Psychological impact of color and elementary aesthetic reactions

Characteristics and meaning

Gray color is obtained by mixing black and white .

He is faceless, without pronounced accents, boring, and blends in with his surroundings.

You can imagine the color gray by remembering a rainy day, when the colors fade and the sky loses its bright hue. Despite its properties, gray color has many variations - from pale to dark and gloomy . The impact on the psyche depends on these shades.

Sometimes it may simply go unnoticed, but in other circumstances, gray is annoying and causes rejection. Although in general, this color is neutral and is often used in business suits or in the design of rooms where a calm atmosphere is needed.

The influence of purple, blue and brown colors

The color violet has a contradictory effect on the human condition, as it can increase stamina, reduce performance, suppress intellectual abilities, or even lead to depression.

To reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure and relieve pain, wear blue items. But do not overdo it, because long-term influence of this color leads to fatigue and depression of some functional capabilities of the human body.

The color brown tells us the need for relaxation and bodily comfort. Therefore, if you feel such needs, then think about how to bring this color into your life and take a little break from work moments.

What does it symbolize?

When choosing a color for clothing or interior decoration, it is worth thinking about its symbolism . Different peoples may have different shades of meaning.

Among the French it is associated with sadness, in the East - humiliation, meanness, anger, in Europe - the color of high society, some African tribes associate it with dust, for Christians gray is a renunciation from joys and worldly things.

We wear gray when we are in mourning, sadness, we want to show our isolation from the world, to set personal boundaries. This is the color of humility and sorrow.

The meaning of colors from a psychological point of view

Color psychology involves the study of the influence of colors on human consciousness. The color of clothing, accessories, and interior items reflect a person’s emotional state and preferences. They also characterize the individual and upcoming events.


Testifies to a person’s maturity, accumulated life experience, and wisdom. Color inspires, awakens sensitivity and compassion. Despite the expressiveness of the shade, it can easily be overshadowed by other colors. The purple color adds elegance and festive mood to the appearance. It is he who is associated with brilliant ideas and discoveries, musical and artistic talents, intuition and even mystical events. Since ancient times, this color has prevailed in the clothing of kings and noble members of society. According to psychologists, the purple hue helps fight negative thoughts and psychopathy.


The color of peace, kindness, love, purity, sincerity and peace of mind. With a lack of this color, a person loses a sense of harmony with himself and the world around him. Bright and rich, it fills life with joy and a craving for novelty.

Color adds liveliness, freshness, fills with energy, and helps to establish a connection with nature. Psychologists use the color green to relieve the patient of anger, aggression, apathy, depression, and inappropriate behavior.


Despite the fact that the color is cold, it encourages trusting relationships, calms, relieves stress and tension. He is the personification of the universe. The shade of blue has a beneficial effect on the emotional state, helps to get rid of fears, fears, establish contact with your inner world, clears the mind, and directs you to the right thoughts and actions.


Represents the sun, warmth, and supreme powers. In psychology, it is a symbol of joy, kindness, lightness, comfort, and fun. It has a beneficial effect on mental activity, improving memory and intelligence, filling with pleasant emotions and optimism. Psychologists recommend this color for the development of children from an early age. Under the influence of the yellow tint, the child shows greater interest in what is happening, learns to control thoughts and concentrate on things. But you should not furnish the entire children's room with yellow furniture and toys; an excess of this color leads to restless sleep for the baby.

The color is very unstable. In combination with other shades, it can cause the opposite effect. The combination of yellow and green indicates envy and hypocrisy. Cool shades symbolize mistrust, betrayal, inconstancy and jealousy.


The shade is hot, powerful, bright. It is this color that surrounds true leaders who are filled with confidence, inner strength and the ability to influence others. It is these people who are truly ardent in nature; they give themselves completely to work, love and friendship, while receiving much more in return. Lovers of the color red are very active in life, they easily take on any job and are not afraid of problems. But an excessive combination of red shades can cause rudeness and anger. Psychologists use this shade to reboot the nervous system, helping to throw out accumulated negative energy, adrenaline, improve blood circulation and stimulate sexual desire.


Psychologists interpret this color as a symbol of a depressive mood, constant stress, negativity, anger, and devastation. Individuals who prefer black, as a rule, want to protect themselves from their surroundings. They are able to control what is happening and restrain their personal qualities. Black hides secret, fear, anxiety, anger, mystery, burden.


This shade is recommended for people to unleash their creative potential. Psychologists attribute kindness, softness, weightlessness and a little frivolity to the color. With a large accumulation of blue, a person feels laziness, weakness and sadness. Particularly suitable for people who suffer from insomnia and mental disorders.


Orange is the favorite shade of individuals who like to dream, fantasize and who have developed intuition. They are characterized by soft character traits, flexibility and inconstancy. Since it is close to yellow, it has similar features: warmth, calmness, lightness.

This version of the color rainbow indicates excitement, vigor, activity, and optimism. It helps to cope with problems, bad thoughts, life losses, setting you up in a positive way. The red tint raises self-esteem, helps to adequately perceive what is happening and forgive people for their mistakes.


The shade is filled with restraint, calmness and lightness. It wouldn’t hurt to get turquoise-colored jewelry, as they attract good luck. Despite the coldness, it helps to establish warm relationships with people and makes a person more attractive in the eyes of others.


The shade means carefree, lightness, dreaminess, inspiration, romance. The favorite color of calculating and doubting people. The pink shade is preferred by those people who try not to stand out from the crowd. A person who avoids this color can be described as an emotional and frivolous person.


This shade is preferred by real family men and household members. If a person has a negative attitude towards this color, then this indicates his selfishness, frivolity, narcissism, secrecy and duplicity. It is important to understand which shades of this color a person prefers.

Brown clothes make you want to work, work, improve yourself in all aspects, show assertiveness and not give up. The negative side of color is uncertainty and despair.


