Men's urinal - types of disposable models
Main types of urinals Bedside urinals intended for use in hospitals and other medical institutions, in
why does urine smell bad?
Why does urine smell strong? Possible causes of strong urine odor
The process of removing urine from the body Let us also consider in general terms the process of removing urine from
Why can women's urine smell like fish?
Even the ancients understood that diseases could be recognized by smell. The famous Greek physician Hippocrates felt
One problem - many solutions: how to get rid of urinary incontinence when coughing, sneezing, laughing
Sneezing incontinence is a stressful form of the disease. Occurs due to weakening of muscles
Pain in the perineum
Pain in the perineum as a reason to visit a urologist
Pain in the perineum is a common symptom that occurs due to various reasons: both in men and
Treatment methods for enuresis in men - Summer
Nocturnal enuresis in adults: can urinary incontinence be treated?
Enuresis is usually called urinary incontinence during sleep - nighttime and daytime. This is unpleasant
doctor holding a jar of urine
Why women's urine smells like ammonia: causes and treatment
This is not to say that the unusual smell of urine in females is a rare occurrence.
Bedwetting in children – whose problem?
UROLOGY IN OMSK Shifting the main diuresis from daytime to night. Under normal conditions
Nocturnal enuresis in adults: can urinary incontinence be treated?
Enuresis is usually called urinary incontinence during sleep - nighttime and daytime. This is unpleasant
Bladder diseases in women: symptoms, treatment
When a man has problems with urination, this is a reason to seriously think about his
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