Symptoms of kidney failure in women and men
Kidney failure
ATTENTION! As of today, this service/treatment/operation is not provided at the Union Clinic. Information provided
Treatment of adrenal glands with folk remedies
Pathologies of the adrenal glands and their treatment with folk remedies
Addison's disease A common pathology, which doctors call Addison's disease, manifests itself in the fact that the glands
When to call an ambulance
Ectopic pregnancy Among gynecological diseases, the urgency of seeking medical help is in first place
Chronic pyelonephritis
Kidney pyelonephritis is a nonspecific infectious inflammatory disease of the kidneys, which damages the renal parenchyma.
Best of 2021: Oral antibiotics: “strong” and “weak”
Scientists claim that bacteria have existed on Earth for at least 3.8 x 109 years, while
Is it possible to give birth with one kidney: indications and contraindications
Childbirth is a very difficult process for the mother’s body, so there is an opinion that if
Hemospermia in men: causes and treatment
Hemospermia or hematospermia is a type of pathology accompanied by the presence of blood in the ejaculate. Due to excess
Antibiotic Ceftriaxone: how much is excreted from the body
Ceftriaxone is partially excreted from the body in the first 24 hours after administration/administration; there is a complete absence of products
Phimosis. Paraphimosis. Author of the article: surgeon, vascular surgeon, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Tatarstan Vladimir Yakovlevich Glyakin.
Many people believe that with the appearance of phimosis, intimate life can be put to rest. This is wrong
How to treat exacerbation of chronic prostatitis
Is it possible to cure chronic prostatitis at home? Chronic prostatitis is one of the
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