Types of synapses, features of their structure. The mechanism of excitation transmission through the synapse. Physiological properties of synapses
SYNAPS (Greek sinapsis connection, connection) - a specialized zone of contact between nerve cells or nerve
Girl and lamp
Melancholic: who is he, pros and cons
Who is a melancholic person? People with a melancholic type of temperament are often talented and extraordinary individuals.
Sensory neurons of the spinal cord
Have you ever wondered why we need a spinal cord? Everything is clear with the boss: he answers
Definition: What is temperament?
4 types of temperament and character of people - choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic: description of qualities, suitable professions, features. Mixed types of temperament: description, characteristics
Definition: What is temperament? Temperament is a stable combination of individual psychophysiological characteristics of a person associated with
Lovers on the bus
What is happiness? In the hormones of happiness!
Greetings, friends! Everyone has their own, individual answer to the question of what happiness is,
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