Hernias of the eyelids and their treatment

Hernias under the eyes are the result of many years of tension in the facial muscles in this area. These are fat bags that are also a sign of natural aging, but can also appear in younger people. They occur in both women and men. There are other, more complex reasons for their appearance. Their occurrence can be prevented. If this fails, they can be removed.

The causes of hernias under the eyes may include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • decreased density of membrane structures of the eyelids;
  • violation of the ratio and quantity of hormones;
  • increased visual load;
  • stressful situations;
  • lack of sleep;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • environmental air pollution;
  • difficulty in blood circulation;
  • individual features of the structure of the skull.

Is it necessary to remove eyelid hernias?

Hernias of the eyelids do not pose any health hazard, but they are a serious cosmetic problem. By removing hernias, it is easy to get rid of hereditary pathology and correct age-related changes in the skin of the eyelids. Surgical removal of hernias is practically safe and completely uncomplicated technically. With this surgical operation it is possible:

  • Removal of hernias of the upper and lower eyelids in both eyes simultaneously, in one step;
  • Combining hernia removal with other facial surgeries, for example, removal of vascular networks and correction of the nasolabial fold;
  • The intervention is painless, without surgical incisions and subsequent suturing;
  • Use of general or local anesthesia;
  • Quick results.

Symptoms of the disease

At first glance, the disease is similar to ordinary bags under the eyes , in which excess fluid accumulates.

Attention! Upon closer examination, an eye hernia is distinguished by the following symptoms:

  1. With this disease, compression of the tear ducts can occur, resulting in blurred vision.
  2. may occur .
  3. Swelling and swelling appear under the eyes , which may be slightly reddish or pink.
  4. With formations in the upper eyelid, it will hang slightly over the eye , which may look like ptosis of the eyelid .

If excess fatty tissue forms in the inner corners of the eye, the hernia most often spreads to the upper eyelid.

If such formations accumulate under the eyelashes of the lower eyelid, then a hernia begins to form there.

Types of operations

Operations to eliminate eyelid hernias are now performed using two main methods:

  • Scalpel: creating an incision and excision of excess skin and fatty tissue. This operation leaves small scars on the surface of the eyelids, which heal in the shortest possible time, becoming almost invisible;
  • Transconjunctival - through a puncture through the conjunctiva of the eye. This method leaves no traces. The healing period is short, and the patient does not experience pain during the operation.

Eyelid hernia surgery eliminates this problem forever. But there are postoperative recommendations:

  • Do not remove the applied patch for two days after the operation;
  • Apply cooling compresses to the eyes to relieve pain and reduce swelling, as well as swelling;
  • Avoid physical activity, especially bending;
  • Follow all doctor's instructions.

Hernia under the eyes: the essence of the problem, reasons, how to remove it with a surgeon and without surgery

You seem to be getting enough sleep and not sinning with any excesses, but the bags under your eyes are becoming increasingly difficult to hide even with newfangled means?
Maybe these are not bags at all, but hernias under the eyes - an accumulation of fatty tissue under the skin of the eyelids? This problem occurs due to loss of skin tone and elasticity.

The infraorbital formation does not cause pain, itching or any discomfort. It is not dangerous, but when increased to significant volumes it can compress the tear ducts, causing lacrimation. Also, a hernia is a significant cosmetic defect that you want to remove as soon as possible in order to improve your appearance. Next, we will tell you about three simple and effective ways to do this.

There is only one way to get rid of the problem forever - surgery. Various lifting and cosmetic procedures bring only temporary results.

Hernias under the eyes

Hernias under the eyes

How to get rid of a hernia under the eyes without surgery

Conservative treatment can reduce the size of hernias and prevent their enlargement.

  • dry keratoconjunctivitis;
  • diseases of infectious etiology;
  • increased intraocular and/or blood pressure;
  • hematological diseases;
  • acquired immunodeficiency syndrome;
  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • diabetes mellitus

Exercises against hernial sacs

Bags on the eyelids, if they are at an early stage, can be removed with simple exercises:

  1. Close your eyes tightly for 30 seconds, and then sharply open your eyes. Best done in the morning, repeat 5-10 times.
  2. It’s good to close your eyes and count to 9, then open them wide and look up. This exercise is also best done after waking up and repeated 5-7 times.
  3. Look forward, then move your eyeballs to the right, straight, left, holding your gaze in each position for a few seconds.
  4. Blink quickly and relax your eyelids. To do this, you must blink several times in a row, then relax your face and look in front of you.

These exercises can be performed throughout the day, but they will be more effective after waking up.

These exercises can be performed throughout the day, but they will be more effective after waking up.

Why does skin swelling occur?

Growths of the fatty layer under the eyes (hernias) can appear due to bad habits and abuse of salty foods. The condition of the epidermis is negatively affected by poor-quality cosmetics or excess ultraviolet radiation; prolonged work at a computer screen also affects the face with unaesthetic fat bags.

