Renon Duo. Exposing Capsules for Kidneys and Urolithiasis

What effect does the drug have?

"Renon Duo" are capsules of natural origin, the purpose of which is:

  • remove toxins and waste from the body;
  • remove inflammation;
  • relieve swelling;
  • stabilize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieve spasms of smooth muscles;
  • stabilize the functioning of the bladder and kidneys.

All active components of the capsules enhance and complement each other’s action, effectively and quickly solving a lot of kidney problems. Depending on what time of day you take the drug, a different effect will be achieved:

  • morning: gets rid of pathogenic microflora accumulated overnight;
  • daytime hours – the process of urination is normalized;
  • evening hours – sand and stones are removed, and metabolic processes are restored.

Properties of capsules

Before talking about how Renon Duo works, it is necessary to say a few words about the importance of maintaining the functionality of the urinary system. The kidneys are paired organs that perform one of the main functions in the body - they remove excess fluid, toxins, salts and metals from it. Overall health depends on their work, because without them human life is simply impossible.

Impaired kidney function is literally imprinted on a person’s appearance. He develops swelling in the area of ​​his face, arms and legs, which not only gives him an unaesthetic appearance, but also brings a lot of discomfort into his life.

In addition to external signs, there are other symptoms that indicate disorders of the genitourinary system. These include:

  • blood in the urine (it can be in the form of streaks or color the urine in a darker shade);
  • abdominal pain radiating to the upper thigh or pubis;
  • discomfort, pain and burning during urination;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • heat.

Kidney pathologies can be either congenital or acquired. And if treatment is not started in a timely manner, they can become chronic and then it will be almost impossible to get rid of them. An example of this is pyelonephritis and kidney failure. During their development, disruption of the activity of the whole organism is observed:

  • toxins, urea and creatinine begin to accumulate in it;
  • the functionality of the cardiovascular system is upset and associated symptoms occur (shortness of breath, weakness, oxygen starvation, weakness, hypertension);
  • water-salt metabolism is disrupted (salt stops being washed out of the body, accumulates in the joints and provokes the development of various diseases - gout, arthritis, arthrosis, etc.).

The insidiousness of kidney diseases is that they usually develop gradually and asymptomatically. And as soon as the pathological processes in them reach their peak, an acute clinical picture arises, which literally puts a person in a hospital bed. And to prevent this, doctors recommend undergoing preventive examinations in clinics at least once a year.

But if it so happens that kidney function is already impaired, then it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. For this purpose, you can use Renon Duo capsules. They contain components that provide:

  • removal of inflammatory processes;
  • suppression of the growth of infectious agents;
  • eliminating congestion;
  • regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • removal of excess fluid;
  • dilation of the urinary ducts;
  • removal of stones and sand;
  • pain relief;
  • normalization of the urination process, etc.

Positive results from taking Renon Duo for the kidneys are observed after a few days of treatment. Swelling is reduced, the intensity of pain is reduced, and the outflow of urine is normalized. After 3–4 weeks, the functionality of the urinary system organs returns to normal.

Where is it profitable to buy and how much does it cost?

To cure Renon Duo kidneys, you need to go to the company’s official portal and place an order. Advantages of purchasing from an official seller:

  • guarantee of the quality and safety of the drug;
  • opportunity to purchase capsules at an attractive price. Now there is a promotion, and a package of capsules can be purchased for 990 rubles;
  • free shipping. The buyer pays only for the product itself upon receipt of the parcel;
  • Information about the action of the medicine is available on the website. You can read real customer reviews;
  • free consultation with a specialist when placing an order.

To place an order through the official website, the following steps are required:

  • fill out a special form on the official website, indicating your name and phone number;
  • you need to wait for the operator to call to agree on the details of the order.

After successfully completing an application for the purchase of capsules for kidney restoration, all you have to do is wait for the parcel from Renon Duo to the specified address.

Go to the official website and order at a discount


As mentioned above, this product is available in the form of capsules of 3 colors, intended for use at different times of the day.

