Opening of the season of acid treatments with Dermaheal / Aqua peeling

Dermahil is a Korean cosmetics based on growth factors and peptides created using genetic engineering. These are drugs created at the intersection of cosmetology and cosmetics, which are called “cosmeceuticals”. In Russia, such a concept does not exist, so experts tend to consider Dermahil as medicinal cosmetics. Among mesotherapy drugs, Dermahil for bags under the eyes has gained particular popularity. Good reviews about it spread. Let’s take a closer look at this drug and the prevailing opinion of experts about it.

A little about the manufacturer

Caregen company began its existence in South Korea in 2001. The research department initially set itself the task of a detailed study of the growth factors of biometric peptides and human skin cells. This goal was understandable: understanding the processes of renewal and control of cell division and growth would allow us to reconsider our views on methods of skin rejuvenation. The company's research was not in vain: the synthesis of substances necessary for the regeneration of the dermis and epidermis was carried out. Clinical trials confirmed the hopes of specialists: the drug works.

Already in 2004, the Dermahil brand was released, which quickly became known in almost every country. Currently, these are popular products in the market of cosmetic and dermatological medicinal products. "Dermahil" consists of complexes for mesotherapy and galvanotherapy, as well as products in the form of creams, serums and other substances for home use. "Dermahil" for bags under the eyes has become one of the most popular drugs for treating fatty hernias and lightening dark circles.

Why does swelling form under the eyes?

There comes a time in every woman’s life when she’s already a little over twenty. Age-related changes begin to manifest themselves one way or another. “Bags” systematically form under the eyes in the morning, and if previously they easily dissolved on their own or with the help of creams and special massages, now they persistently remain in place. This period is characterized by the time of hernia formation.

Why is this happening? A certain amount of fatty deposits, the increase of which causes a hernia, is contained in the area under the eyes from birth. Under the influence of certain factors (and not necessarily due to age-related changes), fat mass begins to increase rapidly. Experts identify several reasons for such changes:

  • heredity;
  • frequent stress;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • excess daily consumption of coffee or tea;
  • bad habits;
  • incorrect daily routine.

Excess fat has no choice but to move into the lower eyelid area, which is why an unpleasant “bulge” under the eyes is formed. To treat this problem, cosmetologists are increasingly using Dermahil for bags under the eyes. Reviews about the drug are left by both patients and specialists.

Causes of bags under the eyes

There are several confirmed reasons, which can rather be called risk factors, due to which bags under the eyes may appear. Here are the main ones:

  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • bad habits;
  • stress and nervous shock;
  • improper daily routine, passive lifestyle;
  • drinking large amounts of tea, coffee;
  • low oxygen consumption;
  • genetic predisposition.

As a result of the action of the factors described above, fat deposits begin to accumulate in the lower eyelid and fall lower and lower. This is how a “bag” , which gives a person’s face a tired or swollen appearance. For others who do not know the true causes of the disorder, bags under the eyes may seem like signs of lack of sleep or even alcohol abuse. Often, the true causes of the formation of bags are hidden deep in the body, and a cosmetologist and the Dermaheal Eyebag Solution procedure can help combat them .

Mesotherapy around the eyes

Mesotherapy is the process of introducing a cocktail of targeted active ingredients into the dermis of the skin. The procedure is carried out by injecting a certain amount of a substance through a special syringe. Usually a series of injections are performed throughout the treated area at a short distance from each other. How to inject Dermahil for bags under the eyes or any other similar drug? The answer is very simple: only with the help of a qualified cosmetologist or dermatologist in a room appropriate for the procedure. Performing mesotherapy on your own is categorically not recommended: the damage caused to the skin by excessive independence will be enormous.

With the development of cocktails for mesotherapy, surgical treatment of bags under the eyes and other cosmetic and dermatological problems is practically not used. The active components of the drug do a good job of normalizing the processes occurring in the dermis and epidermis, which leads to natural restoration of the skin. The effect lasts for a long time.

Dermahil preparations for the area around the eyes

To treat common skin problems around the eyes, the Dermahil brand presents two mesotherapy products: Eyebag Solution and Dark Circle Solution. Both drugs are created for use in a beauty salon via injection.

The use of Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution is recommended for the formation of dark circles under the eyes. The action of the drug is aimed at lightening them and preventing further appearance. In addition, Dark Circle Solution helps smooth out wrinkles and improves microcirculation in the periorbital area. The drug can be used at any age according to the indications of a cosmetologist.

Eyebag Solution is designed to treat more serious problems. For example, it is actively used to reduce swelling of the area under the eyes, as well as the resorption of fat capsules that form “bags”. The components of the drug improve the overall condition of the skin and rejuvenate it.


