Taking your baby to a neurologist: questions a mother can ask

How to prepare for your first visit to a neurologist

The first visit to a neurologist according to the standard schedule takes place when the baby is one month old (if something worries the local pediatrician or the parents, you can go to a specialist earlier).

The doctor’s task is to assess the child’s development, determine whether adaptation after childbirth is normal, and whether there are neurological abnormalities. At the appointment, the neurologist will visually examine the newborn: he will examine the shape and size of the skull, the position of the head and body, the baby’s facial expression, the pattern of movement of the limbs (muscle tone), and the condition of the skin. The specialist will also check the child’s basic reflexes (sucking, proboscis, defensive, grasping, etc.).

First of all, the neurologist will visually examine the baby, assess the shape, size, position of the head, muscle tone

In addition, the neurologist will ask the mother a number of questions regarding the course of pregnancy and the condition of the newborn. They will be something like this:

  1. How was the pregnancy and childbirth? What is important here is the presence/absence of the following points: hypoxia in the fetus, infections in the mother, labor was prolonged, normal or rapid, entanglement in the umbilical cord, etc. It is also important to report the number of points the newborn has on the Apgar scale.
  2. How did the child gain weight in the first month of life?
  3. What is the approximate daily duration of sleep and wakefulness for a baby?
  4. Does the child fall asleep easily, how restful is his sleep?
  5. How often does the baby sweat, in which places the most?
  6. Are the right and left hands equally active?
  7. Does the baby turn his head in both directions or prefer one direction?
  8. Does the baby have pronounced facial expressions?
  9. What position is the most comfortable for a baby when feeding?
  10. Is your baby on a feeding schedule?
  11. How often does the child burp while eating, and how much?

In addition to examining the baby, the doctor will ask the mother many questions regarding the course of pregnancy, the condition and behavior of the child.

At the appointment, you must take the baby’s outpatient card, as well as the results of the examination during pregnancy, and the documentation that was issued at the maternity hospital upon discharge. In addition, it is best to carry out the examination 1–1.5 hours after feeding, so that the child is not lethargic. If he is hungry, he will show unnecessary anxiety. In both cases this will make inspection difficult.

Video: how to prepare for an examination by a neurologist with a one-month-old baby (the doctor explains)

What questions can you ask a pediatric neurologist if your baby is 1 month old?

Of course, at the appointment, a qualified neurologist himself asks the newborn’s mother many questions and explains to her the child’s condition. However, many women are concerned about certain points that I would like to clarify. The following common questions can be identified:

  1. What can I do to help my child sleep better? The doctor will tell you about some “tricks” that will help the mother in this matter (of course, if poor sleep is not associated with pathologies in the baby’s development). For example, he must be full. You need to not only change your baby’s diaper more often, but also try to wash it after defecation or urination. A light stroking massage will also be beneficial. The children's room should always be well ventilated.

    Many mothers would like to know how to improve their baby's sleep

  2. Does my baby need a massage? Some mothers are convinced that it should be done almost from birth, just for prevention.
  3. Is it possible to do gymnastics already? If yes, which one?
  4. Is the newborn active enough?
  5. How can I make him burp less?
  6. Why does the child sweat so much?

    Many mothers are concerned that their baby is sweating a lot

  7. Is his chin trembling too much and his arms and legs twitching too much?
  8. Should we urgently contact a neurologist if the baby accidentally falls from the bed or stroller? Not all mothers know that in such cases it is necessary to immediately show the baby to the doctor, just in case, even if there is no visible injury. If the child has lost consciousness for some time or started vomiting, then you urgently need to call an ambulance.
  9. In what other situations should we immediately go to see a neurologist? We are talking about prolonged screaming for no apparent reason, severe sleep disturbance, convulsions, etc.

Before asking your question to a neurologist:

  • use the site search for information you are interested in to save your time and your doctor;
  • study the questions and answers section;
  • open the neurology section - it contains a lot of useful information .

If you need a more detailed consultation with an analysis of examinations and a detailed algorithm for solving the problem, we suggest using a paid consultation with a doctor online. The cost of the service starts from 500 rubles. depending on the complexity of a particular case.

Dear patients, remember! Do not get carried away with self-medication, consult a neurologist!

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If the baby is 3 months old

At three months, mother and baby make another scheduled visit to the neurologist. At this time, the doctor is already assessing other important parameters, for example, the ability to hold the head, turn from the stomach to the back, the complex of animation for speech, etc. In addition, at three months, the specialist is already deciding whether the baby is allowed to be vaccinated (against DPT and polio) : based on the child’s condition, gives permission or a medical exemption.

Three months is the time for the second planned visit to a neurologist, during which the doctor evaluates other important parameters

Of course, the mother of a three-month-old baby is already more experienced and knows many important points. However, during this scheduled visit to the neurologist, you can ask him the following clarifying questions:

  1. Is my baby holding his head well?
  2. Should he be allowed to put his fingers in his mouth or discouraged?
  3. Why doesn't the child smile? Perhaps he expresses joy, pleasure in some other way?
  4. How many sounds should a baby make at this age?
  5. What should your baby's fists look like: tightly clenched or relaxed?
  6. Should a baby hold a rattle in his hand? How long?
  7. How much should he sleep, what should he do if his sleep is restless?
  8. What to do if the baby sleeps only with motion sickness or while riding in a stroller, that is, he needs to be constantly “rocked”?
  9. In what cases do we need to come to an unscheduled appointment?

In the modern world, diseases of the nervous system are one of the most common causes of death and, perhaps, the most common cause of disability and decreased quality of life for sick people. It should also be noted that among neurological pathologies there is the largest number of incurable diseases that require prompt diagnosis to prevent complications. Along with the above facts, it should be said that neurological diseases are also one of the most “insidious”, they often pass under the picture of other pathologies, and usually begin asymptomatically.

Self-medication, as well as the uncontrolled use of all kinds of folk recipes and advice, is unacceptable when it comes to the nervous system. It is very easy to harm the body, accelerate the progression of pathology, and, in some cases, self-medication can lead to death. That is why, if you suspect a neurological disease, you should consult a neurologist as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, getting to a neurologist can be difficult, and sometimes even almost impossible. This is especially true for remote areas and emergency situations. In addition, very often patients turn to a neurologist at the wrong place, because the joints are treated by a rheumatologist, the heart is treated by a cardiologist, and headaches are often caused by blood pressure and it is this that needs to be reduced first. Therefore, on our website there is an opportunity for a neurologist. It is clear that it is impossible to make a diagnosis without a full neurological examination, just as it is impossible to prescribe treatment remotely without medical supervision. However, it is quite possible to refer you to one or another doctor and suggest what kind of research is necessary for an accurate diagnosis. And you have this opportunity. By using the form asking a neurologist, you agree that an answer may not be received due to various reasons, including technical problems with the site, and you also agree that. that this form does not imply the provision of medical services and is for informational purposes and that you waive any claims against the author of the site and other persons.

Answers questions: Alexey Borisov is a neurologist.

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