Signs of an energy vampire in a woman

People are energy vampires, their signs are obvious and not obvious, today we will analyze them in detail and with examples. Do energy vampires really exist?

Such people can be called differently, of course, they are not obvious bloodsuckers, but this does not make communicating with them any more pleasant.

I suggest getting to know each other a little... my name is Natalia Gnezdilova, I am not a psychic or a magician, I am a psychologist. In this article, I will rely on practical knowledge gained from working with clients.

Clients often come to me with complaints about energy vampirism of loved ones. I explain how to recognize an energy vampire, how to install protection, and in general, how to live with such people in the same house?

So, let's go... to the unknown land of energy vampires!

Basics of Energy Protection

We live among people, and we are designed in such a way that we constantly exchange energy with each other. Any communication we have, even a few words, a glance, a touch, being in the same room is interaction, which means our energy interacts with each other.

This interaction occurs at the energy level, and to our great regret, it is not at all controlled by us, everything happens unconsciously. Consciously we can feel the effects of interacting with other people, how good are we feeling?

Fortunately, real vampirism is not as common as people think. Why? Because we all are vampires sometimes, especially when we get sick, we are sad, something has happened to us, or we simply don’t have the strength.

This happens to everyone... and naturally, if you interact with people at such moments, you gain energy from them.

Or, let’s say, your close relative gets sick, because in this case, you will definitely support him, sympathize, etc., but in this way you share your energy and will not call him a vampire.

Scientists are still arguing and cannot 100% prove the existence of an aura or energy shell in humans, but regardless of this, if you communicated with energy vampires, and then felt a severe loss of strength, then you do not need a scientific basis.

Therefore, we will talk about how to understand that there is an energy vampire nearby, we will talk about the signs of vampirism.

Before diving into energy vampirism, let's understand a little about the terms and concepts.

What does energy vampire mean?

  • An energy vampire is a person experiencing a severe lack of vital energy as a result of some events in his life. And by any means, he tries to take energy from other people.

By the way, most often, this happens completely unconsciously, and the energy vampire even considers himself a victim, it seems to him that everything is happening the other way around, other people take advantage of his helplessness and weakness.

  • Life force or life energy is the energy that makes us human and gives us the emotional component, feelings and emotions. Also, gives us dreams, happiness, love, plans, goals, etc.

Surely you have noticed that people who are depressed have no desires and strength, they don’t want anything, the reason is a low level of vitality. Therefore, a high level of energy makes us happier, more successful, stronger, more energetic, etc.

Where does the vital energy that energy vampires need so much come from?

For the work of the physical body, you and I eat, i.e. we receive building materials to restore the body and so that our body can move, breathe, in a word, function.

But in order for the functioning of our body to be meaningful and desirable, happy, we need vitality or vital energy. All the space around us is permeated with energy, and we interact with this energy, vibrating at a certain level.

Each person vibrates depending on what energy prevails in him? If we divide it very roughly, it will be positive and negative. Negative vibrations are considered low vibrations. Positive, high. And here is an important point: what vibrations predominate in you, this is the energy you receive from space.

What influences a person's low or high vibrations?


  • your emotions;
  • feelings;
  • thoughts; beliefs;
  • life views and points of view.

The more often you are out of sorts, you have a lot of fears, worries, anxiety, the lower your vibrations.

If you are positive, have a good mood, a great sense of humor, are calm, satisfied with life and what is happening, the higher your vibrations are, the more vitality you have.

Article “Energy Vibration Scale” - can you understand what vibrations you have, depending on what emotions you most often experience?

The best energy protection against vampirism is a solid aura, without breakdowns, without holes.

Where do breakdowns, holes, thinning of the aura come from?

This is your emotional baggage, those emotional experiences that you have not let go of and carry with you despite the fact that they harm you and are completely unnecessary.

This mainly includes grievances, fears, anxiety, dissatisfaction with life, etc.

An energy vampire, in fact, has a lack of high vibration energies; he lacks a state of happiness, peace, love, satisfaction.

Especially if he has a huge baggage of negativity, then he gathers his strength and literally throws a “charge” of negativity into your aura. But if your aura is strong, strong, then he cannot penetrate it.

But if there are thinnings, and especially holes, then it launches its suction cups like tentacles and begins to suck energy.

Many people think that an energy vampire “feeds” only on negativity, but this is not so. Our field is integral, and there are no strong distinctions by type, here there is good energy, here there is bad energy.

Therefore, the vampire takes all the energy in a row. And judge for yourself, if they only took away the negative, then they would be “orderlies”, medicinal leeches. And when you are exhausted, it means that they “took” mainly high vibrational energy.

