Normax eye/ear drops 0.3% 5ml

Indications Normax

Despite the apparent simplicity of the remedy, it is prescribed for many ear diseases:

  • A common disease is otitis externa, otherwise called inflammation of the external ear canal;
  • exacerbation and chronic otitis media;
  • internal otitis, inflammation of the passage from the nose to the pharynx (Eustachian tube);
  • preventive measures to combat infections after surgery or removal of a foreign body from the ear;
  • any damage to the ear canal.


The cost of the analogue is from 250 rubles. Indications for use:

  • stye on the eye;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • inflammation of the anterior chamber;
  • blepharitis;
  • infectious eye lesions.

Floxal is often prescribed to treat bacterial infections after surgery and trauma.

Directions for use: 1 drop. 2-4 times a day, the dosage is determined by a specialist, the maximum duration of the course of therapy is 2 weeks.


  • intolerance to ingredients;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Side effects:

  • allergy;
  • tears flow;
  • itching;
  • dryness;
  • photophobia.

Sometimes vision deteriorates after use, so you will have to give up driving in favor of treatment.

Dosage Normax

On the first day of use, 1-2 drops are prescribed every 2-3 hours. In subsequent days of treatment, the dosage does not change, but the frequency of instillation is reduced to 4 times a day.

Before using the drug, the ear canal should be cleansed. Warm the drops to room temperature. The patient needs to lie down or tilt his head back, pulling his earlobe down and back. After the procedure, do not change the position of your head for 2-3 minutes. For complete interaction of the drug and the sore spot, you can close the ear canal with a cotton swab.

After the symptoms of the disease have disappeared, it is recommended not to stop treatment for another 2 days.

Normax - instructions for use

Method of application, dosage and other features depend on the form of release. Eye and ear drops are used exclusively in adulthood, excluding pregnancy and lactation. Instill 1-2 drops into the affected eye or ear up to 4 times a day, depending on the indications.

Tablets are prescribed to adults and children over 15 years of age, excluding pregnant and lactating women. Drink a tablet twice a day. The course depends on the disease, severity and individual characteristics. Minimum – 3 days, maximum – 10 days.

The antibiotic Normax is not prescribed if there is an individual intolerance to the component and other drugs from this group (fluoroquinolones). When used orally, nausea, stomach pain, heartburn, diarrhea and allergies may occur. When using drops in the eyes and ears, there may be redness, allergic rash, and itching.

Important! The medication is available with a doctor's prescription and should not be used without advice.

Side effects

The drug may cause side effects if the dosage is not followed or used by persons with contraindications.

The first symptom is abdominal pain. Next, nausea, diarrhea, and severe heartburn develop. Headache, noise and severe dizziness appear. Fatigue and apathy fall on a person. If you do not pay attention to the symptoms for a long time and continue to use the drops, you will lose sleep and have a constant feeling of anxiety.

Lugol's solution - dosage and use for diseases of the ENT organs

Allergic reactions in the form of rash, itching and even Quincke's edema are possible. The urinary system may also be affected. Interstitial nephritis is possible.


There are people who believe that the more medicine is used, the more benefit it will bring. This is a dangerous misconception. An overdose of this drug can lead to vomiting, headaches, diarrhea and an anxious nervous state.

Symptom relief is the same as for overdoses of other drugs. Drinking too much, creating acidic urine, calling emergency services. But in practice, people who followed the correct dosage did not experience any symptoms.

Interaction with other drugs

Normax is incompatible with many medications. When used together with drugs that lower blood pressure, it enhances their effect. Therefore, such a combination is possible only under the supervision of a doctor.

When used with theophylline, it reduces its clearance by 25%, so the dose of the drug is reduced.

When used with drugs containing iron, magnesium or calcium, you should increase the intervals between using Normas drops. With this combination, the ability to quickly absorb the drug is lost.

Normas increases the concentration of cyclosporine in the blood when taken simultaneously.

Reduces the effect of other antibacterial agents.

Pregnancy and lactation

Ear disease is not uncommon in pregnant women. In later stages, the auditory tube becomes compacted. This phenomenon is common, but, nevertheless, it can become a prerequisite for the further development of the disease. During pregnancy, any disease should be treated at the earliest possible stage. Since many medications are not recommended for use in the situation.

