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Dilated or constricted pupils can be detected under the influence of certain medications, through which it is possible to conduct a more accurate ophthalmological examination and identify problems with visual function. You should not use these medications yourself to make the pupils smaller or, on the contrary, become larger, since incorrect use of such eye drops can cause adverse reactions and serious complications that cannot be eliminated without special treatment.

How to make your pupils bigger

According to scientists and psychologists, the secret of a seductive and attractive look lies in the width of a person’s pupil.
It turned out that women with dilated pupils are much more attracted to the opposite sex. Even modern photographers resort to eye retouching to make the model more attractive, sexier and more sensual. For these reasons, many girls are interested in the question of whether it is possible to enlarge their pupils on their own and whether it is safe. Let's try to figure this out and identify the most effective and efficient ways to dilate the pupil.

Why do the pupils of the eyes enlarge?

Before you begin the expansion procedure, you need to understand what usually leads to this result.

The pupils of the eyes enlarge for several reasons:

  • When the degree of illumination changes. The pupil is a hole in the iris designed to refract rays of light so that the eye can see. If there is not enough light, it will expand.
  • The disease mydriasis is a constant increase due to spasms and muscle paralysis.
  • Sharp sounds.
  • Alcohol or drug intoxication.
  • Poor eyesight.
  • Vividly experienced emotions: fear, joy, love.
  • Increased interest in something or someone.
  • Acute lack of oxygen.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Vessel fragility.

Extension methods

Depending on the method, there are several ways to make pupils larger:

  • Medical drops.
  • Focusing, defocusing the gaze.
  • Increased adrenaline.
  • Change of lighting.
  • Managing emotions.
  • Physical exercise.

As you can see, there are many ways to enlarge the pupil at home, and each of them will give a positive result. It all depends on which one is more convenient for you.

Medical drops

Ophthalmologists use specialized eye drops for the eyes, which make it possible to fully examine the condition of the eye and check visual acuity. This drug is the most effective and long-lasting method; the expansion lasts for at least 3-4 hours.

Another option is allergy eye drops. Active chemicals that behave quite aggressively dilate the pupil. Many of them can be purchased without a prescription

Focusing and unfocusing the gaze

Achieve maximum relaxation of the eye muscles. Let all objects in the distance become blurry and indistinct. Just don’t let yourself see double objects in your eyes. During the procedure, try to imagine something pleasant.

Focus your gaze on a distant person or object. At the same time, the pupil enlarges and all the muscles of the eye relax.

The effect will last no more than 5–10 minutes.

Increased adrenaline

An effective method without drops that will last the effect of eye expansion from 2 to 5 hours. It's all about the nervous system, which affects the eye muscles. Drugs that increase adrenaline include caffeine, antioxidants (anti-swelling agents), and energy drinks. Adrenaline quickly enters the bloodstream and excites the entire nervous system.

Changing lighting

Go into a fairly dark room, where at first you will be very difficult to distinguish objects. The pupil will not have enough rays, and it will begin to enlarge in search of light. The expansion will continue for 1–3 minutes.

Managing Emotions

Try to evoke a surge of strong emotions and feelings. Think skydiving, going down a huge slide, extreme sports. Or, conversely, about the object of your sympathy, about what brings you pleasure.

This method requires good concentration and imagination, but you will get a good effect - dilated pupils will last 5-8 minutes.

Physical exercise

It turns out that sports activities will help achieve the desired result. Pull your stomach in tightly (do not feel any pain), tensing your abdominal muscles. Hold this for a couple of minutes. If it doesn’t work, then you need to repeat the exercise 2-3 more times. The reasons for this phenomenon are still unknown, but it still gives a short-term effect.

The most important thing in all methods is the need to monitor the condition of the eyes, follow the instructions, and avoid overwork and pain. And then you can achieve that charming, attractive look that drives crowds of men crazy.

Eye exercises

How to enlarge your pupils yourself with the help of exercises? The easiest way is to stay in a darkened room. Lack of light leads to activation of the radial muscle. However, physiological mydriasis does not last long. After entering the light, the pupils will constrict again within 1-3 minutes.

You can try the following types of eye exercises:

  1. Focus your gaze on a distant object. You need to try to consider it in all details. Increased eye work will cause severe mydriasis.
  2. Go into a dark room and try to carefully examine the objects around you.
  3. Tighten your abdominal muscles and hold them there for as long as possible. This will cause the pupils to dilate. Doctors have not yet found an exact explanation for this phenomenon.

Why do the pupils of the eyes enlarge?

