How to brew dill: method of application and preparation, beneficial properties and recommendations

The annual dill from the Umbrella family was grown in the gardens of Ancient Rome and today, despite the species and varietal diversity of herbs in the world, it is one of the most popular, universal, widely used in many cuisines. In addition, it is a medicinal plant. For example, decoctions are prepared from it, the remarkable qualities of which are partially recognized even by modern science.

Before considering dill decoction from A to Z, it is important to note the contraindications to its use:

  • arterial hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • tendency to seizures;
  • work that involves being at high altitude, contact with traumatic devices/elements.

Amazing composition

In ancient times, our ancestors prepared folk remedies from dill seeds from August to September. They chose this particular plant because it contains a wide range of beneficial substances that benefit the human body, namely:

  • vitamins E, group B;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin PP;
  • vitamins K and A in limited quantities;
  • organic acids (linoleic, oleic, palmitic, nicotinic);
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus.

In a word, one tiny seed contains a whole range of useful substances necessary for the full functioning of the entire body.

Medicinal properties of seeds

All people should think about how to brew dill seeds. This plant has beneficial effects. For example, it can restore male strength. Dill seeds are recommended for patients who have problems with potency, decreased sexual activity and poor or premature erection. And in the old days, this green herb was considered an aphrodisiac that could awaken sexual desire.

An infusion of dill seeds is recommended for women to drink. Its regular use helps improve brain function, eliminate insomnia, normalize the menstrual cycle, and there is also an opinion that this healing agent can cure infertility.

A person who is thinking about how to brew dill will be pleasantly surprised to learn that an infusion from it has practically no contraindications. Dill water can be drunk by everyone, including children from birth. For young patients, it is necessary to eliminate constipation, normalize intestinal function and for calming.

Use in folk medicine

All parts of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials : inflorescences, seeds, stems, leaves. Traditional medicine suggests taking dill decoction for adults and children as a therapeutic and prophylactic remedy for diseases of the digestive tract, heart and blood vessels, respiratory organs, liver and kidneys, and disorders of the central nervous system.

For newborns

For infants, dill infusion is used for increased gas formation and flatulence . The product reduces the accumulation of gases, relieves painful intestinal spasms, and improves digestion. The effect is noticeable within 15-20 minutes after application.

Advice. To minimize the risk of allergies, taking the infusion should begin with small doses, gradually increasing them.

For pregnant and lactating women

Traditional medicine recommends that women take brewed dill during breastfeeding , as it stimulates milk production and facilitates its secretion, prevents the likelihood of inflammation of the mammary glands and milk stagnation (lactostasis). Dill is useful for menstrual irregularities.

But during pregnancy, dill infusion is recommended to be used with caution . In the early stages, in moderate quantities, it will be useful for the body of the expectant mother and child, as it is a source of folic acid (vitamin B9). Without it, normal growth and development of tissues and organs of the embryo is impossible; it improves the absorption of iron, affects the state of the nervous system, appetite, and mood. Even a short-term deficiency of folic acid can cause disruption of the normal development of the nervous system in the fetus.

In the last trimester, dill can do more harm than good , so it is better to limit its use. The fact is that the active components of the composition stimulate uterine contractions, which creates a threat of premature birth.

For bloating

Dill infusion eliminates painful cramps in the stomach and reduces the accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract. The plant to some extent influences the causes of bloating: it enhances the peristalsis of the large intestine, neutralizes the toxic effects of various types of infections on the intestines, and normalizes blood circulation in the body.

Regular intake of dill infusion alleviates the severity of symptoms of flatulence such as a feeling of heaviness, bloating, rumbling, belching, and constipation. The plant helps in case of disturbance or absence of stool: it has a stimulating effect on the mucous wall of the colon, softens stool, stimulates the act of defecation, and reduces the time of bowel movement.

For various diseases

Dill is widely used in medicine for therapeutic and preventive purposes . An infusion of leaves and stems is used for arterial hypertension and diseases of the cardiovascular system. The drug reduces peripheral vascular resistance, lowers cholesterol levels, and facilitates the ejection of blood by the heart.

Amino acids maintain vascular tone of the arterial bed, on which blood pressure depends. Dill serves as a good prevention of ischemia , atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, and coronary heart failure.

It is recommended to take dill infusion for diseases of the digestive system that occur with pain in the intestines, spasms, increased flatulence, and dyspepsia. The decoction is taken to normalize digestion and appetite.

