How to reduce the amount of melanin in the body

03.11.2020 Alena Masheva Health

Many people prefer to experiment with their appearance and create unusual images. Changes in eyebrow shape, makeup, hair color, and eyelash length are common. However, not everyone knows whether it is possible to change eye color. There are several effective ways to do this, as discussed in the article.

What determines eye color?

When considering the topic of whether it is possible to change eye color, you need to familiarize yourself with what factors it depends on. The iris is the outer part of the cornea of ​​the eye, which is presented in the form of a convex disk with a hole in the central part - the pupil. The iris consists of:

  • muscle fibers;
  • vessels;
  • pigment cells.

The color of the iris depends on the latter. The higher the melanin content, the brighter and more saturated it will be. Another shade and its intensity are determined by the layer in which there is more pigment.

What is the iris and what determines its color?

To solve the problem - in this case, change the shade of the eyes or make the eye color brighter - you should understand what factors it is determined by, what it depends on and what the iris itself is.

The iris is the outer part of the cornea of ​​the eye; it is a convex disk with a hole in the center - the pupil. The iris consists of the following elements:

  • muscle fibers;
  • vessels;
  • pigment cells.

It is the latter that determine the color of the iris. The more melanin pigment, the brighter and more saturated it will be. Also, the shade and its intensity depend on which layer of the iris has accumulated more pigment and how it is located.

The shade of the iris depends on the amount and location of the melanin pigment. It can be changed by adjusting the level of pigmentation

The most common eye shades and the factors that shape them:

  • Blue - the fibers of the outer layer of the iris are loose, a small amount of melanin accumulates in them.
  • Blue - the fibers are denser and have a whitish tint.
  • Gray - the fibers also have a high density and a grayish tint. The denser they are, the lighter the eyes.
  • Green - formed when the loose outer layer contains a small amount of yellow or yellow-brown pigment, and the inner layer is saturated with blue pigment.
  • Brown - there is a lot of melanin pigment in the outer shell, and it is quite dense. The more it is, the darker the eyes will be.

Eye color can change throughout life. Obviously, this is directly related to the formation of the melanin pigment. All newborns have blue or blue eyes, and only by the age of one year, as the visual apparatus and its functions are fully formed, does the iris acquire its final shade. With age, it may become only slightly darker or lighter. But in old age, when all metabolic processes slow down, including the production of melanin, the iris brightens again and becomes as if faded. That is, the color of the iris can be influenced. Let us now consider in detail how you can change it.

Why change?

Will a person be beautiful with a different shade? This is a common question for those wishing to change their eye color. The change in iris color is a purely aesthetic reason. Many people want to be different from those around them.

Often the desire to change the image arises from a disloyal attitude towards one’s appearance. Typically, girls and young women make this decision, often due to a lack of attention from the opposite sex. When the tone of the eyes changes, a person feels the magic of transformation, which can bring satisfaction and new emotions.


The most common eye shades include:

  1. Blue. The fibers in the outer layer of the iris are loose, and little melanin accumulates in them.
  2. Blue. The fibers are denser and have a whitish tint.
  3. Grey. The fibers have a high density and a grayish tint. If they are dense, then the eyes will be lighter.
  4. Green. It is achieved due to the content of a slightly yellow or yellow-brown pigment in the loose outer layer, and blue in the inner layer.
  5. Brown. The outer shell contains a lot of melanin, which is highly dense.

Is it possible to change eye color? It should be borne in mind that color can change throughout life. This is probably due to the creation of the melanin pigment. All newborns have blue or blue eyes, and only by the age of one year does the iris acquire a specific shade, as the visual apparatus is formed.

Brown eyes are found in 70% of the world's population - from Australia to North and South America. And there are regions where this color is observed in almost all residents - 95% of the Japanese and Chinese. In the US, half the population is brown-eyed.

