How to choose the right urological pads for urinary incontinence in women and men?
Approximately every fifth woman in the Russian Federation faces the problem of urinary incontinence, and the older
Is it possible to raise your arms up during pregnancy?
What should pregnant women not do? How can a pregnant woman not sit? Why can’t you raise your arms up and sleep on your back?
Thursday, January 31, 2019 The phenomenon of urine retention does not occur in isolation, but as one of
Improving the quality of life in men with urinary incontinence after prostatectomy and rational use of absorbent agents
Diagnosis of urinary incontinence after prostate surgery All patients with a similar condition after surgery
Irritable bowel syndrome
“I know all the toilets in the city”: IBS or irritable bowel syndrome
: Reading time: Irritable bowel syndrome - regular pain and discomfort in the abdomen, excruciating
Urinals for nephrostomy photo
Nephrostomy: selection of catheter and urinal. Lifestyle changes
Which urinals for nephrostomy to choose? The nephrostomy bag is selected based on the
Fear of urination after childbirth
Involuntary urination after childbirth. Effective laser treatment
Fear of urination after childbirth Often the first attempts to urinate are accompanied by pain, burning and fear of rupture
Ball on the labia: photo, possible diseases, removal
Lipomas or wen on the labia are more likely to form in women with oily skin. However this
Stress incontinence: correction of urethral hypermobility
Causes of stress incontinence in women The cause of the pathology lies in the structure of the female urinary organs.
How and why to measure the pH of urine and saliva?
INSTRUCTIONS for using indicator strips
Urolithiasis in pregnant women is especially dangerous in the early stages
Causes of urinary incontinence during pregnancy
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