Why do women love women?

Why does a woman fall in love with a woman?

No, don't think, I'm not crazy.
And I'm not obsessed with romantic films. It’s simple... but rather complicated... In general, my life has developed into some kind of strange mosaic. I'm attracted to women! Yes Yes! And I always really liked them. And it doesn’t bother me at all that I’m also female. But this greatly confuses society... That’s why I hide the fact that I am not indifferent to people of the same sex. And so I fell in love with a woman.

It’s very difficult because I fell in love with one of the women. No, not even that. I finally fell in love for real. How to tell her this? I don't know. And is it worth saying? This woman is my best friend, she is very dear to me, even just as a friend. And I don't want to lose her at all. But I know for sure that as soon as I hint to her about my feelings, we will no longer be able to see each other, communicate as before. She is not married yet. She is very smart, and most importantly, incredibly beautiful. I won’t hope for anything, because I know for sure that the one I love has a normal orientation. And I have absolutely no right to judge her for this. My love's name is Marianna, isn't it a wonderful name? She's just a miracle. It was as if she had descended from heaven. And she deserves great human happiness. Therefore, I will not force my lesbian feelings on her.

Sometimes I am completely lost in choosing, what should I do right? Forgetting Marianne - no, it’s impossible, I can’t... Maybe I can tell her everything... No, thank you! This option is definitely not suitable. Maybe stop communicating with her completely? If she weren't my best friend, I most likely would have done the same.

I think about her all the time, I fell in love very much, this has never happened to me before. These thoughts really torment me. How can I get rid of these thoughts about her? Sometimes I just hate myself for this weakness! But my hatred does not make me feel any better. And fantasies do not disappear on their own. Of course, I tried many times. But these attempts were all in vain, am I powerless?! A waste of energy and emotions.

I once read an interesting story about how two happy lesbians, trying different methods, decided to have a child. And they even officially registered their marriage. Oh, some people are lucky, but for some reason not me! And I'm so sorry that I'm not one of them... No, I don't even envy them. Envy has nothing to do with it. I just want to show an example, real, human, which actually happened, but not with me.

Yes, I'm a lesbian. And I openly tell my friends so as not to cause them bewilderment and shock later. I only hide everything from my parents. I don't want to hurt them, they will have the hardest time with this information... No mother, I think, can handle the fact that her beloved and only daughter is not at all like most people. It’s scary to think about my father.

I already made love to a woman once. But at one point our meetings stopped, because she had already been living with another woman for six years and was not going to leave her for me. It was very offensive... It was a shame, but it didn’t hurt at all, since I didn’t have such feelings as love and affection at that time. All I felt for her was attraction. As soon as her friend left on a business trip, my phone started blowing up with calls and texts. The one who, having been left without her beloved for some time, “inundated” me with passionate letters called and wrote to me. But I'm not such a fool as to believe her. “Alternate airfield” is not my case. I just enjoyed it. But I don’t want to go there anymore: this life is even more addictive than the swamp. I had a very good time spending time with her in bed, but I always remembered that this good thing always ends quickly.

I even tried to build some kind of relationship with one man. He was the only one of his kind, since one was enough for me. It was so disgusting that I dreamed that all the men on earth would simply disappear, and only women would remain. It's a shame, but this is simply impossible. But men hover around me, as if I were smeared with honey, and they were bees. Well, how can I explain to them that I’m not interested in them at all, it’s as if they covered their ears with their hands and don’t hear me at all.

I often and often repeated to my admirers that I was not of the same orientation at all, that they were not going in the direction in which they needed to go. Everyone's reaction was completely different. Many even thought it was a joke. Someone simply didn’t believe my words. How often have I tried to change my attitude towards myself, towards others, and just become an ordinary person. I closed myself off from society, tried to forget myself, and got rid of this problem by being alone. But I didn’t last long: I always gave up. Well, it’s not my thing to be lonely. This condition always bothers me! Just like the fact that people are very cruel. I fell in love with a woman! Why can men love her, but I can’t? And if necessary, then by all means I will prove to everyone that there is a lot of masculinity in me. But now my evidence means nothing at all.

