How Windows 1.0 stood out from its competitors and what was interesting about it

Windows 1.0 was needed to compete with Apple

This is what the Windows 1.0 interface looked like (screen photo source: Wiki)

Work on the Windows 1.0 operating system began back in 1981. They planned to open the project to the world by 1983, but did not have time: it was delayed for another couple of years. Later it will become clear that Microsoft did not even have time to bring it to fruition, but first it is important to note why it conceived it in the first place.

One of the triggers was working on software for an Apple computer called Lisa. The solutions of the company from Cupertino have always been relatively expensive, and then they asked for a fabulous 10 thousand dollars for this car. At the same time, IBM began its vigorous activity in a much cheaper segment, and Microsoft had a real chance to fly into it with its software developments. Actually, the first real solution in this field was the Windows 1.0 operating system - not the first, which was born in Redmond, but the first from there with support for a graphical interface.

Microsoft's first GUI system

Appearance of some standard Windows 1.0 applications (image source: Tadviser)

In the early 80s, it became clear that the future of operating systems lay in a graphical user interface. The vector for further software development was largely determined by the Xerox Alto computer, which became a source of inspiration for both Apple and Microsoft.

The essence of the graphical interface is to be much more friendly towards the most ordinary user who is not technically savvy. There is nothing to argue here: it is much easier for someone to click on the application icon to open it than to write down the path to the directory and a specific file in text form. Moreover, the graphical interface makes it easier to work with visual content, which was also given a special place in Windows 1.0. The only thing is that to use all this you need not only a keyboard, but also a mouse - a new tool that was not immediately understood.

Irrational numbers

Irrational numbers are the opposite of rational numbers, they are those that cannot be written as a fraction.

For example:

  • number Pi = 3.14159..., it can be written as 22/7, but this will only be approximately and far from accurate ( 22/7 = 3.142857..);
  • √2 and √99 are irrational, because they cannot be written as a fraction (the roots are often irrational, but not always);
  • e (number) = 2.72 - irrational, because it cannot be written as a fraction;
  • the golden ratio φ=1.618... is irrational, because it cannot be written as a fraction.

The set of irrational numbers is denoted by the letter “I” .

The operating system supported a minimum of colors

Adjusting colors in the Windows 1.0 operating system control panel (image source: Gazeta)

Yes, today it is quite difficult to imagine this, but more than thirty years ago this fact was not particularly surprising: Windows 1.0 supported only six colors. It seems to me that the screenshots clearly show that even this was more or less enough for a certain differentiation of the interface in visual terms. For example, the top menu with the structure of basic actions for a specific application was highlighted in yellow and immediately caught the eye. Window headers used blue, purple, and black dots, and document navigation sliders were red.

Of course, Microsoft understood perfectly well that in order to increase the visual appeal of the operating system, it was necessary to increase the number of colors with which it could work. That is why one of the distinctive features of Windows 2.0 was support for 16 colors, Windows 3.0 - 256 colors.

Windows 1.0 was just a shell for MS-DOS

Elements of MS-DOS viewed through the Windows 1.0 shell (Image source: Encyclopedia)

Of course, in the 80s they did not focus on this, but today we can openly say that Windows 1.0 can hardly be called a full-fledged operating system. By and large, it was just a shell for MS-DOS, which was created with one clear goal - to expand its audience to ordinary users without special skills. They had to turn on the computer, pick up the mouse and solve any of their problems for which the computer of that time was generally suitable. You could, for example, work with text in the built-in editor or even try to draw a picture.

At launch, Windows 1.0 was launched using the WIN.COM file, which could be accessed using the MS-DOS command line. This was followed by the launch of a real desktop, which displayed applications compatible with the file manager and other nuances of the graphical interface. Much like today, applications running in the shell were marked with special icons at the bottom of the screen. Moreover, there was even an analogue of the modern “Control Panel”, with which you could configure certain nuances of Windows 1.0.

The Microsoft operating system with a graphical interface achieved a more or less modern look in visual terms only with the release of Windows 95. Up to this point, it still had to go through more than a couple of versions, which took more than one year. However, the echoes of MS-DOS followed it for quite a long time.