In psychology, the color gray does not carry much meaning; it is characterized by passivity, neutrality, and indifference. It can only complement other shades, bringing dexterity, carefreeness, wisdom, nobility and greatness. But if a person is surrounded by a lot of gray color, he becomes depressed, life loses its bright colors, becomes monotonous and uninteresting, and feels empty.


Women who prefer white talk about their innocence, youth, purity, submissiveness. For men, color means impartiality, firmness, truthfulness. In psychology it has an ambiguous designation: simplicity and boredom, lightness and despair.

Lilac and burgundy

Lilac indicates warmth and harmony, peace of mind. Makes a person more dreamy, sensual, inspired, mysterious.

The wine shade, in turn, indicates a strong personality, independence, leadership qualities, the ability to suppress emotions and show persistence.


Gray has many shades.

If a neutral color does not evoke any emotions, then ashy can awaken sadness and depression .

Gray is used to neutralize and smooth out other, brighter colors. If you use only red, the nervous system will quickly become overexcited, but if you add gray shades, the effect will be softer.

Light gray can visually enlarge a small room, while dark shades act oppressively, reducing the perception of space.

Gray is neutral, it is a kind of border between colors, faceless, but necessary, without it it is impossible to truly feel other colors.

What are the negative character traits? You will find the list on our website.

Psychology of gray:

Interior of the premises

How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche at home

It is impossible to make a complete list of the influence of shades on a person, since each individual has his own perception. However, designers adhere to general recommendations when designing the interior. The influence of blue color has been studied by psychologists, so this shade is recommended for decorating a bedroom. It will calm you down and relieve tension.

Blue colors help distract from bad thoughts

Research work has revealed that it is better to decorate the kitchen in bright colors. They stimulate appetite and excite. For your workplace you need to choose pastel colors. Public areas should be decorated with bright colors such as red or orange. They have an exciting effect on visitors, this is important for catering outlets or clubs.

Important! The tone can have different shades: from pale to rich.

Psychologists still cannot say exactly how colors affect the human psyche. Therefore, you can focus on personal feelings when creating the interior of the room. This is especially important for the home environment.

What is it used for in advertising?

In advertising, gray is often used as a background. It is used to display information technology; it is associated with scientific progress .

Emphasizes the elitism of the product. This is especially true for silver shades. It evokes a feeling of reliability and speaks volumes about the quality of the product being offered.

Design studios often use gray interiors as advertising. This is the color of luxury real estate, the city, and stability .

Blue color and mood

Reduces heart rate, stimulates creative and brain activity, induces relaxation, helps to relax and find peace of mind, improves concentration, inspires confidence, and arouses interest.

You need to use rich blue color in the interior carefully and thoughtfully. It belongs to a cold palette, so it is better not to use it in northern and poorly lit rooms. It is perfect for use in classic and modern interiors, always appropriate in Mediterranean and high-tech style. It has been proven that almost all shades of blue reduce our appetite and therefore those who want to always look slim should consider this color as a possible background for the kitchen and dining room.

Physiological and psychological effects on health

Gray color does not evoke stormy and bright emotions.

However, it can depress, especially when in excess.

If a person is initially in a sad, depressive mood, then the presence of gray will further aggravate the condition.

It symbolizes maturity, a businesslike attitude , and therefore is able to relieve tension in offices. This is a strict color, it is used in government agencies.

Light gray calms and induces contacts . It has a beneficial effect on the activity of the nervous system, especially in people of choleric temperament.

Dark gray has a more severe effect, depresses, slows down . Excess gray in children's rooms is not recommended.

If a person is prone to phobias and lacks self-confidence, then the gray color also has an adverse effect on him.

The main emotions it evokes are sadness, moderation, calm , and it slows down brain activity.

About what the color gray means in this video:

The influence of color on a person: more important than you think

From early childhood, a person is surrounded by a world in which there are many colors and their shades. And, of course, he gives preference to the most beautiful color for him, which subsequently becomes his “favorite”. So, some people may like yellow and not like black at all, while others may do the opposite. Some people like several colors at once. In this article we will try to explain the meanings of colors and their significance in human life , which in the future can help you get to know yourself in more detail and approach the choice of colors for a specific purpose better.

As you know, the influence of a certain color on the psyche of a person was noticed in ancient times by various sorcerers, shamans, etc. And even now we can say that some colors can evoke completely different emotions , for example, happiness, joy, melancholy, sadness, they can calm and, conversely, anger or irritate.

First, let's figure out what “color” is and what science studies it.

Color is, first of all, a physical phenomenon. In scientific terms, this is a characteristic of electromagnetic radiation of a special optical range - spectrum. Color perception arises based on the sensations of the visual apparatus.

In simple terms, color is a visual sensation that a person receives when light rays of different wavelengths enter the eye. Color perception is a very subjective characteristic. It turns out that each person sees colors differently.

The science that studies colors and their properties is called color science. And a method of alternative medicine, with the help of which a person is exposed to variously colored light for the purpose of healing him - color therapy . But because this method does not rely on the scientific method, and research does not support its effectiveness, it is pseudoscientific.

Color affects the human psyche, and at the same time has a pronounced character. For example, it is generally accepted that the color green is calming, so they try to paint walls in schools with this color, while red, on the contrary, excites the psyche and literally “catches” attention. Therefore, signs or prohibitory signs are depicted using the color red.

Sometimes color evokes certain reactions that can help in making a decision . It also affects appetite, behavior, blood pressure, and, in general, the human condition. For example, when the bright sun is shining, a person becomes much lighter and more cheerful, but when it is cloudy and gray, the condition worsens and the mood drops. Modern sellers and advertising writers take such factors into account and try to select specific colors that people will “listen to.” In addition, it is important to choose the colors in your home so that the household members are happy, so that certain colors do not contribute to irritability, but, on the contrary, calm everyone down. And most importantly, we must choose the right colors in our wardrobe, since we perceive colors not only through our eyes, but also through our skin.

Let's look at the 9 primary colors and describe their effect on humans.