But I love this beautiful girl Marianna very much! And my heart beats only so that I wake up every morning and see her another unforgettable time. I’m just happy that I can enjoy her company every day, talk with her... Having fun talking in our favorite cafe, we don’t even notice the time. Let it fly by unnoticed! In any direction! It is very important to me that there are moments for which you really want to live. I only want to be next to her. It’s so nice for me to be next to my beloved woman, but it hurts so much to know that I will never be able to touch her soft velvety skin. Never... It's so scary and painful. I want to scream from pain and cry from powerlessness. I know there is no hope at all. There is not even a reason to doubt this, and it is obvious.

I live for her and will continue to live like this. I will hope, as always, for meetings with her, I will wait for them. This fact will not prevent our society from living its usual life without interfering in the lives of others. Whoever disagrees with me is your problem, but my problem will remain with me. I am very grateful for your understanding. I would like to wish you to experience that feeling of wonderful tender love that I experience! The main thing is that it is mutual, and the rest can always be discussed and decided. Meet the kind of love like in romantic films between two women, for example...

Source: Why does a woman fall in love with a woman? No, don't think, I'm not crazy. And I'm not obsessed with romantic films. It’s simple... but rather complicated... In general, my life has developed into some kind of strange mosaic. I'm attracted to women! Yes Yes! And I always really liked them. And it doesn’t bother me at all that I’m also female. But this greatly confuses society... https://4damki.ru/home/family/vlyubilas-v-zhenshhinu/

Inexplicable sympathy. Why does a girl fall in love with a woman?

1) How many times and at what age have you experienced a similar situation?

It is difficult to say at what age, but something vaguely similar began to happen at a fairly early age. I was a closed child, in my own world. At the age of 5-6 I was already obsessed with actresses, I really liked my aunt’s friend, and then (the three of us lived: my mother, my aunt and I) my aunt became closer to my mother, she became a friend, a savior, because my mother and I never had a common language. What my mother and I now, as I wrote above, are doing everything for each other is more like fulfilling a duty without much emotion or affection, no matter how bad it may sound. And I loved my aunt very much. When I was very little, she asked me to call me her daughter, but she carefully said that this was impossible, she was my aunt, not my mother. But I didn't care. She and I were on the same wavelength for a very long time, and my mother was always at work, loved to scandalize and scold. Auntie is now (for 6-7 years) addicted to alcohol, to put it mildly. And my mother got married. I was left completely alone. And my aunt’s suddenly horribly changed way of life simply killed me, until I fell in love with my teacher more than anyone in the world. Before her, I liked some people at school, namely the teachers. Not girls, not girls, not boys, not men, just teachers. In the 3rd grade, I really loved my classmate, very much! There were no more such bright and selfless emotions towards the male sex. The school teacher was a copy of my aunt - soft, bright, understanding, smart. The appearance is the same, just like my aunt’s. I understand that this was some kind of projection, a transference of feelings. But I loved her for a long time, about 5 years. She became the first salvation, it was precisely the period when my mother got married, and spiritual communication with my aunt stopped. She really offended and disappointed me. I am amazed how what I considered unshakable (her attitude towards me, kindness and grace) disappeared, collapsed. Everything collapsed. And then the school teacher, like an aunt, the old, kind one, she returned to me. This is a very complex transfer process. To see a previously loved person in another and almost believe that it is him.

2) How was your heart wounded?

Fundamental disappointment in my aunt, the inability to help her overcome her addiction to alcohol and a complete failure on her part to trust me and communicate with me as before. She was everything to me.

3) When I realized that science is the only thing I have.

Now I understand. About 2 months ago. I understand that the university teacher will not want to be close friends with me. By the way, she has no family, no husband, no children (that’s for sure). I feel something deep in her loneliness, it seems to me that she is unhappy and has nothing but science. And I concluded that we are not relatives or friends, our paths will diverge. And I, like her, will only have science, study, and work in my life. It’s funny, but I no longer see the image of my aunt reflected in her. She reminds me of my mother. I'm afraid of her, but I respect her. She is extremely smart, tactful, it would be so interesting to go to the theater with her or go pick berries in the field. And I'm just afraid of my mother. I do not trust. Lots of strong grievances.

4) and5) What do you want to get as a result of the consultation? Do you really just want an answer to this question?