How does a vampire take energy?

In order to take your energy, a vampire needs to “sway” you emotionally.

If you start to get nervous, if you empathize, worry about the person, then you open up emotionally, i.e. you begin to experience certain feelings. Your feeling mechanism is triggered, you experience various emotions.

And emotions are energy. Positive emotions form the basis of your vital energy. Imagine that a river flows, and if it merges with another river, the water gets mixed up, the same thing happens when we communicate with people.

When communicating with a normal person, we exchange energy, and in fact, everyone remains to their own. But with an energy vampire, the situation is different, he gives only negativity, only low vibrations, and “grabs” your high vibrations.

What emotions does an energy vampire need to “launch” its tentacles into you?

  • First of all, it is pity and compassion, empathy.
  • Sacrifice is held in high esteem in our society. Therefore, the main sign of people who are energy vampires is eternal victimhood. People try to help and support such people, but this is all a vampire needs.
  • They take advantage of your kindness and sense of compassion. Appeals to your feelings, to your upbringing about the need to help people in trouble. And as a result, he sits on your neck and takes advantage of your kindness. It’s worth helping once, and then you won’t get rid of him. There is a feeling that you simply owe him.
  • If you communicate with a person as equals, equate him to a normal decent person, and he secretly does nasty things to you, then apologizes, you forgive, in fact, he is manipulating your decency and beliefs.

How will you feel after communicating with people who are energy vampires?

  • Emptiness, inner emptiness;
  • Apathy;
  • Dejection;
  • Fatigue;
  • Emotional indifference;
  • Malaise;
  • Weakness;
  • Feeling that you have been manipulated;
  • The feeling of joy disappears;
  • I don't want to do anything.

If you feel these symptoms after communicating with a certain person, then you definitely need to draw conclusions for the future.

And if it happens several times, then you need to take action:

  • Stop communication. If this is not a close person, and you do not depend on him in any way, then stop communicating completely. At the same time, vampires do not simply let go of their victim; they will call, force themselves to visit, etc. You need to be firm in your decision and not fall for their tricks.
  • Reduce communication to a minimum. If this is a friend or acquaintance with whom you communicate from time to time, then it is necessary to reduce communication.
  • Put up protection. If the energy vampire is your relative, then everything is much more complicated; involuntarily, you are in constant contact. Learn to set up energy protection and manage your emotional states.

They live among us (energy vampirism)


And they are almost no different in appearance. They have no fangs and are not afraid of sunlight. They are reflected perfectly in mirrors, and no one rushes after them with aspen stakes with the aim of killing them.

Many of us don't even know about their existence until we encounter them in person...

And then you will be able to experience their methods of influence directly for yourself. And it’s good if you stay alive. Who are they?


Look around. I am sure there are many people who evoke mixed feelings, for example, pity and hostility at the same time. Some give the impression of helpless creatures who are constantly offended, unappreciated and deprived. These people always wear black. They constantly moan and complain about their difficult lot. They are unpleasant to be around, but you really feel sorry for them, they look so defenseless.

I assure you, this is just a wrapper...

They don't really need your help. They need something else - your life force.

A vampire is a sick creature; he does not have enough energy for life. And he doesn’t want to resist and develop his energy. It's much easier to take energy from another person

You ask, “How?” Everything is very simple! For example, by cunning.

Imagine you are on public transport. Sit quietly, looking out the window, and don’t bother anyone. At the next stop, your grandmother squeezes into the cabin and stops next to you. The look of a beaten dog and tired sighs. If you just stand up and give her your seat without any emotion, she is unlikely to shut up. She needs your energy.

Therefore, grandma will immediately begin to provoke you to communicate further. She will remember her youth and how well they used to live. He will scold the government that ruined the country. She whines that the pension is small, and the prices in stores are high... In short, your grandmother will provoke you into emotions in every possible way: irritability, interest or a desire to object, any reaction to her. And only you reacted... Congratulations, you gave away a portion of vital force.

This was an example of a passive vampire. But there are others who are more active. They have their own methods and are often not at all harmless...

1. Passive - those who take energy unconsciously.

They are not so dangerous because they are completely unaware of their inclinations.

In such people, vampirism manifests itself mainly in stressful situations, when there is a catastrophic lack of energy. For example, in case of illness, loss, heavy physical or mental stress. In all cases, when his own level of energy decreases, the vampire begins to take it from the people around him, acting completely randomly, as it happens. As it is recharged, it returns to its normal state, becoming a completely harmless and adequate creature.

