Papilloma on the eyelid. Why is it dangerous and how to remove it correctly
Despite the small surface area of ​​the eyelid, it plays an important role in protecting the eyeball.
Laser correction technique
Femto Super Lasik - personalized Femto Super Lasik in Moscow
Femto Lasik is an ophthalmological operation designed to completely restore the patient’s quality of vision. It refers to
Drops for conjunctivitis for children from one year old, 2-5 years old, with an antibiotic. List of the best: Levomycetin, Tobrex
Drops for conjunctivitis for children from one year old, 2-5 years old, with an antibiotic. List of the best: Levomycetin, Tobrex
Inflammatory process of the eye is quite common in newborns. And new moms and dads need
Visual impairment - causes, types, features, correction and prevention in children and adults
Deterioration of vision is a problem that occurs with age or after heavy strain on the eyes.
Coloboma of the iris: what can cause a person to have “cat” pupils
Iris coloboma This disease has a congenital or acquired form. Appears complete or partial
Mydriasis - causes and treatment
Diagnosis of the causes of the pupillary defect The first stage of diagnosing the causes of anisocoria is collecting an anamnesis. The doctor must
Antiviral eye drops: a review of effective remedies
Viral infections are one of the most common causes of inflammatory eye diseases, including conjunctivitis, keratitis,
Myopic astigmatism and its correction in children and adults
Young people of military age know that with poor eyesight or the presence of certain
Eye drops for retinopathy
To select a treatment method, a complete ophthalmological examination is performed. If upon examination of the fundus it is found
Retinal angiopathy: ICD-10 code, treatment, types
Description Angiopathy is a group of diseases characterized by damage to the vascular wall. For this
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