Heroin – the formation of addiction

What is heroin withdrawal?

From a medical point of view, heroin withdrawal, or withdrawal syndrome, is considered a symptomatic complex that is caused by the cessation or sudden reduction of a portion of a drug introduced into the human body. In this condition, there is an increased pathological craving for heroin, mental disorders, hallucinations, and mortal fear. And if we consider physiology, the drug addict has severe weakness, surges in pressure and temperature, headaches, body aches, interruptions in the functioning of the heart muscle and a whole “bouquet” of disorders in the body.

In order to get the most intense feeling from heroin, it is used in a variety of ways. The main one is intravenously. Inhalation, when the drug is inhaled, is also possible; smoked mixed with tobacco; diluted in alcohol; when using suppositories, they administer it rectally and vaginally, even rub it into an incision made on the skin.

A person realizes that he has a drug addiction only when withdrawal symptoms appear. If there is no way to use heroin, then withdrawal begins. For everyone it has its own characteristics, but in terms of symptoms it is always very painful, sometimes unbearable.

How to quit heroin addiction?

This disease is difficult to treat and requires qualified medical care. It will not be possible to quit heroin addiction on your own, since when withdrawal syndrome develops, the patient experiences severe mental and physical suffering, which pushes him to take a new dose.

You can get treatment for heroin addiction at the NKM 24 clinic in Moscow. We use an integrated approach to achieve maximum remission, restore the body's activity and avoid relapses in the future.

To eliminate pathological addiction to heroin, our clinic uses the following methods:

  1. Elimination of withdrawal syndrome. Aimed at alleviating the general condition of the patient, relieving physical and emotional suffering. The procedure is carried out using the classical method or using UBOD. The latter is highly effective, allows you to normalize the patient’s condition in 6-8 hours, and is performed under general anesthesia.
  2. Detoxification. It involves cleansing the body of drug residues and its breakdown products. The restoration of water-salt balance and the introduction of vitamin cocktails are also carried out.
  3. Symptomatic treatment. Our clinic specialists select an individual therapeutic regimen aimed at correcting the functioning of internal organs affected by heroin use. In particular, the functions of the brain, heart, and liver are restored.
  4. Psychotherapy and rehabilitation. One of the key points in the treatment of drug addiction, aimed at recognizing the existing problem by the patient and creating motivation to eliminate it. The psychotherapist helps the patient get rid of addictions, find new interests in life and adapt to life in society. At our center, therapy is provided individually and through group sessions. Consultation is also available for relatives of the addict.

Treatment for heroin addiction should be carried out in a hospital setting to eliminate the risk of relapse and contact with drug addict friends. At the NKM 24 clinic, patients are under the supervision of narcologists around the clock. We have created comfortable conditions for the speedy restoration of the health of your loved ones who are faced with the problem of drug addiction.

How long does heroin withdrawal last?

The duration of withdrawal from heroin is influenced by the period of use of the drug. Withdrawal symptoms will be much worse if a person has been on heroin for a long time. Withdrawal is also very difficult for those who have taken the drug only a few times, since the attraction to heroin is formed from the very first use.

There is a myth that withdrawal symptoms are easier to bear at a young age. But these are just speculations; young people feel the same suffering as older people. And only thanks to progressive methods of treating drug addiction, qualified specialists-narcologists are able to relieve withdrawal symptoms in a hospital setting, which can last from several days to a month - it all depends on the degree of deterioration of the patient’s body, the duration of heroin use, the presence of chronic pathologies, etc.

Heroin withdrawal period, if one year of experience

People who take heroin, due to the painful transformation of the nervous system, may experience withdrawal even after using the drug two or three times. And if the “drug experience” has already been a year or more, then withdrawal becomes more difficult: the addict experiences painful torment, from which he can be relieved in a specialized clinic.

Treatment for heroin addiction

Initially, treatment is aimed at getting rid of withdrawal symptoms. Heroin withdrawal lasts for about 7 days. This period is considered quite difficult. Although this problem can still be dealt with using special medications. But these actions are just the first step.

Here, careful attention should be paid to determining the cause of this condition. After all, only after this can the desired effect be achieved. All actions of professional specialists are initially aimed at returning to a full life. Also, do not forget about the implementation of such a procedure as coding. And after this you can begin rehabilitation procedures. This stage is very important. At the same time, psychologists work not only with a sick person, but also with all his relatives.

How to cope with heroin withdrawal?

With a short period of heroin addiction, a person still somehow tries to endure withdrawal, but the longer the drug use lasts, the more difficult it is to deal with withdrawal symptoms. There are a number of medications that alleviate this condition, but they may have contraindications for a particular person, so you need to turn to professionals. After all, it is an experienced medical professional who knows how to quickly relieve drug withdrawal, draws up a treatment regimen, and takes into account the specifics of the patient’s body.