What other factors can cause a hernia:

  • impaired metabolism or malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • hereditary predisposition to early withering of the dermis;
  • hormonal imbalance affecting the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • tendency to angioedema, manifestation of Quincke's edema;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the visual apparatus with the need to squint.

The appearance of a hernia under the eye can be signaled by pathologies of the urinary system or the development of renal failure, as well as problems with the cardiovascular system. With a combination of several provoking factors, hernias can form not only in the lower eyelid area, but also above the eye, under the brow arch.

To check for the presence of accumulations of subcutaneous fat, you should lower your eyelids and press your finger on the eyeball. A signal of the presence of a hernia will be swelling of the skin of the upper eyelid after removing the finger. To get rid of the problem, you will need to identify the actual cause of the external defect, and the doctor will tell you which principle of treatment for a hernia on the face to choose.

What other factors can cause a hernia:

  • impaired metabolism or malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • hereditary predisposition to early withering of the dermis;
  • hormonal imbalance affecting the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • tendency to angioedema, manifestation of Quincke's edema;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the visual apparatus with the need to squint.

Treatment without surgery

New technologies in cosmetology make it possible to achieve impressive results without surgical intervention, but their cost does not always make the procedures accessible to the general public.

You need to understand that these methods are not able to eliminate adipose tissue and are aimed at improving skin tone.


One of the main reasons for the development of the condition is the natural aging process of the body. As you age, the skin under your eyes begins to stretch, creating a void underneath. Since voids do not remain in the body for long, they are gradually filled with adipose tissue.

The condition can appear at a younger age if the person is affected by the following negative factors:

  • stress, nervous tension, depression, which lead to exhaustion of the body;
  • heredity, that is, excessive stretching of the skin and filling of these areas with adipose tissue, this is passed on from parents or close relatives to the child;
  • frequent exposure of the facial skin to large amounts of ultraviolet radiation, especially in the summer;
  • temporary hormonal disorders or endocrine diseases;
  • anomalies of fetal development during the prenatal period, in which the lacunae under the eyelids form excessively deep, so they begin to fill with adipose tissue at an early age;
  • unhealthy diet low in vitamins, microelements and minerals, as well as consumption of large amounts of salt, fast food, fat;
  • the presence of bad habits in the form of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, use of medications in large quantities;
  • frequent presence of the patient in a cramped room, the condition is aggravated if he uses a computer for a long time, while it strains not only the organs of vision, but also the surrounding muscle tissue, resulting in the formation of bags under the eyes;
  • constant lack of sleep, which leads to increased fatigue, swelling under the eyelids, which forms a strong stretch of the skin;
  • severe swelling of the body, which can form due to systemic diseases, for example, pathology of the urinary system, inflammation of the liver with the development of ascites;
  • cardiovascular pathologies, as a result of which the patient’s condition worsens, he becomes painful and cyanotic, bags form under the eyes, blood vessels are visible through the skin of the eyelids;
  • frequent viral and infectious diseases leading to swelling of the lower eyelids.

If the patient is not affected by these negative factors, or they appear only temporarily, hernias under the lower eyelids will form only in old age. This is a physiological process that cannot be prevented. Even with a healthy lifestyle, sagging and sagging skin cannot be eliminated.

  • stress, nervous tension, depression, which lead to exhaustion of the body;
  • heredity, that is, excessive stretching of the skin and filling of these areas with adipose tissue, this is passed on from parents or close relatives to the child;
  • frequent exposure of the facial skin to large amounts of ultraviolet radiation, especially in the summer;
  • temporary hormonal disorders or endocrine diseases;
  • anomalies of fetal development during the prenatal period, in which the lacunae under the eyelids form excessively deep, so they begin to fill with adipose tissue at an early age;
  • unhealthy diet low in vitamins, microelements and minerals, as well as consumption of large amounts of salt, fast food, fat;
  • the presence of bad habits in the form of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, use of medications in large quantities;
  • frequent presence of the patient in a cramped room, the condition is aggravated if he uses a computer for a long time, while it strains not only the organs of vision, but also the surrounding muscle tissue, resulting in the formation of bags under the eyes;
  • constant lack of sleep, which leads to increased fatigue, swelling under the eyelids, which forms a strong stretch of the skin;
  • severe swelling of the body, which can form due to systemic diseases, for example, pathology of the urinary system, inflammation of the liver with the development of ascites;
  • cardiovascular pathologies, as a result of which the patient’s condition worsens, he becomes painful and cyanotic, bags form under the eyes, blood vessels are visible through the skin of the eyelids;
  • frequent viral and infectious diseases leading to swelling of the lower eyelids.

