Medicines for edema Edema is a symptom indicating serious disturbances in the functioning of certain systems
Tsiprolet and Tsipromed are antibacterial drugs belonging to the pharmacological group of fluoroquinolones. Tsiprolet and
Preparation Special preparation for urine collection for urine analysis according to Zimnitsky is not required.
The head of the phallus is the most sensitive part of the male body. The sensations directly depend on it,
Our expert is urologist-oncologist surgeon, candidate of medical sciences Hovhannes Dilanyan. If cystitis occurs more than twice
Cystitis in its acute form is considered quite serious. And if you choose the wrong therapeutic treatment
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome in men Introduction Chronic pelvic pain refers to a set of frequent
The human body has incredible endurance. Our body is able to continue to function even after losing significant limbs.
Are rhinitis and runny nose the same thing? Rhinitis is a syndrome that occurs when
ATTENTION! As of today, this service/treatment/operation is not provided at the Union Clinic. Information provided