How to replace the taufon? Cheap analogues and useful recommendations

Eye drops Taufon: cheaper analogues and reviews for them

Taufon is a product being developed in Russia and intended for local treatment of eye diseases. A highly effective drug, about which patients leave positive reviews, but there are also those for whom it is not suitable for individual reasons. These patients most often look for analogues of the drug, since the original drug does not help them.


Everything you need to know about Vitobact eye drops is here.

  • corneal dystrophy or injury;
  • pathological diseases of the retina;
  • glaucoma;
  • all types of cataracts.

Effect on the body:

  • accelerates regeneration in case of damage to the cornea of ​​the eye;
  • improves metabolism in the tissues of the visual organs;
  • rehabilitates the functioning of cell membranes;

Method of use:

  • place a couple of drops in each eye;
  • instill eye drops 3-4 times during the day;
  • The duration of the course is from 30 to 90 days, this is determined by the attending physician.

In the article you will find complete information about Oftan Katahrom.

Forms of production:

  • drops;
  • solution;
  • pills.

Drops are a colorless liquid that is packaged in special tubes. Possible volumes: 1.5, 2, 5 ml.

The solution has the same concentration as the drops. The bottles are packaged in 5 and 10 ml.

Tablets of the drug contain 250, 350 and 500 mg of taurine. Also characteristic of this drug is that it stimulates restoration processes in the tissues of the eye and stabilizes the pressure inside the eye.

Read about Visine and its analogues.

Taufon drops in a volume of 5 ml can be bought cheaply in Russian pharmacies, the average cost of the drug is from 30 to 70 rubles. For residents of Ukraine the cost is from 15 to 30 hryvnia.

Taufon should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of 8-15°C. The safety of using the product during pregnancy or breastfeeding has not been studied.

Taurine Akos

The drug is available in the form of drops, in bottles with an additional dispenser-dropper. The drug is mainly used to treat cataracts. Taurine Akos has metabolic properties, the main active ingredient is taurine.

The drug stimulates regenerative functions in diseases of the dystrophic type, which are accompanied by serious metabolic disorders in the tissues of the visual organs.

The product stabilizes the natural functions of the cell membrane and enhances the conduction of nerve impulses.

Treatment with the drug is possible even when breastfeeding a child and during pregnancy, but under the supervision of doctors.

Indications for use:

  • corneal dystrophy;
  • corneal injury;
  • cataracts.


  • It is prohibited to consume until adulthood;
  • individual intolerance to components.

The cost of the drug in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg is from 28 to 120 rubles. In Ukrainian pharmacies from 10 to 30 hryvnia.

Taurine Bufus

The next equally high-quality Russian analogue is Taurine Bufus. Available in the form of eye drops. The drug has retinoprotective and metabolic effects. Indications for use are almost the same as the original:

Taurine Bufus is indicated for:

  • cataracts;
  • corneal injuries;
  • pathological disorders of the retina and cornea.

What is the difference between Taufon and Taurine? These drugs have the same effect, and the main active ingredient is a sulfur-containing amino acid. When they come into contact with the membrane of the eye, they improve blood flow to the eye. Normally, the amino acid is produced from cysteine ​​in sufficient quantities.

The cost of a 10 ml tube is from 83 to 110 rubles or from 20 to 40 hryvnia.


This analogue is produced in Belgium. Release form: drops.

The product is used in ophthalmology to relieve the symptoms of all types of cataracts.

Foreign analogues are much more expensive than Russian-made drugs. But their quality, according to numerous patient reviews, is higher in comparison with cheap substitutes.

The price of Quinax in Russia depends on the region; the price range is very wide - from 350 to 550 rubles. In Ukraine - from 150 to 300 hryvnia.


High-quality analogue of Taufon. Country of origin: India. Release form: eye drops.

After starting to use the drug Oftolik, patients notice positive improvements, eye irritation decreases, and redness is relieved.

This occurs due to the properties of the main active components of the drug, which work as lubricants - they promote hydration.

The active components of the medicine, when applied to the surface of the eye, reduce tension and gently envelop, eliminating the possibility of deformation of the tear film.

Strong immunity with Oscillococcinum: what to replace?

The cost of the product in Russia and Ukraine is much more favorable than other foreign analogues of Taufon, but in terms of effectiveness Oftolik is in no way inferior. The average price of eye drops ranges from 170 to 260 rubles. Or from 60 to 110 hryvnia for Ukrainians.

Which product should you choose, more expensive or budget? Before making a decision, you should definitely consult your doctor. Before using the products, you must read the instructions and follow them.

“I’ve been using Taufon for about a month, it’s a complete torment from regular burning, I think I need to look for a replacement.

