Red eye syndrome is one of the most common in ophthalmological practice. It can be caused by many diseases of different nature: infectious, allergic, traumatic, and is also characteristic of glaucoma, pterygium, dry eye syndrome and postoperative conditions.

Treatment of infectious, traumatic and allergic causes of red eye is based on the use of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is not always convenient to use several bottles of medicine at once and wait a break between uses, so the modern pharmaceutical market offers combination drugs, of which Garazon eye drops are a representative.

Composition of the drug

Red eye syndrome is one of the main indications for the use of Garazon.
Garazon drops contain two active and very strong medicinal substances:

  • Gentamicin is a well-known antibiotic that belongs to the group of aminoglycosides. It has a bacteriostatic effect on most microorganisms: staphylococci, Escherichia, Proteus, Salmonella, Shigella and Neisseria.
  • Betamethasone is a glucocorticosteroid drug that has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, and vasoconstrictor effects. Its use quickly eliminates swelling of the mucous membrane - the conjunctiva, and also reduces swelling of the cornea, due to the narrowing of small vessels and reducing the permeability of the liquid part of the blood from them. The itching and burning sensation go away by blocking the release of histamine by mast cells, the substance that causes the above symptoms.

Indications for use of Garazon

The drug is used for the following eye diseases:

  • Bacterial and allergic conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis. For viral infections of the eyeball, the drug cannot be used.
  • Acute and chronic blepharitis, except demodectic and fungal.
  • Dacryocystitis (in the stage of phlegmon or abscess is not recommended - only surgical treatment is necessary).
  • Meibomeitis or internal stye. For classic, external barley, it is recommended to use ointment forms of drugs, for example Dex-Gentamicin or Tobradex.
  • After removal of a foreign body of the conjunctiva or cornea, to prevent infectious complications, the development of corneal opacities and conjunctival scarring.
  • I-III degree burns of the eyeball as a result of exposure to chemical, thermal or radiation (radiation) factors.
  • The postoperative period is the condition after surgical treatment of cataracts and glaucoma.
  • Condition after laser coagulation of the retina, keratoplasty, vision correction using Lasik and PRK.
  • Iridocyclitis – as part of complex treatment.
  • Scleritis and episcleritis.

Mode of application

To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to follow the dosage regimen specified by the attending physician.
The frequency of instillation and duration of use of Garazon drops is determined by the attending physician individually. Typically, after surgical treatment of cataracts, the drug is prescribed for 1 week, and it is dripped into the conjunctival sac 4 times a day. In the acute stage of the disease, you can use the drug every 2 hours until significant improvement begins, and then use it 4 times a day.

After removal of a foreign body of the conjunctiva, cornea, chemical or thermal burn of the cornea, the duration of use may be slightly longer. This is due to the possibility of secondary infection and the development of corneal opacification.

The use of glucocorticosteroids, including betamethasone, which is part of the drug, helps to reduce the proliferation of fibroblasts and the appearance of newly formed vessels in the damaged cornea. This property of the drug allows you to keep the cornea transparent.

Composition and action of Garazon

The drops contain a complex of active ingredients, including the broad-spectrum antibiotic gentamicin sulfate and the corticosteroid substance betamethasone sodium sulfate, as well as excipients: sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium chloride, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium citrate, disodium edetate, benzalkonium chloride, purified water.

The drug is produced in the form of eye and ear drops.

The drug has a strong therapeutic effect due to the combined action of an antibiotic and a corticosteroid. Within a short time, Garazon quickly suppresses the activity of bacteria that cause the disease, eliminates swelling and signs of an allergic reaction, and reduces the process of inflammation.

The active ingredients contained in eye drops do not affect viruses and fungi.

Gentamicin belongs to the aminoglycoside group of antibiotics with bacteriostatic properties. The substance is active against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria: staphylococci, salmonella, Proteus, cytobacteria, intestinal, dysentery and pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella.

Betamethasone sulfate is a corticosteroid substance that has a local anti-inflammatory effect, reducing redness and swelling in cases of allergies and injuries to the cornea. The substance acts at the cellular level, normalizing metabolic processes.

The active components are effective in the development of secondary infections, ear diseases, and the development of an allergic reaction. Their use will not give a positive result in case of viral infection, herpes and fungal infections, or chickenpox.