Morning tablets contain:

  • cordyceps, elderberry - normalize metabolism, eliminate congestion;
  • bearberry, orthosiphon, hernia berry, lingonberry - remove excess fluid from the body, eliminate swelling, suppress inflammatory reactions;
  • strawberries, field marigold, sea buckthorn, nasturtium, horseradish - strengthen the immune system, replenish the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, activate the regeneration of damaged tissues, and relieve inflammation.
  • St. John's wort, tansy - have an anti-inflammatory effect, ensure the removal of stones and sand from the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • wormwood, goldenrod, cloves – suppress the growth of fungal microorganisms, cleanse from toxins and poisons, and have a tonic effect;
  • lespedeza – has an antiviral effect;
  • fungus veselka, lichen usnea – suppress the growth of pathogenic agents, eliminate swelling;
  • birch bark – provides an antimicrobial effect;
  • beaver stream, stone oil - normalize the outflow of urine and strengthen the immune system.

Daily capsules contain:

  • clover, nutmeg, cumin, calamus, anise - relieve inflammation, eliminate congestion, normalize metabolism;
  • cinquefoil, juniper, grape seeds, larch, horsetail, wheatgrass - provide a diuretic and decongestant effect;
  • yarrow, bergenia, birch bark, veselka, comfrey, kudina, garlic - suppress the activity of microbes, disinfect;
  • cedar and deciduous resin, lapacho, lovage, sagan-dali - have a tonic effect, strengthen the protective functions of the genitourinary system;
  • chaga, burdock, gulyavnik, amaranth, sumac – trigger the regeneration of damaged tissues and prevent the growth of malignant cells.

Night capsules contain:

  • oats, calamus, wheat bran, knotweed, elderberry, corn - cleanse the body of toxins, remove stones and sand, improve metabolism;
  • birch bark, St. John's wort, brine shrimp, plantain, nettle, blueberry, artichoke - have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial effects;
  • lingonberries, physalis, cumin, birch buds, horsetail, juniper, hops - provide a diuretic and decongestant effect;
  • beaver stream, stone oil, pine nut seeds, amaranth - destroy tumor cells, increase immunity.

Details about the composition of the drug Renon Duo can be found on the manufacturer’s website. Be sure to read the information provided on it. If you are allergic to at least one component, you should not use this remedy to treat the genitourinary system. It is better to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe analogues that will be well tolerated by your body.

Clinical researches

Let's look at a brief description of one of the clinical trials of Renon Duo:

  • the experiment was carried out with two groups of volunteers;
  • in one group, subjects restored kidney function with standard pharmaceutical medications. The second group underwent treatment with Renon Duo.

At the end of the clinical trial, the following results were recorded:

  • 97% of subjects who took the Renon Duo course noted a significant improvement in their well-being: painful symptoms disappeared, urination became normal;
  • in the group of subjects who took traditional treatment, only 20% of volunteers noted an improvement in their well-being.

Based on the results of the clinical experiment, it was concluded that the alternative drug was effective. Most of the subjects asked how to buy Renon Duo pills.

Composition of the product

Due to the fact that Renon Duo is based on natural ingredients, it has the most gentle effect on the body. The drug has the following herbal base:

  • Potentilla: has a healing, cleansing and restorative effect on the human body;
  • lingonberry: eliminates discomfort, copes with pain;
  • calamus: helps remove sand and stones from the kidneys, eliminates pain;
  • chamomile: has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • horsetail: effectively copes with inflammation and infections;
  • larch: stabilizes the functioning of the urinary system.

Instructions for use

In one package you will find capsules of different colors. It is important to remember which of them should be used and at what time:

  • morning capsules – colorless and colorless green;
  • capsules for daily use – colorless and colorless red;
  • capsules for evening use are colorless and white-yellow.

You should take two of them (colorless and colored) half an hour before meals. The colored capsule is washed down with a colorless capsule dissolved in a glass of warm water.

