vitamins to improve vision
The most effective and good vitamins for the eyes for myopia: which ones are better to choose?
Causes of myopia Acquired myopia appears due to constant overstrain of the visual organs. Muscle spasm leads to Concomitant strabismus p.5
Strabismus is mainly a childhood disease. But adults can also suffer from it.
Goodbye cataracts! How is lens replacement surgery performed...
Cataract surgery
The operations are carried out in Yaroslavl, in an inpatient department. Cataract is a clouding of the lens
optic nerve hypoplasia in children
Optic disc hypoplasia
Optic nerve hypoplasia is a developmental anomaly that occurs in newborns. The term hypoplasia is translated
Contraindications for treating cataracts with honey
Good afternoon, dear lovers of honey and bee products. Today on the pages of our family blog
Exercises to increase blood circulation in the eyes
Exercise to improve blood circulation in the eyes Articles Loading... 99 out of 100 people experience
Cataract removal with laser, indications for the procedure
Laser discillation is a procedure that aims to treat secondary cataracts after surgery,
How to cure stye on children's eyes at home
There are people for whom the word “barley” is associated exclusively with negative emotions. And that's it
papilloma on the eye
Methods for safely removing papilloma on the eyelid at home using folk remedies
Papilloma on the eye is a benign neoplasm, which is often localized on the upper or lower eyelids.
How to relieve swelling of the legs at home: proven folk remedies for treatment
Pathological processes occurring in the body are often accompanied by swelling not only of the facial tissues and peritoneum,
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