Blue eyes are more common in Northern Europe - Estonia, Denmark, Finland. In 2008, geneticists at the University of Copenhagen determined that the blue iris is a mutation in a gene that appeared 6-10 thousand years ago.

Green eyes are found in only 2% of the world's population. The shade came from a moderate content of melanin and a mixture of yellow-brown pigments. It is observed in residents of Spain, Ireland, and Russia. The rarest color is yellow, it appears in the presence of lipochrome pigment.

Can eyes change color? With age, the color may become slightly darker or lighter. And in old age, when metabolism slows down, the iris becomes light. It turns out that the shade of the iris is affected. All the ways you can change your eye color are presented below.

How to change eye color

It is known that the color of the skin and eyes is influenced by the content of the melanin pigment in the body, and as for the iris of the eyes, the density of its outer layer plays an important role in shaping the intensity of the color of the iris.
Researchers from many countries have thought about how to change the laws of nature, but only individual experimenters manage to argue with nature. Eye color is the most unique thing we have. This is the first thing people notice when they meet and this is what reflects our essence. If you are unhappy with the color of your eyes, then you need to do a little research before you start changing their color. Although there are many ways in which you can temporarily change your eye color, you cannot actually change your eye color.

Eye color is determined genetically. Do you know that every person has a unique eye color? Your eyes, just like your fingerprints, are 100% unique. Eye color is a combination of genes passed down from generation to generation through gene mixing and matching. This process is much more complex than selection for dominant or recessive traits. Your eye color may change over time due to age, but will remain relatively constant based on your genetics.

There are three primary colors: brown, the most common, followed by blue and green, the rarest eye color found in nature. Over time, under the influence of age-related changes, eye color may become lighter, however, this is a rather slow process.

Understand that eye color is caused by the accumulation of melanin. Melanin is the pigment in the iris that actually determines the color of your eyes. If there is no melanin in the iris, your eyes will be transparent. The intense melanin content makes the eyes deep brown or black. The spectrum of melanin presence varies from blue (low amount of melanin), green (medium amount of melanin) to dull brown (highest amount of melanin). The only way to achieve a color change is to decrease or increase the amount of melanin in the iris. This is impossible without physical or genetic intervention.

In the world, approximately 90% of people have dark or brown eyes. The majority of people in China (population 1.35 billion), India (1.24 billion), Africa (approximately 1 billion), Latin America (more than 572 million), and Southern Europe (164 million) have brown eyes. However, only 150 million people (about 2.2%) worldwide have blue eyes. It is believed that blue eye color resulted from a mutation in the HERC2 gene. Because of it, in carriers of this gene, the production of melanin in the iris of the eye is reduced. This mutation originated in the Middle East approximately 6-10 thousand years ago.

The color of the eyes depends on how the melanin pigment is located in the outer and inner layers of the iris.

All children are born with dull blue eyes because there is no melanin in their iris yet. The real color appears by three months, when melanin is produced.

There are two types of disorders in melanin production. The first is albinos, when there is no melanin in the iris and the eye color turns pink-red (all the small venous capillaries are visible). The second is heterochromia, when the eyes are different colors.

Contact lenses

How to change eye color without surgery? Contact lenses are a quick and safe method of changing color. At the same time, there are not only classic shades, but also exotic ones - light green, lilac, red, which are perfect for special occasions.

Lenses come in tint and full color. They are selected based on the initial shade of the iris and the desired effect. If you need to make blue eyes darker and brighter, then you only need tint lenses. And when you need to turn brown ones into green, blue or gray, you need colored lenses that can cover up the natural shade.

But you need to take into account that:

  • this method is not suitable for everyone;
  • needs regular care;
  • high-quality lenses are expensive, and they should be changed at least once a month;
  • you will need special lens care products;
  • It takes some getting used to.

Otherwise, this is an effective method for changing eye color. Moreover, the change can be either minor or radical.

