Alcohol withdrawal syndrome

Limiting the use of medications, antidepressants, alcohol, and nicotine can lead to the development of withdrawal syndrome. This condition is a natural reaction of the body to the cessation of various substances entering the body; it is accompanied in most cases by intense symptoms that a person cannot get rid of on his own.

Specialists at the Yusupov Hospital with many years of experience treat withdrawal symptoms. Highly qualified psychiatrists and narcologists explain to patients how drug withdrawal syndrome is characterized and select the most effective methods for eliminating symptoms for patients.

Causes of withdrawal syndrome

Medicines contain psychoactive substances, therefore, against the background of their long-term use, when stopping therapy, the patient may experience withdrawal symptoms. The action of these substances contributes to changes in the emotional background, psychological state, and functioning of the nervous system.

Various types of addictions also cause this effect. Thus, smokers may experience nicotine withdrawal syndrome, but its formation requires a long period of time. Signs of withdrawal may also occur with alcoholism, opiate addiction, and cocaine addiction.

Prevention and treatment of antidepressant withdrawal syndrome

Attention! You can treat withdrawal symptoms by resuming the original dose or reducing it accordingly over a longer period of time after you start taking it. In any case, this should be decided by your doctor depending on your specific case.

Preventing these types of situations is also extremely important. Although this syndrome is not common, there is always a risk of it occurring. This discussion serves as a reminder to us that we should never make arbitrary decisions when it comes to taking or stopping medications that our doctors have prescribed to us. Self-medication is unacceptable.

In general, if you have been on an SSRI for four to eight weeks, the best way to stop taking the drugs is to reduce your dosage for one or two weeks before stopping completely. If your treatment lasted several months, then getting rid of the drug will be a slower and more gradual process.

Abruptly quitting an SSRI means exposing yourself to the possible risk of withdrawal symptoms.

The information presented in this material is for informational purposes only and does not replace professional advice from a physician. If you notice signs of depression, consult a specialist!

Author: Editorial staff of the portal

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Flenlepsin: withdrawal syndrome

Indications for the use of Flenlepsin are mental disorders, neurological disorders, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, and epilepsy. However, stopping use of the drug may cause withdrawal symptoms. Phenibut also contains psychoactive substances, so withdrawal syndrome is a common problem with which patients come to the Yusupov Hospital.

Psychiatrists at the Yusupov Hospital regularly study world experience in the field of addiction therapy, so they know how to treat withdrawal symptoms. At the Yusupov Hospital there is a comfortable hospital that allows patients to be kept away from an undesirable environment and to regularly monitor their condition and symptoms of withdrawal.

Gastrointestinal tract

Nicotine activates intestinal activity. During smoking, the intestines become accustomed to additional chemical stimulation and cease to function effectively on their own
Once nicotine is no longer regularly supplied to the body, constipation may develop for several weeks or even months. Especially if you have a penchant for it. How to cope?
Eat more foods rich in gut-boosting fiber, such as whole grains. Include fermented milk products and dried fruits in your diet, which, by the way, can curb the desire to smoke. Be sure to consult your doctor if intestinal problems persist for a long time.

Clonazepam: withdrawal syndrome

Clonazepam is a drug that has a sedative effect, so it is used in the treatment of panic attacks, headaches, phobias, and anxiety. The duration of taking the drug should not exceed 2 weeks; most often, clonazepam is used once to improve mental state.

Patients who have been taking the drug for more than 2 months need professional help, as they may develop physical and psychological signs of addiction. Psychiatrists at the Yusupov Hospital collaborate with experienced narcologists and select methods for treating clonazepam withdrawal syndrome, taking into account the fact that its removal from the body takes a long period of time.

Hashish withdrawal syndrome

Withdrawal syndrome after using hashish develops with its regular use and combination with alcohol. In the initial stages, a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • depressive moods;
  • aggression;
  • lethargy and apathy;
  • drowsiness and increased fatigue.

Morphine withdrawal syndrome has symptoms similar to those of hashish withdrawal. Patients who are in a state of depression or agitation cannot independently overcome the manifestations of withdrawal symptoms. Psychiatrists at the Yusupov Hospital help patients with these addictions overcome psychological dependence; professional narcologists carry out activities aimed at removing narcotic substances from the body.

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome: causes

Withdrawal syndrome, or alcohol withdrawal syndrome, consists of a deterioration in a person’s health when stopping drinking alcohol or significantly reducing the amount of alcohol consumed. Simply put, if I didn’t drink, I felt bad. In previous years, medical science did not recognize a person as an alcoholic if he did not show signs of this syndrome, even if he regularly drank alcohol. However, modern science believes otherwise. Moreover, the appearance of withdrawal syndrome indicates that the person is no longer a “novice” alcoholic, but has long been in need of prompt treatment.

