Symptoms The symptomatic picture depends on the disease that could provoke the pathology. When an infection develops, the skin
Gonoblenorrhea is an acute purulent infectious disease that affects the eyes. Occurs in both adults and
Why is it important to store lenses correctly? If the rules for storing optical products are not followed, they lose their properties,
Retinal drusen are yellowish-white deposits that are located in the pigment epithelium and
Faced with nearsightedness or farsightedness, many people do not want to wear glasses because they are embarrassed
What is diabetic cataract Diabetes mellitus affects not only the pancreas, forcing it to produce
The development of cataracts in patients with glaucoma complicates the course of the underlying disease. Also cataract is one
Why tea? It helps relieve eye fatigue that occurs when working at a computer or when
Posterior capsular cataract is clouding of the back of the lens. It is considered a complicated form, prone to rapid progression.
Contents: 1 Uniform load 1.1 What happens when the eye perceives objects located nearby? 1.2