Real customer reviews

It was said earlier that there are many reviews about this drug on the Internet. And not all of them are positive. Some people claim that this is all a hoax about Renon Duo, that the information presented on the manufacturer’s website does not correspond to reality at all, and that it does not help in the treatment of kidneys. Whether you believe such statements or not is up to you. But remember that doctors’ reviews of it are very good and its effectiveness has been repeatedly proven in clinical studies.

Positive reviews

Angelina, 36 years old, took these capsules for 4 weeks. The swelling disappeared, I began to go to the toilet more often (previously I visited it no more than 3 times a day, although I drank a lot of water). I began to feel much better. I did not notice any side effects of the drug. More than 5 weeks have passed since the end of the course of treatment, the effect still remains.

Natalia, 41 years old I have kidney failure. At my last appointment, the doctor advised me to take a course of treatment with a new drug - Renon Duo. She didn’t contradict him. I ordered the capsules online and they arrived quite quickly. I took it in accordance with all the manufacturer's recommendations. A positive effect was noted after just a few days of use. My condition has improved significantly, the functionality of the genitourinary system has improved. After completing the course of treatment, I did not experience any unpleasant symptoms at all. In general, I am satisfied with this drug. I recommend!

Negative reviews

Irina, 31 years old Renon Duo - a complete scam of suckers and deception! I personally took it to get rid of swelling, but I couldn’t get any positive results from it! It is clearly not worth the money the manufacturer is asking for it.

How to buy at a pharmacy

You will not be able to buy Renon Duo tablets at the pharmacy. The manufacturer does not cooperate with any pharmacy chain for the following reasons:

  • high trade margins;
  • presence of counterfeit medicines in pharmacy chains.

You cannot purchase Renon Duo pills in pharmacies at the price of the official website, or at another cost. In both cases, the offer to purchase capsules for kidney restoration indicates the sale of a counterfeit.

A special code is stamped on the original packaging, which can be sent to verify the authenticity of the product on the official website.


It is recommended to take Renon Duo for the following diseases of the genitourinary system:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • cystitis;
  • renal failure;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • nephritis.

And it should also be taken when:

  • increased content of red blood cells in the urine;
  • painful urination;
  • bacterial or inflammatory damage to the urinary system;
  • swelling.


In the pharmacy chain you can purchase Renon Duo substitutes, which have an effect on the kidneys.

Before using any analogue of Renon Duo, you need to carefully study the description of the medication and its effect on the body. Not every analogue has a complex effect. Many drugs have a large list of contraindications and possible side effects.

A brief overview of pharmaceutical products for the treatment of the urinary tract:

  • Canephron. The drug gives a limited effect: it treats cystitis and chronic kidney inflammation of non-infectious origin. The medicine is not used for renal and heart failure. Treatment is carried out under medical supervision. Taking the medication may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Urolesan. The medication cleanses the urinary ducts, promotes the breakdown and removal of small stones from the ureter. Contraindications include gastritis and peptic ulcers. A large list of side effects: indigestion, allergies, disruption of the nervous system, increased blood pressure;
  • Urocholum. During treatment, allergic reactions may develop in the form of skin redness, itching, rash and swelling.

Unlike the listed remedies that eliminate inflammation in the kidneys, taking Renon Duo does not cause side effects, helps stop inflammation, and destroys pathogenic microbes.

Renon Duo - scam or not

The manufacturing company comments on the appearance of negative comments about Renon Duo on the Internet as follows:

  • buying medicine from dubious online stores. In order to benefit from the sale of counterfeit goods, scammers indicate the real price of Renon Duo on their websites, accompanying the description with reviews from supposedly real patients. The manufacturer explains that the original drug can only be purchased through the official website;
  • misuse. Negative comments, in which Renon Duo tablets are called a deception, appear due to a violation of the treatment regimen and self-adjustment of the dosage. In cases where the treatment regimen specified in the instructions is not followed, the use of Renon Duo will not cure the kidneys.

To confirm the effectiveness and safety of the capsules, the manufacturer tested the medication during several clinical trials.

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