Acute and chronic urethritis: treatment
Urethritis is an inflammatory disease of the urinary canal - the urethra. The disease is more often diagnosed in men,
Symptoms of a ruptured ovarian cyst
Ovarian rupture or in medical terminology “apoplexia” (apoplexia ovarii) is a sudden outpouring of blood.
in capsule form
RENON DUO Reviews from customers and doctors
Composition of the product Natural components that make up Renon Duo have a gentle effect on the condition
Fabry disease: what is it in simple words, diagnosis
Fabry disease or Anderson-Fabry disease is a hereditary disease belonging to the group of lysosomal storage diseases,
Cedar resin with cedar oil: external and internal use for the treatment of diseases, in cosmetology
Resin (cedar, pine, fir, etc.) is called resinous secretions at the site of damage to the bark of
Epidemiological assessment of risk factors for varicocele in adolescents
Varicocele (from Latin varix, varicis - swelling of veins, ancient Greek kēlē - tumor). Pathology associated
Renal colic, edema and fluid balance
Renal colic, edema and water balance The concept of renal colic In pathology of the urinary organs
Transurethral puncture biopsy of a bladder tumor
Bladder neoplasms are considered a fairly common occurrence. They account for about 6% of all diseases
Image 2 - How long does alcohol stay in the body - Verimed Clinic
Urine analysis “Bad habits”: alcohol, nicotine, psychotropic and narcotic substances, psychoactive drugs
Most people know from childhood that tests must be taken early in the morning on an empty stomach. But far from it
Doctor. Robe. Disease
A pediatric urologist talks about the hygiene of boys, how to “go potty” correctly, get tested and not listen to Komarovsky
Symptoms for which people turn to a pediatric urologist Understand about disorders in the genitourinary system
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