What makes Dermaheal Eyebag Solution special is its ingredients and how they interact with each other. The main active components are peptides, which not only work well individually, but also in combination, complementing each other and providing a more active effect.

Tripeptid 41 targets intradermal fat and hernia removal.

Nanopeptid 18 activates the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid, helping to reduce bags and making the anterior wall of the orbit more dense.

Oligopeptid 61 provides lightening of the skin in the periocular area and returns it to a fresh appearance.

Oligopeptid-73 improves the tone of the circular muscles and strengthens the skin of the eyelids, is responsible for burning fat, and smoothes out wrinkles.

Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution

A cocktail for lightening dark circles under the eyes destroys pigmentation and also prevents the formation of new spots by reducing melanin synthesis. Due to improved microcirculation, the skin around the eyes receives the amount of nutrients it needs. In addition, peptide complexes help smooth out facial wrinkles, which, without a doubt, refreshes the look.

The cocktail includes:

  • oligopeptide-34 – inhibits the processes of melanin production, acts as an antioxidant, effectively protects against photoaging;
  • oligopeptide-24 – improves microcirculation, stimulates the regeneration of dermal and epidermal cells;
  • dipeptide-4 - promotes the synthesis of elastin and collagen, as well as other components of the dermal matrix.

The drug is released in a 1.5 ml glass bottle and is injected into the periorbital area. The course of treatment depends on the initial condition of the skin. In standard cases, it is recommended to undergo three procedures, alternating them with a week's rest. The maximum number of procedures per course of treatment is about 10. For preventive purposes, after the end of the main therapy after 3 months, you can resort to 1-2 procedures at quarterly intervals.

Indications and contraindications for use of Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution

The need for mesotherapy must be confirmed by a cosmetologist. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that the procedure has contraindications, and therefore there is a need for mandatory consultation with a therapist or the attending physician who usually sees the patient. An initial appointment with a cosmetologist is also mandatory. Having assessed the situation, the specialist may recommend a course of mesotherapy with Dark Circle in the following cases:

  • significant pigmentation in the periorbital area;
  • dark circles that cannot be treated with other methods;
  • swelling and age-related changes in the area around the eyes.

You should pay attention to contraindications. This:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • exacerbation of acute and chronic diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • infectious diseases (until they are cured);
  • other serious diseases (diabetes, epilepsy, etc.).

In any case, it is advisable to consult with a specialist who will accurately determine the need for the procedure, as well as the possible risks and consequences for health.

Eyebag Solution

“Dermahil” for bags under the eyes - Eyebag Solution injections, which have replaced the scalpel in solving the problems of swelling and increasing fat capsules in the periorbital area. The composition of the drug includes:

  • oligopeptide-61 – relieves inflammation, brightens the skin around the eyes, giving it freshness;
  • nanopeptide-18 – stimulates the production of elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid, compacts the anterior wall of the orbit;
  • tripeptide-41 – reduces the volume of subcutaneous fat;
  • Oligopeptide-73 – strengthens muscles, improves microcirculation, gives skin tone, smoothing wrinkles.

Acting comprehensively, they reduce the accumulation of fatty tissue under the skin, and also stimulate the reduction of existing fat capsules. After some time, the “bags” decrease in size, or even disappear altogether. Wrinkles around the eyes are smoothed out and skin color is evened out. “Dermahil” for bags under the eyes received good reviews from professionals: cosmetologists note that the drug helped get rid of the unpleasant problem for most clients.

Effect of Dermaheal Eyebag Solution

The Dermaheal injection procedure is one of the methods of blepharoplasty that does not require surgical intervention. And the result is really impressive!

The therapeutic effect of the drug Dermahil is ensured by several components:

  • Oligopeptide 61 has an anti-inflammatory effect. It makes the skin lighter and fresher;
  • Nanopeptide 18 has a stimulating effect. Thanks to it, the body itself produces the necessary collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin, which thicken the tissues of the eyelid;
  • reduces fat layer tripeptide 41;
  • Oligopeptide 73 helps strengthen muscles, improves blood circulation, and makes the skin more elastic.

Thanks to the systemic and complex action of all components of the drug, bags under the eyes disappear in a short time, the skin becomes toned, and the risk of a hernia disappears.

Indications and contraindications for Eyebag Solution

Experts, having become acquainted with the drug "Dermahil", often recommend it as a remedy for the treatment of hernias in the periorbital region, as well as for the purpose of rejuvenating the skin around the eyes. You should consider the cosmeceutical cocktail Eyebag Solution in cases where the following occurs in the periorbital area:

  • swelling;
  • "bags";
  • hernias;
  • facial wrinkles.