But another type of energy vampires is very dangerous...

2. Active ones are those who strive to gain other people’s energy quite consciously.

They take energy constantly and in large quantities, knowing full well what this means for the donor. Around them it is always uncomfortable, tense and sad. They are aggressive and ready to make a huge problem out of any trifle.

The essence of an energy vampire begins to develop in a person from childhood. The fact is that a child’s energy field is very weak and unprotected, and the baby easily absorbs the energy of his parents and educators. Therefore, if a child does not feel love for himself and often hears rude and cold remarks from his parents, then such a child will grow up capricious, and when he grows up, he will begin to be rude to his parents in response. As you can see, even in infancy, vampirism can arise in a person.

Teenage vampires gather in flocks, they are full of aggression, hostility, and negativity. Such teenagers seek energy recharge in destructive activities - they paint entrances, set fire to mailboxes, and are cruel to animals.

Such teenagers grow into tyrant fathers and monster bosses in the future.

Vampirism can also manifest itself in a so-called “prosperous” family, where peace and love reign. Why? Because, unfortunately, teachers in schools do not undergo professional aptitude tests. And it often happens that a child’s teacher and educator turns out to be a real energy vampire. Needless to say, children under the care of such a person will also be susceptible to the manifestation of vampirism.

It is very easy to take advantage of you if you provoke a quarrel. And it doesn’t matter who you are, a loved one or a passerby on the street, the main thing for a vampire is to start a scandal in order to throw you off balance.

Therefore, if one of the household members is constantly dissatisfied with something and finds fault with little things, it is quite possible that this is an energy vampire who needs recharge.

Be careful with those who have been sick for a long time and, especially, those who are bedridden. They need to get energy from somewhere for their existence. And even if a person was quite good-natured and sweet before illness, perhaps now his actions are far from harmless. That is why, even after a short stay alone with such patients, the mood changes to depressed and sad. Remember, causing pity is one of the ways to take energy.

Jealous people also vampirize. They arrange constant scenes of jealousy for you and torment you with their suspicions. And there is only one goal - to make you share your energy. When the jealous person is completely fed, he will again become white and fluffy, but you will feel a loss of strength.

Many bosses have a talent for sucking the energy out of their subordinates. Moreover, they can take it from several people at once and in large quantities. Next to them you feel like a mouse next to a cat.

Even ordinary onlookers who constantly hang around in places with accidents, stare and discuss these events, can be vampires. These people literally feel the fifth point where a fire or another disaster will happen. And all because in such places there is an uncontrolled release of a huge flow of energy.

Those who like to gossip and talk about terrible events and try to involve other people in this . Everyone who gossips and discusses acquaintances and strangers. Those who follow you with their gaze when you leave the entrance and gloomily look sideways on the street. Those who hang on the phone for hours, taking up your time and chatting about their problems are nothing more than energy vampires.

And there are a lot of them around, different...

1. The main distinguishing feature of a vampire is that they always irritate and piss off other people. Any little thing can be a reason for a quarrel. They can also humiliate their interlocutor in the presence of others, laugh at him and make evil jokes to cause irritation. They may borrow money and not pay it back. However, they will constantly promise “as soon as possible.”

2. Energy vampires are suspicious people, bores and selfish people. Often they simply do not hear the interlocutor, because the vampire does not care about his opinion, his thoughts and feelings.

3. The energy vampire is very jealous and vindictive. The vampire protects his personal donor from the outside world, surrounds him with increased attentiveness and care, and is jealous of other people.

4. Energy vampires can talk on the phone for hours. They immediately burden their interlocutor with their problems and failures. The conversation resembles ordinary chatter about nothing, but after it, for some reason, a feeling of fatigue and depression begins. It is very difficult to get rid of an energy vampire; resentment immediately begins. Sometimes you just have to turn off your phone.

5. There is an opinion that in the presence of energy vampires, equipment constantly breaks down and flowers wither . Most often they don’t have flowers at home either, they simply don’t like them, or the flowers don’t grow on their own.

6. Vampires love crowds of people: queues, demonstrations, large stores. Vampires like to appear where there is a high probability of scandal. Scandal is an additional source of energy for them.

It is worth saying that there are also mixed types of vampires: the same person can manifest himself in different situations both as an energy vampire and as a donor. Among energy vampires there are often charming and kind people who simply do not notice their negative impact on other people.

It often happens when one relative lives off the energy of another. This can be expressed in scandals and showdowns. However, a family may be generally considered ideal, but someone in the family is constantly sick and is generally considered a failure. This person gives his energy to the vampire. By the way, when there are two vampires in a family, they either constantly quarrel and separate, or they live “harmoniously” and draw energy from casual relationships.

