Redness of a child's eye due to a bruise
Classification of main types of injuries Based on severity, eye injury can be divided into several types.
What happens if alcohol gets into your eyes?
Household injuries account for the majority of all traumatic eye injuries. One common situation is
What to do if your eyes hurt?
What to do if pepper gets into your eyes Eyes are an indispensable organ that helps you navigate
doctors perform surgery
Stages of convergence of hematoma under the eye
Symptoms Symptoms that arise from eyelid injury depend on the characteristics of its receipt. If this
Oil got into my eye
Hot oil splashed into the eye: first aid
If oil gets into your eye, what should you do? The problem may arise unexpectedly and requires urgent
Scratched the cornea of ​​the eye - how to treat it at home
A scratch on the eye (on the cornea) is not as dangerous as, for example, burns, erosions, and penetrating injuries.
Deodorant got into my eye, what should I do?
Causes: thermal burns caused by flames, chemical burns resulting from exposure to acidic and alkaline substances
Welder welds without a mask
How to cure a welding burn at home?
The welding profession is included in the group of dangerous and harmful to human health. However, eye burn
Potato masks for bruises and bags under the eyes
Why does eating potatoes help with bags?
Do potatoes help with dark circles under the eyes? Potatoes have been used since ancient times as
Bruised eyebrows, swelling of the eyes, bruise, what to do
Causes People often suffer from swelling in different parts of the body, which has many causes. Edema
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