Diseases and abnormalities
Structure of socialization Socialization is a two-way process, which includes, on the one hand, the assimilation
Modern marriage is like a powder keg, as people who enter into a family union and take an oath
Treatment of brain cancer The choice of treatment method for a brain tumor depends on the type, size
States of hypnosis and trance Hypnosis is a temporarily altered state of consciousness when with the outside world
Oral phase The infant, wholly dependent on the mother for pleasure, is in the oral phase.
Ending a relationship with a loved one is a serious psychological stress, regardless of whether:
From the publisher This work opens a book series under the general title “MODERN PSYCHOANALYSIS”, which puts as its
The child wakes up at night and cries and screams terribly. Why does this happen and how can it
Age-related crises represent natural changes in the human psyche depending on the stage of development. They
The most common types of sleep disorders are insomnia and hypersomnia (a condition characterized by excessive sleepiness). Also