It happens that a vampire is waiting at work. What if this is also the boss? Such a vampire does not like it when there is a good mood around him, he will do everything to ruin this mood. And it is useless to convince him.

There is also a curious type of vampires - sex vampires. At the moment of orgasm, a person is filled with positive energy. And vampires take this energy and give nothing in return. After sexual contact with an energy vampire, his partner feels disharmony and dissatisfaction.

So, if among these characteristics you recognize your acquaintance, friend, relative or even loved one, the question arises: what to do?

First of all, don't get annoyed! The vampire's goal is irritation, this is a vulnerable spot. Instead of getting annoyed and angry, you just need to either walk away from the conflict, or, on the contrary, make the reaction unexpected for the vampire. For example, joke or smile instead of crying.

Secondly, it is better not to communicate with an energy vampire at all. And especially if the person is unpleasant and uninteresting. There is no need to attract the attention of an energy vampire, do not enter into friendly relations with them and do not do good deeds for them. They still won't appreciate it. They will simply take away the energy as soon as they feel weak.

Thirdly, it is necessary to protect your energy and biofield. To do this, while talking with a vampire, you should cross your legs or arms. You can keep a fig in your pocket. You can imagine that there is a thick mirror between you, the reflection of which is directed at the vampire.

If it is not possible not to communicate with an energy vampire, then you should try to perceive your interlocutor with humor. And laugh off the vampire’s rude statements. You need to be sure that he can’t stand it and won’t be able to harm you.

And irritation and fatigue from an energy vampire can be relieved with the help of your favorite music, films, poems, books, and aromatic oils.

After contact with a vampire or after being in crowded places, you need to take a contrast shower and drink your favorite hot tea. Take a walk among the trees; they absorb negative energy and transform it into positive energy.

I wish you to take care of your life energy.

Always with you, Konstantin Dovlatov.


The most common signs of people being energy vampires.

Behavior, attitude towards you and other people, these are the signs of vampires. When you read the signs of people who are energy vampires, think about the fact that, hiding behind circumstances, some people have attached themselves to you like leeches. It's time to throw them off!

  1. The pity and compassion of other people is a favorite dish, so they receive the largest portion of energy.

Such people broadcast their misfortune to the world and wait for them to feel sorry for the unfortunate person, because he was so unlucky...

They skillfully manipulate the feelings of others, often putting pressure on the fact that everything is fine with you, but I’m not, so sympathize, have pity, call, ask how I’m doing?

When meeting, even fleetingly, a person immediately begins to dump all his negative events on you.

And since you did not expect the meeting, you are simply stunned by the number of troubles that can happen to one person.

And of course, you open up emotionally - surprise, empathy, etc.

At the same time, the energy vampire looks intently into your eyes, tries to touch you, maybe take your hand, touch you.

With physical contact, he quickly gains access to your energy. And remember, when someone touches you, especially someone who is not close to you, you flinch slightly in surprise, and this is already a certain energy.

  1. They manipulate you and make you feel guilty.

There are people who always make others feel guilty before them.

They do this in different ways, they can say straight to my face that you are not what I need - you don’t care about me, you love me little, you’re selfish, you forgot about me.

Such manipulations occur more often with loved ones; vampires pretend to care about you, as if they are worried that nothing bad will happen to you. They remember something good towards you, some kind of help, and constantly point it out.

– But remember, I helped you then, and you? And you didn't do anything! Heartless, I feel for you with all my heart, and you...

- Why didn’t you call me? And I didn’t sleep all night, I was worried! You don’t care about your own mother, you only think about yourself!

It is easiest to induce a feeling of guilt in a person, because, in our society, this is one of the basic feelings with which one can manipulate a person’s actions.

Since childhood, we are taught to regularly feel guilty, supposedly it makes us better and gives us the opportunity for positive changes.

Those people who live with you often complain about their poor health, so that you feel sorry for how much they have a headache, or they have high blood pressure, or something hurts.

You cannot help them, and you can only feel sorry for them. And unfortunately, some kind of latent feeling of guilt is triggered here for the fact that you feel well, but a loved one is sick. Sometimes such patients brazenly point out your health and openly try to evoke feelings of guilt.

  1. They live other people's lives.

One of the signs of people who are energy vampires is a pathological passion and interest in other people's lives and the events occurring in them. And many fall for this bait, it seems to them that I am interesting as a person, as a person, that they love me and therefore are so interested in my life.