I switched to Oftolik and found no cons at all. Another disadvantage of Taufon is that it must be stored in the refrigerator, and dripping cold liquid into your eyes is not at all pleasant, it just gives you goosebumps (how disgusting it is). In general, I always carry Ophtolic with me in my pocket, I really like it.

In this case, I don’t support domestic manufacturers at all, I’m talking about Taufon. I haven’t tried other analogues, it’s cheaper than Oftolik, but there’s no point in saving on yourself.”

“I’ve been using Taufon for probably more than a year now. I have initial cataracts, there are pathologies in the vitreous body. Sometimes I bought Quinax and Taurine, but I didn’t notice much of a difference, I decided to use only Taufon and I don’t regret it.

Quinax helps well and quickly, but after a couple of weeks my eyes begin to irritate, not very pleasant itching and redness. You can achieve a good effect with it, within 3 months, but you have to treat your eyes for irritation, apparently this is not my drug.

Personally, I advise you to try Taufon right away, and then everything else, especially since it is very cheap, it’s not torture to try.”




“I’ve been using Taufon for about a month, it’s a complete torment from regular burning, I think I need to look for a replacement.

I switched to Oftolik and found no cons at all. Another disadvantage of Taufon is that it must be stored in the refrigerator, and dripping cold liquid into your eyes is not at all pleasant, it just gives you goosebumps (how disgusting it is). In general, I always carry Ophtolic with me in my pocket, I really like it.

In this case, I don’t support domestic manufacturers at all, I’m talking about Taufon. I haven’t tried other analogues, it’s cheaper than Oftolik, but there’s no point in saving on yourself.”


“I’ve been using Taufon for probably more than a year now. I have initial cataracts, there are pathologies in the vitreous body. Sometimes I bought Quinax and Taurine, but I didn’t notice much of a difference, I decided to use only Taufon and I don’t regret it.

Quinax helps well and quickly, but after a couple of weeks my eyes begin to irritate, not very pleasant itching and redness. You can achieve a good effect with it, within 3 months, but you have to treat your eyes for irritation, apparently this is not my drug.

Personally, I advise you to try Taufon right away, and then everything else, especially since it is very cheap, it’s not torture to try.”

What cheaper analogues can replace Taufon?

Taufon is a strong drug that belongs to the group of amino acids. The release form of the medicine is eye drops. Taurine is used as an active substance to combat eye diseases. This is an amino acid formed in the human body as a result of the conversion of cysteine.

But what analogues of Taufon exist in a cheaper segment and how to choose the right product, taking into account the characteristics of your body? Whatever the substitute, Russian or foreign, it must be sufficiently effective and help the patient cope with the disease. For this purpose, 5 analogues were selected, which are used both for prevention and for combating diseases that already exist in the patient.


The release form of Taurine is eye drops and ampoules for injection. They have a metabolic effect and are an anti-cataract agent. The medicine also helps stimulate the restoration of cell membrane functions and the activation of metabolic and energy processes. This effect is achieved thanks to the active substance – sulfur-containing amino acid.

For what diseases should Taurine be taken?

Taurine eye drops are among the most effective and actively fight the following diseases:

  • complex therapy of glaucoma;
  • for corneal and retinal dystrophy;
  • various types of cataracts;
  • ophthalmoherpes;
  • eye damage caused by trauma;
  • erosive eye diseases.

In addition to the above, similar analogues of Taufon eye drops are able to protect the eyes during long periods of work at the computer, from the harmful effects of the monitor.

How to take Taurine drops?

Before applying eye drops, the bottle of drops should be warmed in your hands. Then Taurine drops are instilled under the slightly retracted lower eyelid. If the patient has cataracts, the course of treatment is at least 90 days, then it is worth taking a break for 1 month.

Taurine eye drops are also used for instillation, 4 times a day. If we are talking about diseases of a dystrophic nature, it is best to use injections.

Oftan katachrome

This analogue of Taufon is available in the form of eye drops. Oftan-katachrome is a strong drug that includes 3 active components, Cytochrome C, Adenosine, and Nicotinamide. The drug is inexpensive, but this does not prevent it from having a positive effect on metabolic processes in the eye lens. Treatment with Oftan-catachrom is used if the patient suffers from various types of cataracts.

Who is contraindicated with Oftan kathr?

The instructions for use state that Oftan-katachrome can only be dangerous for patients who suffer from hypersensitivity to any active component of the drug.

As for the safety of taking the medicine for breastfeeding and pregnant patients, the instructions are silent about this. Therefore, it is better for these categories of women to refuse Oftan-katachrome.

How to take Oftan Katahrom drops?

The drug should be used 3 times a day, 1-2 drops. How long the course of treatment will be extended is determined only by an eye doctor - an ophthalmologist, so the method of application is determined individually for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the severity of the disease.

