Is it possible to go to work with conjunctivitis?
Is conjunctivitis a contraindication to surgery?
What is conjunctivitis? Characteristics of the disease Experts call conjunctivitis a disease that is characterized by an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane
sore eye
Is it possible to work as a welder with astigmatism?
Home / Welding technique Back Reading time: 3 min 0 1204 Electroophthalmia occurs
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Complications on the eyes after the flu occur due to severe intoxication of the body and involvement in
Cataract surgical treatment (operation)
Is it possible to cure cataracts without surgery?
Causes of cataract development The disease develops when the organs of vision are affected by the following reasons: insufficient
Presentation for the research work “Why do schoolchildren’s vision deteriorate?”
What eye diseases do children have? To understand what visual impairments occur in children,
Laser coagulation of the retina, postoperative period: recommendations from an ophthalmologist
Do I need to take sick leave after laser vision correction?
Types of modern operations for laser vision correction Currently, several types of such
Causes and treatment of postthrombotic retinopathy
Causes of postthrombotic retinopathy The risk of blood clots increases with arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, disorders
For eye allergies, what drops are needed?
Which eye drops to choose for allergies?
Indications for use and action of the product Intended for the treatment of eye diseases in people suffering from
Surgeries for glaucoma
Principles of modern glaucoma surgery according to the IV edition of the European Glaucoma Guidelines (analytical commentary)
WhatDiseases > Ophthalmology > Glaucoma > How modern operations are performed for glaucoma Laser surgery
What is conjunctivitis? Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, i.e. mucous membrane lining the inner surface
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