How to strengthen the eye muscles? Adviсe

  • July 7, 2018
  • Home workouts
  • Anastasia Mikhailyuk

Tight skin around the eyes is an indicator of well-groomed skin and, of course, the age of the fair sex. It is for this reason that many women carefully care for this area of ​​the face, using various cosmetics and performing exercises for the orbicularis oculi muscle at home.

Indications for performing exercises

Experienced face builders recommend this technique for tightening facial muscles to the following categories of people:

  • those who have flabby facial muscles;
  • people whose area around the eyes is puffy;
  • having wrinkles around the eyes;
  • double chin.

Experts say that it is much easier to deal with a problem than to correct its consequences later. Therefore, if you have the slightest problem with the skin around your eyes, you need to take action. Including performing special exercises for the orbicularis oculi muscle.

How to strengthen the eye muscles? Eye exercises

Friends, it is very correct that reasonable parents and grandparents monitor the state of vision of their children and grandchildren... This is important in all respects! Including in terms of making a child’s dream come true...

After all, if a child dreams of something and this dream is preserved and strengthened as he grows up, there is no doubt that he will become a real professional in the business that he has chosen for himself... And this dream-idea will not allow the child or teenager to get carried away with anything -something not very significant or, moreover, something not very good... You are just smart, Natalya Cherepanova from Tula, a wonderful Russian gunsmith city...

I’ll tell you briefly, my friends, about the structure of the eye... So...

According to their functional purpose, the muscles of the eye can be divided into two groups: the muscles of the eyelids, responsible for the movement of the eyelids, and the muscles of the eyeball, responsible for the movement of the eyeball. Now we are talking about the muscles of the eyeball... The muscles of the eyeball are divided into straight and oblique.

The rectus oculi muscles are attached to the shell of the eyeball slightly closer to the middle with the help of tendons. Moreover, they are located on 4 sides, i.e., if you imagine a watch dial, then at 12 the superior rectus muscle of the eye is attached, at 6 - the lower rectus muscle, but at 3 and 9 - depending on the eye.

The muscle that is closer to the bridge of the nose is called the internal rectus muscle, and the one further away is the external rectus muscle.

The rectus muscles are responsible for eye movements up and down, left and right, and also for various combinations.

But that is not all…

Two more oblique muscles , and the superior oblique muscle begins in the same place as the rectus muscles (deep in the orbit), but before reaching the eye, it passes through the fibrocartilaginous ring of the frontal bone, which works like a block and unfolds the superior oblique muscle. The oblique muscles of the eye serve to rotate the eyeball around the conventional optical axis.

The superior oblique muscle rotates the eyeball so that the upper part of it is closer to the other eye, and the inferior oblique muscle rotates the lower part of the eye closer to the other eye.

Normally, when all muscles are tensed equally, the optical axes of the eyes are parallel. This happens when a person looks into the distance. If a person looks at a close distance, then the optical axes of the eyes intersect on the object he is looking at and then the main load is on the internal rectus muscle. It is the most massive of all the eye muscles.

I told you all this for a reason... I told you briefly about these eye muscles solely so that you can have a good idea of ​​how they work and why all these exercises that we will now discuss...


  1. look up and down with the greatest possible amplitude;
  2. draw a circle with your gaze clockwise and back - that is, counterclockwise;
  3. draw diagonals with your gaze: from corner to corner - from lower left to upper right and from lower right - to upper left;
  4. outline a rectangle with your gaze (or a square);
  5. with your gaze, follow a horizontal arc - convex and concave;
  6. mentally imagine a rhombus in front of you and look around it;
  7. draw bows with your eyes;
  8. Draw vertical semicircles with your eyes, first clockwise, then counterclockwise;
  9. bring your pupils to the bridge of your nose as far as you can, bringing your finger closer to your nose;
  10. blink often.

My friends, do each such exercise with your children and grandchildren 10-12 times! And you will be happy! Happy healthy eyes!

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Exercises against wrinkles under the eyes

One of the most popular face trainers in our country spoke about which exercises are the most effective if you want to keep the skin around your eyes young, smooth and radiant.

Implementation must be comprehensive. There will be no success in this matter if you choose one or two exercises and perform them. You need to work both the area around the eyes and the rest of the muscles on the face. Only in this way can good results be achieved.

Strengthening the eye muscles

Before you start training your eye muscles, you need to think about what factors impair your vision and try to correct them. The following have a negative effect on vision:

  • Metabolic disease;
  • Bad habits;
  • Insufficient amount of fresh drinking water during the day;
  • Emotional and physical stress;
  • Taking chemicals;
  • Sedentary lifestyle, lack of fresh air;
  • Excessive exposure to TV and computer.

