If an ultrasound examination reveals dilatation of the renal pelvis (pyelectasia)
What is pyeloectasia Pyeloectasia is an expansion of the renal pelvis. Pyeelectasis is 3-5 times more common
itching with cystitis
Pain after urination. Causes of pain after urination in men and women. Treatment of pain after urination
Not everyone has a complaint such as itching in the genital area due to cystitis.
Sexually transmitted infections in women (STIs). Diagnosis and treatment
The concept of “sexually transmitted infections” (or “sexually transmitted diseases”, STDs) includes not only
Treatment of late radiation injuries to the bladder
Instillations of the bladder and urethra have been widely used for decades in those
incontinence in women
Urinary incontinence in older men (after 60 years)
Urinary incontinence in older men is a syndrome that affects more than 13% of men.
bladder pathology in the fetus
Bladder pathologies in the fetus: what can be determined by screening ultrasound
The bladder begins to develop from the embryonic lobe from the 25th day from the moment of conception and
Pain when urinating after a smear in a man
Urethral smear in men: how to avoid pain during sampling.
Urologist → Patient Ask a question to the SECTION EDITOR (answer within a few days) February 13
Fresh dill seeds
The use of dill for therapeutic purposes in prostatitis
One of the most common diseases that affects representatives of the stronger half of humanity is prostatitis, or
Botox approved for overactive bladder treatment
Botulinum therapy and urology The use of Botox in urology has become a new effective method for treating genitourinary diseases
Enuresis in children - what is important for parents to know
Types of enuresis in girls: neurotic and neurosis-like enuresis, primary, secondary enuresis. Girls have
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