The swollen nasal mucosa becomes a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. This is what happens in drafts or when a pregnant woman is slightly hypothermic. After this, otitis media appears, which without treatment very quickly turns into purulent. Mothers who breastfeed their children have weakened immune systems. Therefore, ear diseases are also not uncommon among them.

Normas drops are not recommended during pregnancy. But if there is no other way out, then you should not drip them. You need to wet and place the tundra in your ear.

Indications for use

Treatment of acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug:

  • conjunctivitis (including gonococcal);
  • keratitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • corneal ulcer;
  • blepharitis;
  • blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • trachoma;
  • otitis externa;
  • acute and chronic otitis media;
  • internal otitis;
  • infectious eustachitis.

Prevention of eye infections after removal of a foreign body from the cornea or conjunctiva, after damage by chemical or physical means, before and after surgery.

Prevention of infectious otitis before and after surgery, in case of ear injuries, removal of a foreign body from the external auditory canal, accompanied by damage to ear tissue.

Use of Normax in childhood

Children are susceptible to colds. And it is not always possible to track the transition from one disease to another. As a result, viral otitis, inflammation. Normas drops are not recommended for children.

But many mothers who used them for their children said that the medicine helped quickly and without consequences. Sometimes a doctor can prescribe such a remedy for a child. If the child is not an infant and there are no contraindications.

Instructions for the drug Derinat: purpose, dosage and side effects

But, if possible, you should refrain from using them and use those medications that are recommended specifically for children.


An analogue costs an average of 25 rubles. This is a broad-spectrum antibiotic.


  • blepharitis;
  • cataract;
  • conjunctivitis.

Rules for taking Levomycetin: 1-2 drops from 4 to 12 times a day, the dosage is prescribed by the doctor for each individual, you cannot self-medicate.


  • allergy;
  • liver problems;
  • hematopoiesis disorder;
  • profiria.

Side effects:

  • Allergy. If symptoms appear, stop taking the medication.
  • Hematopoiesis worsens with long-term use.

The doctor controls the medication intake in the following categories of patients:

  • children;
  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • patients with eczema, psoriasis.

Bone marrow hypoplasia sometimes occurs after consumption.

Reviews about Normax

People tend not to always trust instructions unconditionally. For some reason, they believe more in what other people who have already tried its effects say about the drug.

Anna is 26 years old. The first time I encountered otitis media. The pain was wild. I thought I couldn’t wait until morning to run to the doctor. The doctor prescribed Normax drops. I bought them right away. I didn’t have much hope, since the price was low, and my ear hurt very badly. But the house started to drip. At first every 2 hours, as recommended by the doctor. By evening the pain became bearable. The next day, the breaks between drops were increased to 4 hours. My ear practically didn’t hurt, but I could hardly hear either. 4 days later I went for an appointment. She explained that nothing hurt, her ear was dry, but she could barely hear. The doctor said to continue dripping. I did so. Three days later I woke up in the morning and realized that I was hearing. Thanks to Normax for curing my illness for only 167 rubles.

Ivan is 31 years old. Throughout my childhood I suffered from colds and ear infections. The ENT has always been my best friend. Over time, I grew up, and so did my otitis media. It became chronic. Every fall and spring I writhe in agony. One of the doctors recommended Normas as a preventative during colds. I drip it 2-3 times a year, during periods of epidemics. I'll give it a week. And for the second year now I have no problems. I advise everyone to keep this product in their home medicine cabinet. Moreover, it also helps with eye problems.

Nina is 40 years old. When we decided to move far from home, we thought about various problems, but I couldn’t think about the fact that because of the climate change I would get colds that constantly turned into purulent otitis media. How much I suffered until not the doctor, but a neighbor recommended these drops. I liked Normas right away. The price is affordable, available without a prescription, the treatment helps from the first day. Now I always keep it in my medicine cabinet. At the very first sign of a cold, I start dripping it. And two colds have already gone away without otitis media.