What's happening? Energy vampires do not have the opportunity to experience feelings of joy, fulfillment, happiness, open and free communication, etc. But there is a thirst for these emotions and feelings, for the energy of high vibrations.

If you don’t feel any trick, you are asked about the smallest details of some events, and you completely open up, then good, high-quality energy flows to the vampire, he doesn’t even need to do anything.

Simply by his behavior, he shows your importance and significance, flatters, and since most people have been unloved since childhood, they mistake questions for love.

It is significant that the energy vampire remembers all your past stories, and in conversation, often refers to, but remember, you told me about that person, and what’s wrong with him now?

There is a clear and understandable manipulation going on here. We are designed in such a way that we are pleased when a person remembers what we told him in the past, and we feel important.

A vampire lives your life, he imagines in his fantasy that it is your events that happen to him, that you are him.

The bad thing about this situation is that your energy drain occurs constantly, no matter how often you communicate. It feeds on your energy from a distance.

I would like to note that not all people who are interested in your life can be classified as energy vampires.

If after such communication you feel a rise in energy, it means that you communicated with a person who really loves you and cares about you.

But if, after communicating, you are tired and don’t want anything, then this is a clear sign that they profited from your energy.

  1. You don't want to communicate with this person. When you think about him, you feel a feeling of hostility.

With this sign of energy vampire people, not everything is so simple. There are two situations:

  1. We know such people well and they may be our relatives.

Such people love to lecture, teach us how to live, talk about how we are losers, in one word, make us feel inferior and inferior.

Therefore, every time you meet such people, you already know in advance what will happen and how they will behave; communicating with them is like a heavy duty.

The best defense in such cases is not to react to their caustic remarks with any emotion at all. Let them pass through you and look at them as if they were empty space. Of course, they will be mad about this, because the lack of an emotional reaction to their nastiness will leave them hungry.

  1. Strangers or people you don't know well.

Some people have done nothing wrong to us, but we don't like them.

You cannot explain what this is connected with, these sensations are at the level of intuition, and, of course, you should listen to this.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that you and this person have different energy – stronger, purer or weaker. If you have stronger energy, higher vibration, then the unconscious strongly recommends not to interact with “dirty”, “heavy” energy.

If your energy is weaker than this person’s, then again the unconscious worries that you can be subjugated. It is not a fact that such people are energy vampires.

  1. They dictate their terms and always want to be right.

Domestic tyrants, powerful people who do not tolerate any opinion other than their own. They love to humiliate people, show their inadequacy, thus causing negative feelings of anger, aggression, and resentment in a person.

The only thing is that not every person will be able to show their aggression next to the dictator; he simply will not allow this to happen. At first glance, there is no vampirism. After all, you haven’t thrown out your emotions and feelings, but with such a vampire, everything is much more serious. You can call him a ghoul! Your submission is important to him, he wants to feel his importance and significance, sometimes, his goodness.

Forces a person to “swallow” the negative, and praise it, admire it. It may be flattery, and forced flattery at that, but for this person it is like a balm for the soul.

What happens to the emotions that you feel towards him - anger, resentment and aggression?

There is one subtle point, your thoughts.

When experiencing negativity, you remember an event, a person, your feelings, and thereby energetically connect yourself and him. You yourself create an energy channel and your energy flows through it.

A particularly long-term drain of energy occurs when you are offended, and if the offense is strong, then you often think about the situation and get emotional.

If you communicate with such a person out of necessity, it could be your boss or a relative, then the main way to protect yourself will be not to be offended, not to react to his provocations, and most importantly, not to remember him outside of the time of direct communication.

Classification of energy vampires


There is a person next to you who is in some particularly unbearable and oppressive living conditions (husband is unbearable, wages have not been paid for six months, they have been kicked out of the apartment, there is no way out of the current situation), usually in such a situation, at some point you find yourself those who believe optimistically and try to somehow support this person, help him. However, some time passes, and you suddenly notice that every new proposal you make to get out of the current situation ends in failure, because... only increases hopelessness. This leaves a feeling of disappointment and frustration. At first, for quite a long time you can feel like an assistant and even a rescuer, but after a certain period of time you still get the feeling that everything is useless, nothing changes, and all your work is trampled into the dirt. Because The meaning of such a person’s life is to remain a victim, and not to go out and cope with difficult life circumstances (which, by the way, everyone experiences at least once in their life). The energy of another is necessary for this type of people to demonstrate that their position in this world is special and there is no means that would save them.

Suffering Vampire

These are lifelong artists. They can pity any person by talking about the suffering of their body or soul. They have the most incredible diseases, which he knows about, but the foolish doctors cannot find or cure. It’s so hard for the poor fellow in this life, because everyone around him is only using him for their own purposes, not paying attention to his torment.