Garazon drops are a combined preparation containing an antibiotic and a glucocorticosteroid. For this reason, it has quite a lot of contraindications:

  • Viral conjunctivitis.
  • Herpetic keratitis.
  • Fungal conjunctivitis, keratitis or blepharitis.
  • Children under 8 years of age.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • Decompensated open-angle or closed-angle glaucoma.
  • High complicated myopia means a high risk of developing retinal detachment.
  • Non-proliferative or proliferative diabetic retinopathy - corticosteroids contribute to the development of diabetic macular edema.
  • Wearing soft contact lenses, due to the presence of a preservative in the drug - benzalkonium chloride, which destroys them.

It should be remembered that self-medication, without examination and diagnosis, can have a detrimental effect on vision, including complete blindness.

Instructions for use of Garazon: price, reviews, analogues and substitutes

Garazon belongs to the category of those eye and ear drops whose action is aimed specifically at suppressing the problem. Not every drug has a set of such universal properties that can satisfy the consumer not only in terms of price, but also in terms of quality.

Composition, release form, packaging and manufacturer

Garazon is a sterile drops intended for the treatment of ears and eyes. The pharmacological group of the drug is an antibiotic aminoglycoside, a glucocorticosteroid. The drops are sold as an aqueous solution in a special 5 ml bottle, made in the form of a convenient dropper.

The dropper bottle is closed with a polyethylene cap and has a first-opening control ring. The solution itself is colorless or yellowish in color and does not contain any visible particles or sediment.

Like most similar drugs, Garazon drops are sold at any pharmacy. The packaging is presented in the form of a small, white cardboard box with bright red inserts. The box contains the bottle itself with the drug and the mandatory instructions for it.

Its compact size allows you to take Garazon with you everywhere and use it for its intended purpose in any convenient place.

Belgium is considered the official producer of Garazon. Several branches are also located in the USA.

The excellent effect of the product is due to its composition and active ingredients:

  • Betamethasone is a component that affects protein and carbohydrate metabolism and has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects.
  • Gentamicin is a strong antibiotic that can act on a wide range of pathogenic bacteria, including various resistant microorganisms.

Additional components:

  • sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate,
  • sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate,
  • sodium borate,
  • sodium citrate dihydrate,
  • sodium chloride,
  • edetate disodium,
  • benzalkonium chloride,
  • purified water.

The drug is able to perfectly suppress cellular and fibrous exudation. It also normalizes increased capillary permeability, which helps relieve swelling and hyperemia.

Garazon is indicated even in the most serious cases. Thanks to the action of its composition, it copes with the following types of problems and diseases:

The product is also aimed at suppressing the inflammatory process that was caused by the progression of a bacterial infection of any nature.


Despite the good and high-quality indicators of effectiveness, Garazon also has a number of contraindications, which you should first pay attention to before starting treatment and using the product.

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Strong sensitivity to a certain component;
  • Age up to 8 years;
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • The course of pregnancy;
  • Wearing soft lenses (for the period of treatment it is recommended to avoid wearing lenses of this type, since the composition contains benzalkonium chloride);
  • Diseases of the cornea of ​​viral origin;
  • Fungal infections of the eyes, ears;
  • Dermatosis;
  • Herpes virus, which led to the development of keratitis;
  • Thinning of the cornea and sclera.

Before using the drug, you should definitely consult a doctor. With independent use of Garazon, deterioration and further complications of the course of the disease may occur.

Garazon's solution is effective not only against staphylococcal infections, but also in a number of other cases. Thus, the drug has a significant anti-inflammatory effect due to its composition, namely the group of minoglycosides gentamicin sulfate and the glucocorticosteroid betamethasone disodium phosphate.

The product normalizes optimal vascular permeability, which can significantly reduce redness, swelling, and inflammation in a certain area.

The drug demonstrates no less good results against microorganisms. Additionally, it inhibits the development of cytokines and mediators. Significantly reduces the release of arachidonic acid and has a beneficial effect on the formation of lipocortin.

Instructions for use

For both ear and eye diseases, the use pattern and dosage of Garazon varies depending on the type of disease and the degree of its manifestation.

So, in the case of ophthalmic practice, Garazon drops are instilled between the back surface of the eyelids and between the front surface of the eyeball. The dosage ranges from 1-2 drops 2-3 times during the day. In the presence of an acute stage of the disease, the number of instillations increases to 2 drops every 2-3 hours.

When treating ears, drops are prescribed according to a slightly different scheme. So, before using Garazon, the ear canal should be cleaned of wax and any secretions. Only after this, drops are instilled into the ear cavity, 3-4 drops 2-4 times a day. After instillation, the patient should lie down for a while so that the drug has time to reach the desired site of the lesion.

Reviews about the drug

As demonstrated by numerous reviews on online forums, Garazon does have the expected positive effect, but only if recommended by a competent doctor.

