Methods of therapy for allergic conjunctivitis
Allergic conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is caused by a reaction of the body systems to an allergen. IN
Blepharitis. Treatment, drops, ointments for adults, children
Treatment of blepharitis at home with folk remedies
What groups of drugs are effective in treating blepharitis? Blepharitis, treatment (drops, ointments selected individually) for which
What eye drops are prescribed for blepharitis?
The organs of vision are exposed to great stress every day. Redness and itching often occur and these symptoms may
Spasm of accommodation: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Accommodation spasm is the result of improper functioning of the ciliary muscle, which holds the lens. From functioning
How long does viral conjunctivitis last - Eye diseases
What is conjunctivitis - inflammation of the conjunctiva or mucous membrane of the eye. The conjunctiva is
Cause of latent hypermetropia and treatment of the disease
With farsightedness, refractive error occurs, causing rays to be refracted incorrectly. That is, focusing
non-compliance with hygiene rules for blepharitis
What drops and ointments are prescribed for chalazion
Blepharitis and chalazion are two fairly common eyelid diseases. Moreover, the second is often
Trichinella and roundworms
Worms in human eyes: symptoms and treatment
Can there be worms outside the intestines, including in the eyes? As a rule, worms (helminths)
Girl puts drops in her eye
Dry eye syndrome as a special case of dystrophic processes (AMD) and its friend - the computer
The mechanism of hydration of the eyeball On the surface of the eye there is a transparent protective film that covers the cornea
banner for an article about low myopia
Moderate 2nd degree myopia: what is it, treatment of both eyes
Myopia or myopia is an eye disease in which a person sees well up close, but
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