A decoction of dill helps with pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis without sputum production. It causes increased secretion of the liquid part of the bronchial secretion, thereby reducing the viscosity and elasticity of sputum, facilitating its evacuation to the outside.

A decoction of dill helps improve the condition of mental disorders . The plant has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, relieves irritability, normalizes night sleep, relaxes, and relieves stress.

Dill is used for diseases of the liver , kidneys, and gall bladder. It has a pronounced carminative, diuretic effect, prevents bile stagnation and normalizes urodynamic processes, maintains renal function at a normal level, minimizes the risk of inflammation, and inhibits its activity.

Dill helps in weight loss. It contains a lot of plant fiber, which, like a sponge, cleanses the blood, liver, kidneys of waste and toxins, removes excess water from the body, due to which swelling subsides. Fiber activates metabolism, accelerates the process of fat breakdown, improves digestion, increases endurance and performance, which leads to stimulation of physical activity and additional calorie burning.

335 What will dill help cure?

Recommendations for preparing dill seeds

As it has already turned out, the aromatic plant has a huge number of healing properties. Now it’s worth talking in more detail about how to brew dill. This process is subject to several rules:

  1. The very first stage is the collection of products. It is recommended to select only the brightest seeds. Only they are able to change the liquid into a rich color during heat treatment.
  2. The fruits of the plant need to be poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1 teaspoon of seeds to one glass of water. Adults can get a more saturated solution by brewing 2-3 teaspoons of dill seeds in one glass. This is the standard method of preparing dill water; depending on the purpose, it may vary slightly.
  3. The healing agent should infuse for 60 minutes.
  4. Next, you need to strain it.
  5. It is imperative to prepare a fresh infusion daily.
  6. The general course of treatment or preventive measures can last from 7 to 14 days. Next, you need to take a break of at least 30 days. Such a folk remedy can be used only once. For example, to eliminate a pain symptom.

Separately, you need to take a decoction or steamed seeds. You can buy dill water ready-made at the pharmacy. It is available in the form of tea bags, but a folk remedy prepared at home from a fresh plant is the most effective.

How to properly prepare dill decoction

The decoction is prepared as follows :

  • 1-2 tbsp. l. finely chopped fresh or dried dill is placed in an enamel pan;
  • pour a glass of hot water, cover with a lid and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes;
  • cool at room temperature;
  • filter through a sieve or gauze folded in several layers, the remaining raw materials are squeezed out.

The resulting decoction is diluted with boiled water to a volume of 200 ml.


To prepare the infusion , grind 1 tbsp.
l. dill greens (stems and leaves), pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave covered for 60 minutes. The cooled infusion is filtered using a sieve or several layers of gauze, and the remaining raw materials are squeezed out.

Is it possible for everyone?

In addition to how to brew dill seeds, a person should also know about some contraindications to the use of this medicinal plant. It should not be taken:

  • Hypotonic patients, as it can provoke a sharp decrease in blood pressure.
  • Pregnant women if there is a risk of miscarriage.
  • Patients who have problems with the functioning of the gallbladder.
  • People who have an individual intolerance to this component.

You can temporarily stop eating dill seeds if a person feels nausea, pain in the abdomen, or dizziness. If such symptoms occur after using this remedy, it means that the body does not accept it, it is worth choosing the most suitable treatment method.


When taking dill, it is important to monitor your own well-being, because this useful plant has contraindications. People with low blood pressure should refrain from taking it, because the drug dilates blood vessels, which leads to an even greater decrease in the indicator. When treated with decoctions, loss of strength, weakness, and fainting may occur.

  • Dill therapy is contraindicated for:
  • weakened muscle tone;
  • hormonal disorders.

Since ancient times, humanity has used the healing properties of the plant to combat illnesses. Many recipes and secrets of traditional medicine have survived to this day and are very popular. Follow the above recommendations and forget about kidney diseases forever.

Benefits for healthy people

How to brew dill? It is a mistake to think that this issue concerns only those people who are susceptible to any diseases. In fact, the seeds and decoction from this plant are also useful for healthy people. Firstly, this remedy has a positive effect on brain function, relieves fatigue, and helps get rid of stress and depression.

Secondly, dill is an excellent source of beauty. It rejuvenates the skin and gives it a whitening effect. In addition, the folk remedy improves metabolism, which promotes weight loss and cleanses the body of toxins.