Red color

This color literally makes a person become more active . It causes excitement in the psyche, and with its help the muscles tense and movements become more intense. Any place where this color is present, we can observe greater efficiency. But you should know that the body gradually gets used to this color, as a result of which color fatigue occurs and the result may not be the best.

Also, red is one of the most aggressive colors, which can lead to irritation and anger , so you should not stay in a room with this color for a long time. But if you cannot understand what to do in a given situation, it will give you strength and a charge of vigor. And if you still “get up on the wrong foot” in the morning, then this color, which contains cheerful notes, will be the sure cure for this problem.

Clothing of this color on a person’s body shows strong character, desire for a specific goal and perseverance, but it can also hide the insecurities and complexes of shy people. Therefore, to overcome any short-term difficulty, you should use this color.

At home, it can visually reduce space and have a good effect on digestion and stimulate appetite, so a piece with red color can be placed in the kitchen.

Orange color

This color is much softer and more delicate than the previous one. We can say that it liberates people, makes their feelings warmer . With the presence of this color, a person’s life is filled with fun and good mood. Orange itself is a business color and can promise success in career growth. There is optimism and radiance in him. It has a beneficial effect on people’s performance and their unity.

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Also, this color has a good effect on brain function , so if a person is interested in creativity, this color will have a beneficial effect on both him and his activities.

The color orange has a special energy that attracts people and wins over absolutely anyone . When used in clothing or at home, a person’s positive aspects are revealed. He becomes more cheerful, bolder, and he develops leadership qualities. In addition, it relieves stress and helps get rid of depression.

Orange color enhances concentration , helps during important negotiations and even the formation of friendships. It is safe, there are no contraindications for this color, so you can safely use it in life.

At home, you can also add orange shades to your child’s room, this will help him fight loneliness and develop positive qualities, as well as in the kitchen, since this color (like red) promotes appetite.


The color yellow evokes feelings of happiness, satisfaction and harmony . Warmth emanates from it, like from the sun. People who wear clothes with this color are most often cheerful, cheerful and leading by nature. Once you add a little yellow color to your home, a person’s mood will begin to improve from time to time. But it is worth noting that too much yellow color hurts the eye, which can lead to headaches.

It’s not for nothing that yellow is called the intellectual color . It is safe to say that it increases creativity, so a small amount of it can be used in an office or room where a person does work. For small children, this color can be harmful in large doses. They react to it most often negatively and begin to cry. And you should also not use yellow for insomnia.

Green color

This color evokes associations with nature and makes us calm and peaceful. We immediately remember a forest or park, birds singing, rustling grass underfoot with droplets of race, and fresh warm air. The soul immediately becomes calm, harmony appears, and the person becomes softer. If the color green is present on a person, then we can say that he has a quiet, calm, balanced character, knows his worth and is calm about the world around him.

This color improves vision and appetite, has a good effect on concentration and brain function, and allows you to get rid of negative emotions . It also influences the preservation of the final result and allows you to fully devote yourself to the task. It has a good effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Green color makes a person most efficient. But it is worth remembering that with a large amount of green, apathy and melancholy appear. The color green may be present in the nursery, but only if the child is not phlegmatic. If this is so, the color will have a positive effect, arouse interest in learning and understanding the world, and make you self-confident.


This color calms the senses and slightly reduces activity. It is passive, so it can cause some kind of slowdown. Light blue is a combination of blue and white. Therefore, one part of it causes coolness, helps to calm down, and the second includes imagination and attentiveness.

Most often this color can be found in a school classroom or office. It influences creativity as well as the expression of one's thoughts. It has a relaxing effect on children, so the presence of this color in small doses will not be superfluous. And at home, blue color will be useful in the bedroom, as it induces drowsiness and relieves tension. However, you should not use it too often, otherwise you risk constantly needing sleep.

Blue color

Blue is a cool color. It often causes depression, leads to a significant decrease in activity and is commonly used in anti-advertising.

With its help, a person surrenders to dreams and reflections, because it is the color of the sky and sea . It creates coolness, and on a hot day the presence of this color in the room will have a positive effect on you, while it can visually expand the room. But in this case you need to be careful, since too much influence of this color can make you feel depressed.

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For hyperactive people, blue can serve as a sedative; it will help them control themselves and teach them to manage their emotions, but for melancholic people, on the contrary, it is harmful.

It can also instill self-confidence. Blue is responsible for logic and analysis of actions; with its help, a person becomes more disciplined. It also has beneficial properties on the child: it forces them to pay attention and concentrate.


This color evokes associations of luxury and looks quite mysterious . It is responsible for intuition and knowledge, helps to get rid of melancholy, but only if it is in moderation. In large quantities it causes depression and fatigue. People who wear purple clothes most often have a kind character and a timid, shy heart.

Purple color should not be chosen for decorating living rooms, as it causes a decrease in both physical and mental activity. But it will help get rid of headaches. This color is the color of the aristocracy, because before not everyone could buy it, and maybe that’s why it now evokes a sense of self-esteem.

White color

White is the color of self-confident people , as well as the color of innocence and purity. People who choose this color are most often kind by nature, but on the outside they show coldness. They do not give in to emotions and try to look at things with “sober” eyes.

If you want people to listen to you and trust you, so that it is easy for you to start any business, then your choice is white . It has limitless power, pushes you to action and at the same time gives you a feeling of freshness. Also, white color always helps to be in good shape; with its help, a person’s strength and will increase. But if there is too much white, it causes associations with the hospital and has a bad effect on work activity, and not enough of this color makes us irritable. Therefore it should be in moderation.

Black color

Black color is associated with something mysterious and scary , but at the same time, almost every person has it in their wardrobe, because it is also the color of a business person. It suits every shade and gives a certain severity. If a person has the most black items in his wardrobe, then we can say about him that he is a gloomy person who avoids society, or quite the opposite - he wants to stand out from the crowd.

This color also causes a decrease in mood, as it gives a feeling of depression. It absorbs light and causes melancholy, and in some cases causes uncertainty. But besides this, it helps to get to the truth, find what is hidden, makes you go to protest and be heard.

