests;
  • It is effective when it uses information that confirms the views of the suggerend, with which he agrees consciously or unconsciously.

Suggestion is divided into two forms:

1) Direct suggestion.

In this case, the suggestor directly formulates what the suggestend should do. Phrases are distinguished by unambiguity, firmness, and are pronounced in an insistent tone that does not allow doubt.

2) Indirect suggestion.

Here there is no direct encouragement from the suggestor, and the content of the suggestion is included in the transmitted information in a conditional or hidden form and can cause a reaction corresponding to the habits of the suggestend. Softer wording is used, less categoricalness and pressure than with direct communication. An example of indirect suggestion is an ordinary hint.

Techniques of suggestion.

Let us now give specific examples:


Truisms are axioms; they are things that cannot be objected to.


  • “You are always careful when choosing friends. (I would like to say “yes” to this.)
  • Be careful when choosing business partners. (Also an involuntary “yes.”)
  • Picky when choosing companions. (Also “yes.”)
  • That’s why you prefer to go on a long journey with us!”

The essence of the technique: in order to suggest something to a person, you need to start with truisms, they open the door to the subconscious, after which a proposal, order, idea will become a suggestion that will not be perceived critically.

"Accent" (false)

The essence of the technique: to place false accents, using them to exhaust the person, and then formulate your demand or request, which will seem like a gift after them.

"False choice"

The essence of the technique: you need to formulate your proposal so that it contains an alternative.


People are characterized by a variety of anxieties, fears and the desire to avoid them. Emphasizing them activates interest in what can be used to get rid of fear.

The essence of the technique: the consumer is not revealed the benefits and benefits of the product, but, on the contrary, his losses if he ignores this product or service. The technique acts like hypnosis, but you don’t need to threaten, but reveal the consequences.


In conclusion, it can be noted that any impact or influence involves a change in human consciousness, an obstacle to freedom of choice. Many authors believe that we are all completely dependent on each other and that no absolutely free choice, even mental, exists at all. In the process of communication, a large number of different methods, methods, techniques of social influence, psychological influence are used

The effectiveness of any influence, other things being equal, largely depends on the degree of compliance of the individual to the influence exerted on him. This is the suggestibility of the individual (with suggestion), conformity (with group pressure). Apparently, susceptibility to psychological influence in each specific case is determined not by any one personality property, but by a set of interrelated and interdependent properties.


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Mechanism of sleep influence

Neurologists note that short sleep promotes the formation of tau protein, or beta-amyloid. This is a kind of plaque on the outside of the brain cell, which, under conditions of normal long-term sleep, is cleared by cerebrospinal fluid at night.

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Beta-amyloid plaques appear in areas of the brain associated with memory. In particular, they were found in the nervous cortex and hippocampus. For this reason, at the moment one of the most promising areas in the development of drugs for dementia is the study of tau protein.

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