Causes of swelling in the corner of the eye

Causes of eyelid inflammation

The main cause of inflammation of the upper eyelid is infection of the mucous membrane of the eyeball. They need to be treated. This leads to eyelid diseases: chalazion, blepharitis. There are reasons not related to infections:

  1. Injuries.
  2. Weakening of the immune system.
  3. Lack of vitamins.
  4. Allergy. Occurs due to the use of cosmetics, after tattooing procedures, eyelash extensions.
  5. Hormonal imbalances.
  6. Consequences of other diseases.
  7. Excessive strain on vision.
  8. Children cry for a long time.

Causes of blepharitis

When faced with this pathology for the first time, you need to clearly understand: it is not so much the symptoms of the disease themselves that need to be eliminated, but rather its root cause. That is why treatment of this disease must simultaneously begin both with the fight against its external manifestations and with identifying the causes of its occurrence.

Today, the origin of the disease can lie in infectious and non-infectious pathogens.

Causes of blepharitis:

  • Staphylococcus infection;
  • Herpes virus, shingles or molluscum contagiosum;
  • Ingestion of pathogenic fungi or arthropods, which may include ticks or lice;
  • Various inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin (eczema, seborrhea);
  • Immunodeficiency.

According to statistics, the majority of patients are women between 30 and 50 years old who have blepharitis, which occurs as a result of a disease such as rosacea (rosacea). It is believed that the incidence of the pathology increases depending on age, although there is no guarantee that a young girl or man is not susceptible to this disease. Also, no one can guarantee that the disease will proceed without complications or relapses.

Review of remedies for the treatment of inflammation of the eyelid

Medicine offers a wide choice in the treatment of ophthalmological diseases. Treatment depends on the causes of the disease. In case of injuries, it is necessary to eliminate the damage, in case of allergies, it is necessary to relieve irritation, and in case of infection, it is necessary to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms.

The main method of treatment is ophthalmic medications: drops and ointments with antibacterial properties.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines. Traditional medicine also helps cure inflammation.

Eye drops

Drops for inflammation of the eyelid are used in the treatment of eye infections to relieve symptoms of redness and irritation, and get rid of aggressive microflora.


Products in the form of drops are considered the most effective. They are quickly distributed, stimulate tissue repair and can be used several times a day, which increases the effectiveness of treatment. Depending on the cause and degree of progression of the disease, different medications may be used.


Drops for topical use, which are a clear liquid packaged in small plastic bottles of 5 ml. The bottles are equipped with a dropper for ease of use. The drug contains tobramycin as the main active component and has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, as it belongs to the group of antibiotics.

The product helps not only to destroy pathogenic bacteria that live on the mucous membranes, but also prevents their reproduction and the recurrence of symptoms. The drug is used in courses for the development of blepharitis of varying severity, keratitis, conjunctivitis. It quickly eliminates inflammation and improves the condition of patients.

During therapy, the patient should instill drops into the affected eye 2 to 4 times a day, depending on the severity of symptoms. Treatment usually lasts no longer than 7 days. When using, it is worth considering possible contraindications and complications.

ContraindicationsThe drug is not prescribed if an intolerance to its components is detected, a tendency to such manifestations, as well as in cases of severe fungal pathologies of the eyes
Side effectsUsually the drug is well tolerated by patients, but sometimes it provokes allergic reactions, which lead to aggravation of the symptoms of the underlying disease, swelling and rash in the face
OverdoseThe drug is almost not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, so it does not provoke an overdose

The medicine is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor. Its cost is approximately 170-230 rubles. depending on the region of distribution.


Inflammation of the eyelid, which must be treated in a timely manner, can be treated with Gentamicin drops. They contain gentamicin sulfate as the main component of the composition.

The product has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. When contacted with tissue, bacteria are destroyed, as well as the formation of a protective layer that prevents the progression of the inflammatory process.

The drug is prescribed for various inflammatory pathologies of the mucous membranes of the eyelids, for keratitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis. It is possible to prescribe medication during the rehabilitation period after corneal injuries, but only with a preliminary examination.

The duration of the therapeutic course is 5-7 days. During this time, the patient instills drops into the affected eye at least 3 times a day, injecting 1-2 drops. Equal periods of time should be taken between applications. The drug is not prescribed to patients who are allergic to its components. It is not used during pregnancy, lactation, or damage to the auditory nerve.

When used, the development of negative reactions is possible:

  • Itching of tissues.
  • Swelling and the appearance of severe pain.
  • Rash in the eye area, spreading to the limbs and chest.
  • Tearing.
  • Souring of the eyes.
  • Temporary visual impairment.

The drug does not provoke an overdose when applied topically, which is associated with minimal systemic absorption. The medicine can be purchased in pharmacies with a prescription from a doctor. Its cost is approximately 130 rubles.


The drug contains the active component of the same name and has pronounced properties, available in the form of drops for topical use.

It belongs to the group of antibacterial agents and helps destroy the most acute manifestations of an inflammatory disease. The active ingredient disrupts metabolic processes in pathogenic cells and inhibits their growth. As a result, the mucous membranes are cleansed and the symptoms of inflammation are eliminated.