Thus, we observe that the influence of color on the psyche and life of a person is enormous, and by choosing the right color, you can achieve great success and radically change your life.

Survey conducted

To delve further into this topic, we surveyed 60 ordinary students , asking each one a specific question: what is your favorite color?

And this is the result we came to: fourteen students preferred blue, ten out of sixty preferred green, eight chose black, four each chose red and blue, three chose purple, two chose white and one person chose yellow.

The rest were unable to give a clear answer, but named two or more than three colors at the same time (and many named not specific colors, but their shades).

Thus, we can conclude that the majority of modern students with developed logical judgment are organized and systematized people, and at the same time calm and energetic. The smaller part of the respondents was divided into half: in one of them - bright, impulsive people, and in the other - calmer, attentive and less active.

In conclusion, we can say that the above information is useful, since color plays a huge role in our lives. And the person who reads this article will be able to correctly set his color preferences in order to achieve good results and get rid of unnecessary emotions.


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What can you say about a person who loves gray?

Lovers of gray look faceless in appearance.

It is often preferred by older, depressed, lonely people who want to be invisible and hide from others.

Such a person strives for peace and does not like external interference and contacts with other people.

There is no appetite for risk , a lover of gray tends to think for a long time, look for logic, and come up with a more acceptable and accurate solution to the problem.

Such people are good analysts , so they can often be found among accountants, economists, and teachers. There is ambition and modesty, avoidance of public speaking and attracting attention to oneself.

The character is calm, the personality rarely experiences vivid emotions and is even afraid of them. There are high moral principles and demands on other people.

At the same time, life remains quite gray, there is not enough energy , emotional charge.

It is impossible to deny the influence of certain colors of clothing and interior on the mood. One color can relax, calm, and inspire. A different color instills panic or irritates.

This is due to the fact that different colors are able to stimulate different parts of the brain and the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the production of hormones that regulate metabolism, sleep, appetite, etc.

Therefore, we are very dependent on the flowers we are surrounded by.

Color affects appetite and blood pressure. We usually don't notice the influence of color. But, for example, on a cloudy day, when we see only grayness outside the window, our mood immediately begins to deteriorate. Positive energy disappears, and the world around us suddenly becomes unpleasant and hostile.

Color therapy: the influence of color on the human psyche.

Color therapy (chromotherapy) is a treatment with color. At different periods of his life, a person develops one or another preference in the color of clothing, interior design, etc. Most likely, you have noticed this in yourself. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that people on a subconscious level strive for tones that match their mood, help recharge their batteries and get rid of illness.

The influence of red color.

Red color helps to increase tone, get a charge of vigor and activity, and feel a surge of strength. If you cannot make the right decision, you are afraid to carry out your plans, then the red color will relieve you of all doubts and help you make the right choice faster.

The color red excites the psyche, causes an accelerated heartbeat and even increased muscle activity. The color is warm and life-giving. Red also has a positive effect on the human body - it stimulates blood circulation, improves metabolism, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and immunity.

The influence of yellow color.

The main associations of yellow are intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, self-sufficiency, fertility and maturity. This color gives energy, optimism, calms and relaxes.

Yellow color and all its shades tone the nervous system, can raise a person’s self-esteem and stimulate mental abilities. It has a positive effect on memory, creative activity, and promotes the thinking process.

The influence of orange color.

Orange has its own special warmth and energy. Orange color will help you relax, invigorate and help create a good mood. Its use has a beneficial effect on brain function, stimulates vigorous activity and creativity. Orange affects concentration.

The main associations are leadership, courage, adventure, vitality.

The influence of orange color on a person will help establish friendly relationships with other people and make you more responsible.

The influence of green color.

Green color is associated with nature, youth, freshness. Capable of calming and calming. All shades of green have a beneficial effect on the ability to concentrate. Juicy green color helps get rid of anxiety and worries. Color has a refreshing effect, allows you to remain cheerful and toned.

The influence of blue color.

The color of peace. Calms the nervous system before bed, relieves excessive nervousness and excitement.

The influence of blue color on a person improves concentration. Excessive impulsiveness often affects the functioning of the nervous system, and not in the best way. But blue color can cope with these problems. Your mind will become fresh and clear. This color also increases self-confidence. It helps cope with high blood pressure or temperature.

The influence of the color purple.

Purple color is responsible for intuition and other inexplicable insights. The basis of purple is Knowledge. This color allows you to drive away any fears and cope with melancholy. This is the color of soul and spirituality, mysticism and magic. Symbolizes unlimitedness, ingenuity, imagination, faith.

The influence of white color.

White is the color of successful people. A positive effect of color on a person’s mood and physical condition has been noticed. It helps you always be in good shape and full of energy. With him you will throw away all your worries and fears. White color stimulates the functioning of the organs of vision and the endocrine system. Creative people who strive for peace and a peaceful existence, who want to gain independence and freedom, choose white.

The influence of brown color.

Brown color is characterized by integrity, reliability, confidence and restraint. This is the color of common sense, inviolability and reliability, which will not let you down in difficult times. Light shades of brown create a feeling of security, while dark brown light brings comfort and warmth.

The influence of pink color.

It is a symbol of a pleasant, calm and happy life. The color pink is also a symbol of all-consuming love, spiritual beauty, compassion and selflessness. It tunes the body and prepares the ground for any type of treatment. This is the color of kindness and romance. Everything bad melts in pink; this color helps get rid of obsessive thoughts.

The influence of gray color.

This is the color of intelligence. Relaxes, helps you feel calm. Promotes sleep. A color symbolizing stability and reliability. Purifying gray distinguishes creative individuals. It indicates the individual’s desire for self-isolation in order to maintain internal balance.

What does color aversion mean?

Those who do not like the color gray strive to diversify their lives as fully .

They prefer bright colors and adventure.

In communication they want to either win or lose, but they do not like a neutral and uncertain position .

The character may exhibit impulsiveness and frivolity . Those who deny this color are afraid of being passed over, defeated; success, contact with other people, and achievements are important to them.