In some cases, patients have to deal with incorrect prescriptions, as a result of which they not only do not get the expected results, but also significantly damage their own health.

In most cases, Garazon demonstrates a positive clinical effect, can significantly alleviate existing painful and unpleasant symptoms, as well as suppress the infection that provoked the disease. The drug shows itself especially well in the treatment of ear diseases. Already within the first days, patients notice significant improvement and relief.

Prices for Garazon

You can buy the drug Garazon in Russia for 260 rubles. However, prices can fluctuate between 30-50 rubles depending on the region. The product can be classified as not expensive, since it also has more expensive analogues.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug Garazon can only be purchased with a prescription from a pharmacy. Only after passing the necessary examinations and receiving prescriptions can you buy medicine. You cannot buy Garazon on the Internet; in other cases, what you are looking at is just an extremely unsafe fake.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The medication is valid for 3 years. Storage is permissible in a dry, cool, dark place where children will not reach it. Recommended temperatures up to 300C.


Use during pregnancy, lactation and children

The use of Garazon eye drops during pregnancy is not recommended, since the gentamicin contained in it can negatively affect the fetus - aminoglycosides can cause deafness in the child and also damage the kidneys.

During breastfeeding, it is better to use other drugs that do not contain aminoglycosides, or stop breastfeeding.

Use for the treatment of children under 8 years of age is not recommended, since there is no data on clinical studies.

In pediatric practice, for the treatment of eye diseases, it is more advisable to use Tobradex drops.


The drug Garazon is available in the form of eye and ear drops. The price of Garazon in our pharmacy is 230 rubles. The medicine is always in stock, you can also buy Garazon and order delivery via the Internet. If necessary, a specialist will select an analogue of Garazon for you. Components of the medicine: • Betamethasone; • Gentamicin.

The drug is a combination drug that combines the therapeutic properties of the components in its composition. The medicine has a bactericidal antibiotic effect and affects a number of harmful microorganisms.

One of the components in the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect when applied topically. It improves capillary permeability, which gradually reduces swelling and normalizes the condition of the eyes and ears.

The therapeutic benefit of using Garazon for an allergic reaction in the eye area is to maintain the transparency of the cornea and improve vision.

• The drug is prescribed to patients suffering from blepharoconjunctivitis, which was caused by a staphylococcal infection; • One of the indications for the use of the drug is keratoconjunctivitis.

The drug is also prescribed for secondary conjunctivitis; • The medicine is used to treat diseases such as: blepharitis, keratitis and episcleritis; • Doctors prescribe this remedy to patients who have previously been diagnosed with dacryocystitis; • The drug is effectively used in the treatment of such common diseases as barley; • The general restorative effect of the use of this remedy makes it an effective component of combination therapy in eliminating the consequences of injuries, radiation exposure, burns and operations; • The drug is prescribed to patients with acute otitis in a chronic form.

• The course of treatment cannot be carried out if the patient suffers from an allergic reaction to one of the components in the drug; • If keratitis was provoked by an acute herpes virus, then therapy with this drug is contraindicated; • The medicine is not prescribed to patients who have been diagnosed with a viral disease of the cornea; • Fungal or bacterial infectious diseases of the eyes or ears exclude the possibility of effective therapy using this remedy; • The drug is not prescribed to patients suffering from trachoma; • Diseases that provoke excessive thinning of the cornea are a contraindication to the use of the medicine; • If for one reason or another the patient does not have an eardrum or has been pierced, then the drug cannot be used to treat ear diseases; • The effectiveness and safety of Garazon treatment in patients under 6 years of age have not been confirmed by clinical studies; • The medicine should not be prescribed to pregnant women; • Clinical studies have neither confirmed nor refuted the effectiveness of therapy for women during breastfeeding. Doctors recommend choosing one of the Garazon analogues. During therapy, patients should refrain from using contact lenses with a soft structure. In some cases, the use of the drug is allowed under the supervision of the attending physician: • Open-angle glaucoma; • Infectious diseases provoked by the herpes simplex virus; • Diabetes mellitus or myopia.

Instructions for using the medicine are included in the kit.