If necessary, the medicine is prescribed in case of diagnosis of blepharitis of varying forms and severity, conjunctivitis of bacterial origin.

The duration of use depends on the severity of the condition. Usually the course is 5-10 days. Instill 1-2 drops at a time into the affected eye, repeat manipulations 2 to 4 times a day. The number of applications during the day depends on the severity of the manifestations.

The medicine is not prescribed for severe viral eye infections, intolerance to the components of the composition, severe tissue damage or necrosis. It can provoke complications in the form of an allergic reaction, manifested by itching, burning, and rash.

With prolonged use, all negative reactions may worsen. However, this does not lead to an overdose, since the drug almost does not enter the bloodstream.

Drops can be purchased in pharmacies with a prescription from a doctor. Their cost starts from 120 rubles. and depends on the region of distribution.


Inflammation of the eyelid (treatment involves a preliminary examination of the patient) can be severe, so the use of Dexamethasone is required.

The drug is available in the form of drops for topical use and is prescribed for advanced blepharitis and some other inflammatory pathologies of the mucous membranes of the eyes.

The drug not only suppresses the development of the inflammatory process, but also prevents it from spreading to healthy areas.

Typically, the drug is prescribed in short courses of 5-7 days with 1-2 drops administered daily into the affected eye. The procedure is repeated no more than 2 times per day. Do not exceed the daily dosage or extend the course yourself.

Drops should not be used if the components of the composition are intolerant or if there are necrotic lesions in the affected area. The period of pregnancy and lactation is considered a relative contraindication for therapy, the decision is made by the doctor in each case individually.

Negative reactions often occur during treatment:

  • Pain and stinging in the eyes.
  • Temporary blurred vision, the appearance of a veil before the eyes.
  • Itching and irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyelids and skin around the eyes.
  • Swelling of the mucous membranes, spread of irritation to the tissues of the nasal passages and oral cavity.
  • Allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis of allergic origin.

Often, with prolonged use of the drug, the symptoms of the underlying disease worsen, and other complications arise. The drug does not provoke an overdose, but it is not recommended to use it for a long time.

The cost of the medicine starts from 100 rubles. You can buy it at a pharmacy with a prescription from a doctor.


A product in the form of eye drops, which is used for severe blepharitis accompanied by symptoms of conjunctivitis. The drug has an effect due to the presence of dexamethasone as the main component. The medicine relieves inflammation and accelerates tissue repair.

Usually the medication is prescribed in combination with other agents with antibacterial properties. The course of therapy lasts no more than 7 days. In this case, the patient instills 1 drop of the solution no more than 3 times per day. The drug is not used if foci of necrosis are detected on tissues.

There are other contraindications:

  • Intolerance to the components of the composition and a tendency to such manifestations in the patient's history.
  • Viral eye diseases.
  • Chicken pox in the acute stage.
  • Fungal infections of the mucous membranes.
  • Purulent foci on the tissues, as well as the spread of the process to the cornea.

The drug can provoke an allergy, which manifests itself in the form of redness of the eyes, watery eyes, itching and swelling. The drug does not lead to the development of an overdose, since it is absorbed into the systemic bloodstream in a minimal amount.

You can purchase the product in pharmacies after presenting a prescription from a doctor. Its cost starts from 200 rubles.


Combined medication in the form of eye drops. The product contains several active components, which explains its high effectiveness when used. The composition contains neomycin, polymyxin and dexamethasone. The drug is prescribed for inflammatory pathologies, for example, iridocyclitis, keratitis, blepharitis.

The effectiveness of the drug for conjunctivitis of various origins is noted. Quite often, the medication is used during the recovery period after eye surgery in order to prevent the development of complications.

Drops are administered into the affected eye or both eyes 2-3 times per day. For each eye, use no more than 2 drops at a time. The drug can be used in courses of 2 weeks, but in each case the duration is determined by the doctor.

Contraindications for treatment include intolerance to the components of the composition, lactation and pregnancy. Drops are not prescribed to patients with viral eye pathologies, when diagnosing herpes zoster, purulent ulcers of the cornea.

Maxitrol eye drops

Complications may occur during treatment:

  • Irritation and redness of the conjunctiva.
  • Swelling of the eyelids.
  • Tearing.
  • Pain when blinking.
  • Increased intraocular pressure. This is especially dangerous for patients with glaucoma.

Overdose does not occur during therapy with drops; such cases have not been recorded by specialists. Despite this, use without a doctor's prescription is not recommended. The drug is dispensed in pharmacies after first presenting a prescription from a doctor. The cost of drops reaches 500-700 rubles. It may differ in different pharmacies and regions.

Folk remedies for the treatment of inflammation

Traditional medicine methods can be used only after consultation with a specialist in order to avoid worsening the patient’s condition. Not all products are suitable for a particular person; a doctor must confirm the safety of using the prescription.

Traditional medicine is not able to cure bacterial infections. Pathogenic microorganisms can only be defeated with the help of antibiotics.

If the disease is caused by microtrauma or overstrain of the eye apparatus, it is appropriate to use traditional medicine recipes.