Passive-aggressive person

These kind of people seem to be quite quiet in their presence, they never insult, make comments, or criticize. But at the same time, if they don’t like something, they suddenly begin to increase the distance (stop communicating, leave, don’t pick up the phone, say that they are tired, suddenly remember that they have to go, and that nothing happened to them at all and Everything is fine). And inside you feel some kind of catch in this, as if you are to blame for something in front of them, they somehow leave, but they seem to be addressing it to you too. A significant criterion for identifying this kind of person nearby is the permanent feeling of guilt that you experience when communicating with him in certain situations that are probably somehow unpleasant for this person. However, he doesn’t seem to tell you anything directly. If you want to clarify something, because it is obvious from a person that something is wrong with him, you start asking him - he refuses, and even moreover, he may even begin to disappear altogether. Then your feelings of guilt and anxiety about the fact that you have probably offended someone in some way begin to increase. If a person is not indifferent to you or you are not indifferent to people at all, then at this point you can begin to imagine why this could happen. You are trying to make contact with this person, but it turns out that you are pursuing him and want something from him, and that all your arguments are some kind of nonsense and in general you are torturing a person who has not said a word to you and didn't say anything out loud. And now you are exhausted, you feel like a bastard and the last bastard, that you offended a person for no reason at all, and that you are probably paranoid. As a result, if you try to talk openly with such a person, you suddenly find out a bunch of nasty things about yourself and understand that everyone around this person is to blame, and he is a saint.


What distinguishes this type of person from a victim is that they know quite well what they want and will very much enjoy it if it is given to them. A dangerous type who operates in a very complex manner. But it is important for them not to be those who ask or not to become those who take it themselves, but to ensure that it is delivered on a silver platter. Such people require love and devotion and their constant expression in the form of serving their interests. At the same time, they lay very “softly”, and at the moment when you give it to them, you feel like a king and very good. Sobering comes later when it turns out that you are not the only one who is being courted in this way, or that when suddenly some difficulty happens in your life and you ask them for help, then suddenly important things happen to them or their stomach and head hurt, and more. a bunch of other vital organs of the body and you feel emptiness where it would seem there should be a connection.

Living someone else's life

Gossip, scandals, intrigues, investigations: breakups, betrayals, purchases and sales. This kind of people joyfully use the life and problems of another person as a springboard for playing out their own emotional experiences. Often, next to such a person, you unexpectedly reveal quite a lot of personal information about yourself, and this may create a feeling of very high interest and value in you, but everything you say will eventually be retold to other people or simply leak into the void, instead of telling about yourself. As a result, after communicating with such a person, you may be left with the feeling that all the information was extracted from you, as during an interrogation, and in response you received a “don’t care.” Such people can be able to charm and impress, but they do not allow anyone close, and prefer to act out performances outside. By manipulating the resentment of some and seeking pity from others, a vampire is capable of ruining relationships even in a friendly company.

Chatty Vampire

This one will tell you about everything in the world. Starting with myself and ending with my childhood friends. He doesn’t care if you know these people, he doesn’t know whether you’re interested or not. He talks for a long time, it is almost impossible to interrupt him, since in most cases he does not hear you.


This kind of people are very quickly changeable in their mood, at the same time they have an acute sensitivity to changes in other people and begin to stir up conflict about this. Their task is to constantly test the strength of other people’s boundaries. When communicating with such a person, you may feel that he wants something, and it is as if you are obliged to fulfill it. And if you don’t want to, then you will be punished in the form of a violent reaction. This also includes hysterical vampires. “I’ll kill myself!”, “I’ll throw myself out of the window!”, “I’ll hang up!” etc., if you don’t do it or if you do this and that. Often such phrases are used to manipulate loved ones and loved ones. It is very difficult for such people to experience refusals if they really want something, but at the same time, if you follow their lead, this also does not bring them joy; rather, they feel that they have caved in on you. Often the actions of such people are carried out for the sake of action, and not for the sake of a great goal, and they themselves do not very well understand why they are doing it. But at the same time, they can be very fixated on an obstacle if it arises in their way. In parallel with this, they are very sensitive and have a good understanding of people, so their accusations or attempts to shake you up will hit the mark, they will actually say something about you that has to do with you so that you succumb. Their emotional changes can be experienced like a hurricane or tsunami, after which the person can communicate with you a day later as if nothing had happened. They can be very bad and very sweet and gentle, misleading, and very weak and vulnerable, in need of care and attempting self-harm. If you have connected your life with them, then it is as if you are obliged to take care of them and at the same time endure their attacks of anger and rage.