Handicap 1 0 in hockey

In hockey, a zero handicap on the first team means the same as in football, and is calculated the same way. In fact, everything described in the paragraph above applies to F1 (0) hockey events.

The home team, on which you placed a bet to win, taking into account the zero handicap, must defeat the opponent in regular time. The score is not important, be it a minimal victory or defeat.

If within three periods the teams do not identify a winner and there is overtime, the bookmaker will return the bet at odds of 1.

The operating system was slow and unsteady

Working with the calendar in Windows 1.0 (screen photo source: Lifehacker Australia)

Windows 1.0 was distributed on floppy disks and cost $99. It’s hard to say that she was received really warmly. In the first reviews, it was criticized for its slow and uncertain operation, which turned out to be associated with high RAM consumption. In the minimum system requirements, its recommended volume was 256 KB. An inconspicuous note in small font said that when using multitasking, the GUI required more RAM. However, even 512 KB was not fully enough for it: even in this case, each subsequent window was more laggy than the previous one.

Today it’s funny to even think about it, but tech journalists of that time also argued whether the operating system needed ambiguity at all. On one side was the statement that the user cannot do two things at the same time. On the second, there was bewilderment about the fact that there is no point in buying this OS without an emphasis on multitasking.

Eye examination by an ophthalmologist

The most common way for an ophthalmologist to determine visual acuity is to use tables. There are several types of diagnostic tables:

  1. Sivtsev's table. It is the most famous and widespread. The table consists of twelve lines containing letters of the Russian alphabet. The higher the line, the larger the letters, and vice versa. On the left edge of the table, the letter “D” indicates the distance at which a patient with normal vision should identify all optotypes. On the right edge there is a "V" which represents visual acuity at a distance of five meters. Vision 1.0 is when a person sees the tenth line at a distance of five meters.
  2. Snellen chart. Based on this table, Sivtsev’s table was created. The Snellen chart is used in countries where English is spoken. It consists of eleven lines. There is only one large letter in the top line, then the letters decrease in size. Visual acuity is determined at a distance of six meters.
  3. Orlova's table. This table is used to test vision in children, so the letters here are replaced with pictures. The lower the line, the smaller the image size. Visual acuity is determined in the same way as using the Sivtsev table. Normally, children should clearly see the tenth line at a distance of five meters.
  4. Golovin table. The table consists of rings that are the same size, but have breaks in different parts (right, left, top, bottom). Visual acuity is determined at a distance of five meters. Normally, a person should see two distant points with a minute angular resolution.

You can also download an ophthalmologist's table for a vision test here.

An ophthalmologist must check vision according to certain rules, otherwise the result will be unreliable. This may affect the effectiveness of further treatment.

There should be a distance of exactly five meters between the chair where the patient sits and the table. And the tenth line should be at eye level.

It is necessary that the table has uniform illumination of seven hundred lux. It should be opposite the window.

Vision in each eye is determined separately. In this case, one eye should be covered with an opaque spatula, but not closed. The eye being tested should not squint either.

When fully determining visual acuity, one error is allowed when reading optotypes of three to six lines. When determining optotypes of the seventh line and further, two errors are made. A person should be able to see the symbol in two to three seconds.

The main memory of the system was its advertising

In 1986, many first learned about Steve Ballmer, who would become the CEO of Microsoft in the future. At that time, he was a shareholder of the company and the head of one of its divisions. He personally starred in a commercial in which he praised Windows 1.0 with all his might.

Ballmer's style of storytelling in the context of IT companies of that time was quite shocking. In what would become his signature style, he noted the operating system's surprisingly low price, as well as its interesting built-in applications.

We taught how to work with the interface using simple games.

Reversi game from Windows 1.0 (image source: Hi-News)

At the end of the video above, Steve Ballmer pays special attention to the game "Reversi", which was included with Windows 1.0. It is important to note that it was needed not so much for the leisure of users, but for their training in working with a new manipulator - the mouse.

