Hallucinations, illusions, psychosensory disorders

Sensation disorders – psychosensory disorders

Psychosensory disorder, in particular metamorphopsia, is a disorder of sensation, which is expressed in a distorted perception of the shapes, sizes and spatial arrangement of actually existing surrounding objects.

In the first case, we can say that Alice was dealing with macropsia (the objects around her seemed to her larger than the size they actually are). After eating the pie, it was time for micropsia (they became much smaller than their actual size).

In addition, with such a disorder of sensation, surrounding objects may also change in shape (become curved, diamond-shaped, elongated or bulgy).

There is also dysmorphopsia - with curved shapes and polyopsia , when surrounding objects become larger, optical allesthesia , when it seems that surrounding things begin to move in space, approach the person, put pressure on him, or even press in. Thus, in human perception, the walls can either narrow or move apart, and the floor can move in a wave-like manner.

With psychosensory disorders, not only an altered perception of objects around a person is possible, but also a violation of the “scheme of one’s own body” - depersonalization . That is, the perception of the body as a whole or its individual parts does not correspond to reality.

For example, it may seem to a person that he has absolutely no back or spine, and his head immediately goes into his legs, or that it has reached enormous proportions and fills all the space in the room.

A person may also perceive the location of individual parts of his body distorted (for example, the head ceases to be part of the body or one leg is divided into two).

Sometimes this perception of a "body schema" can disappear when a person consciously focuses his vision and attention on the distorted part of the body. But, as soon as you close your eyes, the erroneous perception returns.

It is important to note that with psychosensory disorders a person perceives real objects and their real appearance.

If the real object is present, but is perceived inadequately (perverted in essence), in a completely different, erroneously distorted form, we are talking about illusions.

Illusions – distorted perception of objects and phenomena (objects)

Illusions, unlike hallucinations, can also occur in a completely healthy person.

Physical illusions

The reason for their occurrence is, for example, the laws of physics (the well-known broken spoon in a glass of water, which arises due to different light transmittance of the media).

Physiologically illusions

Occur under special conditions of the analyzer (for example, when driving in transport, there is a feeling that the car continues to move even when the driver presses the brake or a frozen picture of nature outside the window of a moving train);

Psychic illusions

They arise when a person perceives objects or objects inadequately due to his special mental state (affect). When a feeling of fear, anxiety is expressed, and, being in tension, we expect something dangerous for us, an ordinary branch outside the window in the dark may seem like a monster to us, and affectogenic illusions . When, against the background of strong emotions, threats, accusations, and misunderstandings of the meaning of the words of others are heard in ordinary conversation, verbal illusions can arise. With mild non-productive disturbances of consciousness as a result of intoxication, elevated temperature, surrounding objects can take on a fantastic appearance (pareidolic illusions ).

Sometimes illusions can arise in conditions of difficult perception, for example, twilight disorders of consciousness.

How to stop living in a fictional world?

Illusions, considered in psychology, are the mental state of a person living in his own fictional world, which differs from reality.

People, at the same time, may not be aware of the discrepancy between reality and fiction, and use the created illusion as a shield from the problems and experiences of the real world. This attitude contributes to the development of mental disorders and leads to disorders and diseases.

Practical ways to avoid illusions are as follows:

  • you need to accustom yourself to life according to a plan (schedule), find time for work, rest, communication, hobbies;
  • try to streamline your life, put things in order, in the workplace, at home, in the country;
  • end each day with an analysis of the time lived, the situations experienced, and model ways to overcome the difficulties that arise;
  • change your attitude towards work and communication with family, friends, colleagues;
  • look for ways to relax under high tension, stress, chronic fatigue;
  • use the help of a psychologist to overcome your own fears, existing prejudices, and psychological barriers.

Illusion, as a human condition, in psychology is the pressure on him of external factors that distort the perception of reality. It depends on the individual himself whether he will go into the illusory world of fantasy or try to obtain the necessary knowledge to comprehend the surrounding reality.

Author: KVM_1961

Hallucinations are a disorder that manifests itself in the perception of objects that do not really exist.

Hallucinations can have a clear localization in space and look natural, very similar to real objects, without raising the slightest doubt about their reality ( true hallucinations ), when patients believe that they are seen or heard by everyone around them. True hallucinations can occur with organic diseases of the brain (intoxication and infectious origin, traumatic brain injury), as well as with pathologies such as internal bleeding, influenza, typhus and others.

Hallucinations may not have a clear localization in space, but occur in the human body (in the chest, stomach, more often in the head) ( pseudohallucinations ), when patients report that they hear them or see them only. In this case, we are dealing with hallucinations that occur only with a mental disorder such as schizophrenia .

In addition to this division, hallucinations are classified according to the senses:

  • auditory (call, call, beep, verbal - words, phrases, sentences. If a person hears comments or a discussion of ongoing events - commentary hallucinations; if they are ordered to do something - imperative;
  • visual (individual elements ( photopsia ), non-existent animals, insects, people, individual scenes, one’s own double);
  • olfactory (unpleasant odors (for example, spoiled meat, poison, smoke);
  • tactile (sensation of cold or burning touches ( thermal ), sharply grasping ( haptic ) sensation of liquid or sticky on the body, spread of parasites, insects throughout the body;
  • visceral ( the presence of something foreign inside the body).