They do not like “gray” and faceless people, they avoid them and do not understand them, considering them secretive and uninteresting.

Who can I recommend using?

Gray color combines well with many other colors.

In clothes

It goes especially well with white, black, purple , diluting harsh shades.

It is suitable for a business suit. Nevertheless, it is worth diversifying it by introducing brighter elements and accessories - a tie, a bracelet, a small brooch.

Don't dress entirely in grey . A blouse, shirt, sweater should be of a different, more positive shade. Color is often used in uniforms to emphasize business orientation, responsibility, and reliability.

Gray is suitable for choleric people, if you need to smooth out your explosive temperament a little.

It is not recommended for melancholic people , despite their desire to use this color in clothes.

In them, it further depresses the nervous system. For sanguine and phlegmatic people it has a neutral effect.

What are the positive character traits? Find out about this from our article.

How to choose the shade of gray for yourself? Find out from the video:

In the interior

In interior design, gray is an indispensable element . Kitchen surfaces look good with it. The steel-colored refrigerator looks stylish and rich.

In the living room or bedroom you can hang curtains in a rich gray shade. They are combined with white and black furniture.

If you need to make the room visually more spacious, then take a light gray shade; it has a softer effect than white, does not dazzle and evokes a feeling of stability.

In rooms where rigor and impact on people are required, darker, deeper shades of gray are used. However, it should be remembered that it affects not only visitors, but also the employees themselves.

Suitable for people with intellectual work , with the caveat that the interior cannot be composed only of this color, otherwise fatigue and depression of the nervous system will occur over time.

Remember that you should not allow an excess of this color in the interior and be sure to dilute it with more joyful shades - green, yellow, red.

Gray color in the interior:

Psychology of color

Colors not only make our existence brighter, but also determine our mood and influence our thoughts and actions. By distinguishing colors, we better recognize objects in the surrounding world and cope better with vital tasks. Colors also carry information important for communication. Because color influences people's everyday behavior, it makes sense to understand how and why physical reactions to each color occur and how to best use this information in business and personal situations.

Believe it or not, the color of your clothes can help you get a promotion, convince you in an argument, or invite your friends to have a frank conversation. Colors in the home encourage or discourage family conversation and can even cause insomnia. The colors of the packaging will discreetly indicate that there is a useful, expensive or fragile item inside.

Our emotional response to color is incredibly strong. The perception of color depends on the physiological characteristics of your eyes and on the state of the nervous system, on life experience and the environment.

Scientists say that our eyes react to colors as radiation having different wavelengths and characterized by varying degrees of reflection, refraction and absorption. The eye perceives color, and instantly a process begins in the brain, echoing in the peripheral nervous system.

For example, hot colors—red, orange, and yellow—have the longest wavelengths, requiring a significant amount of energy to be perceived. These are colors of an active and offensive nature; they have a stimulating effect on the brain, increasing the purity of the pulse and breathing.

In contrast, cool colors, green and blue, are short wavelength and therefore easily perceived. The calm they cause is associated with a slowdown in metabolism.

In addition to the natural reaction of our body, life experience plays an important role in the perception of color. We were taught that pink is for newborn girls and blue for boys, that the bride’s white dress indicates her purity and innocence, that the color red at a street crossing tells us to stop.

The color of the clothes speaks volumes. Would you be aggressive if the service representative was dressed all in white or black?

Will a doctor who wears a bright orange tie be trusted? Which female professional would you choose as your financial advisor—the one who wears a dark blue suit, or the one in a bright scarlet blouse?

The colors of clothing can give us confidence, strength, or vice versa, create a feeling of awkwardness. There are no “bad” or “good” colors, we are only talking about the possibility of choosing the types of color communication. This applies not only to clothing, but also to decorating your home, advertising, graphic design, new product design and retail design. Ask yourself why guests were bored to death at your party?

Maybe it's not the company, but the fact that the walls of your living room are painted lavender, that is, a color that invites you to doze off and "switch off."

Would you like your salary to be indexed higher than usual? Try wearing something red a few weeks before your annual performance review.

There is a chance that this eye-catching color will remind the boss of your request.

Color influence

Since color subconsciously influences people's everyday behavior, it makes sense to understand how and why certain reactions to color occur. What follows is a detailed explanation of our physical reactions to each color, while also laying out typical psychological associations. It also provides tips on how to best use this information in artistic, business, and everyday situations.


The color red speaks of danger, excitement, passion, strength, aggression and success. This is not only an emotional, but also a physiological reaction. The color red causes shock, it completely captures attention and requires effort to perceive. Focusing on the color red increases your heart rate and blood pressure. Ever wonder why so many fast food restaurants are painted red? This color activates the salivary glands, which makes us hungry and tires our eyes, causing us to eat more and then leave the room faster.

Red color is more noticeable than others. Due to its powerful effects on your peripheral nervous system, red can make you restless and restless. Casino owners have noticed that when the color is red, people make more bets and play more riskily, and therefore it is used in sectors where they play for high stakes. Red encourages people to make quick decisions. The color red also fills you with energy and courage, giving you a feeling of strength with which you can accomplish your goals. This is why politicians often wear red ties, especially before presidential elections. Red evokes strong emotions, including passion. A woman in red is often seen as flirtatious; game.

In China, the color red means good luck; Brides are dressed in it, and newborns are greeted with red eggs. Feng Shui proponents recommend using the color red to expel bad energy from your home. But in home decor, there are restrictions on the color red: use it only in those rooms where you will work or spend time in conversations - in living rooms (if you use red for

dining room, be prepared for guests to eat twice as much). Red color is preferable for passage areas where you do not need to spend a lot of time - in halls and corridors. In a nursery, it can lead to insomnia.

  • Rich red is a color that expresses speed, power, play, danger and passion.
  • Red grabs attention and brings objects colored in it to the foreground.
  • Red creates a feeling of warmth. Coffee seems hotter in a red cup than in a green one.
  • Red is the first color you'll lose sight of at dusk; it is not visible at long distances.