Aggressive vampire

It is the easiest to recognize. This is a person who constantly conflicts, stirs up disputes and quarrels out of nothing. Insults, humiliations, attempts to criticize are their weapons. You can meet them anywhere. In transport, on a bench (in the form of an angry grandmother), at work (in the form of an eternally dissatisfied boss). By all means they provoke you into a scandal, so that you break down and enter into a duel with them, thereby opening access to your energy, which will begin to flow to them. Once “full”, such people can suddenly become kinder and even apologize for their behavior. You remain depressed for a long time. Furious jealous people, by the way, belong to the same type.

Subclass - Vicious Vampire

For him, everyone is fools, morons, liars, envious people, etc. Everything he sees and hears is bad. Starting with society and ending with cleaning the entrance. “Unnecessary Frankness” is a type of vampirism when a person tells all his ins and outs, focusing on details that are too personal, even piquant, while dumping all his emotions on you. It seems that this is good, it doesn’t say anything bad. What an open person, with his soul wide open! But then you feel something disgusting in your soul, to the point of nausea and for some reason you have no strength.

How to recognize an energy vampire by external signs?

Are there any external signs of energy vampire people?

There are no specific signs. To put it bluntly, one could say for sure that if he has a mole above his eye, that means he is a vampire! Of course not.

The only external sign is facial expression and body position in space.

The older the energy vampire, the more the person’s face expresses the person’s unhappiness and the presence of many problems:

  • Painful facial expression:
  • The corners of the lips are most often lowered;
  • The look is unhappy;
  • The head is tilted forward;
  • There is a stoop, as if there is a heavy burden on the shoulders;
  • Sometimes, the facial expression is simply angry, aggressive, dissatisfied with everything and everyone.

Speech is also replete with all sorts of words, when everyone around is to blame except this person. And he, so unhappy, carries his burden, an eternal victim who can do nothing and change the situation.

I came across information that says it can be identified by the wrinkles around the mouth, the wrinkles on the forehead. But I think this is nonsense, because everyone’s facial expressions are different and it is not necessary that wrinkles appear precisely because a person is an energy vampire.

Why does a person become an energy vampire?

I am sure that energy vampires are not born, they become them throughout life. All children from birth have the opportunity to receive the necessary amount of vital energy from the universe.

But one of the important main factors for processing the energy received is an internal feeling of comfort, especially a feeling of love and care, one’s own need and importance.

Therefore, a lack of love or “crooked” love from parents almost immediately creates a shortage of vital energy.

Complexes, self-doubt, isolation, shyness, lack of self-confidence that have arisen throughout life speak of a person’s psychological problems.

The majority of people overcome life’s difficulties, at the same time, draw conclusions and move on, but some people “break down.” And it is from such “broken” people who do not know how to overcome difficulties and difficulties, and who also do not believe in themselves, that energy vampires emerge.

When a person is broken, he has a huge deficit of love, he does not love himself, and does not believe that others can love him. And love is the most important component of life energy.

Does a person understand that he is an energy vampire?

Energy vampirism is most often an unconscious process. A person is in his own world, and his world is very bad, gray, unhappy, he is immersed in his own perception of what is happening.

He sincerely believes that he cannot do anything. That is why people are energy vampires, chronic complainers who do not change anything in their lives and simply go with the flow.

And when you listen to them and give advice, which, in your opinion, can easily be implemented, for the complainer, it is extremely difficult, because he does not believe that he can really change anything in his life. And the flow of complaints about life, for him, is the appearance of some kind of action.

And of course, there are conscious energy vampires who know perfectly well what they need to feel good: a scandal, a quarrel, accusations of someone.

Such people use emotional manipulation, think through their insidious plans, and get great pleasure when the victim falls into a trap.

They are happy with everything. They carefully think through every nasty thing, calculate “moves” so that a person may first trust, “fall for” kindness, and then set him up and watch how the person will “flounder” in emotions.

This is similar to psychological abuse, where one person intentionally causes pain and suffering to another person.

How does an energy vampire feel?

  • Unconscious vampires feel practically nothing. They are focused on their feelings of unhappiness, failure, they are immersed in their thoughts. At the same time, they also don’t understand what happens to other people after communicating with them? Such a person is focused on himself, and considers other people only from the point of view of consumption - can they help me or not? Help for them is for a person to appreciate them, say that you are great, that you are tolerating what is happening to you well. So to speak, assess the degree of their sacrifice, say, yes, you are a good victim! Pessimists who do not believe that there can be changes in their lives.
  • Conscious vampires are like drug addicts, they feel the “arrival” of someone else’s energy, and at the same time, they clearly distinguish the “quality” and properties of energy. They have good days when they get maximum energy and feel very satisfied and happy.