The pupil is just a hole that is located in the middle of the iris. It is necessary for light to enter the visual organs.

The pupil enlarges and contracts depending on the light stimulus. If the light is too bright, the pupil space decreases, this is a protective reaction that helps prevent retinal burns. If a person is in the dark, the pupil dilates so that more light enters the retina and objects can be clearly seen.

People's pupils are almost always in motion. Emotions, pain, and even too loud sounds can provoke a change in its size. The size may also change when a person tries to look at certain objects.

A person's ability to change the pupillary space is often used to diagnose various diseases.

Why is pupil dilation necessary?

Dilation is most often necessary for a thorough examination of the fundus by a doctor. In this case, the doctor drips special drops onto the mucous membrane, which can increase the pupillary space. The size of the hole in the iris increases in some cases by more than a day, during which time the person sees poorly.

In some cases, a person wants to expand his space in order to appear more sexual and attractive to the opposite sex.

Some people try to dilate their pupils to appear more intimidating and determined. It is well known that their size changes under the influence of a number of emotions.


How to enlarge pupils on your own, without using drops or food additives? As we already mentioned, the size of the hole in the iris is influenced by the central nervous system. You can try using the following methods based on self-hypnosis:

  1. Imagine that you are in complete darkness or think of some black objects. If a person has a well-developed imagination, then this method can cause pupil dilation, which will last about 10-15 minutes.
  2. Remember situations that evoke strong and vivid emotions in you. This stimulates increased production of the hormone adrenaline, which promotes mydriasis.
  3. Close your eyes and think about topics that are pleasant to you. Positive emotions increase the formation of serotonin in the body, which doctors call the “pleasure hormone.”

With long-term training, you can learn to influence the size of the pupil with the power of thought. However, these methods are difficult to use when communicating with people. After all, it is impossible to simultaneously perceive the words of your interlocutor and engage in self-hypnosis.

Methods for dilating pupils

You can dilate your pupils at home using several techniques. In some cases, medications are used for this, in others, self-hypnosis or changes in lighting are sufficient.

Eye drops

Drugs that belong to the mydriatic group will help expand the pupillary space. They should be used strictly according to doctor's instructions. It is worth considering that after eye drops, vision deteriorates temporarily:

  • Atropine. This medicinal solution has been used for many years to give a languid look. Thanks to this drug, you can dilate your pupils for quite a long time. In this case, the drops begin to act almost instantly. Now the medicine is rarely used, as it has many side effects.
  • Tropicamide. This drug begins to act just 20 minutes after contact with the mucous membrane and the effect lasts 3 hours. After this time, vision is completely normalized.

It is worth considering that Tropicamide is sold only with a doctor's prescription, as it is often used by drug addicts.

  • Irifrin. This medicine only works for a short time. It is used to diagnose certain ophthalmic diseases. It is worth considering that the medicine is not prescribed to children and people with brain diseases.

The drug Cyclomed will also help to expand the pupillary space. The effect of this medicine lasts about 12 hours. It is worth considering that this drug has many contraindications.

You can start using any medications only as prescribed by your doctor!

A physiological way to relax muscles

You can relax the eye muscles on your own, without any medications. To do this, it is recommended to imagine yourself in a dark room or simply imagine a dark object in front of your eyes.

You can relax your eye muscles by closing your eyes for a minute. But the effect of widened eyes in this case does not last long.

Pupils dilate well after coffee. Caffeine is good at stimulating the sympathetic nervous system. If you want the effect to last for a long time, you should drink a cup of espresso every half hour.

Increased adrenaline

You should imagine something that will raise your adrenaline level. The pupils dilate greatly when a person experiences sexual arousal. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to imagine a sexual scene or remember something pleasant from your past.

Changing lighting

In order for the pupils to dilate, twilight or darkness is necessary. You can turn off the light and sit in the dark for a few minutes, due to this you can achieve the desired effect. It is worth considering that this effect is short-term.

If you practice, the eye muscles will begin to relax just at the thought of being in a dark room.

Managing Emotions

The pupillary space expands greatly if a person is angry. If you need to dilate your pupils, you need to try to get very angry. Each person probably has in his memory cases that can throw him off balance.

Home methods

You can dilate the pupil using other methods, without the use of mydriatics. These methods are based on physiological characteristics.

  1. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a dark room. At the same time, the pupils will dilate and will remain so for some time.
  2. Select an object in the distance and focus your gaze on it. Or, on the contrary, try to unfocus your gaze so that everything before your eyes is blurry. At the same time, it is important to feel that the eyes are completely relaxed.
  3. When in a bright room, you need to look at the darkest part of it. The pupil will try to catch and transmit light, which will cause it to dilate.
  4. The pupils dilate when the level of adrenaline in the body increases. Thinking about something that causes adrenaline to be released can cause your pupils to dilate.