Psychologists say that yellow is the happiest color of the spectrum; it inspires optimism and joy. Association with the sun gives yellow a special aura, signifying wisdom, intelligence, imagination, and a tendency towards spontaneity. The yellow color is instantly registered by the brain, stimulating its work and the nervous system. The high visibility of the color yellow promotes quick, clear thinking, as discussed by color theorist Faber Birren, who explored the use of color schemes in everyday life. It was Birren who came up with it in the 1950s. use Yellow Pages directories to facilitate the monotonous work of telephone operators.

Later research confirmed Birren's theory, which found that in printing, the most distinguishable combination is black type on a yellow background, and it is this combination that is best retained in memory. It's no surprise that this color is used for cautionary signs and legal papers.

Yellow “revitalizes” other colors, turning hot colors into dazzling colors and bringing cool colors back to life. That's why this color is a favorite in home interiors, filling any room with warmth and light.

Yellow is most often used in the kitchen and dining room - it helps increase appetite.

In small doses, yellow helps create a happy atmosphere for friendly conversations, but prolonged proximity to bright lemon color can cause brain overexcitement and anxiety.

In many countries, yellow signifies success, prosperity and power. In Japan, it serves as a symbol of generosity and nobility: in ancient times, Japanese warriors pinned yellow chrysanthemums on their clothes before battle as a pledge of courage.

  • Yellow is the happiest color in the spectrum and represents warmth, optimism and joy.
  • Yellow actively protrudes into space, and therefore is considered the most noticeable color; it is preferred for road signs and various types of packaging.
  • Yellow color stimulates clear thinking. Black characters on a yellow background are the most distinguishable color combination in printing.
  • Yellow activates other colors, making hot colors shine and bringing cool colors to life.
  • An abundance of yellow can be tiring. Its muted tones are conducive to communication, and its golden tones are associated with the idea of ​​wealth.


This color helps increase the flow of oxygen to our brain and enhances creative activity. Orange color is formed by mixing red with yellow, so it contains qualities of both colors. It has the energy and vitality of red and, like yellow, will create a feeling of happiness. Orange encourages spontaneity and pleasure. Bright orange is extremely eye-catching, which is why it is preferred by construction workers and traffic police as a warning color. It is readily used in stores to advertise sales, as it is identified with good quality.

In more muted tones, like the color of a ripe pumpkin or autumn leaves, orange evokes autumn, the time of harvest. The color of ripe orange and persimmon has a sophisticated appeal that can be both elegant and exotic: just imagine the captivating color of terracotta. Terracotta is especially popular in exotic and gourmet food packaging.

Bright orange is rarely used in everyday life. Interior designers advise using it as punctuation marks, that is, selectively. If used wisely, orange can create an impression of surprise and chic, as if warming up a room with the fire of a fireplace.

Orange is effectively used in advertising and packaging because it has the ability to attract attention. The rich orange color conveys freshness, making it a preferred color for table decorations.

Peach tones are especially good for the home. They not only radiate warmth, but also give a feeling of hospitality; the light reflected from them, falling on the face, gives the skin a pleasant pinkish glow. These colors look great in both daylight and artificial light. Therefore, designers of expensive restaurants prefer a soft peach color, which also stimulates the appetite.

In color therapy, orange is valued for its stimulating effects that enhance immunity. It is considered to bring happiness. But not recommended for easily excitable people. The color orange has long been used on flags and coats of arms to demonstrate strength, endurance and success.

  • Orange has stimulating properties and creates the impression of friendliness, openness and adventurousness.
  • Bright orange is highly visible, which has led to its use in warning signals.
  • The zesty (autumn) tones of orange are warm, exotic and inviting.
  • Those who prefer orange colors are capable of creative thinking, full of enthusiasm, but prone to irresponsibility.
  • Orange is active and therefore loved by children and athletes.


This color is associated with ideas about life and growth and is considered relaxing and calming. Unlike other colors in the spectrum, green is perceived directly by the retina without any refraction. It is believed to have healing properties, the ability to soothe and refresh. The more muted the green color is, the greater its calming properties.

This is one of the reasons why hospital walls are painted seafoam colors. And how can we not remember the “green rooms” behind the stages of theaters and television studios, in which actors relieve excitement and calm down before going on stage.

Depending on the shades, green reveals different possibilities.

Light green tones bring to mind spring and walks in nature with their feeling of happiness and youth, but can also indicate immaturity; it is not for nothing that they say about newcomers: “Still green.” Rich green is the color of mature trees, tall and stable. This color is often found in the offices of lawyers and financiers. And in general, this is the color of money! The color olive is associated with power and is used by the military, while the color of green grass evokes the idea of ​​new life and growth, symbolizing fertility. During the Renaissance, brides preferred to wear dresses of this color to weddings.

Shades of green can be used harmoniously in home decor. Bright green will bring into the house a feeling of the pulse of natural, natural life and “open” the interior to the park surrounding the house. Green tones are refreshing, making them a must-have in kitchens and dining rooms. Pale green evokes a pleasant, clear feeling and is ideal for nooks and crannies of the home - bathrooms and bedrooms. The color green combines humility, sophistication and a sense of antiseptic cleanliness, which is why it is used in the decoration of resorts.

Because shades of green give a feeling of cleanliness and freshness, they are especially popular on cosmetics boxes. In general, products in green packaging are perceived as environmentally friendly. The flavor sensation of green is associated with astringency, and it is not surprising that it is often used in wine bottles.

  • Pale green is a calming and relaxing color. It helps improve vision.
  • Bright green colors are reminiscent of spring and the energy of youth.
  • Dark green colors are associated with stability and growth.
  • All over the world, green is a symbol of safety. Therefore, it is adopted to indicate the start of movement at traffic lights.
  • People who prefer green are reliable and generous.


Light or medium blue tones are especially pleasing.

Indeed, if you persistently look at the blue color, it leads to a decrease in heart rate and respiration and for some time lowers blood pressure.