The main means of alternative medicine are natural ingredients. Based on them, various drops, ointments, compresses, and eye lotions are prepared. Effective recipes:

  1. Solutions of medicinal herbs for compresses. It is necessary to prepare an infusion of calendula flowers, chamomile, clover, blue cornflower, plantain, and dill seeds in equal proportions. The strained liquid is used to wet a tampon or gauze bandage. The lotion is kept on closed eyes for no more than half an hour.
  2. Tea bags. You need to pour boiling water over them, let them brew for a while and cool, then apply them to your eyes. The compress copes well with swelling of the upper and lower eyelids.
  3. Squeezing aloe juice. Relieves unpleasant symptoms of eyelid inflammation. The healing mass is used for treatment as drops in the morning and evening.
  4. Calendula and chamomile can be used not only as compresses. The flowers can be infused in boiling water, then strained and used as drops.
  5. Propolis-based ointment. Prepared by mixing Vaseline with a few grams of propolis. Apply to the skin of the affected eyelid.

Tactics for eliminating itching

The only independent manipulation for irritation of the corners of the eyes is rinsing with clean boiled water. Drug treatment should not be carried out without prior consultation with an ophthalmologist.

If the corners of your eyes itch very much and it becomes impossible to tolerate, use folk recipes to relieve irritation:

  • applications with cotton swabs soaked in strong tea on the eye area;
  • washing with herbal infusions (chamomile or calendula);
  • cooling compresses with cucumber.

Allergic conjunctivitis is treated with antihistamines in the form of eye drops or tablets for internal use.

Great difficulties arise in the treatment of purulent processes. When an eye bacterial or viral infection spreads, it is necessary to correctly select antiviral or antibacterial drugs for complete treatment.

Treatment precautions and complications

Treatment of inflammation in the eyes should be treated with caution and carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations. When using eye drops, ointments or traditional medicine, you need to carefully monitor hand hygiene. The main source of inflammation is microbes and bacteria that enter the conjunctiva from the external environment. Before applying ointment or instilling eye drops, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

It is necessary to avoid overstrain of the eye apparatus, balance the diet so that it contains an increased amount of vitamins. By observing these conditions, the patient will achieve restoration of eye health faster.

Before treating the eyelid, you need to visit a doctor for diagnosis. Many inflammations are a consequence of complications of other diseases. Only a doctor has the right to prescribe treatment. By doing eye therapy on your own, the patient runs the risk of serious complications, including loss of vision.

Prevention of the problem

To prevent eye itching, people with constant eye strain are advised to do eye exercises regularly during the working day.

Use protective masks or goggles in dusty areas. Touch the mucous membrane area only with previously washed hands.

If there is insufficient tear production, use moisturizing eye drops.

During the period of bacterial and viral load, take vitamin preparations and immunomodulators to strengthen the body's barrier function.

Purulent eye infection

As a rule, its causative agent is streptococci or staphylococci, which penetrate inside when the eye is injured by a sharp object.

The course of the disease goes through 3 stages - iridocyclitis, endophthalmitis, panophthalmitis.

Iridocyclitis occurs a couple of days after an eye injury and is accompanied by severe pain of the eyeball upon palpation. The iris takes on a grayish or yellowish tint due to accumulated pus, and the pupil seems immersed in a kind of haze.

Endophthalmitis is a more severe form of purulent inflammation. The infection spreads to the retina, and pain is felt even with the eye closed. Visual acuity quickly drops to light perception. During the examination, characteristic signs are revealed - dilation of the conjunctival vessels, a greenish or yellowish tint of the fundus.

Panophthalmitis is a rare complication of endophthalmitis with timely treatment. Purulent inflammation spreads to all tissues of the eye. Unbearable pain occurs, the eyelids swell, the mucous membrane turns red and swells. Pus oozes through the cornea, the color of the white becomes greenish. The skin around the eye becomes red and swollen. An eye abscess may occur. Severe cases of the disease require surgery. Even with successful antibiotic therapy, visual acuity is noticeably reduced.

Preventive actions

To protect yourself from redness in the corners of your eyes in the future, you must:

  1. Adhere to hygiene rules. Wash off cosmetics before going to bed. Don't forget to wash your hands regularly.
  2. Take breaks when working at the computer, warm up your eyes.
  3. Treat all diseases in a timely manner, and it is better to prevent their occurrence.
  4. Protect the organs of vision from injury and damage.
  5. Take care of the prevention of eye diseases.
  6. Use contact lenses correctly.

If you notice redness in the corners of your eyes, do not self-medicate. Many diseases have similar manifestations, and only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis. Therefore, if you have a problem, consult an ophthalmologist.

Non-pathological causes of redness in the corner of the eye in an adult

In addition to diseases, an unpleasant problem can be caused by an incorrect lifestyle. Modern people cannot imagine themselves without computers; we often sit at them until the very night, straining our eyes. As a result, it is possible to develop dry eye syndrome or computer vision syndrome, which cause redness and burning of the corner of the eye, pain and other unpleasant manifestations, for example, intolerance to sunlight.

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