All these methods give only a short-term effect, but unlike drugs, they cannot harm the body. As for drops to dilate the pupils, they should be used strictly as prescribed by the doctor, strictly following the dosage.

The pupil is a hole located in the iris of each eye. The pupils change their size throughout the day. It depends on many factors. It is impossible to make them “freeze” at a certain value of the hole diameter, because its regulation occurs at an unconscious level. However, there are still ways to make your pupils larger on your own.


Some young people use Naphthyzin drops to expand the pupillary space. This is not recommended, since this drug has a negative effect on the nasal mucosa, not to mention the eyes. It is worth refusing to use other medications that have a toxic effect on the body.

You should not drink a lot of coffee if you have problems with your heart or nervous system.

If the pupillary space needs to be expanded for the study, the doctor instills drops from the mydriatic group into the eyes and asks to wait 20 minutes. After this time, the pupil dilates quite well and the fundus of the eye can be carefully examined.

Purpose of mydriatics

The size of the pupil is regulated by two muscles of the iris:

  • radial – promotes pupil dilation, regulated by the sympathetic nervous system;
  • circular – ensures pupil constriction, regulated by the parasympathetic nervous system.

Drops that dilate the pupils are used:

  1. in diagnostics - to study the structures of the fundus (retina, lens, blood vessels, optic nerve) in order to identify detachment, dystrophy, damage to the retina and other diseases, to accurately determine the degree of myopia/farsightedness, if necessary, determine refraction in young children for the correct selection of glasses ;
  2. for the treatment of certain inflammatory eye diseases (iritis, iridocyclitis), amblyopia, spasm of accommodation (so-called false myopia);
  3. during a number of surgical operations on the eyeball.

Why do you need pupil dilation?

The most innocent reason for dilated pupils is to increase the attractiveness of the eyes. Women usually use such tricks to attract a man's attention. But often this is necessary for diagnosis for medical purposes.

Medicines that will help achieve the desired effect are used in the following cases:

  • thorough diagnosis of the fundus;
  • visual acuity testing to determine the correct glasses or contact lenses;
  • performing operations in ophthalmology;
  • treatment of ophthalmological diseases.

Taking into account the reason for using medications, the doctor determines the duration of their action. It is worth considering that the effect on the pupils is carried out not only by medications. If necessary, a person can achieve this effect at home. It is important to consider that most medications are toxic. Therefore, they are not used unless absolutely necessary.

Indications for use

Drops for pupil dilation have approximately similar indications for use, but the main ones are given below:

  • Dilation of the pupil for a diagnostic examination of the lens and fundus (posterior segment of the eye).
  • In ophthalmic surgery before phacoemulsification (lens replacement surgery), for ease of surgical access. Currently, atropine is rarely used for these purposes, since it creates persistent paresis of accommodation, which causes inconvenience to patients.
  • Creation of mydriasis before laser coagulation of the retina (for diabetic retinopathy, PVRD, etc.).
  • Preventing the formation, or rupture, of synechiae (adhesions) between the iris and the lens, which often occurs with iridocyclitis. If the adhesions are not broken in time, this can lead to the development of secondary glaucoma, secondary cataracts and other complications, which often lead to permanent loss of vision.
  • Carrying out a diagnostic test for glaucoma. In patients with “borderline” IOP (21-25 mmHg) with unchanged visual fields, to confirm the diagnosis of glaucoma, it is possible to provoke a short-term increase in IOP by instilling mydriatics. Dilation of the pupil leads to blocking the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye, thereby increasing intraocular pressure (tropicamide is most often used for these purposes).
  • Treatment of children over 7 years of age with accommodation spasm or PINA, but only after measuring true refraction using skiascopy or autorefractometry under cycloplegia.

Types of effects on the pupil (direct and indirect)

The emotional impact on the pupils is one of the indirect factors. Their expansion can occur for various reasons:

  • Adrenaline rush . This may be associated with severe fright or a strong feeling of anxiety. In connection with such emotions, the body begins to actively produce adrenaline. This leads to a noticeable dilation of the pupils. Their size will remain until the body returns to a state of rest. Children often experience such feelings when they are afraid of being punished by their parents or getting a bad grade at school.
  • Nervous stress or breakdown. This is accompanied by a reaction of the muscles of the iris. Excitation of the nervous system leads to reflex dilation of the pupils. In addition, characteristic accompanying symptoms appear.
  • Active brain activity. This happens when in an emergency it is necessary to make a vital decision or quickly answer a question.
  • Sexual arousal. This is observed in representatives of any gender. If a person experiences sympathy and attraction, then his eyes speak about it.