Relieving heroin withdrawal at home

Treating withdrawal symptoms at home is considered ineffective.
Only in rare cases (with 1-2 months of experience) are relatives able to help a drug addict. In other cases, it is better not to experiment and immediately contact a drug treatment center, since the patient’s health may deteriorate significantly. If, for some reason, a drug addict goes through a painful period (withdrawal) at home, he requires tireless monitoring. Otherwise, the patient can get out of the house and meet his “friends in misfortune”, getting the long-awaited dose.

How to overcome withdrawal from heroin addiction

A patient experiencing heroin withdrawal must be aware that his condition will remain this way for several days until the body is cleared of toxic compounds and other drug residues, the signs of withdrawal syndrome soften, and then disappear. As a rule, the process begins with the prescription of a special intravenous saline solution, which helps restore the necessary balance in the body of a drug addict. The drug contains sedatives, hypnotics, vasodilators and diuretics for better effect.

After the cleansing procedure, the patient is prescribed vitamins that help mobilize the internal forces of the body. Relieving withdrawal symptoms is only the initial stage in the fight against drug addiction; then there must be consistent treatment for harmful cravings in order to consolidate the result.

Relieving heroin withdrawal at home

Manifestations of heroin withdrawal can be fatal; at home they are simply unbearable.

To eliminate the main symptoms of drug addiction, you must definitely contact a specialized clinic, since self-treatment at home will aggravate the process and extend it over a longer period.

There are situations when it is impossible to hospitalize a person, then heroin withdrawal is carried out at home under medical supervision. A therapy program is developed for the patient, and medical personnel are directed to provide care and perform the necessary procedures. An important role here is played by the family, which must help their loved one cope with this condition.

Medicines for heroin withdrawal

When treating patients with severe forms of withdrawal, there are complex therapy programs using various medications.

To stop the increased craving for heroin, antipsychotics and drugs with anticonvulsant effects are used. Next, antidepressants may be prescribed. Nootropic types of drugs will help normalize metabolism in the central nervous system.

Heroin withdrawal: starting treatment

Depending on the dose and characteristics of the body, withdrawal in a heroin addict occurs within 4-28 hours after taking the next dose of the drug.
So far, no drug addict has been able to cure heroin addiction at home. The worst thing is that almost all comments about heroin addiction boil down to the fact that in 80% of cases people try the drug out of curiosity:

They want to feel unearthly bliss, they are sure that they will in no way be affected by what has affected others. Lack of understanding of the consequences and a basic lack of information from the field of biology and chemistry. The first thing a drug addict wants during his torment is to relieve heroin withdrawal. And it seems to him that the only way out is to use another dose of the drug. Considering that the synthesis of neurotransmitters (hormones) is disrupted, during withdrawal the addict experiences not the most rosy emotions: lack of pleasure, feelings of remorse, depression, irritability, anxiety, angry outbursts. Sleep is disturbed, concentration decreases, self-doubt increases, fear of the future appears, joy and anticipation of pleasure are absent. An adequate perception of the world is completely destabilized and changes from complete self-satisfaction to total oppression and self-hatred.

It is for this reason that heroin addiction is recognized as a dangerous mental illness, since it disinhibits the outburst of internal blocks and clamps that every person has, but in a state of drug intoxication or withdrawal symptoms manifest themselves most actively.

Withdrawal is an extremely painful process in itself. Considering the depressed state of the psyche, it is almost impossible to survive it without rehabilitation for heroin addiction

Symptoms of heroin withdrawal:

  1. Aches in the bones and muscles (hence the name). In practice, it feels as if a living body has come under pressure, it is being torn into pieces, burned with boiling water and stabbed with needles.
  2. Increased sweating, disturbances in cardiac activity, sleep patterns. Withdrawal can last for days: the addict can neither sleep, nor forget, nor relieve the pain. To relieve it, you need a strong painkiller, which is the opiate itself, and you can’t use it.
  3. Fever, sneezing, increased salivation.
  4. Redness of the whites of the eyes and skin.

Withdrawal is very difficult to experience; a drug addict in this state becomes dull with pain and rage, and may even kill or rob just to get money for the next dose.

How to overcome withdrawal from heroin addiction in Yekaterinburg?

Our center offers the most modern method of relieving withdrawal symptoms - the UBOD (ultra-rapid opioid detoxification) method.
The course of anonymous treatment for heroin addiction lasts several days, more often 1-2 days, the person is unconscious, resuscitation measures are carried out, and if necessary, he is given the opiate drug blocker Naltrexone or Prodetoxon. The effect occurs almost immediately, but within 3-6 hours, while the drug is removed, the sensations are very painful, so the patient is under anesthesia. This is a very expensive procedure; there are alternatives that are more affordable in the price segment, but you have to live with the pain. And withdrawal symptoms last faster than at home, but still for a long time. Many drug addicts, thinking about how to get rid of heroin addiction, believe that it will be enough to detoxify and relieve withdrawal symptoms, and there will be no craving for drugs. This is absolutely not true. The mechanism of mental regulation is also disrupted, the person continues to live in a familiar environment, knows where to get the drug. And the danger of picking up a syringe again reaches 100%.

