Newspaper "News of Medicine and Pharmacy" Obstetrics, gynecology, reproductive medicine (275) 2009 (thematic issue)
All about the problem 95 out of a hundred women diagnosed with a benign tumor are patients with
plant in hands
The effect of thyme on male potency: 3 best recipes
Thyme is a medicinal plant that is famous for its unique healing abilities. It gained the most popularity
Treatment of bladder atony in Novosibirsk - causes, diagnosis, symptoms
Causes The causes of bladder atony are the following factors: insufficient influence of the nervous system on contractile
Eufillin, 30 pcs., 150 mg, tablets
What is the popularity of “Eufillin” based on? One of the medications often prescribed for swelling is “Eufillin”.
Blooming Sally
Does Ivan tea affect potency in men?
Doctors recommend that men who have problems with potency start drinking fireweed. A product created on the basis
girl holding her groin area
Causes of urinary incontinence in women when jumping, methods of treating the disorder
It happens that when jumping rope or trampoline, or while running, an adult involuntarily
Diagram of the location of the urethral sphincters
Dropping urine in men after visiting the toilet: causes and treatment
A condition where urine comes out in drops after urination (in men it occurs much more often than in
SUPPOSITORIES WITH PUMPKIN SEED OIL in the treatment of chronic nonspecific prostatitis
What drugs are used in oncology? Drugs are included in international schemes and protocols for cancer treatment
Enuresis: reliability and falsification of diagnosis in persons of military age
Alcohol is a generally recognized addictive drug. It gives people a feeling of intoxication, which
Cystitis - all about it
Pain with cystitis in women signals the development of inflammation. About the severity of the disease and possible
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