Before instilling this analogue of Taufon, the patient needs to wash his hands well; this is a prerequisite so as not to accidentally introduce an infection into the eyes.

Indications for use

Each indication for use tends to treat different types of cataracts, namely:

  • congenital form;
  • secondary;
  • traumatic;
  • senile This type of cataract most often appears in people over 50 years of age, when a person’s beauty and health begin to undergo changes. It is at this age that patients present with problems of loss of visual acuity and, as a result, purchase contact lenses.

Are there any side effects?

Reviews from patients indicate that the active component of the drug (azapentacene) is very well tolerated, even with long-term therapy. The medicine can be dangerous only for those people who suffer from hypersensitivity to the components of Quinax.

The active substance of the drug also interacts well with other drugs and does not cause any deviations. If the patient uses contact lenses, after instillation it is better not to put them on immediately, but to wait at least 40-60 minutes.

You can buy such drugs only with a doctor's prescription. Before using Quinax, the composition and form of the drug should be carefully studied by the patient.


Analogues of Taufon include such an effective drug as Khrustalin in their list. The medicine is released in the form of a solution, so it can adequately replace Taufon eye drops. This product cannot be purchased cheaper than Taufon; its price is 690-700 rubles. This structural preparation is able to provide the eyes with all the necessary microelements.

The medicine contains 4 effective components:

  1. Sodium succinate.
  2. Nicotinamide.
  3. Cytochrome C.
  4. Adenosine.

For what diseases should Khrustalin be used?

Thanks to similar active substances Oftan katachrome, the product is active against the following diseases:

  • prevention of cataracts in the initial stage;
  • presbyopia;
  • dry eyes;
  • for corneal dystrophies.


This effective drug may pose a danger only to those people who may have an allergic reaction to the components of Khrustalin’s composition.

How to use Khrustalin?

This medicine should be taken in the same way as Taufon eye drops, 3 times a day, for 3 months, the total duration of the course will depend on the severity of the disease.

In ophthalmological practice, there are cases when Khrustalin is used for much longer than 90 days, this is facilitated by the good tolerability of the drug and the active components.


Vitafacol can be bought much cheaper than Khrustalin, for only 250 rubles. It refers to combination medications for topical use. Effective active substances help the patient cope with the development of cataracts, so that in the end he does not need vision correction.

special instructions

Before taking the drug, each patient is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist. He will measure intraocular pressure and take the necessary tests. After which, the doctor will find out whether Vitafacol will be effective in this case, or whether you need to think about looking for another analogue that can be purchased just as inexpensively.

Patients who take Vitafacol are no longer at risk of developing cataracts, and if we talk about the early stages of the disease, the drug is able to prevent and suppress its development. Considering its low cost and effective action, the medicine occupies one of the leading positions in the list of Taufon analogues.

Vitafacol during pregnancy

Special instructions for pregnant women include information that although the drug is considered practically safe, it is still worth taking precautions.

There have been no comprehensive studies of the effect of the drug on women who are carrying a child. Therefore, before taking Vitafacol, it is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist and find out exactly how the active substance will act in relation to the fetus. Under no circumstances should you self-prescribe medicine after reading the first positive review you come across.


All presented drugs from the group of Taufon analogues are effective and practically safe for every person. But before taking each of them, it is advisable to contact an ophthalmologist to conduct the necessary studies and at the same time study the structure of the eye yourself in order to more accurately understand the situation.

Before choosing an analogue, you should pay attention to another cheap drug in the form of drops - Emoxipin. It was not listed in the information above, but is an equally effective medicine.


TAUFON: analogues, generics, synonyms, cheap analogues

Cataxol - eye drops for the treatment of congenital and senile, congenital and secondary cataracts, promotes the resorption of opaque proteins of the lens.

from 218 UAH

Farkovit b12

Farkovit B12 is prescribed for liver damage that occurs as a result of toxic poisoning, infectious hepatitis, parasite damage, chronic alcoholism, diabetes, hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis.

The drug Farkovit B12 is used as an auxiliary treatment for hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity, and skin diseases.

