Addison's disease A common pathology, which doctors call Addison's disease, manifests itself in the fact that the glands
Ectopic pregnancy Among gynecological diseases, the urgency of seeking medical help is in first place
Erectile dysfunction develops due to psychological and somatic reasons. The drug Viagra is used to treat the disorder.
What can affect your results Eating foods that can change the color of your urine
When they talk about such a phenomenon as bleeding from the urethra, they often mean bleeding from
When diagnosed with prostate cancer, surgery is a guaranteed way to get rid of the source of mortal danger. After
Cystoscopy is an examination of the inner surface of the bladder using an endoscopic system. Cystoscopy is one
What the study shows: Doctors primarily associate an excess of catecholamines in the urine with the presence of
The annual dill from the Umbrella family was grown in the gardens of Ancient Rome and today, despite