Change in the perception of eye color

How can you change your eye color without lenses at home? You don’t have to radically change your eye color, but change your perception of it. This is possible by wearing clothes of a certain color scheme, using cosmetics and using glasses with colored lenses.

The advantage of the method is its safety and reversibility.


Cosmetics are a means by which you can modify the perception of eye color or emphasize its natural beauty.
Using cosmetics, you can make light eyes appear darker, and vice versa. Colored mascara, eye shadow and contour pencil are tools with which eye color can be skillfully presented.

The blue color of the iris will become brighter when applying eyeshadow in orange and brown tones.

Brown eyes will especially stand out when using shades of cool shades (gray, turquoise, blue, purple).

Using brown eyeshadow will make gray eyes look blue. When applying pink and burgundy eyeshadow, they will acquire a greenish tint.


Clothes, when chosen wisely, will help modify the perception of eye color:

  • Gray eyes can be given a bluish tint if there are blue items in your clothes;
  • The green shade will be more saturated if you have green and lilac tones in your wardrobe;
  • Brown eyes will highlight brown things.

By skillfully using accessories of the desired color scheme in clothing, you can change the perception of the shade of the iris in the desired direction.

In order not to completely change your wardrobe to achieve the desired effect, you can use scarves, jewelry, and handbags of a certain color.


You can also change the perception of your eye color to others by wearing colored glasses. They can slightly change the shade of your eyes, but not as much as when wearing contact lenses.

The color depends on the lighting and the shade of the glass. Suitable for people who do not want or cannot wear colored lenses. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the fact that it is not always possible to achieve the desired eye color.

Now you know how to change eye color in different ways, choose the one that suits you. If you know other methods for changing the color of the iris, leave a comment.

Special drops

Is it possible to change eye color without lenses? For this purpose, special drops are used, which include a synthetic analogue of the hormone prostaglandin. The shade can be made darker. This confirms that some hormones can affect the shade of the iris of the eyes. But for this, drops must be used regularly for a long period, which is not always safe.

To change eye color you can use:

  1. "Travoprosta."
  2. "Latanoprost."
  3. "Unoprostone".
  4. "Bimatoprost."

The latter remedy can stimulate the growth of eyelashes; it is used in cosmetology. When using eye drops, you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. All products with a prostaglandin analogue are designed to reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma and other ophthalmic pathologies. They affect the pupils and blood vessels, which is a contraindication for a healthy person.
  2. If you use these products for a long time, the nutrition of the eyeball occurs, which can cause complications.
  3. Bimatoprost and analogues are sold only with a doctor's prescription.
  4. The color of the iris can only change from light to dark; the first results are visible only after 1-2 months of regular use.

It is not safe to use glaucoma eye drops to change the color of your iris. Therefore, this method is considered undesirable and requires medical supervision.

Characteristics of the iris

The iris of the eye is a circular plate located in the front of the choroid behind the cornea. This structure is located in front of the lens. The iris includes the pupil. This is a small, round hole. The pupil is slightly shifted towards the nose from the midpoint of the eyeball. The peculiarity of the shell is that it practically does not transmit light through itself. In addition, it contains pigment cells. The following structures can be distinguished in the iris:

  • pupil;
  • muscles that constrict and dilate the pupil;
  • pigment cells;
  • limbo;
  • ciliary belt;
  • pupillary belt;
  • border;
  • rings.

The structural features of the iris are very important in diagnosing diseases during the study of this membrane of the eye. The pupil regulates the amount of light entering the eye. It can have different sizes. Most often its diameter is 3 mm. When a person looks closely at any object that arouses his interest and delight, the pupil may enlarge. It has been established that this structure is capable of increasing 2 or more times. The pupillary border is a fringe. Its color is brown. The free-standing ring is the line that divides the shell into 2 parts. As for the limbus, it contains the choroid plexuses. It is directly adjacent to the cornea of ​​the eye.