Interesting facts about dill

  • In ancient times, dill was used as an ornamental plant.
  • Dill is mentioned in the Bible and ancient Egyptian writings.
  • The ancient Greeks considered dill a sign of wealth (and this despite the fact that now it can be found at any summer resident).
  • Dill seeds were used by ancient Greek soldiers as a means to heal wounds.
  • Oil made from dill is widely used in perfumery and soap production.
  • During the Middle Ages, dill served as protection against witches and evil spirits - it was enough to hang a bunch of dill over the door and, according to legend, evil spirits could not enter the house.
  • Ancient Greek athletes used dill decoction to improve muscle tone.


If there are no contraindications, then you can safely begin treatment with the help of a folk remedy such as dill. However, it is a mistake to think that it only has benefits for the body. Excessive consumption of seeds or infusion from this plant may cause abdominal pain or nausea.

For children under 10 years of age, the daily dosage is 1 teaspoon 3 times a day; adults are allowed to take the decoction the same number of times, but half a glass. As for dill seeds, it is recommended for an adult to chew 2-5 dill seeds per day.

A drug with a diuretic effect

In modern times, dill is often used as a diuretic. How to brew it? Preparation of the infusion consists of 4 main steps:

  1. Dill seeds should be thoroughly washed and dried. To prepare an infusion with a diuretic effect, 5 grams will be enough.
  2. You need to fill them with hot water in a volume of 250 milligrams.
  3. The product needs to infuse in a dark and cool place for 20 minutes.
  4. Once this time has elapsed, it is enough to strain the infusion.

The finished folk remedy can be taken 40 grams 3 times a day. Such a simple and cheap drink has a triple effect on the urinary system: it removes toxins, normalizes the functioning of the bladder, and stimulates the production of gastric juice.

Myth fifth. After removal of the prostate adenoma, you can forget about intimate life.

And that's not true. After surgery (open and sparing), in 90% of patients, sexual function is restored in full. Problems can only arise with conception, since 30% of those who have undergone surgery to remove an adenoma develop so-called retrograde ejaculation, when ejaculation occurs not outward, but into the bladder. But this problem can also be fixed. If a man dreams of an heir, another medical invention comes to the rescue - in vitro fertilization. Only in this case, the process of artificial conception is preceded by a rather complex procedure - special centrifugation of urine, which allows separating sperm. And only then they take it to the woman. Of course, this is not very pleasant. But men do not complain: living with a constant eye on the toilet or with a tube in the bladder is much worse. Prepared by Tatiana GURYANOVA AiF-Health dated July 30, 2009

An infusion that helps remove cameos from the kidneys

Kidney stones are a common and very unpleasant ailment. A person with a similar diagnosis constantly feels a feeling of discomfort. People have many versions about what brewed dill helps with. A similar problem was no exception. To create a folk remedy you need:

  1. Grind or process 30 grams of dill seeds in a coffee grinder.
  2. Pour the dry powder into a container and pour 250 milliliters of boiling water.
  3. Leave the drink to simmer for 20 minutes.
  4. Strain the solution after the time has elapsed.

To remove kidney stones, you need to pour a glass of dill infusion and drink it three times at intervals of 6-8 hours.

Kidney stones are a serious diagnosis. If it is treated at the wrong time or incorrectly, complications may arise. Drinking dill water is a type of self-medication. Before taking such measures, you should consult with a specialist.

Colic reliever

Up to three months of a baby's life, colic may occur. Modern pediatricians claim that this is a normal phenomenon due to the formation of the digestive organs. Young mothers, when their baby’s whims appear, run to the pharmacy and buy the most expensive remedies for such an ailment. But you can cope with it at home if you know how to brew dill for colic. The process of preparing the drug is similar to the recipes given above. To do this, just pour 5 grams of crushed dill seeds with 250 milliliters of water, and then leave and strain the infusion.

You can give your baby 1 teaspoon of this folk remedy before meals, three times a day; you can also add it to expressed breast milk or formula. If, a few hours after consuming it, redness appears on the skin, then such self-medication should be stopped immediately. Every new mother should know how to brew dill for newborns. It is worth noting: dill water is sold in the pharmacy in ready-made form.

Kidney cleansing with dill

To maintain normal functioning of the kidneys, it is necessary to periodically cleanse them. Unfavorable external factors, impaired metabolism, and poor lifestyle contribute to contamination of the genitourinary system.

The most accessible means for cleaning at home is a fasting day, during which you eat fresh dill, parsley (2 large bunches each) and 1 liter of pure apple juice (without pulp or impurities). The greens are pre-mixed and divided into 5 doses. Each dose of the mixture is washed down with 1 glass of juice. In between meals, drink 1 glass of purified water every hour. The last glass of water is drunk at night.

