man ignores woman
Psychology of a man in a relationship: why does he ignore the woman he likes
Relationships between boys and girls are full of surprises, both pleasant and not so pleasant. It happens that
Chapter 7. Inattention and impulsiveness. Prefrontal cortex
Prefrontal cortex Dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex, external view. Inferiorbital prefrontal cortex, external view. Dorsal-lateral prefrontal
love or infatuation what is their difference
Love or infatuation, what is their difference? 5 main differences.
Love or infatuation, what is their difference? Have you thought about how you feel?
Kinesthetic: who is he, 7 main signs, characteristics
Each person perceives the world differently, giving more importance to some feelings and less to others. By
Motor neurons
A person performs many actions and movements every day, and behind each of the simplest movements
Where our memory is stored, how the brain can be mapped and why attention is a fiction
Is the brain not a place for memory? Representatives of neuroscience have been busy localizing various
When does a person become a person: at what age?
Personality is formed under the influence of the environment, in the process of education and through various life situations. When
The head is a dark object, but subject to research. What is responsible for what in the brain?
The brain is a powerful control center that sends commands throughout the body and controls
I. Sinuses of the dura mater of the brain
The human brain has a branched and complex circulatory system. Intensive arterial blood supply to nervous tissue
Diet for happiness: how to influence the synthesis of dopamine, serotonin and other neurotransmitters through nutrition
Cholinergic synapse[edit | edit code] Source: “Visual Pharmacology”. Author: X. Lulman. Per.
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