I know the answer to my question, but sometimes I don’t want to change the situation, sometimes I can’t. Still, I didn’t receive something very important. Now I find it in women. And I lose other joys in life, although I know what I want to do in life, I love studying, it really brings satisfaction, but then I want to come to something that is eternal and imperishable. Come to a person whom you love for some unknown reason and want to get what your mother didn’t give. What was dissolved by auntie's love. Until I get this, for the life of me, my whole soul will wear out. She says: I want to be loved back again, I want to be the same girl Asya, whom the teacher hugs and says that everything is fine.

Such a stupid story.

Let's try to understand not why I fell madly in love with her, but why, without satisfying the need for a mother on her part, I seem to lose everything. Not the meaning of life, but something else. Vital. As if something would happen to me if she wasn't with me.

Head spin…

Why does a woman love a woman?

The issue of sexual addiction does not always concern people who ask the question “why does a woman love a woman?” The fact is that a woman is always looking for love, while a man simply wants to receive satisfaction. This topic is eternal, so you shouldn’t get hung up on it. Our goal is not to prove that a woman is better than a man, but to understand why there are so many representatives of same-sex love among the weaker sex.

Women search, find, lose again. Women have recently been conquering, choosing, building and planning themselves. Emancipation led to the fact that people began to think, who is the “weaker sex” now? If a man paid attention to a woman, then, most likely, he imagined her in his bed, while if a woman liked a man, then before he had time to say “hello” to her, he had already become in her thoughts her husband and the father of her children. Men, as a rule, are frightened by such a quick prospect, since there are fewer and fewer of them who want to be “lassoed”.

Over the years, it begins to seem more and more that women strive for procreation with much greater passion, easily agreeing to unsafe sex with the first person they meet or raising a child alone. Women almost always become the initiators of each subsequent child. The militant instinct that so zealously flared up in them borders on the desire to love and be loved.

And girls, as you know, most often suffer from unrequited love. And not so much because they really are not loved, but because they are not loved the way they want. They want tenderness and affection, gentle words and unexpected gifts. But one in a hundred (or more) men is capable of feats, and not for every woman. And in this eternal wandering in search of pure reciprocal love, women sometimes end up with the same women. And when they meet, these two “misunderstood” loneliness, begin to understand each other perfectly, then real Shakespearean love can break out between them.

Despite the fact that in glossies same-sex female love is always portrayed very sexually, in order to attract male gazes, in reality everything is a little different. Girls with pronounced lesbian inclinations, in pairs, are divided into equally pronounced “men” and women. One of the representatives of the weaker sex with a stronger character, perhaps even with masculine habits and clothing style, takes on all the functions that a man usually performs in a couple. Therefore, a married couple, in which there are two women, can become the same full-fledged unit of society and raise children just as well. And the idea that they will cry together and watch TV series from morning to evening is just a man’s fantasy. A woman loves a woman because she hears and listens to her and can always understand.

Source: Why does a woman love a woman? The issue of sexual addiction does not always concern people who ask the question “why does a woman love a woman?” https://www.pochemuchko.ru/semja-i-otnoshenija/pochemu-zhenshhina-ljubit-zhenshhinu.html

Women's love. Psychological aspect of the problem

Lesbian love, without any doubt, is beautiful: there is no sloppiness, rudeness, or violence in it. That is why it makes no sense to reproach lesbians for being lesbians. They simply will not be able to understand what their guilt is before society. Reproaching a girl for loving another girl is like scolding a brunette for not being blonde. Pointless, in general. If this problem causes serious concern for someone, then it needs to be solved with the help of a specialist, and not condemn and despise lesbians.

Why do women like women

Just because you like men doesn't mean you don't like women. Scientists have proven that flexisexuality is the ability to fall in love with a being of any gender, inherent in every girl, and the fashion industry is catching us on this. Looking at a model, have you ever thought: “How beautiful!”? Let's try to figure out where this comes from.

Guess from whom I, who loves to read women's online magazines, like to receive compliments more? Of course, from women! Men, as a rule, perceive your entire image, and ladies are able to notice the smallest details, advantages and disadvantages, which is extremely valuable.