For reference. Before cleaning, you need to adhere to a dietary diet, increasing the consumption of vegetables, fruits, and juices. Before starting the treatment procedure, do an enema (immediately after sleep). A repeat enema is necessary the next morning.

Folk remedy for hypertension

Many people with high blood pressure are concerned about the question of how to brew dill correctly? This is due to the fact that such a remedy almost completely neutralizes all symptoms of hypertension, namely:

  • reduces pressure to normal limits on the tonometer;
  • prevents the occurrence of angina pectoris;
  • eliminates headaches;
  • relieves tachycardia;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • cleanses blood vessels.

Hypertensive patients need to prepare a rich dill infusion. The process of its preparation consists of 3 main steps:

  • you need to take 20 grams of dill seeds processed in a coffee grinder;
  • pour half a glass of water over them;
  • Infuse the folk remedy for at least 1 hour, then strain.

The finished infusion can be drunk 3 times a day, 1-2 tablespoons.

Side effects

Undesirable reactions after taking dill decoction rarely appear . In some cases, there were complaints of a local allergic reaction, which was associated with the presence of hypersensitivity to the plant and the use of large doses. An allergy to dill manifests itself in the form of redness, rashes on the skin, itching, and swelling.

Side effects from using dill may occur in people with low blood pressure. When blood pressure drops, patients experience dizziness, impaired thermoregulation, drowsiness, profuse sweating, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, and even fainting.

Infusion that helps eliminate bloating

Bloating is a very unpleasant ailment. It can occur due to eating junk food, taking medication, stress, or improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If you have a feeling of fullness or a nagging pain in the abdomen, then it’s time to think about how to brew dill for bloating.

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 20 grams of crushed plant seeds with 220 grams of boiling water. The infusion time is 30 minutes. If you want the infusion to be saturated, then you need to additionally cover the container with a lid. The strained solution must be divided into 4-5 parts, which should be consumed within 24 hours, preferably before each meal.

Folk remedy for nursing mothers

Every sane woman dreams of breastfeeding her baby. This will provide the baby with strong immunity, prevent colic, gain excess body weight, and also significantly save money on the purchase of formula. But unfortunately, not every woman actively produces breast milk. If it is not there, then a rush can be achieved by drinking dill water. It helps to increase blood circulation and improve metabolic processes.

It remains to talk about how to brew dill for a nursing mother. To do this, you just need to pour one tablespoon with one glass of water, infuse the folk remedy and strain it. You can use it throughout the day, dividing it into 3 equal parts. It is recommended to preheat it.

Folk remedy for cystitis

According to statistics, every second woman has encountered cystitis at least once in her life. This concept refers to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Often, patients do not wait for consultation with a specialist and strive to eliminate the disease on their own, using traditional medicine. Surprisingly, one of the most effective infusions can be created from improvised means. So, how to brew dill for cystitis?

  1. To prepare this product, you will also need 5-7 grams of plant seeds (approximately 1 tablespoon).
  2. It needs to be filled with 220-250 milliliters of boiling water (approximately 1 glass).
  3. This remedy can then be infused for 20 minutes or simmered over low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. At the final stage, you need to carefully strain the solution through gauze.

Dill infusion is recommended to be used simultaneously with painkillers to quickly eliminate cystitis and improve well-being.

You should not throw away dill seeds; from them you can create a unique and harmless infusion for many diseases and ailments.

The effect of dill and dill seeds on the kidneys

Dill is a unique herbaceous plant widely used to treat various diseases.

The benefits of dill are the same for both women and men:

  • strengthens the cardiac system;
  • stimulates intestinal motility;
  • serves as a prevention of cancer;
  • helps with congestive diseases of the upper respiratory tract, improving the process of natural mucus discharge;
  • increases sexual activity.

Dill seeds are actively used during pregnancy and for the treatment of young children due to its soothing and antispasmodic effect.

In addition to the above benefits, the plant reduces the symptoms of kidney pathologies, providing a choleretic and diuretic effect.

Dill has a complex effect on the urinary system:

  • relieves the inflammatory process;
  • destroys pathogens;
  • improves metabolic processes and promotes a speedy recovery.

The antiseptic effect of the herb allows it to be used in the treatment of cystitis, nephritis, and urethritis. Also, due to its diuretic properties, dill prevents the development of urolithiasis.

For reference. The seeds of the plants serve as an excellent stone-crushing medicine, while the greens and roots are a diuretic.

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