In addition, the drug is also used for preventive purposes at the first signs of aging and withering of the skin.

"Dermahil" for bags under the eyes has the same contraindications as the drug for dark circles. First of all, it is worth considering the presence of infectious and oncological diseases, as well as the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Pregnancy and lactation are not the best time to use mesotherapy. Allergy sufferers need not worry: the peptides and growth factors in the drug have a 100% similar structure to components produced by humans independently. The product is safe and does not cause allergic reactions.

When to use Dermaheal Eyebag Solution

The skin around the eyes is exactly the area of ​​skin for which Dermaheal Eyebag Solution was specifically developed. It is recommended that it be used as prescribed by cosmetologists or plastic surgeons for patients. Reviews from doctors have already proven that the Korean-developed drug can have an excellent effect .
Due to its ability to rejuvenate skin tissue, the product is used not only externally. The drug is also excellent for mesotherapy. It can get rid of bags under the eyes, and wrinkles can also be smoothed out, as evidenced by reviews from cosmetologists. The skin receives not only a course of rejuvenation, but also treatment. Recommended for use:

  • hernia;
  • bags around the eyes;
  • swelling;
  • wrinkles from facial expressions;
  • loss of attractive skin appearance.

"Dermahil" for bags under the eyes: photo, release form, course of application

Eyebag Solution is available in a 1.5 ml bottle of soft pink color. To carry out the procedure, the cosmetologist uses a very thin needle, which is inserted to a depth of no more than 2 mm. It is worth preparing for the fact that the mesotherapy procedure in the periorbital area is quite painful. Special gels or creams can be used for pain relief.

The course of treatment consists of 4–10 procedures, which are performed at intervals of about 7 days. The effect can be noticed within a week after the first procedure. Depending on the result and the rate of skin restoration, the total number of procedures for one course of treatment with Dermahil for bags under the eyes will be determined. Feedback from patients on the effect of the cocktail is good: everyone notices the positive effect.

Serum for bags under the eyes for home use

The Dermahil brand has developed not only cosmetics for professional use, but also home series for skin and hair care. One of these items from Dermahil pharmacy cosmetics is a serum for bags under the eyes. This product gets good reviews: it’s easy to use, and it’s really effective.

The serum contains:

  • caffeine;
  • ginkgo biloba and green tea extracts;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • allantoin.

The active components of the product increase skin elasticity and tone, smooth out wrinkles, and activate the liporeduction process. All this helps in time to prevent the formation of hernias of the periorbital space, reduce swelling and improve the general condition of the skin around the eyes.

Side effects

A negative reaction to the administration of Dermaheal Eyebag Solution is not associated with the drug itself, but with the process of its use. Reviews from many patients indicate that eye blepharoplasty using ultrasound waves is as gentle as possible and easily tolerated. So, after a course of therapy, no side effects are observed, except for mild redness. Special skin care is also not required.

Mesotherapy in the eye area using this drug is often more traumatic. The most common effects are mild swelling, redness, needle marks and bruising. Side effects go away on their own over time, but if you wish, you can speed up their disappearance with special ointments from the pharmacy or cool home compresses.

The entire range of Dermaheal (South Korea) >>>
Home line Dermaheal
Basic care products
Anti-aging with growth factors
"Revitalization" with peptides
Melanocomplex with peptides
Intensive lightening
Complex "Anti Acne"
System for the skin around the eyes
Therapy system in 2 weeks
Deep cleansing complex
Body correction program
Hair care
Sun protection
Professional line
M.BOOSTER - solution boosters
Preparations for hardware pr-r

"Dermahil" against bags under the eyes: reviews

Dermahil cosmetics are very popular in many countries. Thanks to the natural composition, the drugs of this brand do not cause allergic reactions. In addition, the action of the components is long-lasting: the active substances of the cocktail stimulate and improve the natural processes of the body. The dermis returns to normal functioning, which helps improve the condition of the skin and its youth. “Dermahil” for bags under the eyes receives good reviews from cosmetologists: experts are confident in the action of this drug, having repeatedly convinced themselves of its exceptional properties.

“Dermahil” for bags and swelling around the eyes is a unique development that has practically no analogues. Thanks to this brand, women have the opportunity to choose between surgical treatment and mesotherapy for periorbital hernias.


One of the main advantages of the Dermaheal Eyebag Solution meso-cocktail is its fast and long-lasting effect, which depends on the active substances included in its formula. They reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat, activate the reproduction of their own collagen, strengthen the skin in the periocular area, preventing the appearance of hernias and bags.

Dermahil Ibeg Solution is able to significantly tighten the skin around the eyes and reduce sagging soft tissues, as well as smooth out wrinkled mesh.

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