Simply contemplating the distant forest, vast fields, and running clouds has a beneficial effect on the eye muscles.

The exercises are not difficult. You need to start with 4-5 repetitions. If you immediately start intense training, tension and pain will appear in the eyes and you may lose the desire to continue exercising.

In this section, we will look at how to strengthen the eye muscles, how many times a day to exercise and what rules must be followed.

It is recommended to train the eye muscles on an empty stomach. It has been proven that the results will be better than in a well-fed state.

Before starting the exercises, you need to blink for a few seconds. It relaxes the eyes. When you feel discomfort in your eyes, are tired, or have been typing for a long time, just blink. The movements resemble the flapping of a butterfly's wings.

The body should be relaxed. It is better to take the so-called “coachman’s pose”: lean forward slightly, head, neck and torso forming a straight line.

Ideally, before you start strengthening your eye muscles, you throw away your glasses. This is what W. Bates did. It was easier for him; he didn’t have a computer or smartphone. And in general, people somehow managed to work without them.

We train and strengthen the orbicularis oculi muscles

We need to start by placing our middle finger on the inner corner of the eye and our index finger on the outer corner. Thus, we fix both hands on both eyes. Fingers should be shaped like the letter V.

With a slight pressure we fix the eyelids and begin to blink slowly. This allows the muscles of the upper and lower eyelids to “work”, tightening them. However, the result will be noticeable only a month after the start of training.

Tension around the eyes

The organ of vision is subject to heavy loads during the day. When a person is awake, the orbicularis oculi muscle experiences quite a lot of tension. Working at a computer, watching videos and TV shows, reading and continuous visual stress, bright light and a rapidly changing picture overstrain the organ of vision and the muscles around the eyes.

Scientists have proven a direct relationship between the work of this muscle and the one that ensures a change in the curvature of the lens. Thus, if the function of the orbicularis oculi muscle is impaired, lymphatic drainage and venous stasis may be impaired, up to an increase in intracranial pressure.

READ MORE: Eye exercises for glaucoma - gymnastics and eye massage for glaucoma

Therefore, there is no need to test your body's strength. With increased visual load, it is imperative to unload and rest. The most effective method of relaxing the orbicularis muscle is simple contemplation of nature, when the gaze is not fixed on one object, but perceives the overall picture.

A reflex movement to relax the eye muscles is rubbing them. Although there are more effective exercises aimed not only at relieving spasms, but also at preventing and eliminating existing problems, which we will consider further.

  • strengthens the upper eyelid;
  • has a beneficial effect on the mobility of the eyeball;
  • relaxes the eyeball well

This exercise works the motor muscle of the upper eyelid, located directly under the upper wall of the orbit.

  1. Blink your eyes quickly, pausing briefly after every 10 times. The eyelids should move as quickly as possible.
  2. Relax with your eyes open for 2-3 seconds.

Repeat the exercise 5-8 times in a row.

Very important: This exercise is about speed, not strength. There is no need to try to close your eyes too much.

  • makes the upper eyelids more elastic;
  • improves their structure.

This exercise works the orbicularis oculi muscle.

  1. Close your eyes and place your index fingers on your upper eyelids, parallel to your eyebrows.
  2. Press your fingers lightly against your eyelid (but don't press too hard)
  3. Open your eyes.
  4. Cover them again.

Repeat the exercise at least 12 times.

  • adds shine to the eyes;
  • makes the look more open;
  • strengthens the entire orbicularis oculi muscle;
  • gives the face a calm expression.

The exercise works the muscles of the eyeball.

  1. Place your index fingers along your eyebrows, press your eyebrows, gently bend the remaining fingers so that they do not block your field of vision.
  2. Look as low and as far to the left as possible for 5 seconds.
  3. Slowly raise your gaze without changing its direction. The movement of the gaze should be slow and last at least 5 seconds.
  4. Now look for 5 seconds as high as possible and as far to the left as possible.
  5. Very slowly (at least 5 seconds) move your gaze to the right, looking as high as possible and as far to the right as possible.
  6. Slowly (in at least 5 seconds) lower your gaze without changing the direction of your gaze.
  7. Look as low and as far to the right as possible for 5 seconds.
  8. Close your eyes and relax for 5-10 seconds.

Very important: if your eyes are very tired during the exercise, close them for 2-3 seconds every time you feel the need. If your eyes are watering (which is completely normal), blink more often.