• When treating eye diseases, the dose of Garazon is determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease and the patient’s condition; • The most common dose is 1-2 drops of medication three to four times a day; • For effective treatment of the disease in the acute stage, the patient may need to instill two drops of the medicine every two hours or once an hour (when the patient’s condition is stabilized, the frequency of use of the medicine should be reduced); • If after two weeks of therapy the patient’s condition has not improved, then he needs to undergo a re-examination and select an alternative treatment method; • Before starting treatment of ear diseases with Garazon, it is necessary to clean the ear canal; • The average dose for the treatment of most diseases is 3 drops of medicine three times a day. The dosage is adjusted depending on the patient’s condition and the severity of the disease; • The course of therapy is stopped immediately after the disappearance of signs of an inflammatory reaction in the ear canal; • Before instillation, the patient must lie on his side so that the auricle is positioned vertically; • In order to ensure that the medicine gets into the ear canal, it is necessary to fix the patient in a position on his side for 4-5 minutes after instilling the medicine; • For long-term emergency therapy, you can use a swab soaked in the drug. It is necessary to moisten it in a new portion of the medicine every 4 hours. Once a day it must be changed to a new one; • To prevent the development of adverse reactions in the treatment of chronic diseases of the eyes and ears, the course of treatment must be stopped gradually. Recommendations for dose reduction are given by the attending physician on an individual basis.

Due to the risk of side effects, Garazon in Moscow is available by prescription. • A short-term feeling of discomfort at the site of contact of the drug and the skin is normal and does not require stopping the course of treatment; • A group of patients complained to the attending physician about adverse reactions in the eye area.

The most common deviations are: blurred vision, slower tissue healing, the appearance of secondary infections and optic nerve disease • As with any antibiotic drug, the patient may experience an allergic reaction to the drug; Despite the described side effects, most reviews about Garazon are positive.

If an overdose occurs, the patient will suffer an increased version of the side effects. It is recommended to consult a doctor for symptomatic treatment.

Combination therapy is carried out exclusively on the recommendation of an ENT specialist or ophthalmologist.

• You can order Garazon on our website, but you should not use it without the instructions of a doctor; • If after using the drug the patient’s condition has not improved, he should undergo a re-examination.

The storage temperature of the medicine should not exceed 25°C. Shelf life – 3 years


Side effects

If you follow the dosage regimen and the correct instillation technique, you can reduce the risk of side effects.
The development of local side effects when using Garazon and its analogues is observed quite often.

They appear in the following form:

  • Burning and itching in the eyes after instilling drops, which goes away on its own after 5-7 minutes.
  • Blurred vision is a short-term phenomenon and goes away on its own, but it is not recommended to drive vehicles or perform work involving visual stress for 10 minutes after instillation.
  • An increase in intraocular pressure is one of the most common undesirable effects associated with the presence of dexamethasone in the drug.
  • Slower healing of postoperative wounds - after surgical treatment on the eyelids or lacrimal ducts, again due to the presence of a corticosteroid in the drops.
  • The appearance of vesicles (retention cysts) of the conjunctiva often occurs during a course of use, in particular after treatment of cataracts or glaucoma.
  • The development of a mixed infection is an attachment to a bacterial viral infection, most often a herpes infection, which affects the cornea.
  • Development of iridocyclitis.
  • Perforation of the cornea during the treatment of corneal ulcers or after removal of foreign bodies, which is especially common in the presence of degenerative diseases of the cornea, its thinning, and with high myopia.

Systemic effects of the drug are observed quite rarely - with prolonged or improper use.

It should be remembered that after instilling the drops, it is necessary to pinch the tear duct, which is located in the inner corner of the eye, with the index finger of the hand to avoid the entry of medications into the nasal cavity.

It is there that antibiotics and corticosteroids can enter the systemic circulation, causing a variety of adverse reactions.

"Garazon", ear drops: instructions for use, dosages and contraindications

Instructions for use of "Garazon" allow you to use ear and eye drops for the treatment of a number of diseases and for prevention purposes. The drug has a bactericidal effect and is suitable for the treatment of patients of various age categories. If the recommended dosages are followed, the medicine brings the desired effect without the risk of adverse reactions.

Composition of the drug "Garazon"

The main component of the drug is betamethasone in the form of sodium phosphate. The list of ingredients also includes sodium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium borate, benzalkonium chloride, and distilled water.

Dosage form of release

"Garazon" is a completely transparent liquid of a white or pale yellowish tint. The drug is produced in the form of a solution for instillation into the eyes and ears.

Packaging and manufacturer

The solution is supplied in 5 ml polyethylene dropper bottles. The manufacturer of the drug is the American pharmaceutical company Schering-Plough.

Medicinal properties and purpose

The bactericidal properties of the solution are used to treat a wide range of diseases. In particular, indications for use are:

  • barley;
  • keratitis;
  • re-diagnosed conjunctivitis;
  • injuries to the anterior part of the eye caused by penetration of foreign objects, exposure to radiation, and burns.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is included in the category of aminoglycoside antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids. When used topically for the treatment of ENT organs, Garazon has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the body.