  • Children's eye drops V.Rohto for Kids Moisturize and support visual health;
  • Safe for children;
  • Prevents the development of inflammatory and infectious diseases;

Functions of the iris

The functions of the iris are different. The most significant of them is the regulation of sunlight entering the eye. This is achieved thanks to the pupils. The pupil can change its size depending on the amount of incident light. In a bright room or during the daytime outside, it has a small diameter, while in the dark the pupil dilates significantly. Another important function of this shell is its participation in determining visual acuity. In addition, it protects light-sensitive cells from damage. The iris performs another function - aesthetic.

The color of the eyes largely depends on its pigment cells. There is no pigment in the cornea. The color of the iris is blue, green and brown. In all other cases, shades of these colors are observed. If there is no pigment (melanin) in the iris, then the eyes may have a reddish tint. Often this condition is combined with a violation of the coloration of the skin. This is called albinism. An interesting fact is that the outlines of this shell are constantly changing. This is due to the action of light rays, as well as various diseases. Based on the condition of the iris, one can roughly judge the presence of a pathological process. This is called iridology.

Laser surgery

Is it possible to change eye color permanently? Laser surgery can change the color dramatically, for example, from brown to blue. The method was created in ophthalmological research centers in California. How to change eye color permanently? A directed laser beam destroys the pigment of the iris, which is responsible for the intense and dark color. The less it is, the more the eye shade changes - from greenish to light blue.

The advantages of this method include:

  • quick results;
  • no harm to vision;
  • possibility of radical color change;
  • maintaining the results for life.

But this method also has disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • the method is considered experimental, the research has not been completed, so there is no guarantee of the duration of the result and there is no risk of side effects;
  • irreversibility of the procedure;
  • There is an opinion that this effect leads to increased photoreceptivity of the eyes and a split visual image.

Although there are risks, many wealthy people use this method of changing eye color. Moreover, there are many positive reviews about this method.

Stroma laser for eye color correction

Dr. Gregg Homer, founder in California (USA), has developed a unique laser technology for brightening and changing eye color. It was called “Lumineyes technology”. With its help you can change your brown eye color to blue. This development is based on a technique for laser removal of pigment spots on the skin.

The essence of the new technology is to change the pigmentation of the iris. During surgery, a laser beam is directed at the iris of a patient with brown or black eyes. This procedure is painless and takes only 20 seconds for each eye. A special laser destroys the brown pigment melanin in the upper layer of the iris, discoloring it. Greg Homer claims that laser destruction of melanin occurs only on the thin surface of the pigmented part of the eye, and the rest of the eye shell is not affected in any way, so such an operation cannot harm the patient’s vision. After the procedure, by the end of the first week the eye color becomes darker, but within 2-4 weeks the eyes gradually turn from brown to blue. However, after this operation, the melanin in the iris of the eye is destroyed, and it will not be possible to return the brown color back. Brown tissue cannot be restored, so you should think carefully before deciding to undergo this operation.

Stroma Medical is currently conducting limited clinical trials and is seeking sponsors for larger trials. Opens branches in other countries.

Surgical intervention

Is it possible to change eye color through surgery? The surgical method was created to get rid of congenital anomalies in the development of the eyeball. The operation is based on inserting an implant into the area of ​​the damaged iris. It can be bluish, greenish or brown - it all depends on the natural color of the person’s eyes. Over time, the operation began to be performed without medical indications for anyone who wanted to change the shade of the iris.

The main advantage of such an operation is the possibility of removing the implant if the patient changes his personal decision over time. There are a few more disadvantages:

  • many side effects and complications;
  • high price;
  • the operation is performed only abroad.

Doctors do not advise exposing your health to high risk and undergoing surgery unless absolutely necessary. Often, due to complications, the implant is removed, and then the patient must undergo a long course of therapy. But even taking this into account, there are quite a lot of people willing to undergo surgery.