Hallucinations are of a combined type, when, for example, a person simultaneously sees a sea monster that smells unpleasant and slides over his body.

In any case, hallucinations are a disorder of perception in the absence of a real object, arising on a painful basis and not being criticized by patients.

Therefore, if your loved ones tell you that they see non-existent objects or people or hear non-existent sounds, smells, voices, you should know that this is a manifestation of mental illness, and not some kind of stupidity or misunderstanding, which you can simply brush aside and ignore. If treatment is started in time, the patient can achieve significant improvement or even recovery. Help yourself or your loved ones!

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Psychological illusions

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The modern world is full of illusions. In some of his ephemeral ideas, a person can live his entire life without understanding the reasons for repeated mistakes and stress. It is useless to seek solutions to problems with the help of exotic types of training if your psychological foundation is full of cracks of doubt, mental frustration and emotional inadequacy. Large cities for such people are usually a source of psychological problems due to the increased level of indigestible impressions in everyday life. There is such a thing as “living in the past.” The personality enters the channel of painful regret for bygone times, mistakenly believing that these times carried more opportunities, were happier and more carefree. Of course, for those who grew up in prosperous families, childhood seems rosy, but this does not mean that accidents, illnesses, and conflicts never happen to children. The experiences that arise as a result of the first acquaintance with the seamy side of life quickly disappear from the child’s memory.

My personal experience as a child of burying a close relative has always had a different tone for me over time. It is easy to understand that for any person, the reaction to events during adolescence and during the period of stressful, but surmountable loads while staying in a zone of military conflicts can be completely different. Memory can simply produce a picture without the feelings that accompanied a significant event, if the mental sphere is sufficiently hardened and trained. There is only one conclusion - there are practically no people who perceive their past experience absolutely impartially. In cases where a formed personality receives negative or positive experience, the past can be perceived through the prism of individual mental inclinations and the emotional colors of the present time. The roots of severe stress and frequent suicide among citizens of various countries may lie precisely in the problem of superimposing negative experiences of the past on flaws in perception in the present time.

Harmless programs laid down during the formation of personality can have unpredictable consequences. For clarity, I will give the simplest example - a caring mother constantly reprimands her beloved child for having pockets full of all sorts of things. The child grows up and, as an adult, sometimes feels discomfort when he puts an ATM card in his shirt’s breast pocket, not understanding the roots of a seemingly minor problem that grows from childhood. As a consequence, as a result of rationalization, mental disorder may be associated with current affairs on the financial “front”. Man is a tenacious being and manages to solve assigned tasks, despite the poorly understood burden of psychological destruction that takes away energy intended for optimizing actions and achieving goals. Which exit? Everyone has their own way out and their own ways of liberating themselves from illusions and cleansing their consciousness of stressful layers. For some, a parachute jump is enough to erase the recently formed ego-constructions of the mind, but for others it is a process of rethinking their entire life and this is a huge work. The most effective methods of working with the past are based on meditation. You need to take a comfortable position, preferably lying on your back, completely relax all your muscles and immerse yourself in memories. The first step must be based on taking responsibility and understanding the obvious absurdities of today's problems. Replay the past in your mind according to the script you wrote, tame it, let the sensations be very clear. First of all, this applies to the most difficult events in life. It is possible that the events of the present period of time will change.

An individual is a complex of habits and predetermined reactions. Perhaps you have had actions committed in a state of automatism, dictated by the constant repetition of the same actions over the years. Then how can we talk about power over oneself and one’s own destiny? I suggest using the simplest simulator for transforming the inner world - an ordinary elastic band on the wrist in the form of a discreet ritual decoration. When negative thoughts appear, physically reinforce your fixation of this flow - pull back the rubber band and snap yourself on the hand, this will allow you to quickly switch to positive polarity and make it possible to more often notice the development of a burdened dominant. “Brainwashing” by the media has a cumulative effect, some citizens of our country are still convinced that a change in the political system has only negative consequences for the country, without realizing that the outer wrapper and signboard of the political course, social upheavals, are only a consequence selfish aspirations of the minority. In this sense, absolutely nothing has changed. Psychological illusions and sober thinking are incompatible. True magicians feel quite comfortable in any order, due to an unclouded vision of the essence of phenomena. It is better to accept the terms of the game with your whole being, and only then learn to use its levers.

Live in the present, without indulging in daydreaming and without deluding yourself, let the pleasure come from a crystal clear perception of reality with the intention of proactively playing a chess game leading to victory, where there is no place for fears, doubts and, of course, illusions. It is impossible to quickly unravel the tangle of misconceptions, much less do it in one article. Not everyone can do this kind of work on oneself, but the reward will be complete trust in oneself and one’s decisions, including those made under conditions of extreme time pressure thanks to excellent intuition.

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