At the turn of the transition from MS-DOS, it was especially important to teach those interested how to deftly move the cursor around the screen, and a game in which you had to surround your opponent’s pieces with your own was very good for this. Later, “Reversi” was replaced by “Mineweeper” (this happened in Windows 3.1), which involved active use of the right mouse button and a limited amount of time to complete. I remember very well how the whole office set records and shared strategies for quickly placing flags for mined cells. There was also a solitaire game called Klondike, which taught you how to drag elements on the screen.

What is 1+1 in an apartment, and what is 2+1?

In Turkey, as well as in some countries of the world, apartments are not divided into two-room or one-room apartments, but they say apartment 1+1 or 2+1.

What is the layout of a 1+1 or 2+1 apartment? Let’s look at it in more detail.

If we immediately reveal the intrigue, then the answer is as simple as two and two.
Using the example of 1+1: the first unit indicates the number of bedrooms in the apartment, and the second unit indicates how many living rooms there are in the apartment. Let’s consolidate the obtained material using the example of 2+1: there are two bedrooms, and there is also one living room.

I think everything is clear and understandable, now we can talk about for whom which apartment is suitable and what is worth paying attention to.

Apartments 1+1 in Alanya

At this stage, we can say that 1+1 apartments in Alanya are the most inexpensive option. As previously said, such apartments consist of one bedroom and a living room combined with a kitchen. If we consider an analogue of such an apartment in Russia, it will be an apartment similar in layout to a two-room one. The area of ​​such apartments can start from 40 square meters and a maximum of 70 square meters. Yes, there are also studios, but they were prohibited from being built, so studios in Alanya can only be found in secondary housing and are designated as a studio or 1+0. In houses with older layouts or economy class houses, there may not be a corridor, but upon entering the apartment you will immediately find yourself in the living room.

Also, do not be surprised that the living room area will be significantly larger than the bedroom. And this is logical, because the living room is a full-fledged room combined with a kitchen area. The living room is spacious and bright, it is a good place to gather for a family dinner or lunch, and in general such layouts have a number of significant advantages compared to Russian layouts, where kitchens are not so large.

If we talk about Alanya, then 1+1 apartments are perhaps the most popular. It is also worth noting that these apartments are purchased not only for vacation during the summer season or for permanent residence, but such apartments have good rental potential, as well as investment attractiveness.

Well, about the cost, an apartment in Alanya 1+1, in an old house, can cost starting from 25,000 euros. But these are houses over 20 years old. No infrastructure. If we talk about new housing or complexes with an age of up to 10 years, then the cost of apartments can start from 30,000. At the same time, the house will have an outdoor pool as a minimum, and if you successfully find an apartment, then a winter pool, hammam, sauna, gym and much more.

Apartments 2+1 in Alanya

This is the best option for the average family, both in terms of area and budget. There will be two bedrooms, one of which may have its own bathroom and shower. Not in all houses, but in many and it is very convenient. The second bedroom can be a children's bedroom. Well, there is a large living room where you can all get together.

The price of a 2+1 apartment in Alanya is of course higher than 1+1, because its area is already from 100 to 130 square meters in residential complexes that are up to 10 years old, in older complexes the area can be up to 100 meters. In fact, this is a three-room apartment, if we take the analogue in Russia. The advantages of such apartments include the following: most 2+1 apartments will already have two bathrooms, two balconies and a corridor.

The cost of such apartments can start from 35-40 thousand euros in an old residential complex and from 45-50 thousand euros in new residential complexes; resale real estate in Alanya can be considered at approximately the same prices.

Apartments 3+1 in Alanya

Suitable for families with children, for example a smart daughter and a boy. After all, there are 3 bedrooms in which the head of the family will live with his wife, and in the other two children. And if there is only one child, then one bedroom can be used as a guest room, for a grandmother who comes on vacation or for a nanny. In such apartments, the area, of course, allows you to realize all design fantasies, so the square footage starts from 100 square meters in old houses and from 140 sq.m. in new houses.

It is also worth noting that large apartments, starting from 2+1, can be located on the top floors and in fact be penthouses or good view apartments. The cost of 3+1 will start from 60,000 euros.

By the way, they can also be two-level, for some this is good, for others not so much, in any case, the choice is yours. Most often, such two-level layouts are still more convenient, since there is a large living room on one of the floors, and bedrooms on the other.