It happens that they “go hunting” and purposefully piss people off in order to feel their significance and importance, and to “feed” themselves more thoroughly.

Types of energy vampires

After you opened your eyes in the morning, made coffee and realized the fact that your man is really an energy vampire, the question arises: “What to do next?” First, you need to understand who is in front of you - a positive or negative vampire.

  • a positive vampire is not a vampire at all. This is why it is so difficult to define. He smiles and tells everything on a positive note, but after talking with him you are exhausted and exhausted. Such a man unobtrusively tries to pour out his negativity on you, while trying not to evoke much pity: “Well, yes, everything is bad at work, but I’m holding on. What about me? Serezha’s situation is even worse, honestly. His wife cheated on him and he was fired that very day, can you imagine?” Do you recognize this behavior? This means that you have already met positive vampires. In addition, if there is little drama in the life of such a vampire, he tries to “drag” it from everywhere: he watches heavy films, shows, is interested in politics and is always dissatisfied with everything, which he happily tells you about.

  • A negative vampire is a completely different case. Such a person needs pity. He tries to pretend to be poor and unhappy, pretending that he is worse than everyone else. “Creative” types of men are often prone to this. They will sit in the kitchen and look at you with sad eyes, talk about how they are not appreciated at work, how bad their ex-girlfriend was. The main goal of a negative vampire is to gain the energy of pity. And the more you feel sorry for him, the more unhappy he becomes, the more complaints he has against the world.

What are the signs to know that an energy vampire is nearby?

Right away, it is impossible to know that there is an energy vampire next to you. Until he starts communicating with you. And just by the way he speaks, you can tell what he’s talking about, with what intonation in his voice.

If communication begins with complaints, accusations, indignation, claims, presentations, then this will be the main sign of people who are energy vampires.

I think that you have seen such people many times, for example, on public transport or in queues. Such a dandelion grandmother is sitting quietly on a tram, and suddenly, someone accidentally touches her, she opens her mouth and from there pours a stream of insults addressed to this person. And although the person apologized, this flow does not stop, it goes to the youth, then to the government, etc.

And the most interesting thing is that when she switches to the government, to how bad everything is around, many people inside rise to agreement and indignation, someone even joins her conversation and adds something of their own.

As a result, the dandelion grandmother collects a colossal amount of energy from all those people who reacted to her words, even if they didn’t say a word.

Advice: if you observe a similar picture, be sure not to react to what you hear!

Technique for protection against vampirism “Pendulum”

Imagine a person’s words in the form of an energy pendulum that swings, stronger and stronger... the pendulum passes through the person, and if you react, it catches your energy like a hook and forces you to react even stronger, to feel even more emotions. With each portion of energy, the pendulum becomes stronger and more powerful...

Your task is to pass the pendulum through yourself, as if through emptiness, so that nothing gets caught on the hook.

You can visually imagine a pendulum swinging, and even mentally say – I won’t give you anything, just walk by. This is an important point: you need to be more conscious, observant, and understand the processes that are happening around you.

How to protect your energy?

When you clearly understand the process of taking your energy, you will be able to protect yourself from energy vampires.

The most important thing is not to succumb to the provocations and tricks of people trying to force you to react to something emotionally! Your task is not to react inside, to be calm and detached, to isolate yourself from the person mentally.

Effective methods of protection from energy vampires, I wrote in this article “5 ways of energy protection”

Can it operate at a distance?

If you have an emotional connection with an energy vampire, then the distance does not matter.

Quantum physics tells us about this, that electrons, regardless of distance, change their properties simultaneously.

Can such a person cling to you based on a photograph?

Without certain skills and abilities in magic, it cannot. He definitely needs you to open up emotionally or make a hole (energy attack) in order to launch his “tentacles” there.

I am sure that you have encountered or seen energy vampirism on the Internet. Trolling and hating are a common thing now.

Trolls and haters write nasty things in the comments, trying to hurt the authors, and at the same time, they find fault with every little thing that is not really important.

After all, what happens to the author in such cases? First of all, the author is a person with his own feelings and emotions. And if they write nasty things and insults to him, then of course he experiences a range of feelings.

The troll, even from a distance, feels this and enjoys the author’s emotions. Nowadays, trolling and hating are very common, and sometimes you are amazed at how many people are filled with anger and bile.

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