Is it worth starting a relationship with a married man? Tips and tricks
Category: Love Today we will talk about relationships with a married man. I'll tell you about
Loss of concentration and memory
1. General information By memory we mean the ability of the human brain to receive and fixate (perceive
What is speedophobia? How to get rid of fear
In the modern world, where HIV infection is quite common, the fear of contracting it is a normal reaction of anyone.
Five more minutes: Irina Burmistrova - about slow people
Article: Slowness is not a disadvantage, but a feature of some children, which, as a rule, causes
Introverts and extroverts: couple compatibility in marriage and relationships
Introvert and extrovert difference The concept of introvert and extrovert implies two large groups into which
Burnt out at work
Professional burnout: signs, causes, how to overcome, prevention
Professional burnout is familiar to many. There is also an expression: “burned out at work.” It talks about
How to overcome the fear of meeting girls on the street and more
The Internet is full of articles (how to remove fear, fear of approach, how to GET TO KNOW, etc.) Times are changing,
How to meet a guy: tips, techniques and analysis of mistakes
Appearance is the main weapon when dating Men, as a rule, are not good at fashion. But,
Features of depression in old age
Depression in older people: what to watch out for
Depression is widespread in old age. It is at the end of life that a person is overwhelmed by sad thoughts.
dementia in old age
Mental disorders of older people: development, manifestations, therapy
Modern reality is that older people are much more likely than young people to have
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