Cataract, probably the only eye disease, has a huge variety of forms. But all this diversity
Most people have vision problems. And any of them dreams of restoring it though
Okomistin eye drops The drug is a local antiseptic used in ophthalmology. Has an impact
Gray eyes If nature gave you gray eyes, then you should look within yourself
Symptoms of glaucoma appear when more than half of the nerve fibers in the optic nerve have died, before which a person
Rules for the rational treatment of conjunctivitis Drops for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis
Laser vision correction in modern ophthalmology is considered not only one of the most effective, but
When most people notice bags under their eyes, they don't think anything of it. This is fundamentally wrong
Strictly speaking, Levomycetin is an eye drop; there is no point in using ear drops. And they don't
Indications for use There is a lot of controversy about the benefits of Taurine for the eyes. Someone thinks the drug