Army and vision
Pass or fail? Are conscripts with strabismus accepted into the army?
There are a large number of different eye pathologies, each of which has its own category of suitability, therefore
Preproliferative and non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy
330 Retinopathy in diabetes mellitus, also called diabetic eye disease, is one of the main
Types of eye drops. Part three. Drops for glaucoma and cataracts. Educational program for the Pharmacist
Answering this question, the chief physician of the Rostov ophthalmological clinic "Excimer", an ophthalmic surgeon of the highest qualification category,
Taking medications
How to make your eye bleed
The causes and treatment of hemorrhage in the eye can vary. Therefore, one should not neglect the emerging
Mixed astigmatism
Mixed astigmatism in children, diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
Vision is one of the five senses that help a person perceive the world around him and
4 eye diseases that we are at risk of acquiring in old age
The eyes are one of the most important organs for humans, connected to the brain, and
Eye cancer in children: why it occurs, how to treat it
Eye neoplasms – what are they? The tissues of the visual apparatus are delicate and sensitive, they are vulnerable to
Congenital nystagmus in children
Visometry - determination of visual acuity
Treatment of nystagmus should begin only after excluding its traumatic cause of development. The thing is,
destruction of the vitreous body, destruction of the vitreous body of the eye, destruction of the vitreous body of the eye, what is dangerous, destruction of the vitreous body treatment, destruction of the vitreous body of the eye, a solution has been found, destruction of the vitreous body of the eye treatment,
Symptoms and causes of destruction of the vitreous body of the eye. How dangerous is the disease?
What it is? Destruction of the vitreous body is a violation of the physiological structure of the vitreous body of the eye,
Ptosis of the eyelid
Ptosis: symptoms and treatment methods for drooping eyelid
Classification of the disease Depending on the area of ​​the lesion, unilateral, bilateral and partial blepharoptosis are distinguished. Acquired
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