Almost all of our associations with the color blue are positive. When we see blue or aqua, the sky and calm sea come to mind.

In many national cultures, the color blue is associated with ideas of protection. In the countries of the Middle East, there is a belief: blue doors protect against evil spirits, while in the southeast of America, hallway ceilings are painted blue for this purpose.

Before the invention of refrigerators, when food was stored in kitchens and pantries, these areas were painted cobalt to repel insects, which were observed to avoid blue. Blue color in kitchens is still popular today.

The blue color of the sea inspires loyalty and trust. Therefore, blue is ideal for expressing frankness. During the election campaign, politicians often wear blue suits to inspire confidence.

The aqua color inspires respect; military and police uniforms are made from fabrics in its shades. Bright blue colors are ideal for outfits that you can wear to a party or social event, in which case you will get all the latest gossip, because they will be more open with you than with others.

Dark blue tones are associated with high social status, stability and dignity. The expression "blue blood" comes from Spain, where aristocrats actually believed that they had blue blood running through their veins. The same idea was held in Ancient Egypt, where it was believed that varicose veins were a sign of noble birth and beauty, which forced wealthy women to paint their legs with blue paint. For a long time, the color blue has been a symbol of fidelity, hope and faith.

In home decor, dark blue tones will give the room space a regal look and create a serious ambience, while lighter and brighter blue tones will add charm to it. It has been noted that the color blue is associated with a sweet taste, which is why it is often used on packages of sugar and other sweets.

People work more productively in blue-colored rooms, and studies have confirmed that weightlifters lift more weights when they exercise in gyms that are painted blue. Expensive cars are often painted night blue or silver, which symbolizes power and success, while sportier cars are painted in brighter colors.

  • Almost all of our associations with blue are positive, reflecting its encouraging and calming nature.
  • The aqua color inspires respect, expresses loyalty, trust, reliability and integrity.
  • Blue can expand space, and time seems to flow more slowly in its presence.
  • In many cultures, dark blue is associated with wealth, and leaders are awarded the "blue ribbon".


Purple could be called the color of megalomania. In ancient times, it was so difficult to produce and therefore expensive that only the “cream of society” could afford to use it.

In Ancient Rome, this color was reserved for Caesars, senators and triumphant generals. The higher the rank, the more luxurious the purple robe, which

could be worn in public. Even today, American soldiers wounded in battle are awarded the Purple Heart for their services.

The color purple represents wealth, royalty, and is extravagant.

This is the color of clergy robes and prayer shawls in Judaism.

It can be assumed that the exclusivity of purple compositions is explained by the fact that they combine the exciting properties of red with the calmness of blue. This is the color of compromise. People who prefer purple colors are attributed to passion, extreme courtesy, and goodwill.

Depending on its shades, the color purple can evoke different emotions. Dark plum has a mournful tint and a somewhat depressive character. In many countries it is used at funerals instead of black.

Plum color is marked by a touch of mystery and magic, which gives it mystery and enhances its attractiveness. Royal purple, with its noble pedigree, is associated with ideas of power and authority and lacks the ascetic focus associated with darker shades.

Due to the significant admixture of red, fuchsin carries large reserves of energy. These shades are considered exciting, "lucky" colors, while other purple tones, such as lavender, create a romantic effect.

Because purple colors evoke mixed feelings, you rarely see them on packaging, household items, or cars. If they are still used in advertising or packaging, then, as a rule, this applies to products for women. The purple colors used in the decor add a sense of drama and sensuality.

The color of lavender is delicate and calm, and is often used in bathrooms.

It, like the scent of this plant used against insomnia, is used in color therapy to induce sleep. It is believed that creative people love purple colors.

  • The color purple expresses power, passion, sensitivity and luxury.
  • The dark plum color is associated with ideas of the mysterious and spiritual; it is serious and noble.
  • The colors lavender and violet have a romantic appeal.
  • In purple-colored rooms, productivity decreases, as this color induces drowsiness.
  • Women prefer purple.


They say that optimists look at the world “through rose-colored glasses.” It is not surprising, therefore, that pink not only provokes friendliness, but also reduces anger and aggressiveness.

The contemplation of pink dulls anger and physical strength so much that this color is actively used in correctional institutions and schools for difficult children in order to prevent antisocial behavior and reduce suicide attempts. Likewise, football coaches of the host team order the visiting locker rooms to be painted pink to reduce their aggressiveness on the field.

Pink color is passive, it calms and softens emotions, and this has been known since the 18th century, when it was believed that pink promotes digestion, and ash pink color came into fashion.

Idioms like “pink dreams”, “life in pink” also testify to the properties of pink.

If red speaks of passionate love, then pink is more about tenderness, for example towards a child. This is why it is considered the color of femininity; pink underwear is chosen for newborn girls.

Hot pink is more energetic than muted shades because it contains more red. And moderately saturated seems funny. That's why psychologists advise using pink in children's rooms.

Yellowish-pink tones are often used in beauty product packaging because they are not only feminine, but also reminiscent of your natural complexion. Many popular brands prefer hot pink to make the packaging stand out.

Chromotherapy (color therapy) recommends pink for people who have difficulty calming down. No matter how hard your day is, seeing pink in front of you simply won’t be able to maintain your aggressiveness.

  • Pink, the most passive of colors, provokes friendliness and reduces aggressiveness, both internal and external.
  • The most feminine color, pink is associated with feeding and nurturing.
  • Pink is calming and is believed to aid digestion.
  • Hot pink, which has a lot more red in it, is more energetic and fun.
  • Men prefer pink tones with a yellowish tint.


Brown is a grounding color. The color of earth and tree trunks, it evokes memories of the fireplace and home, and is therefore associated with ideas of comfort.

It has been observed that shades of brown are especially popular during periods of adversity and economic turmoil. Warm neutral tones are reminiscent of timeless values ​​and inspire confidence that better times are near.

People who prefer brown are perceived as reliable, sincere and hard-working. This opinion goes back to ancient times when bright colors were reserved exclusively for royal families and the rich, while brown was reserved for peasants; brown color united the “humiliated and insulted.”

