Ophthalmomyotrainer-relaxator “Visotronic M3”

Visotronic device Decreased visual acuity is diagnosed in almost all patients of ophthalmology clinics. To eliminate this problem, various methods are used, including hardware treatment. Experts recognize it as one of the most effective devices.

Ophthalmologists use it to treat and prevent diseases of the visual organs in patients of all ages. However, self-treatment with Visotronic is not recommended. This is due to a number of contraindications with a risk of complications.

Indications for use

Treatment procedures using Visotronics are included in the treatment regimen for the following diseases and conditions:

  • Myopia or myopia of any degree. This disease is characterized by good near vision and poor vision of distant objects. The cause of the disease is a violation of the refraction of light rays and their projection in front of the retina.
  • Amblyopia.
  • Feeling of constant eye fatigue.
  • False myopia. This condition is characterized by a decrease in visual acuity caused by spasm of the eye muscles when they are overstrained.

This list of ophthalmological problems is most often observed in people who experience constant negative effects on the visual apparatus. The risk group includes citizens whose activities occur in the following conditions:

  • Spending a long time in a cramped room where vision is focused only on nearby objects. The consequence of this is a spasm of accommodation.
  • Uncontrolled use of electronic gadgets and devices - computer, TV, tablet, phone and others.
  • Reading paper and electronic text in low light conditions or while lying down.
  • The need for excessive strain on the visual organs and constant increased concentration of attention in the process of work. Such conditions characterize the professions of drivers and surgeons.

For members of the risk group, timely course use of the Visotronic M3 device may be an opportunity to avoid further deterioration of vision and surgical intervention. Reviews of Visotronic treatment for patients diagnosed with myopia indicate a slowdown of the disease and partial restoration of visual acuity.

The mechanism of the therapeutic effect of the simulator

Training the eye structures using the Visotronic M3 simulator is based on the action of the most important adaptogenic (triggering adaptation processes) factors of the human visual system - light and movement.

Under the influence of changing conditions, reflex changes in the ciliary muscle occur. Its relaxation is a consequence of two emerging effects:

  • the effect of “glass atropine - microfogging against the background of positive spherical lenses;
  • the effect of divergent disaccommodation under the influence of prisms facing each other with their bases.

By alternating positive and negative spherical lenses, as well as changing the direction of the bases of the prismatic lenses, the effect of training exercises is achieved - anisometropic and binocular swing of the ciliary muscle occurs. Sphero-prismatic lenses with an oblique direction of the line between the base and the apex are also used, which help to increase the adaptability and coordination of the eye muscles.

Color impulses act as an additional stimulator, affecting the visual pathways, retinal photoreceptors and visual structures of the central nervous system.

The simulator works according to a specific algorithm based on a number of principles:

  • formation of reflexive focusing on the goal;
  • gradual increase in loads;
  • the use of diverse and multidirectional exercises (many options for exposure are achieved by changing the direction of divergence, the optical power of the lenses, the light pulse direction, the duration of the exercises and their alternation with periods of rest);
  • inclusion of adequate complementary exercises in the treatment regimen.

Based on these principles, four optical reflex training complexes have been developed and are used. Each of them includes five types of exercises and a series of light pulses of red, green and blue.

The first complex is designed to warm up the oculomotor and ciliary muscles.

The second complex is aimed at relaxing the ciliary muscle while simultaneously training the extraocular muscles. The necessary effect is achieved through moderate loads during divergence of the eyeballs in alternating directions.

The third complex includes sphero-prismatic lenses, arranged in increasing order of their optical power. Training in this mode gives the greatest load.

The fourth complex is aimed at consolidating the achieved functional results.

Consistent, systematic implementation of all four sets of exercises allows you to achieve high and sustainable results.

It should be noted that after the first training sessions, the patient feels subjective improvements in the functioning of the visual apparatus, which is due to relaxation of the ciliary muscles. This, as a rule, gives a positive psycho-emotional effect that increases the patient’s motivation, which leads to high interest and trusting interaction between the patient and the doctor and, ultimately, to a higher effectiveness of the entire training course.

The use of an ophthalmic myotrainer is indicated not only for obvious eye pathology, but also in all cases where there is only a probability of the onset and development of pathological processes in the visual apparatus, including involutional (age-related). Acceleration of metabolic processes, activation of hemo- and hydrodynamics of the eye, increased coordination and endurance of the oculomotor muscles, improvement of adaptation processes are a tangible and sustainable result of complex prevention and treatment using Visotronic M3.

Treatment method using Visotronics

Before treatment on the Visotronic device, it is adjusted depending on the diagnosis, age of the patient, and individual characteristics.

There are two ways to use Visotronic for the eyes.