Eye movements in each direction should be performed to the limit. If you don't have enough time, you can increase the time you do the exercise.

During the exercise, the forehead should remain calm (fingers on the eyebrows block the work of the forehead muscles).

Using her technique, 57 muscles of the face are worked out and after 2-3 weeks it becomes more youthful and toned. Maximum results are promised after 2 months of regular training. Maggio has two exercises for the eyes:

  1. Enlarged eyes. Place your middle fingers between your eyebrows and your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes. Squint your eyes, lifting your lower eyelid upward. Repeat the movement ten times, holding the last squint for a count of 40.
  2. Strengthening the area under the eyes, reducing swelling. Place your middle and index fingers on the outer and inner corners of your eyes, pressing gently on them. Raise your gaze upward, as high as possible, squinting your lower eyelid, but without closing your eyes. Repeat the gymnastics ten times, holding the last movement for a count of 40.

When performing this gymnastics, your fingers should feel a pulsation.

We strengthen the upper eyelid. Gymnastics for the orbicularis oculi muscle

This exercise requires minimal effort. But the regularity of this training should be at least 6 times a week.

We place the connected middle and index fingers at the temples, slightly bringing them closer to the upper eyelid. Then we try to look surprised by lifting the upper eyelid. However, you should not strain your eyes.

You need to learn to tense and relax your eyelids on demand, without involving extraneous muscle groups.

What results do such exercises promise?

Girls/women who regularly engage in Facebook building, according to statistics, look much younger and more attractive than those who ignore this technique. So, you can notice the following results:

  • No folds in the area around the mouth.
  • Smoothing out facial wrinkles.
  • Tightness of the cheeks.
  • Improving the oval of the face.
  • Healthy complexion.

When performing exercises for the orbicularis oculi muscle, as for all others, it is necessary to follow a certain technique. Let's talk about it further.

Exercise 6. Eye enlargement - 2.

Exercise of increased complexity.

Performing this exercise has the following effects:

  • the eyes actually increase to the size that they had in youth, and which is natural for you (they will not bulge beyond measure, that’s for sure);
  • the sparkle in the eyes returns.

This exercise involves the muscles of the eyeball, which move the eyes.

  1. Place your index fingers on your eyebrows and press them firmly.
  2. Slowly raise your gaze (the neck remains motionless, only the eye muscles work).
  3. Try to “look into the top of your head” (to do this, “roll your eyes” as high as you can)
  4. Fix your gaze in this position for 5-10 seconds.
  5. Close your eyes and relax for 5-10 seconds.
  6. Raise your gaze again and “look at the top of your head” for 5-10 seconds.
  7. Then lower your gaze, but do not close your eyes, but look at the tip of your nose (2-3 seconds)
  8. Close your eyes for 5-10 seconds.
  9. Lower your gaze again and look at the tip of your nose (2-3 seconds)
  10. Close your eyes and relax.

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Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Very important: during the exercise, the face and neck should be motionless, only the eyes work. The neck should not move either.

Be careful with this exercise, determine the amount based on fatigue. In any case, you need to start from scratch.

Performing this exercise gives the same effects as the previous one. These exercises can be alternated.

The muscles of the eyeball also take part in the exercise.

  1. Place your index fingers on your eyebrows, as in the previous exercise.
  2. Open your eyes as wide as possible.
  3. Move your eyes left and right to the maximum possible extreme points: do this 5 times.
  4. Close your eyes and relax.

Very important: when performing the exercise, only the eyes work. The eyes should be as open as possible (otherwise the exercise will not give the desired effect), and the eyebrows and forehead should remain motionless.

Correctness of exercises

To succeed in performing exercises, the purpose of which is to tighten the muscles of the face, you need to follow the rules:

  1. Do exercises regularly. The norm is considered to be 5 times a week. If you perform workouts less frequently, then the energy spent on exercises for the orbicularis oculi muscle may be in vain.
  2. During such training, the skin must have contact with oxygen - breathe. Therefore, it must be thoroughly cleaned of cosmetics and dirt. You can use your usual makeup remover or baby soap for this.
  3. Exercises to strengthen the orbicularis oculi muscle, like many others, require preliminary warming up of the facial muscles. This can be achieved by lightly massaging the area of ​​the cheeks, forehead, around the eyes and around the mouth.
  4. During each exercise, you need to stick to one count. At the end, you need to hold the muscles in the indicated position for 5-10 seconds. This will make classes more effective.
  5. Beginners in face building are recommended to practice in front of a mirror. This will help ensure that the exercises are performed correctly.


