Home / Folk remedies Back Published: 03/23/2017 Reading time: 2 min 0 196
Prostatitis is an exclusively male disease. Previously, men over forty years of age suffered from it, today
Miramistin is a substance with an antimicrobial effect. This is an antiseptic that has found application in various fields,
Bladder tumors are a common disease. The incidence in the countries of the European Union is
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Causes of development of renal infarction Ischemic renal infarction is ischemic necrosis of the renal parenchyma Focal
Why does cystitis come back again and again? Development and maintenance of inflammation of the bladder mucosa
Massage (stimulation) of the prostate in men with a finger is performed to obtain sexual arousal or treatment
How is prostate artery embolization performed in CELT? Painless The operation is performed by a cardiovascular surgeon under local
Stress urinary incontinence in women is manifested by leakage of urine when sneezing, coughing, physical activity, often