Luxation and subluxation of the lens (luxation and subluxation)
Lens subluxation is a pathology characterized by a slight displacement of the lens, when part of it remains in place,
Why does white discharge appear from the eyes?
Can a person’s eye leak and what to do if there is a problem? The eye may leak
Fracture of the walls of the orbit of the eye - what to do?
What is the danger of an orbital fracture? The bones of the orbit of the eye are in close proximity to the optic
A speck of dirt got into my eye
What to do if a speck gets into your eye and cannot be removed?
The tissues of the visual system are characterized by increased sensitivity. At the slightest contact with a microscopic particle, a person feels
Pain in the eye under the upper eyelid: causes and treatment
The eyes are not only the mirror of the soul, but also a delicate organ that reacts sharply to everything.
Scale in the eye
What to do if scale gets into your eye
What next for the patient? The case when shavings from a tool gets into the eyelid is accepted
Blue leg
Why does a bruise on my leg take a long time to go away?
Subcutaneous hematoma occurs due to damage to the capillaries. As a result of this process, blood enters nearby
Types of eye burns
Burn of the cornea of ​​the eye: treatment and first aid
A retinal burn is a severe damage to the visual system that can cause vision loss.
Starch for bruises under the eyes from an impact reviews
The best recipes and quick-acting ways to remove dark circles under the eyes at home will be
Arnica: benefits and harm to the body
Causes of swelling under the eyes The skin under the eyes is thin, subcutaneous fat is loose and
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