The causes of alcohol withdrawal syndrome are not psychological. Drinking for the sake of simple relaxation is observed in the early stages of alcoholism, when the necessary changes have not occurred in the body. Subsequently, the body is rebuilt, and ethyl alcohol begins to act on it like a drug. A person gets used to alcohol, and in its absence in the body there is a metabolic disorder. The patient becomes irritable and feels a loss of strength. If a person sees no reason to drink and doesn’t seem to be going to do it the next evening, but the body requires vodka, then there are signs of withdrawal syndrome.

Lyrics: withdrawal syndrome

Lyrica tablets are a severe psychotropic drug that are used to treat depression, anxiety and other conditions. When this drug enters the body, it causes mental and physical agitation. The development of drug dependence is one of the side effects of prolonged use of Lyrica.

Psychiatrists at the Yusupov Hospital are studying world experience in treating drug addiction, in particular the subject of research is beta blocker withdrawal syndrome. Specialists with academic degrees use exclusively world-class methods that are scientifically proven and have undergone clinical trials.

Where to get drug addiction treatment

If addiction to pills is detected, treatment must be carried out only in specialized centers of the National Narcological Service. Otherwise, the risk of failure and worsening of the situation increases. The body, accustomed to using a drug to improve well-being, is not able to voluntarily refuse to take it. If the drugs were taken in high dosages and for a long period, independent refusal from them will be impossible.

Abruptly stopping the drug leads to withdrawal syndrome, which has negative and life-threatening consequences. It is necessary to resort to the help of NNS specialists, where the medicine is replaced or the dosage is gradually reduced, carrying out progressive and painless rehabilitation of the addict.

Due to the complexity of the process of weaning from drug addiction, it can be competently and effectively organized only in specialized centers.

Caffeine withdrawal syndrome

Caffeine and energy drinks can cause addiction, to get rid of which psychiatrists at the Yusupov Hospital carry out consistent work consisting of several stages:

  • awareness of the problem and determination of the degree of dependence;
  • assessment of the patient's physical condition;
  • activities aimed at caffeine detoxification;
  • developing a strategy for drinking drinks containing caffeine.

Programs developed individually for each patient at the Yusupov Hospital are aimed at restoring psychological and physical health. The tactics of interaction with a patient who has been diagnosed with amphetamine withdrawal syndrome will differ significantly from recovery from caffeine withdrawal. In addition, when treating patients with severe forms of addiction, work with the environment is carried out.

Smoking withdrawal syndrome

Prednisol withdrawal syndrome, the symptoms of which appear with long-term use of the drug, differs from the signs of nicotine withdrawal. This syndrome has various manifestations: allergic reactions, insomnia, headaches, constipation, increased blood pressure, increased appetite.

Some people cannot overcome the symptoms without the help of a specialist and use cigarettes to eliminate symptoms. Innovative techniques, in combination with traditional approaches to quitting smoking and relieving nicotine withdrawal syndrome, are used by psychiatrists at the Yusupov Hospital. The result of complex therapy is the patient’s complete cessation of smoking cigarettes.


Nicotine stimulates metabolic processes. “Why does weight gain begin after quitting smoking? - asks Averyanov. “The body now lacks nicotine, as a stimulant of metabolic processes.” Often, a person who quits smoking begins to eat a lot, “eating” the discomfort
from nicotine withdrawal.
This partly helps to cope with the desire to smoke, but since the metabolism is already slow, weight gain occurs very quickly. How to cope?
Those who quit smoking should carefully control their diet - temporarily give up fast carbohydrates, fatty foods, alcoholic beverages and spicy foods that stimulate appetite.
Increasing physical activity
will help avoid the appearance of extra pounds . Movement, by the way, is a good way to distract from obsessive thoughts about a cigarette.

Treatment of withdrawal syndrome in Moscow

The Yusupov Multidisciplinary Hospital is a modern medical institution that provides medical services to patients in accordance with international standards. Patients experiencing withdrawal symptoms from marijuana, medications, or alcohol may seek expert advice and treatment from mental health providers.

When treating patients, effective methods and drugs are used, when selecting which specialists take into account the characteristics of withdrawal symptoms. When visiting the Yusupov Hospital, patients receive professional advice and comprehensive therapy programs on the condition of anonymity.

Pre-registration for an appointment with a psychiatrist is carried out by employees of the Yusupov Hospital by telephone.

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