Types and stages of pathology

Currently, there are 2 main types of fatty eye hernias:

  1. Hernias of the lower eyelid. They are accompanied by the appearance of swelling in the area between the cheeks and the eyelash edge. They are often confused with bags under the eyes, so differential diagnosis is required to clarify the existing eyelid defect.
  2. Upper eyelid hernia. They are accompanied by protrusion of tissues in the inner corners of the eyes and overhang of deformed eyelid tissues over the eyes.

The pathology is characterized by the following stages of development:

  • First stage. It manifests itself as sagging of the epithelial tissues of the lower eyelids, often represented by unexpressed bags in the infraorbital area.
  • Second stage. Sagging of the upper eyelids appears, and the orbicularis oculi muscles lose tone. The boundaries between the eyelid and cheek are still preserved at this stage.
  • Third stage. There is a pathological change in the entire area around the eyes, folds around the mouth, pronounced ptosis of the eye margins and sagging of the zygomatic region are noted.
  • Fourth stage. There are pronounced signs of fatty hernias of the eyelids and drooping of the outer corners of the eyes, and the nasolacrimal grooves noticeably deepen.

Experts recommend starting treatment for the problem in a timely manner, since an increase in fat deposits in the eyelid area can quickly lead to constant lacrimation, visual impairment, and the development of other ophthalmological defects and diseases.

Currently, there are 2 main types of fatty eye hernias:

Upper eyelid hernia

Skin bulging is most often associated with sprain or injury. Inflammation of the upper eyelid is directly related to a person’s lifestyle. If he spends a large amount of time at work, is often tired, and is exposed to stress, then the likelihood of a defect increases.

Drooping of the upper eyelid, or blepharoptosis, may be associated with muscle disorders, damage to the motor pathways and decreased muscle tone. The main symptom of this phenomenon is periodic twitching of the eyelid. In addition, a person may experience pain in the eyes and fatigue.

Depending on the location, experts distinguish two types of hernias:

Bags, hernias under the eyes and their causes

In addition to natural causes associated with age, a hernia under the eyes can also occur in young people and young girls. This is due to a number of reasons not related to aging:

  1. Genetic factor - it is responsible for the rate of formation of fat accumulations and their localization, and also determines the type of skin, its elasticity and density.
  2. Frequent use of decorative cosmetics and incorrect methods of removing them. Makeup remover should not contain alcohol, as it severely dehydrates the delicate skin under the eyes. And dry and lost elasticity of the epidermis is an excellent prerequisite for a hernia to appear.
  3. Active facial expressions, working at the computer.
  4. Geometry and individual features of the anatomy of the orbit.
  5. Metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalance.
  6. Allergies during exacerbation provoke the occurrence of swelling and inflammation around the eyes. Over time, this can lead to ptosis, which is what cosmetologists call sagging of the epidermis. Fat accumulations later appear in the formed cavities.
  7. Lack of sleep, unbalanced diet, stress.
  8. Drinking alcohol and smoking dehydrates and thins the skin. It has been noticed that various cosmetic defects, including hernias, appear faster in people who drink regularly than in people who lead a healthy lifestyle.

As you can see, the appearance of eye hernias can be influenced by a variety of reasons, and treatment of the defect depends on the severity of the problem. Everyone is wondering: how to get rid of hernias under the eyes? To combat this deficiency, there are many ways to remove hernias under the eyes, ranging from folk remedies to the achievements of modern cosmetology and plastic surgery.

As you can see, the appearance of eye hernias can be influenced by a variety of reasons, and treatment of the defect depends on the severity of the problem. Everyone is wondering: how to get rid of hernias under the eyes? To combat this deficiency, there are many ways to remove hernias under the eyes, ranging from folk remedies to the achievements of modern cosmetology and plastic surgery.

Prevention of eyelid hernias

The initial stage of the formation of an eyelid hernia can be easily slowed down if you follow an eyelid skin care program. Such programs usually include means for tightening (lifting) the contour of the eyelids, as well as lymphatic drainage massages and soft peelings.

Such measures can slow down the process of hernia formation, but age-related changes in skin turgor cannot be stopped, therefore, even the most expensive procedures and creams become ineffective over time and eyelid surgery becomes inevitable.

Choosing a clinic for eyelid hernia removal is a matter that requires a balanced approach. It is better to perform hernia removal operations not by a plastic surgeon, but by an ophthalmologist. This specialist has knowledge and practical skills in the eye field.

Treatment price

At the Moscow Eye Clinic you can undergo a full diagnostic examination and receive recommendations on the most effective treatment methods. A comprehensive examination of the patient (visual acuity test, biomicroscopy, autorefractometry, small-pupil ophthalmoscopy, pneumotonometry) costs 3,500 rubles.

The price of treatment is determined individually and depends on the diagnosis, stage of the disease, tests available, etc.

You can find out the price of the procedure by phone (calls from mobile phones and regions of the Russian Federation are free) or online, using the appropriate form on the website.

Go to the “Prices” section>>>

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