Chemical burn to the eyes
Pepper spray: consequences of eye contact, assistance
Pepper spray is the most popular means of self-defense today. It can be purchased without special permission,
Why you shouldn’t wash your eyes and mucous membranes with hydrogen peroxide
What is hydrogen peroxide? Peroxide is an aggressive chemical substance presented in the form of a colorless
The girl is crying
Eye burns from glue or the dangers of eyelash extensions for vision
The eye begins to water when any foreign object comes into contact with the mucous membrane, as well as due to injury.
Eye burn - treatment, first aid
Eye burns from alkali are one of the most dangerous types of eye injuries, which only
Before using various masks for dark circles under the eyes, it is important to find out the reason for their appearance. Very often, dark circles under the eyes indicate a disease of the internal organs.
Mask for bruises and swelling under the eyes: first aid at home
Masks are a time-tested remedy. It is worth noting that masks are one of the most ancient
A way to remove an eyelash or speck from an eye
When eyelashes get in the way: how to cure entropion
Is it dangerous for an eyelash to get into the eye? Hairs tend to fall out. Sometimes eyelashes fall on the cheeks,
List of dogs whose eyes fall out
TRADITIONAL OPINION OF TEACHERS Traditionally, little time is devoted to eye examination in the curriculum.
Eye burn with quartz (ultraviolet) lamp
Eyes are the most vulnerable place of our body. They consist of a large number of parts, each
Troxevasin eye gel
The use of "Troxevasin" for the face with rosacea
Bags under the eyes occur for various reasons, among which the predominant ones are lack of sleep, stress, poor diet,
Red eye after being hit
Black eye or periorbital hematoma. How to quickly remove?
After a blow to the head, there are cases when the white of the eye forms red. There is pain, a stinging sensation in
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