Makeup, clothing, lighting

Is it possible to change eye color without lenses? To change a light shade, sometimes it is enough to change your makeup or wear clothes of a suitable tone. This method is the least effective; you shouldn’t expect big changes from it. But it does not harm health and has no side effects.

For example, to brighten gray-green eyes, you need to do eye makeup in brown tones and wear lilac-colored clothes. Brown eyes will look darker if you use blue or green eye shadow. But they will turn amber with rose-gold shades of makeup. Skin tone and eye color should be taken into account.

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis

Is it possible to change eye color this way? This method is considered one of the controversial ones. If you believe in the power of self-hypnosis, hypnosis, and master the skills of meditation, you can try this method - there will be no harm from it. The technique is based on the following:

  1. You should retire to a quiet place, sit comfortably and relax.
  2. You need to close your eyes and clearly imagine the desired color.
  3. You should visualize the picture until it is as real as possible.

As experienced people testify, the session should last at least 20 minutes to start the process. The procedure should be repeated until the desired effect is achieved.


Is there another way to change eye color? An effective method is to regularly eat certain foods that affect the amount of melanin and the density of iris pigment. This method is suitable for people with light eyes (gray, blue) who want to darken the shade a little. Of course, you won’t be able to achieve a radical change to dark brown, but you can still add new shades.

The diet should consist of:

  • nuts, chamomile tea, honey;
  • fish and meat products;
  • ginger, olive oil, onion, hard cheese.

It should be borne in mind that this method does not provide a quick effect. If you need faster results, then it is better to use other methods.

Scientists have found that the emotional system greatly influences the color of the iris. When angry, it takes on a dark tone. And when a person rejoices, his eyes become bright and light. It turns out that the situation and mood can partially influence the shade of the iris.

Iris diseases

The following conditions can lead to damage and dysfunction of the shell:

  • inflammation of the iris (iritis);
  • traumatic injuries (mechanical, thermal and chemical injuries to the eye);
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • rheumatism;
  • eye vasculitis;
  • coloboma;
  • herpetic lesion of the eyeballs.

Iritis is an inflammatory process affecting the iris of the eye. If the ciliary body is involved in the process, then such a condition will be called iridocyclitis. The latter is diagnosed much more often.

Iritis and iridocyclitis can occur with the development of infection (tuberculosis, herpes, syphilis), metabolic disorders, and endocrine diseases.

There are acute and chronic inflammation. With acute inflammation of the iris, patients complain of pain in the eye and constriction of the pupil. Redness of the eye, decreased vision, and purulent discharge are often observed. An important diagnostic criterion for the disease is a change in the color of the membrane.

Diagnosis of iridocyclitis and iritis includes anamnesis, instrumental examination, and visual examination of the eyes. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of inflammation. If there is severe constriction of the pupil, medications that dilate the pupil, for example, Atropine, are prescribed. In addition, ointments based on glucocorticoids and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. For purulent iridocyclitis, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. As for traumatic injuries to the iris, they can lead to ruptures or aniridia (separation of the iris). Volvulus is less common. In some cases, the cause of membrane damage is joint pathology. It is important that for any disease treatment should be carried out in a timely manner and in full. In its absence, a person’s vision may deteriorate.



Modern people cannot do without the Internet and social networks. Many people post personal avatars and photos in them. Therefore, network users often have a desire to take a photo so that they like it. Thanks to the photo editor you can change your eye color.

The procedure in Photoshop is performed as follows:

  1. The photo editor opens and a photo with good resolution is loaded.
  2. The eyes stand out, surrounded by an iris without eyelids.
  3. A new layer is created and a section of the iris is copied.
  4. Color balance is selected.
  5. The finished layer is selected and the blending parameters are changed.
  6. Playing with mixing layers is allowed.
  7. The result must be saved.

So these are all the ways to change your eye color. But before choosing the appropriate method, you should decide why it is needed. Should what is given by nature be changed? It is also important to consult a specialist.


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