Liver, Hepatotropic, Hepatoprotector, Liver disease, Liver treatment

from 369 UAH


The drug Hilo-Kea is an ophthalmic drop, which is designed to increase the volume and increase the stability of the tear film. Hilo-Kea helps to moisturize the cornea when there is insufficient production of tear fluid. Dry eyes, Eye drops

Slezol forte

The drug Slezol Forte - artificial tears, an indifferent drug, eye drops are used for dry eye syndrome, especially for those who work at the computer, with a burning sensation, a feeling of a foreign body in the eye. Dry eyes, Cornea, Eye drops

from 97 UAH


Artelac eye drops are an artificial substitute for tear fluid, indicated for the elimination of dry eye syndrome caused by impaired tear secretion and tear secretion. Dry eyes, Eye drops

Artelak balance

The drug Artelak Balance is an ophthalmic drug with a moisturizing effect. Prescribed to patients to alleviate symptoms due to insufficient secretion of natural tears. Dry eyes, Eye drops

from 600 UAH


The drug Oxial reduces dryness and eye fatigue, eliminates signs of eye irritation such as itching, redness and burning caused by external factors (dust, smoke, prolonged eye strain, wearing contact lenses). Dry eyes, Eye drops

Artelak balance UNO

Artelac Balance Uno is recommended for long-term relief of symptoms caused by chronic tear deficiency, such as burning, tiredness, redness and/or inflammation of the eyes. Dry eyes, Eye drops


The drug Sikapos, an ophthalmic gel that helps moisturize the cornea, is recommended as a means of replacement therapy for patients with reduced tear production and dry cornea. Dry eyes, Cornea

from 79 UAH


The drug Oftagel is an ophthalmic gel from the group of keratoprotectors, which is used as a substitute for natural tear fluid in patients with eye irritation and dry eye syndrome.

Blueberries with lutein

The plant-based drug Blueberry with lutein, a vitamin complex for the eyes, has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.

from 268 UAH


The drug Optive is eye drops that have a moisturizing effect and are used in ophthalmology for the symptomatic treatment of dry eye syndrome, which can develop in a number of pathological conditions. Dry eyes, Eye drops

from 198 UAH


The drug Vet-Komod is recommended for irritation and dry eyes, which are associated with intensive work at the computer, as well as exposure to dust and sunlight.


The drug Ophthalmosol is an irrigation saline solution. Oftalmosol isotonic eye tissue solution containing electrolytes that help normalize metabolism inside cells.

from 95 UAH


The drug Oftolik has a protective effect on the cornea of ​​the eye while reducing the secretion of tear fluid, provides the necessary moisturizing effect, continued contact with the cornea of ​​the eye.


The drug Blueberry-MIC for the treatment of eye diseases is indicated as a means of nonspecific antioxidant therapy for the prevention and complex treatment of eye diseases.


Slesin increases its resistance to the surface of the cornea and reduces the symptoms of irritation associated with manifestations of dry eye syndrome, protects the cornea from drying out. Dry eyes, Eye drops


The drug Cardioxipin is an angioprotector that improves microcirculation and has a pronounced cardioprotective effect; dilates coronary vessels, reduces ischemic damage to the myocardium, promotes the regulation of the redox system in case of circulatory failure.



Taufon drops are replaced with structural analogues or drugs with a similar therapeutic effect. Structural analogues are based on taurine; functional analogues do not contain taurine in their composition.


This drug is produced in Russia, it is a direct substitute for Taufon. It is characterized by the absence of auxiliary components. Taurine is produced by several companies:

  • DIA;
  • SOLOpharm;
  • AKOS.

If glaucoma is suspected, the ophthalmologist may suggest treatment with Taurine Bufus. It reduces intraocular pressure.


This drug is produced in Japan; it comes in tablet capsules for preparing a solution. Catalin saturates tissues with vitamins and is prescribed for the treatment of cataracts. The active ingredient is pyrenoxine, which slows down the hardening of lens tissue. Medicine is prescribed for senile or diabetic cataracts. Drops can be used for pathologies of the lens.

Note! Drops containing taurine are contraindicated for use under 18 years of age.


The medicine relieves various ophthalmological pathologies: cataracts, glaucoma, myopia/farsightedness, clouding of the corneal layer, senile changes in the eye structures. Drops also relieve fatigue, redness and dry eyes. There are no age restrictions for use; the drug is used even without prior consultation with an ophthalmologist. This is an Ayurvedic medicinal complex that cleanses tissues well and removes toxic substances. Thanks to the cleansing effect, visual clarity improves and restoration processes are launched.

Ujaly's composition contains diffuse barchavia extract and potassium nitrate. The plant component activates cellular nutrition of the eye tissues, potassium nitrate relieves irritation and inflammatory processes. Potassium nitrate is also an antimicrobial agent. Ujala is recommended when traditional drugs are not suitable. Drops are also used for contraindications to surgical operations on the visual organs.

Can Ujala cure mature cataracts? Treatment will take longer, but the result will be positive. The medicine dissolves and cleanses solid structures, removes them from tissues. Drops are also recommended for eliminating glaucoma, as they reduce intraocular pressure. They also treat conjunctivitis.

Ujala is contraindicated when using contact lenses and for treating adolescents under 12 years of age. Contraindications also apply to inflammatory processes, as well as viral/fungal lesions of the visual organs.