It’s not enough to learn how to overcome withdrawal symptoms from heroin addiction. You need to know how to quit heroin addiction, and for this you need the help of professionals

The curators of our rehabilitation center and drug addiction doctors will tell you how to cope and how to get rid of heroin addiction. We offer unique treatment methods that have returned dozens of people to normal life, judging by their reviews and comments, and by the fact that many have become volunteers in our rehabilitation programs. Remember that the body of a heroin addict wears out very quickly. Chronic diseases begin to develop and metabolic processes are disrupted. Using unsterile syringes increases the risk of getting hepatitis or HIV.

We offer treatment for heroin addiction in a step-by-step and high-quality manner.
But the sooner you seek help, the greater the chances of saving the life of your loved one or surviving yourself. Don't be afraid to ask for help! They will definitely help you here.

Heroin withdrawal: treatment and rehabilitation abroad

Removing heroin withdrawal abroad occurs in several stages. After the first, withdrawal symptoms are relieved and the patient is relieved of physical dependence. The second is considered the most difficult, but it helps to free oneself from psychological dependence, involving a long-term rehabilitation program. Typically, a patient spends at least 3 months in a rehabilitation center. Here he is protected from worries, calls from “familiar drug addicts” and other factors that can provoke memories of addiction. These points are some of the distinctive features of drug addiction treatment in Israel.

At the final, third stage, it is recommended to attend special classes, where the patient is assisted in adapting to society.

Approaches to relieving heroin withdrawal in Israel at the Renaissance Center

The Israeli Renaissance Clinic has all the conditions for relieving heroin withdrawal. Those who seek medical help note an invariably friendly, attentive attitude towards themselves. Qualified doctors are on duty at the center around the clock, and treatment is carried out anonymously.

It is necessary to take into account that overcoming heroin withdrawal does not mean getting rid of cravings for drugs; only experienced specialists will help in the difficult struggle for full recovery, and for this you need to undergo treatment at the Renaissance drug treatment clinic.

Is it possible to quit drugs on your own?

As a rule, every drug addict who asks himself this question dares to imply that craving for drugs is just a craving for some psycho-active substances, but not drugs. Naturally, in reality this is completely wrong.

Based on certain cases of medical practice that specialists in this profile have encountered and publicly talked about, it is known that some people who have a craving for narcotic substances still managed to pull themselves together for a very short period of time and absolutely adequately evaluate their actions and actions, control them and lead a more normal and healthy lifestyle, look at this world differently, as all normal people who are independent of drugs look at it. Of course, not one hundred percent, as we would really like, but, nevertheless, a fact is a fact. Alas and unfortunately, after some time, their subconscious and desire again boiled down to returning to drug use. That is, into an environment familiar to them, from which they will definitely never get out without help. And this is precisely why a person addicted to drugs urgently needs the help of such professional specialists: narcologists, psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and all doctors of this profile.

So, from here follows the answer to the question given to us, which is discussed in the article and is its topic: Is it possible to overcome the craving for drugs on your own?

- No. It will be more effective and best, of course, if the drug addict himself or his friends and relatives can turn to highly qualified medical help, to professional specialists and to certain medical organizations that deal with such problems and can help and cure, in any case they will do this everything and even more.

Therefore, if suddenly you or one of your close and dear people, people around you, suffers from drug addiction, you should immediately find out all the information about medical institutions and organizations or private specialists in your city/town, contact them for help and undoubtedly get her!

Read reviews from those who have benefited from heroin withdrawal

“In one of the nightclubs I tried heroin for the first time and got a real buzz. I started taking it very often. One time I couldn’t get the drug, I was at home, I felt terrible, everything hurt: my legs, bones, body, and I also constantly felt sick. There was a terrible depression. Mom couldn’t look at my suffering and went to the clinic. My withdrawal symptoms were lifted and I stayed in the center for several days. The doctor said that I need to treat the addiction, otherwise I will have this condition often. It’s hard, of course, to change yourself and your lifestyle, but I decided to quit drugs. I hope I can handle it."

Leonid, Lviv

Quit drugs with the help of a rehab center

Quitting drugs on your own, without help, is almost impossible. Drug addiction treatment should take place in stages, under the supervision of experienced professionals. A drug addict should go to a modern rehabilitation center, where they will provide gradual recovery from addiction.

You should not choose clinics that only practice detoxification and discharge the person. It is important that all stages, including rehabilitation, are completed initially. A person enters the clinic and a thorough diagnosis is carried out to find out what drugs were taken and for how long. Then detoxification is carried out, that is, the body is freed from drugs. In this case, medication assistance will be required, because this process is very painful. It is important to anesthetize the removal of toxic substances, as well as speed it up, and subsequently improve the functioning of all internal organs. Once the functioning of the whole body has been established, the person can move on to the next stage of rehabilitation. During this period, it is important to work with a psychologist, and he works both in groups and in personal conversations.

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