Abilities as a personality property. Inclinations and abilities
The general activity of the nervous system, its balance, increased sensitivity of the nervous system can be considered as special inclinations.
Expressive potential of the language of literary prose
IN THE TEXT…………………………………………………………….……………..14 2.1. Paths………………………………………………………………………………….15 2.2. Figures of speech………………………………………………………22 CONCLUSIONS……………………………………………………………… ………..29 LIST OF THEORETICAL SOURCES…………………………………….30 INTRODUCTION Expressiveness is
Treatment of stuttering in classes with a speech therapist
Stuttering. Correction of stuttering. article on speech therapy on the topic
Stuttering - symptoms and treatment At what age is it best to start treatment in children Treat
Caring for a patient after a stroke
Recommendations for caring for patients after a stroke
Stroke is a complex disease that disrupts the normal functioning of the brain. Develops against the background of diabetes mellitus,
Manipulation of consciousness. Why is it so simple?
What is manipulation in psychology? Manipulation is a special term in psychology. This is what they mean
Convulsions in a child during sleep
The child holds his breath: causes, symptoms, possible problems and advice from doctors
What are the symptoms of childhood sleep apnea? Sleep apnea (snoring at night with pauses in breathing)
Child manipulates parents
10 signs of a manipulator and 4 principles of communication with...
Incredible facts of the Manipulator can be easily calculated by simply listening to your feelings. You are experiencing an unpleasant feeling
Why is a married lover jealous of her husband?
Why is a married lover jealous of her husband?
How it happens There is nothing surprising in the fact that girls like married men. They
Impaired sense of smell
General characteristics Manifestations depend on the characteristics of the olfactory disorder. Patients may notice decreased sensitivity to
Treatment of stuttering in children
Causes of stuttering There are external and internal causes of pathology; sometimes it is difficult to determine what caused the defect.
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