what ointment to use for barley
What does ichthyol ointment help with: ichthyol and the use of ointment + diagnoses, diseases, treatment
A stye that appears on the eyelid always spoils the appearance and brings a lot of inconvenience. Who will like it when they wake up
Blindness and low vision
Blindness and low vision Absolute or medical blindness - complete loss of vision, inability to distinguish light
Causes of dermoid cyst on eyelid
Dermoid cyst of the eyelid in a child: symptoms and treatment of dermoid of the upper eyelid
Causes of the disease Heredity is one of the main factors of the disease. A cyst can appear in the womb,
Astigmatism, consequences: strabismus and amblyopia in adults than...
Is it possible to correct cataracts and astigmatism at the same time?
What is strabismus? Astigmatism is an eye disease. in which the structures responsible are affected (deformed)
photo of eye chalazion
The chalazion has broken through, what to do - effective cleaning of pus
Features of the development of the disease Chalazion is a benign formation that forms on the edge of the eyelid as a result of
stages of keratoconus
Iatrogenic keratectasia (secondary keratoconus) after laser vision correction
In recent years, new technologies and surgical techniques have been actively developing to help cope with serious
How to watch TV correctly: with the lights on or in the dark
The contrast between the TV - the light source - and the surrounding darkness is quite high. Eye
Amaurosis is a transient visual impairment
We receive most of the information about the world around us through our visual organs. See objects clearly
Cataract surgery is performed under what anesthesia?
Types of cataracts The most common type of the disease is an age-related or senile anomaly that affects
Classification of astigmatism
How to register for visual disability?
Astigmatism is a disease of the organs of vision, as a result of which the refraction of a light ray inside the eyeball is disrupted.
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