The reaction of the pupils may occur at the moment of shock. This may be due to unbearable pain or exposure to medications. The condition of the eyes is assessed in patients who are unconscious. The pupils help to guess what happened to the person. Direct impact:

  • influence of bright color;
  • sudden loud sound;
  • fright

Some people have permanently dilated pupils. Therefore, for them this condition is absolutely normal. A slight increase occurs in people who have a calm character and react sensitively to life events. In this case, there is no need for drug therapy. Any exposure to the eyes may have negative consequences.

A few more tricks

Pupil enlargement can be caused in other ways:

  • Look at an object located far away from you. Try to look at it in detail. The eye will have to enlarge the pupil space to do this.
  • “Look at nothing” - unfocus your gaze without trying to look at anything, but keep your eyes open.
  • Tighten your stomach. How this method works is not entirely clear. But with tense abdominal muscles, the pupils actually become wider.
  • Go into a dark room, trying to see the objects in it. Then go out to the interlocutor. Your eyes will be widened for a while.

These methods are more reliable and allow for dialogue during the “procedure”.

The desire to be attractive is natural for a person - a social being. But you need to limit yourself to reasonable limits. The system of dilation and constriction of the pupils, regulated by reflex, is very important for the organs of vision. All the light that enters the eyes ends up focusing on the retina. But if too many rays hit it, a burn may occur: remember how paper or even wood catches fire if you focus the rays of the sun on them with a magnifying glass. The same thing happens with the retina. Therefore, try to resort to methods that help enlarge your pupils only if there are no bright sources of light around you. Otherwise, you risk reducing the quality or even completely and irreversibly losing your vision.

The condition of a person's pupils can indicate many things.

This indicator is often taken into account when examining a patient who is unconscious.

The pupils can tell us about the influence of certain factors on the human body.

Women prefer to extend to achieve a deep and attractive look. In ophthalmology, the doctor does this in order to be able to conduct an examination of the visual organs.

List of mydriatics for pupil dilation

To dilate the pupils, the drug Atropine was used for many years. It is highly toxic. With its help, women achieved a dark eye shade. The duration of action of the medicine lasted for several days. But at the same time, side reactions and negative effects on the visual organs occurred. In modern ophthalmology, this drug is not used and is categorically not recommended to patients.

Safe and effective mydriatics include:

  • Tropicamide. A safe medicine that can be prescribed even to the youngest children. They begin to act 15 minutes after instillation. The effect lasts for several hours. They do not have a negative effect on vision, so they are prescribed more often than other similar drops.
  • Irifrin. The medicine has a short-term effect. Disadvantages include the effect on intraocular pressure. It is prohibited to administer to children under 12 years of age and to women during pregnancy and lactation. Contraindications are vascular diseases.
  • Cyclomed. It has a long-lasting effect – more than 12 hours. Use with caution in examining pregnant women, children under 3 years of age, and elderly patients.
  • Mezaton. The drug has a pronounced effect. Contraindications: hepatitis, pregnancy and lactation, pancreatitis, vascular diseases. Not prescribed for children.
  • Appamide plus. The medicine is fast acting. The effect is observed 5 minutes after instillation. The action ends after a few hours. Prohibited for use by children, pregnant and lactating women.

Drugs in this group cannot be purchased without a doctor's prescription.

Such medications are usually used in a hospital setting. It is not recommended to use medications to dilate pupils at home. There are safer methods. They are not as effective as medications, but do not have a negative effect on the organs of vision. They also have no side effects.

Pupil dilation without medication

In addition to medications, there are other methods of dilating pupils. These include: focusing and unfocusing of the gaze, adrenaline release, emotional state, physical activity. Each of these methods provides the desired result. Can be used at home as needed.

It all depends on which method is available and preferred. Before carrying out, the presence of contraindications should be excluded. To be carried out correctly, each of them must be considered in detail.

Focusing and unfocusing the gaze

Initially, you need to achieve maximum relaxation of the eye muscles. A characteristic sign will be blurry and indistinct objects in the distance. But at the same time, it is forbidden to bring relaxation to the point of splitting objects. While performing this procedure, you should think about pleasant, relaxing things.

Then you need to focus your gaze on an object that is in the distance. This causes an increase and relaxation of all the muscles of the visual organs. This method is considered safe and accessible.

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