Oftan katachrome

This is a functional analogue of Taufon based on adenosine, cytochrome C and nicotinamide. Prescribed for the treatment of all types of cataracts. It is not recommended to use soft lenses while using the medicine, since the composition of the drops contains a preservative. This substance is deposited on the inner walls of the lenses, complicating vision. Lenses can be temporarily replaced with glasses or worn 30-40 minutes after instillation. After use, temporary irritation of the visual organs may occur in the form of burning and discomfort.


Quinax drops are produced in Belgium, so the price of the drug is more expensive than Taufon. It is a functional analogue, since the main component is azapentacene. Drops successfully treat cataracts of all types, promoting the resorption of opaque lens structures. The use of soft contact lenses is undesirable: the product contains a preservative. The manufacturer does not indicate age restrictions for the use of the medicine.


This is a homeopathic remedy based on herbal extracts. The drops contain extracts of eyebright, spoonwort, echinacea angustifolia and pilocarpus jaborandi. Drops have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Prescribed for visual fatigue, lacrimation, corneal injury and conjunctivitis of a bacterial/viral nature.

Oculoheel is contraindicated during pregnancy/breastfeeding and persons under 18 years of age. The drops are packaged in disposable dropper tubes and must be disposed of after use.


Belongs to the group of keratoprotectors, moisturizes the mucous membrane of the visual organs and protects from drying out. Forms a stable tear film on the mucous membrane, relieves symptoms of dry eyes, eliminates redness and irritation due to visual fatigue. The product will contain the preservative substance, so you can put on ophthalmic lenses 20-22 minutes after instillation.


A drug for healing injured and dystrophic corneas. Indicated for dry keratoconjunctivitis and keratitis. In ophthalmology it is used in the treatment of pathologies of fungal/viral and bacterial nature of the affected cornea. Kornelegel promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues and relieves pain due to pantothenic acid. Approved for use while wearing contact lenses, which can be put on 15-20 minutes after using the gel.

Artelak Splash

Drops are prescribed for eye fatigue, to protect against unfavorable environments (dust, smoke, strong wind). Indoor air conditioning also has a negative effect on the condition of the mucous membranes of the eyes, so Artelak Splash can quickly solve the problem of dryness and irritation of the visual organs. The active ingredient is sodium hyaluronate. In complex therapy, medicinal gels or drops are used after instillation of Artlax Splash (after 15-17 minutes).

For pathological dry eyes, Artelac Splash Uno is prescribed. The drops do not contain preservatives and are biologically compatible with the tissues of the visual organs. Hyaluronic acid is a component of natural tear fluid and is therefore absolutely safe for health. Drops are also used when wearing hard/soft lenses.


Drops are recommended for moisturizing the mucous membrane in case of pathological drying associated with prolonged exposure to a laptop or in a smoky room. The product contains sodium hyaluronate, which is an analogue of the natural substance of tear fluid. Hilo-Komod drops are absolutely safe for eye health. They protect the visual organs by forming a protective film.

Recommended when using ophthalmic lenses of hard/soft modification as a moisturizing and lubricating component. The absence of preservatives allows the drops to be used for a long time without side effects. However, during pregnancy/lactation, consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

Vidisik gel

This is an artificial substitute for tear fluid that moisturizes the mucous membrane of the eyeball for a long time (keratoprotector). It is used to treat mechanical damage to the corneal layer, dry keratoconjunctivitis and lack of tear fluid. Since Vidisica's composition contains a preservative, side effects are possible.

Long-term use can cause undesirable effects, so self-treatment without consulting an ophthalmologist is unacceptable. Chronic forms of dry keratoconjunctivitis are treated with products without preservatives.

Taufon eye drops: analogues and substitutes

Taufon eye drops are intended for the treatment of dystrophic changes in the lens. The drug is prescribed only to adults. If the components are intolerant, substitute drops are prescribed. The article discusses the question of which analogs of Taufon are better in the treatment of cataracts.

When is Taufon prescribed?

Taufon is prescribed as a restorative agent for dystrophic changes in the cornea and retina.

Main indications for use:

  • cataracts due to diabetes mellitus, radiation exposure, mechanical injuries;
  • senile changes in the cornea, lens;
  • hereditary disease of the retina associated with changes in its pigment epithelium;
  • open-angle glaucoma (to reduce intraocular pressure).

Eye drops are prescribed only as part of complex treatment.

Pharmacotherapeutic characteristics

Taufon is an amino acid that enhances the reproduction of somatic cells, regardless of their structure. The substance accelerates the process of restoring tissue integrity after inflammatory or mechanical damage. The drug resumes physiological processes at the cellular level.