Augmentin 400 - powder for preparing a suspension: purpose and application features

Alla is 30 years old. In our small town, it’s a problem to find a doctor during the day, and even more so at night. The child woke up with ear pain. He is only 6 and I didn’t know how to help. It was scary to use any means; they could harm the child’s body. There was Normax in the first aid kit. My husband treated his eye after metal shavings. I read the instructions, it says that it is not recommended for children. But there was no choice. We decided that we would drip. After the second procedure, the child fell asleep. In the morning he said that there was a clicking sound in his ear, but nothing hurt. Maybe I did the wrong thing, but I saved the child from pain. By the way, after a visit to the doctor, he allowed me to continue taking Normax until the end of the course. That's what we did. And so far nothing worries us.

Ekaterina is 32 years old. Mom's ear hurt. By morning, some liquid flowed out of it. She flatly refused to go to the doctor; she had to cover 50 km, and her mother was already over 80. The local paramedic recommended Normax drops. We bought it and did not regret it. After just 2 days, mom was as good as new. The drops really help. And they even managed without the use of additional medications. I am very grateful to our paramedic; I don’t know what we would do with a stubborn mother, because she wouldn’t go to the doctor anyway. I bought another bottle. Once opened, it can only be stored for 30 days, and not opened for 2 years. Let there be a useful bottle in the first aid kit.

Method of congestion and dosage

Capsules of the drug should be taken internally 1 time per dose 1 year before or 2 years after treatment, washed down with a small amount of ruddy. If you miss a dose of the drug, you must take it sooner, and take the next dose after 24 years.

Children have grown up with a body weight of more than 45 kg.

For infections of respiratory tract, ENT organs, skin and soft tissues (around chronic migratory erythema)

Take azithromycin 500 mg (2 capsules) 1 time per dose for 3 days. The final dose is 1500 mg.

For infections that are transmitted by state routes,

Patients are prescribed 1 g (4 capsules) of the drug once.

For migratory erythema:

1 time per dose for 5 days, 1st day 1 g (4 capsules of 250 mg), then 500 mg (2 capsules) from 2nd to 5th day.

For special summer season

There is no need to change the dose of the drug.
Some patients of the summer age may be at risk of developing cardiac arrhythmia, it is recommended to exercise caution when taking azithromycin. including torsades de pointes.
Patients with impaired functions are not at risk.

In patients with mild nitric dysfunction (glomerular filtration rate 10-80 ml/h) there is no need to change dosing. Azithromycin should be administered with caution to patients with severely impaired thyroid function (glomerular filtration rate < 10 ml/h).

Patients with impaired liver function.

Azithromycin residues are metabolized by the liver and eliminated from the liver; the drug should not be administered to patients with severely impaired liver function. There is no evidence for the treatment of such patients.


Azithromycin in capsule form can be prescribed to children with a body weight of more than 45 kg.


Normas, if desired, can be replaced with an analogue; there are enough of them on the shelves.

Otipax 300-450 rubles Antibacterial, pain reliever
Otofa 160-270 rubles Approved for use in children
Tsipromed 130-180 rubles Does not treat diseases of a viral or fungal nature
Otirelax 250-300 rubles Can be used even by newborn children
Dancil 10-20 rubles Children are prohibited. Has many contraindications

Any disease, including ear diseases, must be treated at the very beginning. Otitis, which has turned purulent, can cause a lot of complications. Normax has strong antibacterial properties. He is able to defeat the disease in a short time. Don't forget about contraindications. It should not be used by those for whom it is completely contraindicated, and for whom it is not recommended, with great caution. In acute forms of the disease, it is better to combine drops with general antibiotics.

Directions for use and doses

Prescribe 1-2 drops into the affected eye or ear 4 times a day. If necessary, on the first day of use, the dose can be increased to 1-2 drops every 2 hours. After the symptoms of the disease disappear, use of the drug should be continued for the next 48 hours. For acute and chronic trachoma, 2 drops are prescribed in each eye 2-4 times /day for 1-2 months. Before instilling Normax drops into the ear, the external auditory canal should be sanitized. The drops must be at body temperature. The patient should lie on his side or tilt his head back to facilitate instillation. After instillation, you need to let the drops flow into the ear canal, pulling the earlobe down and back. The head should be kept in this position for approximately 2 minutes. You can place a cotton wool pad in the external auditory canal.

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