For amblyopia, when the eye takes on an elongated shape, treatment with Visotronic occurs as follows:

  • The patient sits in front of the monitor and views the image projected by a light beam in front of the retina.
  • Focusing vision on an object causes the brain to transmit nerve impulses to the ciliary muscle of the eye.
  • In response to impulses, a reflex relaxation of the ciliary muscle occurs, which leads to a change in the elongated shape of the eye to a round one.
  • As a result, the quality of vision of the object improves.

For other diseases, when the shape of the eye is deformed to an excessively rounded appearance, not ordinary lenses, but prismatic ones are installed on the Visotronic 10 device. During the procedure, opposite processes occur:

  • Under the influence of brain signals, the ciliary muscle tenses.
  • The shape of the eye becomes more elongated and oblong.

Over time, the functioning of the ciliary muscle normalizes; its contraction and relaxation begins to occur without additional stimulation.

The Visotronic device is suitable for the treatment of myopia of any degree, both for adult patients of different ages and for young children.

To achieve maximum effect, ophthalmologists recommend a course of hardware treatment with Visotronik twice a year. It is an affordable and safe alternative to surgical treatment. Several courses of procedures using the Visotronic ophthalmic myotrainer will help restore the shape of the eyeball, reduce muscle spasms, and significantly improve visual function.

Design and principle of operation of the device

The device is a tabletop simulator consisting of a stand and a drum in which lenses of different diopters are located. The set consists of 20 special lenses and prisms for each eye. Their change occurs automatically.

Hardware treatment has a very gentle effect. That is why the simulator has a minimum number of contraindications. The fact is that the operating principle of the device is based on working with the natural capabilities of the eyes. The main principle is relaxation of the ciliary muscle of the eye, on which the performance of the motor muscles of the eyeball depends.

The device contains basic treatment methods, each of which is intended for a specific group of patients. The device works based on the following two main techniques:

  1. The first technique is called “glass atropine”. When the ciliary muscle is overstrained, the eyeball becomes slightly elongated along its axis. Training on the Visotronic device returns the eye to its normal shape.
  2. The second method is called divergent disaccommodation, or the prism method. Oblique prisms make the image bifurcated. A person, on a subconscious level, tries to focus his gaze on the picture, as a result of which the eye muscles are trained and over time come to a natural position, improving vision.

During the procedure, the eyes are exposed to additional light, which forces the necessary muscles to additionally work in the right direction.

The device provides several types of training complexes. Each of them contains 5 exercises and a certain number of light pulses of different colors. Each of the complexes involves a different load on the eye muscles and has a purpose.

Before starting treatment on such a simulator, you should undergo an examination.

The device has an electronic control system. The display on the main panel shows the distance between the centers of the eyepieces and the number of the current method item. The patient can train with his or her own glasses or contact lenses without removing them.

The device operates from the network. The doctor directs his work using buttons on the built-in panel.

There are a number of specific recommendations for placing the simulator indoors. They are indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions for the device. Avoid exposing the device to direct sunlight to avoid deformation of some plastic parts. The simulator should work directly, without connecting tees and extension cords.

Cost of device and treatment

The price of the Visotronic device is quite high so that it can be purchased for individual purchase. The cost of standard equipment, depending on the company, can be up to 250 thousand rubles. Therefore, eye treatment with Visotronic is usually carried out in medical institutions.

The cost of treatment varies from 400 to 800 rubles per procedure. In Moscow and other cities with a population of over a million, a course of treatment with the Vizotronik eye device will cost more than in smaller settlements.

In municipal clinics and hospitals, patients can undergo free treatment using a medical policy.


In most cases, the use of the Visotronic treatment device is absolutely safe since there is no direct contact between the doctor and the patient’s eyeball. The non-invasive technique has a small number of contraindications, however, the instructions for use of Visotronic prohibit this method of treatment in the following cases:

  • Oncological diseases of the organs of vision and nearby tissues.
  • Infectious and viral diseases of the eyes and areas near the eyes.
  • Acute stage of the inflammatory process of the eyelids, cornea, conjunctiva and other intraocular elements.
  • Pathological conditions of the retina - inflammation, detachment, thinning, mechanical damage.
  • Diseases of the optic nerve.
  • Complex forms of strabismus.
  • Glaucoma, manifested by increased intraocular pressure caused by weak outflow of secretions from the eye chambers.
  • Cloudiness of the lens, cornea, vitreous body.
  • Nystagmus, manifested by involuntary trembling of the eyeballs.

Despite the fact that the use of the Visotronic MZ device does not lead to dangerous complications, ophthalmologists admit an increased risk of their occurrence. In all of these cases, the use of other therapeutic methods and procedures is recommended.

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