What to do if a midge gets into your eye? First aid rules
Many people who are in nature, especially in the summer, have encountered
Foreign body in the eye: removal methods
The diagnosis of “foreign body of the eyes” is well known to almost everyone. It is unlikely that there will be at least one
1 1 600x190 - Lyoton gel for bags under the eyes
Lyoton anti-wrinkle facial gel
Non-standard approach Surely you are familiar with this foot gel called “Lioton 1000”. Advertising
Taking acetone internally during alcohol intoxication
Which automotive fluids are dangerous for people?
Symptoms Upon contact with seminal fluid, an immediate reaction of the mucous membrane occurs. She responds with inflammatory
acetic acid burn
Eye burns with acetic acid treatment
Causes of damage Acetic acid belongs to the carboxylic group and is considered one of the most
What to do if your child gets sand in his eyes
What are the symptoms if a child gets sand in his eyes? The human eye is very delicate
Eye burn treatment with shampoo
We have all been in a situation at least once in our lives when, while washing, shampoo
Penetrating wounds of the eyeball. Clinic. List the cardinal signs of a penetrating eye injury. Urgent Care. Tactics of a general practitioner in this case.
Introduction Eye injuries have firmly taken a leading place among the causes of visual disability in Russia,
My eye was knocked out, what should I do?
Redness of the eyeball after a blow
It's not that hard to catch your eye on a branch. This is facilitated by haste, too active play,
Eye drops
Ultraviolet eye burn: symptoms, treatment and first aid
Eye burns from a quartz (ultraviolet) lamp can occur accidentally or as a result of an error. The device is used
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