Taufon contains sulfur. This chemical element normalizes and stabilizes the state of cell membranes (membranes), maintains the constancy of the internal environment of the cell (cytoplasm).

The amino acid inhibits the transmission of impulses between nerve cells, which relieves tension, excitement, and has a calming effect on the inflammatory focus.


Eye drops are a colorless transparent solution without foreign inclusions. Improves not only metabolic processes, but also blood microcirculation of the eyeball. Prescribe 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day, the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.

The medicine cannot be used together with other ophthalmic instillations.


The drug is produced on the basis of pyrenoxine, a substance with a metabolic effect. Neutralizes dangerous compounds (quinones) that are formed in cells as a result of impaired amino acid metabolism.

The medicine is available in the form of tablets for self-preparing eye drops. After dissolution, a medicinal liquid of bright orange or yellow color is formed. One tablet is designed for 15 ml of water.

The solution is prescribed conjunctivally, 1-2 drops up to 5 times a day.

May cause side effects:

  • superficial inflammation of the cornea (diffuse keratitis);
  • inflammation of the edges of the eyelids (blepharitis);
  • conjunctivitis;
  • allergic manifestations - irritation, redness of the eye, burning, foreign body sensation, discomfort;
  • increased lacrimation, secretion of mucous exudate;
  • visual disturbances.

What is the difference between the drugs

The differences between Taufon analogues are insignificant. The drugs have different compositions of chemical components and concentrations of active substances. Moreover, they have the same pharmacological properties.

Of the eye drops considered, Khrustalin is significantly different. The product is used only for preventive purposes in people whose activities involve heavy strain on their eyesight (working on computer monitors).

Medicines differ in cost, this is due to the country in which the medicine is produced.

Average prices for drugs similar in their action to Taufon:

  • Taurine 5 ml – 15-33 rubles;
  • Oftan Katahrom 10 ml – 470 rub.;
  • Catalin 15 ml – 407 rub.;
  • Quinax 15 ml – 639 rubles;
  • Khrustalin 5 ml – 675 rub.

Which one is better to choose?

Taurine is prescribed in case of acute progressive development of degenerative processes and visual impairment. This is a cheaper remedy that can replace Taufon. The medicine not only corrects vision, but also protects the eyes from infection (bacterial, fungal).

Combined drops - Oftan, Vitafacol are more effective for moderate cataracts and advanced forms of the disease. They act comprehensively, restoring not only the anatomical structures of the eyes, but also renewing physiological processes.

Elderly people are recommended to use Khrustalin daily in order to slow down irreversible dystrophic changes in the eyes.

Patients with chronic cardiovascular diseases, with a history of hypertension, arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, or heart attack, are not prescribed Oftan Katahrom. The drug may cause negative systemic effects.

All analogues of Taufon drops are not absorbed into the bloodstream during instillation and extremely rarely worsen the patient’s general condition. When choosing a drug, the diagnosis, age of the patient, and the presence of chronic diseases of other organs and systems are taken into account.


Which eye drops to choose as analogues of Taufon

Not only elderly patients suffering from cataracts are familiar with the eye drug Taufon, but also people who have suffered injuries to the organs of vision or radiation damage to the cornea. These drops are known for their regenerative and reparative (healing) properties. Taufon is produced by pharmaceutical enterprises in the Russian Federation and is considered one of the cheapest drugs in this category of drugs. The doctor can also recommend substitutes for the medication - its structural or functional analogues, taking into account the composition and characteristics of the drugs described in the annotation.

  • 1. Pharmacotherapeutic characteristics of the drug Taufon
  • 2. Structural analogues 2.1. Taurine
  • 2.2. Igrel
  • 3. Functional analogues
      3.1. Oftan Katahrom
  • 3.2. Quinax
  • 3.3. Vita-Iodurol
  • Taufon analogues: list of more effective Russian and foreign drugs

    Not only elderly patients suffering from cataracts are familiar with the eye drug Taufon, but also people who have suffered injuries to the organs of vision or radiation damage to the cornea. These drops are known for their regenerative and reparative (healing) properties.

    Taufon is produced by pharmaceutical enterprises in the Russian Federation and is considered one of the cheapest drugs in this category of drugs.

    The doctor can also recommend substitutes for the medication - its structural or functional analogues, taking into account the composition and characteristics of the drugs described in the annotation.

    • 1. Pharmacotherapeutic characteristics of the drug Taufon
    • 2. Structural analogues
    • 3. Functional analogues 3.1. Oftan Katahrom
    • 3.2. Quinax
    • 3.3. Vita-Iodurol

    Pharmacotherapeutic characteristics of the drug Taufon

    The most complete information about the drug is contained in the official instructions for use, which is attached to the bottle of eye drops.