The main part of the method consists of seven exercises:

  1. Up and down movements.
  2. We turn right - left. The rotation of the eyes should be maximum. It’s as if you want to see who came up to you from the right or left without turning your head.
  3. We move our eyes diagonally. We look at what it is on the ceiling in the left corner, and immediately turn our gaze to the floor in the right corner. Then we change direction. Between exercises, relax and blink for a few seconds.
  4. We draw shapes with our eyes: squares, rectangles. First from left to right, then in the opposite direction. We do it 4-5 times.
  5. We depict a figure similar to a butterfly or bow. We look at the upper left corner, then at the lower right, upper right, lower left and return to the upper left corner. Such a broken figure resembles a bow or butterfly.
  6. Now we draw a butterfly in a perpendicular plane: upper left corner – upper right – lower left – lower right – upper left again. Then you can make smoother movements and get a figure eight.
  7. We draw circles in front of us clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Additional exercises

  1. Let's draw a snake with dotted lines from left to right. Seven strokes will be enough. The exercise is performed once.
  2. Spiral staircase. Imagine using your eyes to go up and down a staircase that has five sharp turns. Don't forget to blink and rest.
  3. Now imagine how a huge snake is wrapped around a thick log. Make all 5-6 turns with your eyes from right to left and in the opposite direction.
  4. Draw a spiral. It starts at eye level. Then the coils wind up, increase in diameter and cover the entire space in front of you. We rested and began to twist it until it turned into a point.
  5. We depict a wheel that has come off and is rolling forward. We draw his path with our eyes. Then the wheel comes back. And now we watch with our eyes how the virtual gymnast spins the hoop in front of us. 5 times in one direction and 5 in the other.
  6. We look at two fingers at the same time. We connect our index fingers in front of us. We begin to slowly spread them apart at a distance of 5-6 cm. We try to see both fingers. We fix our attention for 1 second and move our fingers back. We do it 4-5 times.
  7. Now we spread our fingers diagonally also by 5-6 cm. 15. Watch the movements of the fingers in the vertical plane. 16. Draw circles with your fingers inward, then outward. We fix our eyes on both circles.

A hundred years have passed since W. Bates developed the system “How to strengthen the eye muscles.” No one published more complete works after him. So many important discoveries have been made, but the methods of the famous ophthalmologist are being successfully used now and will be used for many years to come.

Reading his works, you always find something new and useful. For example, few people know about the benefits of splashing your eyes with ice water. This procedure strengthens the immune system and activates receptors.

The “Palming” exercise deserves special attention. Palming is translated from English as palm. This is not only an exercise for relaxing the eyes, but also a great way to harmonize your overall emotional state.

It is recommended to perform it several times a day. It should become a daily ritual before bed. Rub your palms until you feel warm.

We place our hands in front of us on any support and cover our eyes with our palms. We place our palms at an angle to each other, “house”. You should not press it tightly to your eyes. The eyelids should open freely. But we perform the exercise with our eyes closed.

We don't close our nose. We close our fingers tightly, creating a feeling of complete darkness. We remember pleasant events, sweet episodes. Let's relax. We remain in this position for at least 5 minutes, maybe more. An indicator that you are completely relaxed will be a perfectly black background in front of your eyes.

If you couldn’t see the black screen, it means you didn’t get complete relaxation. Over time you will learn to relax.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of palming. After all, if the eyes were tense during the day, the tension will remain in sleep. Everyone who performs the exercise for a long time confirms that relaxation does not leave for a long time. Vision improves, pain in the eyes and head goes away.

Contraindications to exercises for the orbicularis oculi muscles

Most sports training has a number of contraindications. They should definitely be taken into account before starting classes. Exercises for the orbicularis oculi muscle were no exception. Reviews about them are positive in 99% of cases, but before using them you need to familiarize yourself with the following contraindications:

  • Hypertension.
  • Recent botulinum toxin injection procedures.
  • Facial nerve paralysis, trauma or neuritis.
  • Having plastic surgery on the face.

Considering the above recommendations for tightening the skin around the eyes, you can get positive results after just a month of regular training.

Exercise 12. Rest for the eyes.

  • relaxes the eyes;
  • strengthens them.

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The exercise works the orbicularis oculi muscle.

  1. Using your index or middle fingers, press firmly against the outer corners of your eyes (where crow's feet form).
  2. Close your eyes, closing your eyelids tightly.
  3. After 2-3 seconds, relax.

Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Attention: unlike exercise 8, here you need to close your eyes with force.

Very important: the finger pressure should be noticeably strong so that “crow’s feet” do not appear during the exercise itself.

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