Features of use in laryngootorhinology

The medication is intended exclusively for local use. The absence of a pronounced clinical result after use requires an additional medical examination to clarify the diagnosis. If the symptoms of the disease persist or if they reappear, it is necessary to perform a bacteriological study to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to the drug.

Using the drug for more than 10 days, it is recommended to constantly monitor intraocular pressure. The high-risk group includes patients with a medical history of open-angle glaucoma and diabetes mellitus.

Is it possible to put medicine in the nose?

It is not allowed to use the medicine for instillation into the nose. Also, the medication should not be administered subconjunctivally or into the anterior chamber of the eyes. Neglecting the rules for using antibiotics can provoke the development of complications.

Norm and dosage of the product

For the treatment of eye infections, the dosage is determined individually for each patient, taking into account the severity of the disease. The standard dose is 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac no more than 4 times a day. When treating ear diseases, 3-4 drops are instilled into each ear canal 2-4 times a day.

Precautionary measures

To reduce the likelihood of adverse reactions, you must follow several rules. When using a medicine, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, the patient’s age and a number of third-party factors.

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, Garazon should not be used, as the antibiotic can negatively affect the fetus. To treat infections, you should choose an analogue that has a milder effect on the body.

Application for children

The medication can only be used by children over 6 years of age. The dosage is determined individually after the examination.

Drug interactions

According to the results of clinical studies, there were no cases of cross-interaction between Garazon and other drugs. Despite its compatibility with other medications, it is recommended to coordinate the treatment plan with your doctor.

"Garazon" and alcohol

During the therapeutic course, it is necessary to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The interaction of alcohol and antibiotics leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment and provokes an exacerbation of adverse reactions.

Side effects and contraindications

After instillation of the solution, a temporary sensation of itching and burning may occur. Other adverse reactions include:

  • decreased visual acuity;
  • development of repeated eye infection;
  • increase in intraocular pressure;
  • dry skin in the ear area.

It is not allowed to use "Garazon" if the body is individually intolerant of the main or minor components. Also contraindications are: a tendency to exhibit allergic reactions, the period of breastfeeding, the patient’s age under 6 years, mycobacterial and fungal infections.

Cases of overdose

When the recommended dosage is significantly exceeded, hypercortisolism and ototoxicity of aminoglycosides are observed.

In case of overdose, a temporary stop of treatment and, if necessary, symptomatic treatment, including adjustment of the water and electrolyte balance, are required.

Storage rules

To store the antibiotic, you should choose a dark place, protected from exposure to sunlight and moisture penetration. Suitable storage temperatures range from 15 to 25 degrees.

Conditions for dispensing the drug from the pharmacy

It is possible to purchase Garazon drops only if you have the appropriate prescription. The lack of medication on the market is due to the fact that it belongs to the category of antibiotics.


If you are intolerant to Garazon, you should choose an analogue of the drug. Common substitutes include: Aprolat, Genodex, Combinil Duo.

Kalashnik Yulia


Drug interactions

Be sure to notify your doctor about all medications you are taking; some of them may be incompatible with Garazon
Drops can be combined with most medications when used together. They should not be used with other aminoglycosides (Nettacin drops, Tobrex, Tobradex, Tobriss, etc.), due to increased ototoxic effects - hearing may deteriorate.

Additional instillation of a 0.1% dexamethasone solution, together with Garazon, is acceptable to enhance the anti-inflammatory effect and quickly eliminate corneal edema.

If there is no effect from using Garazon within 2-3 days, a bacteriological examination of a smear should be performed, which is taken with a special sterile stick in the morning from the conjunctival fornix, with mandatory testing of sensitivity to antibiotics.

Garazon's analogs

Gentazon drops are a complete analogue; they have the same composition. There are quite a lot of drugs on the pharmaceutical market with similar characteristics:

  1. Combinil - contains ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone. Indian drug. Price 350 rubles.
  2. Dexa-Gentamicin – gentamicin and dexamethasone. Available in the form of ointments and drops in Germany. Price 120-140 rubles.
  3. Tobradex – tobramycin and dexamethasone. Also available as eye ointment and drops in Belgium. Price 350-450 rubles.
  4. Tobrazone - tobramycin and dexamethasone. The drug is produced in India. Price 175 rubles.
  5. DexaTobropt - tobramycin and dexamethasone. Made in Romania. Price 186 rubles.

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