    Drops are a colorless transparent liquid, poured into polymer containers of 5 or 10 ml.

    The active ingredient is the sulfur-containing amino acid taurine, a derivative of cysteine. Its properties:

    • stimulation of regeneration and repair processes in dystrophic eye diseases and diseases with impaired metabolism of eye tissues,
    • improving the conditions for conducting nerve impulses in the eyeball,
    • activation of metabolism and energy processes,
    • normalization of the functions of eye cell membranes,
    • maintaining the electrolyte balance of the cytoplasm through the accumulation of calcium and potassium.

    Thanks to these properties, Taufon is used in the complex treatment of eye diseases such as:

    • radiation, senile, traumatic and other cataracts,
    • primary open angle glaucoma,
    • dystrophies and injuries of the cornea and other visual impairments.

    The drug is not intended for the treatment of children - according to the instructions, it is contraindicated in patients under 18 years of age, as well as in those with increased individual susceptibility to the components.

    Structural analogues

    These are drugs in which the active ingredient is also taurine.


    Another analogue of Taufon with the active ingredient taurine is Russian eye drops Igrel. It has no significant differences in composition and purpose; it is produced in Russia and is approximately the same in cost as Taurine.

    Just like other eye drops, Igrel is used as part of complex therapy for eye diseases.

    Contraindications to the use of the drug are hypersensitivity and patients under 18 years of age. Pregnant and lactating women are allowed to use drops only as prescribed by a doctor.

    Functional analogues

    These are drugs whose action is similar to that of Taufon. However, they have a different composition and different active ingredients.

    Oftan Katahrom

    One of the representatives of foreign eye drugs is the Finnish Oftan Katahrom. Its active ingredients:

    • adenosine,
    • cytochrome C,
    • nicotinamide

    The drug Oftan Katahrom is transparent red drops. Indications for its use include cataracts of various origins. Contraindicated if you are allergic to the composition and under 18 years of age.


    The multicomponent eye product Vita-Iodurol is produced in France using technologies patented in the Russian Federation. These are transparent drops without a specific color. They are based on:

    • calcium chloride dihydrate,
    • adenosine,
    • a nicotinic acid,
    • magnesium chloride hexahydrate.

    This drug belongs to the pharmaceutical group of drugs for the treatment of cataracts, and therefore can be recommended as a substitute for Taufon.

    The only absolute contraindication is hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug. Use in pregnant and lactating women is permitted only as prescribed by a doctor.


    Taufon analogues

    This page provides a list of all Taufon analogues by composition and indication for use. A list of cheap analogues, and you can also compare prices in pharmacies.

    • The cheapest analogue of Taufon: Taurine
    • The most popular analogue of Taufon: Vixipin
    • ATC classification: Limbal stems cells, autologous
    • Active ingredients/composition: taurine
    #NamePrice in RussiaPrice in Ukraine
    1Taurine taurine
    Analogue according to indications and method of use
    8 rub50 UAH
    2Taurine-DIA taurine
    Analogue according to indications and method of administration
    10 rub
    3Artelak Balance Analogue according to indications and method of use13 rub.750 UAH
    4Artelak Balance Uno Analogue according to indications and method of use13 rub.
    5Taurine Bufus taurine
    Analogue according to indications and method of use
    17 RUR

    When calculating the cost of cheap Taufon analogues, the minimum price was taken into account, which was found in price lists provided by pharmacies

    #NamePrice in RussiaPrice in Ukraine
    1Vixipin methylethylpyridinol
    Analogue according to indications and method of administration
    75 RUR200 UAH
    2Quinax azapentacene polysulfonate
    Analogue according to indications and method of use
    41 UAH
    3Visomitin plastoquinonyldecyltriphenylphosphonium bromide
    Analogue according to indications and method of administration
    424 RUR380 UAH
    4Retinalamin retinalamin
    Analogue according to indications and method of use
    3409 RUR210 UAH
    5Korneregel dexpanthenol
    Analogue according to indications and method of use
    335 RUR19 UAH

    This list of drug analogues is based on statistics of the most requested drugs

    Taufon (eye drops): instructions for use, price, reviews, indications

    Taufon eye drops are available in plastic bottles with a capacity of 5 or 10 ml.

    1 ml of solution contains 40 mg of taurine - this is the main active ingredient of the medicine.

    Auxiliary components are: preservative methylhydroxybenzoate, pH value regulator sodium hydroxide, water.

    Based on taurine, dietary supplements and medicines have been developed and widely used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous systems, respiratory tract, as well as cosmetic and ophthalmological problems.

