Bladder hernia: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prognosis, Prevention
Bladder hernia is a relatively common variant of the pathological process. It is a wall protrusion of a hollow
Discharge with the smell of ammonia in women: causes, treatment
Discharge with the smell of ammonia in women: causes, treatment
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Tsifran ST - description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews
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Tests for determining drugs in urine: types, implementation and features
Who needs to undergo Laboratory drug testing will help relatives (parents) confirm or refute fears
Douching for cystitis: recommendations for the procedure. Treatment of cystitis in women at home
Women are at greater risk of developing cystitis than men. The cause of inflammation is microorganisms that have entered the urinary tract.
Exercises for prostate adenoma: main types, technique, contraindications
Exercises for prostate adenoma: main types, technique, contraindications
7285 Author of the article Evgeniy Nikolaevich Konoplev Reading time: 5 minutes AA Physical exercises
Puberty: what do parents need to know? Answers from Tatyana Pugavko on the portal
Onset of puberty Normally, puberty begins in girls between the ages of 8 and
Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction
Kegel exercises - exercises for training the pelvic floor muscles
Author: Natalya Reznik. Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction is a common problem faced by
Inversion of an orthotopic intestinal urinary reservoir to create a tension-free urethral reservoir anastomosis after radical cystectomy
Indications Contraindications Preparation for surgery Technique for performing cystectomyRehabilitation period Questions and Answers Cystectomy - surgical removal
What is sweat? Sweat can act as a barrier against bacteria on the skin as well
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