Large apartments have not just large, but gigantic balconies; this is not even a balcony, but a terrace where a dining table, several armchairs or sun loungers can easily be placed. It all depends on your desire and taste; many people create an additional recreation area on the terraces with a swing or a flower garden, which will please the eye all year round.

And in conclusion, I would like to say the following about all apartments: since we have already touched upon the topic of balconies, the most favorite place for apartment buyers is the balcony. Thanks to the climate, the balconies here are not just large, but mega-large. On many balconies you can see entire flower beds or tea areas for intimate conversations about how your day went or what’s going on in Russia. Often beautiful wooden or wicker furniture, sun loungers and barbecues are installed on balconies. We are waiting for you in sunny Alanya.

Windows 1.0 included a graphics editor

Paint on the left side of the Windows 1.0 interface (Image source: Microsoft Docs)

Yes, Windows 1.0 also included Paint, which was designed for working with graphics. Of course, it would hardly be possible to draw something supernatural by today’s standards, but for that time the application was still quite interesting. The text editor Windows Writer, the calculator of the same name Calculator, the notepad Notepad, Calendar and other software also deserved special attention. In general, besides the File Manager explorer for $99, they really offered something else.

Windows 1.0 was not available to ordinary users

Fresh Windows 1.04 boot screen with the new Microsoft logo (source Wikipedia)

It is curious that Windows 1.0 itself was not available to ordinary users - it was intended for developers. Windows version 1.01 was released; sales began on November 21, 1985. At the beginning of 1986, Windows 1.02 was released with localization into the most popular European languages, and in the second half, Windows 1.03 was launched with drivers for European keyboards, as well as printers, monitors, disk drives and other peripherals. In the first quarter of 1987, Windows 1.04 was launched with support for even more computers, and by the end of it, the Windows 2.0 operating system was released.

Differences between http 1.1 and http/2

HTTP/2 was the first binary protocol. If we compare it with the previous version of the protocol, here the developers changed the methods of distributing data into fragments and sending them from the server to the user and vice versa. The new version of the protocol allows servers to deliver information that the client has not yet requested. This was implemented so that the server immediately sends additional files to the browser to display documents and relieves it of the need to parse the page and independently request the missing files.

Another difference between HTTP 2.0 and version 1.1 is the multiplexing of requests and responses to solve the start-of-line blocking problem inherent in HTTP 1.1. The new protocol also allows you to compress HTTP headers and introduce priorities for requests.

Even the relatively popular Windows 1.0 did not become

One of the Windows 1.0 welcome screens (image source: WinWorldPC)

People did not immediately believe in the success of Microsoft's new operating system. During Windows 1.0 and Windows 2.0, there were also alternative solutions on the market: Visi On, IBM TopView and GEM. However, Windows 3.0, which was released in May 1990, put everything in its place. The main innovation of this operating system was support for the TrueType font system - it made it possible to be sure that the visual display of text on the screen would correspond to its printed version. Including this popularized this version of the system, but it all definitely started with Windows 1.0.

Properties of rational numbers

Let's say a, b and c are any rational numbers.

Commutative and associative laws

a + b = b + a, for example: 2 + 3 = 3 + 2;

a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c, for example: 2 + (3 + 4) = (2 + 3) + 4;

a + 0 = a, for example: 2 + 0 = 2;

a + (– a) = 0, for example: 2 + (– 2) = 0

Commutative and associative laws for multiplication

a × b = b × a, for example: 2 × 3 = 3 × 2

a × (b × c) = (a × b) × c, for example: 2 × (3 × 4) = (2 × 3) × 4

a × 1 = a, for example: 2 × 1 = 2

a × 1/a = 1, if a ≠ 0; for example: 2 × 1/2 = 1

a × 0 = 0, for example: 2 × 0 = 0

a × b = 0, which means: either a = 0, or b = 0, or both are zero

Distributive law of multiplication

For addition:

(a + b) × c = a c + b c for example: (2 + 3) × 4 = 2×4 + 3×4

For subtraction:

(a b) × c = a b c for example: (3 – 2) × 4 = 3×4 – 2×4

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