In a work environment, the color brown relieves feelings of depression.

In the United States, during the turbulent 1980s, office workers wore suits in gray, blue and black, and in the calm 90s. - clothes in brown tones.

In home decor, brown is seen as the great equalizer,

“dampening” other colors, and at the same time - like the color of wood - appropriate in any setting. In garden decor, earthy brown will serve as the basis for a palette of natural colors.

Muted neutral tones are often used in living rooms and studios as they create a welcoming atmosphere. The combination of textures prevents natural tones from becoming boring and can offer a soothing sensibility.

Fawn neutral tones will make the room feel spacious and bring a sense of order, while dark brown can create a feeling of security and comfort. Thanks to the chocolate brown color, the walls of your home will look richer and more solid. Brown color is widely used in packaging. Brown paper bags are reminiscent of the freshness of the forest. In the same vein, some cosmetics companies use recycled paper to reassure customers that they are using environmentally friendly products.

  • Brown is a warm, “cozy” color and is associated with the earth, trees, fireplaces and home.
  • There is a tendency to buy expensive items in neutral colors during uncertain economic times. Brown makes the choice easier as it is considered timeless.
  • This color is popular in clothing; people wearing it are considered open, reliable and sincere.
  • Brown paper bags indicate the environmental friendliness of the packaged products.


The most accurate definition of gray is neutrality. It's rare that someone either loves or hates this color. Gray does not proclaim itself to be loyal and trustworthy, like aqua, or that it is dynamic, like red. Gray is unemotional, formal and dignified.

Gray lacks warmth, which makes it look detached and solemn.

This freedom from emotional stimulants gives him an aura of power and wealth. Gray is a must-have color in a business person’s wardrobe, for example in the form of a formal suit with thin anthracite stripes. Perhaps it is for this reason that prosecutors try not to come to courtrooms in gray suits, so as not to overwhelm the jurors drawn from ordinary people with their appearance. The icy coldness emanating from the gray color determines its use in decorating office interiors. This color cannot be classified as either friendly or repulsive; it simply inspires a feeling of success and reliability.

Gray is associated with maturity and wisdom. It is believed that people with gray hair have gained knowledge and experience.

Designers developing packaging models are attracted to gray color due to its richness of shades and prestige. For luxury cars, silver shades are now chosen, similar to the color of platinum credit cards. Boutiques use gray boxes for packaging, thereby suggesting that there are expensive gifts inside.

The metallic gray color is associated with progress in science and technology, which is why it is used when presenting high-tech products. The best seller of expensive luxury cars is color, as it indicates the engineering marvels that can be found under the hood. It is undeniable that there is a connection between the color silver and speed, and this is reflected in car advertising.

In interior design, dark gray can look dull. Light gray is more welcoming, but none of its shades will be conducive to a friendly conversation. Shades of gray suit rooms where people usually gather to relax peacefully.

The reaction to gray in the home depends on the climate. If the house is located in a foggy and rainy area, then gray rooms will look depressing.

So think carefully before painting your dining room walls gray, especially dark shades. It may not be devoid of elegance, but it won’t add to your appetite.

  • The color gray is associated with impartiality, formalism, arrogance and conservatism.
  • Unlike neutral brown, gray lacks warmth, which makes it distant, solemn, and sometimes dull.
  • The color gray is associated with wisdom and maturity.
  • Metallic gray is associated with ideas of progress, speed and professionalism.
  • In a home environment, gray looks cool and calming, but is not conducive to friendly conversation or appetite.


The color white is associated with purity, innocence, virtue and loyalty. No wonder it's popular at weddings.

In the old days, white robes indicated wealth. Before the advent of washing machines, only wealthy people could afford white clothes. It was implied that a person wearing white clothes had a high social status - he did not have to do dirty manual labor.

Although many people think of white as the absence of color, it comes in more shades than any other color. To make sure of this, look at a store that sells paint.

White symbolizes truth and justice. Since childhood, we know that the “knight in white” will always come to the rescue, and the “little white lie” will turn out to be not such a lie after all. In the good old Westerns, the good guys always wore white hats and the bad guys always wore black hats.

The ancient Greeks always wore white underwear at night to ensure good dreams.

In India, China and Japan, white symbolizes death, as it is identified with angels and heaven.

Medical devices are most often white, apparently emphasizing the sterility and cleanliness inherent in healthcare institutions. White staff coats, white bandages and cotton wool come to mind.

  • White color symbolizes purity, innocence, goodness and truth.
  • Although white is a neutral color, it is considered cool because it is associated with snow and ice.
  • White is often used to convey sterility and safety.
  • In international law, a white flag is considered a call for truce.
  • White is used on packages of dairy products and refined products.


Undoubtedly, black is the most authoritarian and oppressive color of the spectrum.

It is associated with death and darkness, creating an unsettling feeling of the unknown. Black is the color of mystery. People fear that the world could disappear into a black hole, and if a black cat crosses the road, then disaster awaits. The impression generated by the color black is endowed with great power.

Security guards, bodyguards and special agents prefer black uniforms. Expensive limousines and government cars are usually black, this is intended to convey the idea that those in the car are important people.

In the 16th century Queen Anne of England introduced the tradition of wearing black clothes as a sign of mourning. Since then, in many countries around the world, widows wear a black dress for the rest of their lives.

In the world of fashion, black is truly omnipresent. These days, the hallmark of high style remains the multi-purpose “little black dress” modeled by Coco Chanel.

If the invitations to a reception indicate “black tie,” this emphasizes the importance of the event and conveys the message that the suit should be formal, since the meeting will be of an official nature.

  • Black color is authoritarian and in large doses can give the impression of aggressiveness.
  • Black color is considered conservative and respectful.
  • In heraldry, black is a symbol of grief.
  • Black gives a feeling of weight and depth. People think that black figures weigh more than the same white figures.

Thus, there is no doubt that color influences people and plays a significant role in a wide variety of areas of our lives.

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