And in general, for some time now I have noticed that, in principle, it is very pleasant for me to please women - especially beautiful ones. I consider this the highest confirmation of my own attractiveness. These small weaknesses have nothing to do with my orientation - it is completely traditional.

I have always considered myself heterosexual, although for lack of another, more accurate definition. Plus, the word “traditional” makes me want to yawn deeply. When it comes to love, tradition is not interesting. And irrelevant. And most importantly, it is too superficial and simple. To force such a delicate thing into a narrow framework is the same as saying that there are only two types of alcohol - wine and vodka.

Moreover, Western scientists have recently introduced a new and, in my opinion, much more accurate concept: flexisexuals - “flexisexuals” (from the English flexible - “flexible”). That is, people who are capable of experiencing - and not suppressing this desire within themselves! - some sympathy and interest in members of the same sex.

Why do women like women, why is it bad? Personally, I'm sure this is good. The absence of rigid boundaries enriches the range of our emotions, heightens sensuality and makes us more desirable.

However, I had nothing with the Argentinean Laura. From the restaurant we went to the bar, then I caught her a taxi, we hugged tenderly goodbye, promised each other to meet in New York and go together to our favorite department store, Bloomingdales. But I can definitely say that it was one of the most pleasant dates of my life.

Source: Why Women Like Women Why Women Like Women. A little about flexisexuality https://webdiana.ru/jenskoe-zdorovye/psihologia/529-pochemu-zenschinam-nravyatsya-zhenschiny.html

Why do women love women?

Among the women who did not want to hide, we will find the writer, creator of the charming hippopotamus Moomintroll Tove Janson, the legend of world women's tennis Martina Navratilova, and actress Cynthia Nixon. These stars lead women who want to obtain civil rights to register marriage and adopt children. And their efforts bear fruit, despite the mixed opinions of others. Today you can register same-sex marriages in Canada, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Argentina.

If you are well acquainted with at least one of the women who allowed herself to love women like her, then, most likely, the story of her life is familiar to you... And maybe the story of her other half. Probably not a very funny story. It is very likely that there was deception, violence, indifference... Her parents or husband (and maybe several husbands) did not accept her sensual nature, did not want to love her the way she wanted. She endured for a long time , was cheerful for everyone, but she didn’t receive any feedback... warmth and love.

At the same time, there are same-sex couples in which the female leader loves the female follower. At first glance, it may seem that such relationships are no different from ordinary heterosexual relationships, but this is not so. Having met each other, a woman leader and a woman with a passive character acquire the missing parts of a full-fledged relationship: protection without rudeness, obedience and gentleness that do not cause irritation .

Source: Why do women love women? Why do women love women? Is this a deviation, or maybe a new reality that will someday replace the current one... This is unknown even to lesbian women. https://zhenskij-interes.ru/43-pochemu-zhenschiny-lyubyat-zhenschin.html

The reason for love between women

And yet, why do women love women? Often, representatives of the weaker half of humanity manage to find what they are looking for only in women. Giving warmth and attention, lovely ladies want to receive the same in return. But it is not always possible to achieve this in relationships with men. In addition, there are a huge number of problems that may seem insignificant, unimportant, or completely incomprehensible to men. In such situations, only another woman can understand and support a woman. She will become a sensitive and empathic interlocutor; you can truly trust her and open up to her. Women find their reflection in each other, which loves and allows itself to be loved. This is not about the attraction of two opposites, but rather the merging of two personalities, desires and needs.

However, sometimes there are same-sex couples in which there is no equality. They have a woman leader and a woman follower. From the outside, one might think that in this way they form relationships that are identical to heterosexual ones - one of the women is more responsible and decisive, the second is feminine and soft. But in reality this is not entirely true. When two women meet, they create a couple in which each receives everything that they could not get in a full-fledged relationship, namely gentleness, protection without rudeness, understanding.

Why do women love women? How do you feel about this? What is this - a deviation or a norm? Everyone must decide for themselves how to perceive this phenomenon. But on the other hand, if thanks to such love women become happier, then why not just rejoice at this fact? Everyone who chooses this path has their own reasons and stories. But they all have one thing in common - the desire to love and, of course, to be loved. But this, you see, is the most important thing in life.

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