    The role and benefits of taurine in the human body are as follows:

    1. Stimulating the process of regeneration of damaged cells of the cornea, retina, muscle and nerve fibers.
    2. Protection of cells from destruction by lipid peroxidation products, prevention of cancer degeneration.
    3. Participation in the process of fat digestion, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) in the intestines, maintaining normal blood cholesterol concentrations.
    4. Providing energy to the body in extreme situations.
    5. Protection and restoration of energy metabolism in nerve cells, which manifests itself in the concentration of memory, attention, improved sleep, and improved mood.
    6. The general effect on metabolic processes is normalization of blood glucose levels, reduction of insulin consumption in diabetics, decreased appetite, and removal of excess fluid.

    However, taurine is useful only in strictly defined doses; high concentrations can harm the body.



    How much Taufon costs in drops is of interest to many ophthalmologist patients. The drug is one of the most prescribed.

    It can be bought at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription at a price of 92 to 120 rubles per 10 ml bottle.

    Despite the free supply of the drug, self-medication should not be practiced in order to avoid the development of unwanted reactions.

    Taufon has no special contraindications, but it is not prescribed:

    • children before reaching adulthood;
    • people with individual hypersensitivity to drugs;
    • persons with a history of urticaria, skin itching or angioedema after using eye drops.

    Side effects of the medicine include a second-long burning pain, accompanied by lacrimation from the eyes immediately after instillation. If such phenomena persist for a long time, then you should consult a specialist.

    Taufon can be used by pregnant and lactating women with the permission of a doctor. The drug is compatible with other medications. When using, it is important to follow the recommendations.

    Instructions for use

    Taufon drops should be stored in a cool place for no more than a month after opening.

    Immediately before use, the medicine should be shaken and warmed in the palms of your hands. For instillation, the lower eyelid is slightly shifted down and to the side.

    The dose, frequency and duration of therapy are determined by the attending physician. For example:

    1. For cataracts, drops are used only at the early stage of the disease, as well as after surgery, to stop the development of pathology and speed up the regeneration processes. The course lasts at least 12 weeks, dose 2 or 3 drops per day every 4 - 6 hours.
    2. If the eyeball is damaged, the timing of treatment depends on the severity of the injury and concomitant diseases. The frequency of use and dosage are the same.
    3. For glaucoma, Taufon is used as part of a general set of measures as an auxiliary treatment. A course of at least 4 weeks, 2 drops 3 times a day, alternating with Timolol, an interval of half an hour between them. These two drugs enhance each other.
    4. For retinal and corneal dystrophy, long-term therapy is required for 4 weeks, and subconjunctival injections are added to the drops for 10 days twice a year.

    Changes in the usual treatment regimen can be made by the attending physician based on the patient's medical history and life history. Contact lenses should be removed before instillation and put back only 15 minutes after the procedure.

    Reviews from doctors and patients

    Ophthalmologists and their patients love Taufon drops; many people use this product.

    The Internet mainly discusses the harm and benefits; reviews of the popular medicine are very different:

    Svetlana, 47 years old:

    Anna, 54 years old:

    Elena, 44 years old, ophthalmologist:


    The only full analogue is Taurine . These are eye drops of identical composition, containing 40 mg of active substance per 1 ml and additional components.

    Not in composition, but in pharmacological properties, the following drugs are close to Taufon drops:

    1. Quinax is considered an effective remedy for the auxiliary treatment of cataracts in the initial stages of development. The drug has a high price and is available in pharmacies with a prescription.
    2. Catalin is available in tablets that are used to prepare eye drops using a solvent. The vitamin preparation from a Japanese manufacturer has proven itself to be effective against cataracts; it costs about 480 rubles, is available by prescription, and is suitable for continuous use.
    3. Oftan-Katachrome is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for cataracts, and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The foreign-made drug is suitable for long-term course treatment as prescribed by a doctor, the average price is 300 rubles.
    4. Oftolik is a high-quality Indian drug used to soften and moisturize the cornea. It costs a little over 300 rubles.

    It is better to leave the choice of a drug or its substitute to a specialist who knows at what period of the course of the disease it is necessary to use this or that medicine.

    Taurine or Taufon – which is better?

    It is not difficult to understand the difference between these drugs. Having identical composition, identical indications and method of application, Taurine and Taufon differ in price .

    Both are products of domestic manufacturers. Taufon is more expensive because it is an original drug produced under a well-known brand.

    Taurine is a cheap analogue that is not inferior in therapeutic properties. The difference may relate to the content of excipients that play a role in the development of adverse reactions.

    Therefore, doctors prefer original drugs to generics. Patients have the right to decide for themselves which of the two drugs to choose.

    • Sclerectomy: patient reviews, operation progress, forecasts
    • Hilabak (eye drops): instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues
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